Sun Java System Web Proxy Server 4.0.7 NSAPI Developer's Guide
  example of custom SAF ( Index Term Link )
  requirements for SAFs ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 API funct ( Index Term Link )
 API functions
  cache_digest ( Index Term Link )
  cache_filename ( Index Term Link )
  cache_fn_to_dig ( Index Term Link )
  CALLOC ( Index Term Link )
  ce_free ( Index Term Link )
  ce_lookup ( Index Term Link )
  cif_write_entry ( Index Term Link )
  cinfo_find ( Index Term Link )
  condvar_init ( Index Term Link )
  condvar_notify ( Index Term Link )
  condvar_terminate ( Index Term Link )
  condvar_wait ( Index Term Link )
  crit_enter ( Index Term Link )
  crit_exit ( Index Term Link )
  crit_init ( Index Term Link )
  crit_terminate ( Index Term Link )
  daemon_atrestart ( Index Term Link )
  fc_close ( Index Term Link )
  filebuf_buf2sd ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  filebuf_close ( Index Term Link )
  filebuf_getc ( Index Term Link )
  filebuf_open ( Index Term Link )
  filebuf_open_nostat ( Index Term Link )
  filter_create ( Index Term Link )
  filter_find ( Index Term Link )
  filter_insert ( Index Term Link )
  filter_layer ( Index Term Link )
  filter_name ( Index Term Link )
  filter_remove ( Index Term Link )
  flush ( Index Term Link )
  FREE ( Index Term Link )
  fs_blks_available ( Index Term Link )
  fs_blk_size ( Index Term Link )
  func_exec ( Index Term Link )
  func_find ( Index Term Link )
  func_insert ( Index Term Link )
  insert ( Index Term Link )
  log_error ( Index Term Link )
  magnus_atrestart ( Index Term Link )
  MALLOC ( Index Term Link )
  netbuf_buf2sd ( Index Term Link )
  netbuf_close ( Index Term Link )
  netbuf_getc ( Index Term Link )
  netbuf_grab ( Index Term Link )
  netbuf_open ( Index Term Link )
  net_ip2host ( Index Term Link )
  net_read ( Index Term Link )
  net_write ( Index Term Link )
  param_create ( Index Term Link )
  param_free ( Index Term Link )
  pblock_copy ( Index Term Link )
  pblock_create ( Index Term Link )
  pblock_dup ( Index Term Link )
  pblock_find ( Index Term Link )
  pblock_findlong ( Index Term Link )
  pblock_findval ( Index Term Link )
  pblock_free ( Index Term Link )
  pblock_nlinsert ( Index Term Link )
  pblock_nninsert ( Index Term Link )
  pblock_nvinsert ( Index Term Link )
  pblock_pb2env ( Index Term Link )
  pblock_pblock2str ( Index Term Link )
  pblock_pinsert ( Index Term Link )
  pblock_remove ( Index Term Link )
  pblock_replace_name ( Index Term Link )
  pblock_str2pblock ( Index Term Link )
  PERM_FREE ( Index Term Link )
  PERM_MALLOC ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  PERM_STRDUP ( Index Term Link )
  prepare_nsapi_thread ( Index Term Link )
  protocol_dump822 ( Index Term Link )
  protocol_set_finfo ( Index Term Link )
  protocol_start_response ( Index Term Link )
  protocol_status ( Index Term Link )
  protocol_uri2url ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  read ( Index Term Link )
  REALLOC ( Index Term Link )
  remove ( Index Term Link )
  request_create ( Index Term Link )
  request_free ( Index Term Link )
  request_header ( Index Term Link )
  sem_grab ( Index Term Link )
  sem_init ( Index Term Link )
  sem_release ( Index Term Link )
  sem_terminate ( Index Term Link )
  sem_tgrab ( Index Term Link )
  sendfile ( Index Term Link )
  session_create ( Index Term Link )
  session_dns ( Index Term Link )
  session_free ( Index Term Link )
  session_maxdns ( Index Term Link )
  shem_alloc ( Index Term Link )
  shexp_cmp ( Index Term Link )
  shexp_match ( Index Term Link )
  shexp_valid ( Index Term Link )
  shmem_free ( Index Term Link )
  STRDUP ( Index Term Link )
  system_errmsg ( Index Term Link )
  system_fclose ( Index Term Link )
  system_flock ( Index Term Link )
  system_fopenRO ( Index Term Link )
  system_fopenRW ( Index Term Link )
  system_fopenWA ( Index Term Link )
  system_fread ( Index Term Link )
  system_fwrite ( Index Term Link )
  system_fwrite_atomic ( Index Term Link )
  system_gmtime ( Index Term Link )
  system_localtime ( Index Term Link )
  system_lseek ( Index Term Link )
  system_rename ( Index Term Link )
  system_ulock ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  system_unix2local ( Index Term Link )
  systhread_attach ( Index Term Link )
  systhread_current ( Index Term Link )
  systhread_getdata ( Index Term Link )
  systhread_newkey ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  systhread_setdata ( Index Term Link )
