Sun Java System Web Proxy Server 4.0.9 Administration Guide

Setting Default Access for a Filter File

Once you have a filter file that contains the URLs you want to use, you can set the default access for those URLs.

ProcedureTo Set Default Access for a Filter File

  1. Access the Server Manager, and click the Filters tab.

  2. Click the Restrict URL Filter Access link.

    The Restrict URL Filter Access page is displayed.

  3. Choose the template you want to use with the filters.

    Typically, you will want to create filter files for the entire proxy server, but you might want one set of filter files for HTTP and another for FTP.

  4. Use the URL Filter To Allow list to choose a filter file that contains the URLs you want the proxy server to support.

  5. Use the URL Filter To Deny list to choose a filter file that contains the URLs to which you want the proxy server to deny access.

  6. Choose the text you want the proxy server to return to clients who request a denied URL.

    • Send the default “Forbidden” response that the proxy generates.

      • Send a text or HTML file with customized text. Type the absolute path to this file in the text box.

  7. Click OK.

  8. Click Restart Required. The Apply Changes page is displayed.

  9. Click the Restart Proxy Server button to apply the changes.