Sun Java System Web Proxy Server 4.0.8 Configuration File Reference


The parray.pat (PAT) file describes each member in the proxy array of which the proxy you are administering is a member. The PAT file is an ASCII file used in proxy to proxy routing. It contains proxy array members’ machine names, IP addresses, ports, load factors, cache sizes, and so on.


Proxy Array Information/1.0
ArrayEnabled: numberConfigID: ID numberArrayName: nameListTTL: minutes
name IPaddress proxyport URLforPAT infostring state time status loadfactor cachesize


Proxy Array Information is version information.

ArrayEnabled specifies whether the proxy array is enabled or disabled. Possible values are:


Proxy Array Information/1.0
ArrayEnabled: 1
ConfigID: 1
ArrayName: parray
ListTTL: 10

proxy1 8080 http://pat SunJavaSystemWebProxy/4 0 on 100 512
proxy2 8080 http://pat SunJavaSystemWebProxy/4 0 on 100 512