  systhread_sleep ( Index Term Link )
  systhread_start ( Index Term Link )
  systhread_terminate ( Index Term Link )
  systhread_timerset ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  util_can_exec ( Index Term Link )
  util_chdir2path ( Index Term Link )
  util_cookie_find ( Index Term Link )
  util-cookie_find ( Index Term Link )
  util-does_process_exist ( Index Term Link )
  util_env_create ( Index Term Link )
  util_env_find ( Index Term Link )
  util_env_free ( Index Term Link )
  util_env_replace ( Index Term Link )
  util_env_str ( Index Term Link )
  util_get_current_gmt ( Index Term Link )
  util_get_int_from_file ( Index Term Link )
  util_getline ( Index Term Link )
  util_get_long_from_file ( Index Term Link )
  util_get_string_from_file ( Index Term Link )
  util_hostname ( Index Term Link )
  util_is_mozilla ( Index Term Link )
  util_is_url ( Index Term Link )
  util_itoa ( Index Term Link )
  util_later_than ( Index Term Link )
  util_make_filename ( Index Term Link )
  util_make_gmt ( Index Term Link )
  util_make_local ( Index Term Link )
  util_move_dir ( Index Term Link )
  util_move_file ( Index Term Link )
  util_parse_http_time ( Index Term Link )
  util_put_int_to_file ( Index Term Link )
  util_put_long_to_file ( Index Term Link )
  util_put_string_to_file ( Index Term Link )
  util_sect_id ( Index Term Link )
  util_sh_escape ( Index Term Link )
  util_snprintf ( Index Term Link )
  util-sprintf ( Index Term Link )
  util_strcasecmp ( Index Term Link )
  util_strftime ( Index Term Link )
  util_strncasecmp ( Index Term Link )
  util_uri_escape ( Index Term Link )
  util_uri_is_evil ( Index Term Link )
  util_uri_parse ( Index Term Link )
  util_uri_unescape ( Index Term Link )
  util_url_fix_hosthame ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  util_vsnprintf ( Index Term Link )
  util_vsprintf ( Index Term Link )
  write ( Index Term Link )
  writev ( Index Term Link )
  example of custom SAF ( Index Term Link )
  requirements for SAFs ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 AUTH_TYPE environment variable ( Index Term Link )
 AUTH_USER environment variable ( Index Term Link )
 buffered streams ( Index Term Link )
 cache_digest, API function ( Index Term Link )
 cache_filename, API function ( Index Term Link )
 cache_fn_to_dig, API function ( Index Term Link )
 CALLOC API function ( Index Term Link )
 ce_free, API function ( Index Term Link )
 ce_lookup, API function ( Index Term Link )
  environment variables in NSAPI ( Index Term Link )
  to NSAPI conversion ( Index Term Link )
 chunked encoding ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 cif_write_entry, API function ( Index Term Link )
 cinfo_find API function ( Index Term Link )
 cinfo NSAPI data structure ( Index Term Link )
  field in session parameter ( Index Term Link )
  getting DNS name for ( Index Term Link )
  getting IP address for ( Index Term Link )
  sessions and ( Index Term Link )
 CLIENT_CERT environment variable ( Index Term Link )
 compatibility issues ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 compiling custom SAFs ( Index Term Link )
 condvar_init API function ( Index Term Link )
 condvar_notify API function ( Index Term Link )
 condvar_terminate API function ( Index Term Link )
 condvar_wait API function ( Index Term Link )
 CONTENT_LENGTH environment variable ( Index Term Link )
 CONTENT_TYPE environment variable ( Index Term Link )
 context->data ( Index Term Link )
 context->rq ( Index Term Link )
 context->sn ( Index Term Link )
  custom filters ( Index Term Link )
  custom NSAPI plugins ( Index Term Link )
 crit_enter API function ( Index Term Link )
 crit_exit API function ( Index Term Link )
 crit_init API function ( Index Term Link )
 crit_terminate API function ( Index Term Link )
 csd field in session parameter ( Index Term Link )
 custom, NSAPI plugins ( Index Term Link )
 daemon_atrestart API function ( Index Term Link )
 data structures
  cinfo ( Index Term Link )
  compatibility issues ( Index Term Link )
  Filter ( Index Term Link )
  FilterContext ( Index Term Link )
  FilterLayer ( Index Term Link )
  FilterMethods ( Index Term Link )
  nsapi.h header file ( Index Term Link )
  nsapi_pvt.h ( Index Term Link )
  pb_entry ( Index Term Link )
  pblock ( Index Term Link )
  pb_param ( Index Term Link )
  privatization of ( Index Term Link )
  removed from nsapi.h ( Index Term Link )
