Sun Java System Web Proxy Server 4.0.11 Configuration File Reference


If a Server Application Function results in an error, it sets the HTTP response status code and returns the value REQ_ABORTED. The server then stops processing the request. Instead, the server searches for an Error directive matching the HTTP response status code or its associated reason phrase, and executes the directive’s function. If the server does not find a matching Error directive, it returns the response status code to the client.

The following Error-class functions are described in detail in this section:


This function is applicable only to the Administration Server.

Applicable in Error-class directives.

The error-j2ee function handles errors that occur during execution of web applications deployed to the Sun Java System Web Proxy Server individually or as part of full J2EE applications.


The following table describes the parameter for the error-j2ee function.

Table 5–130 error-j2ee Parameters




(Optional) Common to all obj.conf functions.

See Also

ntrans-j2ee, service-j2ee


See match-browser.


Applicable in Service- and Error-class directives.

Note –

This function is provided for backward compatibility only and is used mainly to support the obsolete ISINDEX tag. If possible, use an HTML form instead.

The query-handler function runs a CGI program instead of referencing the path requested.


The following table describes parameters for the query-handler function.

Table 5–131 query-handler Parameters




Full path and file name of the CGI program to run. 


(Optional) Text of one of the reason strings such as “Unauthorized” or “Forbidden”. The string is not case sensitive. 


(Optional) Three-digit number representing the HTTP response status code, such as 401 or 403.

This number can be any HTTP response status code or reason phrase according to the HTTP specification. 

The common HTTP response status codes and reason strings are:

  • 401 Unauthorized

  • 403 Forbidden


(Optional) Common to all obj.conf functions.


Error query=* fn=query-handler path=/http/cgi/do-grep
Error query=* fn=query-handler path=/http/cgi/proc-info


Applicable in Input-, Output-, Service-, and Error-class directives.

The remove-filter SAF is used to remove a filter from the filter stack. If the filter has been inserted multiple times, only the topmost instance is removed. In general, it is not necessary to remove filters with remove-filter, as they will be removed automatically at the end of the request.


Returns REQ_PROCEED if the specified filter was removed successfully, or REQ_NOACTION if the specified filter was not part of the filter stack. Any other return value indicates an error.


The following table describes parameters for the remove-filter function.

Table 5–132 remove-filter Parameters




Specifies the name of the filter to remove. 


(Optional) Common to all obj.conf functions.


Error fn="remove-filter" filter="http-compression"


Applicable in Error-class directives.

The send-error function sends an HTML file to the client in place of a specific HTTP response status. The server can therefore present an explanatory message describing the problem. The HTML page may contain images and links to the server’s home page or other pages.

Note –

The send-error function can be used to configure messages from the proxy server only and does not work for configuring messages in place of HTTP responses from web server.


The following table describes parameters for the send-error function.

Table 5–133 send-error Parameters




Specifies the full file system path of an HTML file to send to the client. The file is sent as text/html regardless of its name or actual type. If the file does not exist, the server sends a simple default error page.


(Optional) Text of one of the reason strings such as “Unauthorized” or “Forbidden”. The string is not case sensitive. 


(Optional) Three-digit number representing the HTTP response status code, such as 401 or 403.

This number can be any HTTP response status code or reason phrase according to the HTTP specification. 

The common HTTP response status codes and reason strings are:

  • 401 Unauthorized

  • 403 Forbidden


(Optional) Common to all obj.conf functions.


Error fn=send-error code=401 path=/sun/server61/docs/errors/401.html


Applicable in all stage directives. The set-variable SAF enables you to change server settings based upon conditional information in a request, and to manipulate variables in parameter blocks by using specific commands. See set-variable.