Sun Java System Web Proxy Server 4.0.9 Administration Guide

Using Performance Buckets

Performance buckets enable you to define buckets and link them to various server functions. Every time one of these functions is invoked, the server collects statistical data and adds it to the bucket. For example, send-cgi and NSServletService are functions used to serve the CGI and Java servlet requests respectively. You can either define two buckets to maintain separate counters for CGI and servlet requests, or create one bucket that counts requests for both types of dynamic content. The cost of collecting this information is little and the impact on the server performance is usually negligible. This information can later be accessed using the perfdump utility.

The following information is stored in a bucket:

The default-bucket is predefined by the server. It records statistics for the functions not associated with any user-defined bucket.


You must specify all configuration information for performance buckets in the magnus.conf and obj.conf files. Only the default bucket is automatically enabled.

First, you must enable performance measurement as described in Monitoring Current Activity Using the perfdump Utility.

The following examples show how to define new buckets in the magnus.conf file:

Init fn="define-perf-bucket" name="acl-bucket" description="ACL bucket"

Init fn="define-perf-bucket" name="file-bucket" description="Non-cached responses"

Init fn="define-perf-bucket" name="cgi-bucket" description="CGI Stats"

This example creates three buckets: acl-bucket, file-bucket, and cgi-bucket. To associate these buckets with functions, add bucket=bucket-name to the obj.conf function for which you wish to measure performance.


PathCheck fn="check-acl" acl="default" bucket="acl-bucket"


Service method="(GET|HEAD|POST)" type="*~magnus-internal/*" fn="send-file" bucket="file-bucket"


<Object name="cgi">

ObjectType fn="force-type" type="magnus-internal/cgi"

Service fn="send-cgi" bucket="cgi-bucket"


Performance Report

The server statistics in buckets can be accessed using the perfdump utility. The performance buckets information is located in the last section of the report returned by perfdump.

The report contains the following information:

The following example shows sample performance bucket information available through perfdump:

Performance Counters:
                           Average         Total      Percent

Total number of requests:                      1
Request processing time:    0.2559        0.2559

default-bucket (Default bucket)
Number of Requests:                            1    (100.00%)
Number of Invocations:                         7    (100.00%)
Latency:                    0.2483        0.2483    ( 97.04%)
Function Processing Time:   0.0076        0.0076    (  2.96%)
Total Response Time:        0.2559        0.2559    (100.00%)