  request ( Index Term Link )
  sendfiledata ( Index Term Link )
  session ( Index Term Link )
  Session->client ( Index Term Link )
  shmem_s ( Index Term Link )
  stat ( Index Term Link )
 day of month ( Index Term Link )
 DNS names, getting clients ( Index Term Link )
 environment variables, CGI to NSAPI conversion ( Index Term Link )
 Error directive
  requirements for SAFs ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 errors, finding most recent system error ( Index Term Link )
  location in the build ( Index Term Link )
  of custom SAFs in the build ( Index Term Link )
  wildcard patterns ( Index Term Link )
 fc_close API function ( Index Term Link )
 filebuf_buf2sd API function ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 filebuf_close API function ( Index Term Link )
 filebuf_getc API function ( Index Term Link )
 filebuf_open API function ( Index Term Link )
 filebuf_open_nostat API function ( Index Term Link )
 file descriptor
  closing ( Index Term Link )
  locking ( Index Term Link )
  opening read-only ( Index Term Link )
  opening read-write ( Index Term Link )
  opening write-append ( Index Term Link )
  reading into a buffer ( Index Term Link )
  unlocking ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  writing from a buffer ( Index Term Link )
  writing without interruption ( Index Term Link )
 file I/O routines ( Index Term Link )
 FilterContext NSAPI data structure ( Index Term Link )
 filter_create API function ( Index Term Link )
 filter_find API function ( Index Term Link )
 filter_insert API function ( Index Term Link )
 filter_layer API function ( Index Term Link )
 FilterLayer NSAPI data structure ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  context->data ( Index Term Link )
  context->rq ( Index Term Link )
  context->sn ( Index Term Link )
  lower ( Index Term Link )
 filter methods ( Index Term Link )
  C prototypes for ( Index Term Link )
  FilterLayer data structure ( Index Term Link )
  flush ( Index Term Link )
  insert ( Index Term Link )
  remove ( Index Term Link )
  sendfile ( Index Term Link )
  write ( Index Term Link )
  writev ( Index Term Link )
 FilterMethods NSAPI data structure ( Index Term Link )
 filter_name API function ( Index Term Link )
 Filter NSAPI data structure ( Index Term Link )
 filter_remove API function ( Index Term Link )
  altering Content-length ( Index Term Link )
  functions used to implement ( Index Term Link )
  input ( Index Term Link )
  interface ( Index Term Link )
  methods ( Index Term Link )
  NSAPI function overview ( Index Term Link )
  output ( Index Term Link )
  stack position ( Index Term Link )
  using ( Index Term Link )
 flush API function ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 FREE API function ( Index Term Link )
 fs_blks_available, API function ( Index Term Link )
 fs_blk_size, API function ( Index Term Link )
 func_exec API function ( Index Term Link )
 func_find API function ( Index Term Link )
 func_insert API function ( Index Term Link )
 funcs parameter ( Index Term Link )
 GATEWAY_INTERFACE environment variable ( Index Term Link )
 GMT time, getting thread-safe value ( Index Term Link )
  field in request parameter ( Index Term Link )
  request ( Index Term Link )
  response ( Index Term Link )
 HOST environment variable ( Index Term Link )
  buffered streams ( Index Term Link )
  compliance with HTTP/1.1 ( Index Term Link )
  HTTP/1.1 specification ( Index Term Link )
  overview ( Index Term Link )
  requests ( Index Term Link )
  responses ( Index Term Link )
  status codes ( Index Term Link )
 HTTP_* environment variable ( Index Term Link )
 HTTPS environment variable ( Index Term Link )
 HTTPS_KEYSIZE environment variable ( Index Term Link )
 HTTPS_SECRETKEYSIZE environment variable ( Index Term Link )
 IETF home page ( Index Term Link )
 include directory, for SAFs ( Index Term Link )
  plugins ( Index Term Link )
  SAFs ( Index Term Link )
 Init SAFs in magnus.conf
  requirements for SAFs ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  requirements for SAFs ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 input filters ( Index Term Link )
 insert API function ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 IP address, getting client’ ( Index Term Link )
 layer parameter ( Index Term Link )
 linking SAFs ( Index Term Link )
  custom SAFs ( Index Term Link )
  plugins ( Index Term Link )
  SAFs ( Index Term Link )
 load-modules function, example ( Index Term Link )
 localtime, getting thread-safe value ( Index Term Link )
 log_error API function ( Index Term Link )
 magnus_atrestart, API function ( Index Term Link )
 MALLOC API function ( Index Term Link )
 matching, special characters ( Index Term Link )
 memory management routines ( Index Term Link )
 month name ( Index Term Link )
  example of custom SAF ( Index Term Link )
  requirements for SAFs ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 netbuf_buf2sd API function ( Index Term Link )
 netbuf_close API function ( Index Term Link )
 netbuf_getc API function ( Index Term Link )
 netbuf_grab API function ( Index Term Link )
 netbuf_open API function ( Index Term Link )
 net_ip2host API function ( Index Term Link )
 net_read API function ( Index Term Link )
 network I/O routines ( Index Term Link )
 net_write API function ( Index Term Link )
  CGI environment variables ( Index Term Link )
  filter interface ( Index Term Link )
  function overview ( Index Term Link )
 NSAPI filters
  interface ( Index Term Link )
  methods ( Index Term Link )
 nsapi.h ( Index Term Link )
 NSAPI plugins, custom ( Index Term Link )
 nsapi_pvt.h ( Index Term Link )
 obj.conf, adding directives for new SAFs ( Index Term Link )
  example of custom SAF ( Index Term Link )
  requirements for SAFs ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 order, of filters in filter stack ( Index Term Link )
  example of custom SAF ( Index Term Link )
  requirements for SAFs ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 output filters ( Index Term Link )
 param_create API function ( Index Term Link )
 parameter block
  manipulation routines ( Index Term Link )
  SAF parameter ( Index Term Link )
 parameters, for SAFs ( Index Term Link )
 param_free API function ( Index Term Link )
  example of custom SAF ( Index Term Link )
  requirements for SAFs ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 PATH_INFO environment variable ( Index Term Link )
 path name, converting UNIX-style to local ( Index Term Link )
 PATH_TRANSLATED environment variable ( Index Term Link )
 pb_entry NSAPI data structure ( Index Term Link )
 pblock, NSAPI data structure ( Index Term Link )
 pblock_copy API function ( Index Term Link )
 pblock_create API function ( Index Term Link )
 pblock_dup API function ( Index Term Link )
 pblock_find API function ( Index Term Link )
 pblock_findlong, API function ( Index Term Link )
 pblock_findval API function ( Index Term Link )
 pblock_free API function ( Index Term Link )
 pblock_nlinsert, API function ( Index Term Link )
 pblock_nninsert API function ( Index Term Link )
 pblock_nvinsert API function ( Index Term Link )
 pblock_pb2env API function ( Index Term Link )
 pblock_pblock2str API function ( Index Term Link )
 pblock_pinsert API function ( Index Term Link )
 pblock_remove API function ( Index Term Link )
 pblock_replace_name, API function ( Index Term Link )
 pblock_str2pblock API function ( Index Term Link )
 pb_param NSAPI data structure ( Index Term Link )
 pb SAF parameter ( Index Term Link )
 PERM_FREE API function ( Index Term Link )
 PERM_MALLOC API function ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 PERM_STRDUP API function ( Index Term Link )
  compatibility issues ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  creating ( Index Term Link )
  instructing the server to use ( Index Term Link )
  loading and initializing ( Index Term Link )
  private data structures ( Index Term Link )
 prepare_nsapi_thread API function ( Index Term Link )
 private data structures ( Index Term Link )
 protocol_dump822 API function ( Index Term Link )
 protocol_set_finfo API function ( Index Term Link )
 protocol_start_response API function ( Index Term Link )
 protocol_status API function ( Index Term Link )
 protocol_uri2url API function ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 protocol utility routines ( Index Term Link )
 QUERY environment variable ( Index Term Link )
 QUERY_STRING environment variable ( Index Term Link )
 read API function ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 REALLOC API function ( Index Term Link )
 REMOTE_ADDR environment variable ( Index Term Link )
 REMOTE_HOST environment variable ( Index Term Link )
 REMOTE_IDENT environment variable ( Index Term Link )
 REMOTE_USER environment variable ( Index Term Link )
 remove API function ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 replace.c ( Index Term Link )
 REQ_ABORTED response code ( Index Term Link )
 REQ_EXIT response code ( Index Term Link )
 REQ_NOACTION response code ( Index Term Link )
 reqpb, field in request parameter ( Index Term Link )
 REQ_PROCEED response code ( Index Term Link )
  NSAPI data structure ( Index Term Link )
  SAF parameter ( Index Term Link )
 request_create, API function ( Index Term Link )
 request_free, API function ( Index Term Link )
 request-handling process ( Index Term Link )
 request_header API function ( Index Term Link )
 request headers ( Index Term Link )
 REQUEST_METHOD environment variable ( Index Term Link )
 request-response model ( Index Term Link )
 requests, HTTP ( Index Term Link )
 requirements for SAFs ( Index Term Link )
  AddLog ( Index Term Link )
  AuthTrans ( Index Term Link )
  Error directive ( Index Term Link )
  Init ( Index Term Link )
  Input ( Index Term Link )
  NameTrans ( Index Term Link )
  ObjectType ( Index Term Link )
  Output ( Index Term Link )
  PathCheck ( Index Term Link )
  Service ( Index Term Link )
 response headers ( Index Term Link )
 responses, HTTP ( Index Term Link )
 result codes ( Index Term Link )
 rq->headers ( Index Term Link )
 rq->reqpb ( Index Term Link )
 rq->srvhdrs ( Index Term Link )
 rq->vars ( Index Term Link )
 rq SAF parameter ( Index Term Link )
 s ( Index Term Link )
  compiling and linking ( Index Term Link )
  include directory ( Index Term Link )
  interface ( Index Term Link )
  loading and initializing ( Index Term Link )
  parameters ( Index Term Link )
  result codes ( Index Term Link )
  return values ( Index Term Link )
  signature ( Index Term Link )
  testing ( Index Term Link )
 SCRIPT_NAME environment variable ( Index Term Link )
  creating ( Index Term Link )
  deallocating ( Index Term Link )
  gaining exclusive access ( Index Term Link )
  releasing ( Index Term Link )
  testing for exclusive access ( Index Term Link )
 sem_grab, API function ( Index Term Link )
 sem_init, API function ( Index Term Link )
 sem_release, API function ( Index Term Link )
 sem_terminate, API function ( Index Term Link )
 sem_tgrab, API function ( Index Term Link )
 sendfile API function ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 sendfiledata NSAPI data structure ( Index Term Link )
 server, instructions for using plugins ( Index Term Link )
 SERVER_NAME environment variable ( Index Term Link )
 SERVER_PORT environment variable ( Index Term Link )
 SERVER_PROTOCOL environment variable ( Index Term Link )
 SERVER_SOFTWARE environment variable ( Index Term Link )
 SERVER_URL environment variable ( Index Term Link )
  directives for new SAFs (plugins) ( Index Term Link )
  example of custom SAF ( Index Term Link )
  requirements for SAFs ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  defined ( Index Term Link )
  NSAPI data structure ( Index Term Link )
  resolving the IP address of ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 Session->client NSAPI data structure ( Index Term Link )
 session_create, API function ( Index Term Link )
 session_dns API function ( Index Term Link )
 session_free, API function ( Index Term Link )
 session_maxdns API function ( Index Term Link )
 session SAF parameter ( Index Term Link )
 session structure
  creating ( Index Term Link )
  freeing ( Index Term Link )
 shared memory
  allocating ( Index Term Link )
  freeing ( Index Term Link )
 shell expression
  comparing (case-sensitive) to a string ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  validating ( Index Term Link )
 shexp_casecmp API function ( Index Term Link )
 shexp_cmp API function ( Index Term Link )
 shexp_match API function ( Index Term Link )
 shexp_valid API function ( Index Term Link )
 shlib parameter ( Index Term Link )
 shmem_alloc, API function ( Index Term Link )
 shmem_free, API function ( Index Term Link )
 shmem_s NSAPI data structure ( Index Term Link )
 sn->client ( Index Term Link )
 sn->csd ( Index Term Link )
 sn SAF parameter ( Index Term Link )
  closing ( Index Term Link )
  reading from ( Index Term Link )
  sending a buffer to ( Index Term Link )
  sending file buffer to ( Index Term Link )
  writing to ( Index Term Link )
 sprintf, see util_sprintf ( Index Term Link )
 srvhdrs, field in request parameter ( Index Term Link )
 stat NSAPI data structure ( Index Term Link )
 status codes ( Index Term Link )
 STRDUP API function ( Index Term Link )
 streams, buffered ( Index Term Link )
 string, creating a copy of ( Index Term Link )
 system_errmsg API function ( Index Term Link )
 system_fclose API function ( Index Term Link )
 system_flock API function ( Index Term Link )
 system_fopenRO API function ( Index Term Link )
 system_fopenRW API function ( Index Term Link )
 system_fopenWA API function ( Index Term Link )
 system_fread API function ( Index Term Link )
 system_fwrite API function ( Index Term Link )
 system_fwrite_atomic API function ( Index Term Link )
 system_gmtime API function ( Index Term Link )
 system_localtime API function ( Index Term Link )
 system_lseek API function ( Index Term Link )
 system_rename API function ( Index Term Link )
 system_ulock API function ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 system_unix2local API function ( Index Term Link )
 systhread_attach API function ( Index Term Link )
 systhread_current API function ( Index Term Link )
 systhread_getdata API function ( Index Term Link )
 systhread_newkey, API function ( Index Term Link )
 systhread_newkey API function ( Index Term Link )
 systhread_setdata API function ( Index Term Link )
 systhread_sleep API function ( Index Term Link )
 systhread_start API function ( Index Term Link )
 systhread_terminate, API function ( Index Term Link )
 systhread_timerset, API function ( Index Term Link )
 systhread_timerset API function ( Index Term Link )
 testing custom SAFs ( Index Term Link )
  allocating a key for ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  creating ( Index Term Link )
  getting a pointer to ( Index Term Link )
  getting data belonging to ( Index Term Link )
  putting to sleep ( Index Term Link )
  setting data belonging to ( Index Term Link )
  setting interrupt timer ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  terminating ( Index Term Link )
 thread routines ( Index Term Link )
 unicode ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 util_can_exec API function ( Index Term Link )
 util_chdir2path API function ( Index Term Link )
 util_cookie_find API function ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 util_does_process_exist, API function ( Index Term Link )
 util_env_create, API function ( Index Term Link )
 util_env_find API function ( Index Term Link )
 util_env_free API function ( Index Term Link )
 util_env_replace API function ( Index Term Link )
 util_env_str API function ( Index Term Link )
 util_get_current_gmt, API function ( Index Term Link )
 util_get_int_from_file, API function ( Index Term Link )
 util_getline API function ( Index Term Link )
 util_get_long_from_file, API function ( Index Term Link )
 util_get_string_from_file, API function ( Index Term Link )
 util_hostname API function ( Index Term Link )
 util_is_mozilla API function ( Index Term Link )
 util_is_url API function ( Index Term Link )
 util_itoa API function ( Index Term Link )
 utility routines ( Index Term Link )
 util_later_than API function ( Index Term Link )
 util_make_filename, API function ( Index Term Link )
 util_make_gmt, API function ( Index Term Link )
 util_make_local, API function ( Index Term Link )
 util_move_dir, API function ( Index Term Link )
 util_move_file, API function ( Index Term Link )
 util_parse_http_time, API function ( Index Term Link )
 util_put_int_to_file, API function ( Index Term Link )
 util_put_long_to_file, API function ( Index Term Link )
 util_put_string_to_file, API function ( Index Term Link )
 util_sect_id, API function ( Index Term Link )
 util_sh_escape API function ( Index Term Link )
 util_snprintf API function ( Index Term Link )
 util_sprintf API function ( Index Term Link )
 util_strcasecmp API function ( Index Term Link )
 util_strftime API function ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 util_strncasecmp API function ( Index Term Link )
 util_uri_escape API function ( Index Term Link )
 util_uri_is_evil API function ( Index Term Link )
 util_uri_parse API function ( Index Term Link )
 util_uri_unescape API function ( Index Term Link )
  API function ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 util_vsnprintf API function ( Index Term Link )
 util_vsprintf API function ( Index Term Link )
 vars, field in request parameter ( Index Term Link )
 vsnprintf, see util_vsnprintf ( Index Term Link )
 vsprintf, see util_vsprintf ( Index Term Link )
 weekday ( Index Term Link )
 write API function ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 writev API function ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )