Sun Java System Web Proxy Server 4.0.11 Configuration File Reference


Applicable in Init-class directive.

Parser configurations are text files that contain the names of tag attributes and tag events whose URLs are to be rewritten. It also contains strings that are considered to be illegal in URLs.

Each line of the parser configuration starts with either a tag name, or the string **illegal.

If the line starts with a tag name, the rest of the line is a space-separated list of attribute names that will be searched for URLs.

If the tag name is prefixed with a '*' character, then the rest of the line is a space-separated list of the event names that will be searched for URLs.

If an attribute or event name is prefixed with a '*' character, then the URL Mapping feature always attempts to rewrite URLs within that attribute or event as absolute URLs. Otherwise, the URLs are rewritten in the same form that they were specified (relative, server-relative, or absolute).

If the first word of the line is the string **illegal, then the rest of the line contains a space-separated list of strings that, if they are contained within a URL, are considered to be illegal. If a URL containing any of these strings is encountered, then the URL is replaced with the string ***ILLEGAL_URL***.

All strings in this file are case-insensitive. Any lines that begin with a '#' character are considered to be comments, and are ignored. Blank lines are ignored.


Init fn="um-load-parser-config"


The following table describes parameters in the um-load-parser-config function.

Table 5–30 um-load-parser-config parameters




Specifies the location of the parser configuration file. 


Specifies the name that is associated with this parser configuration. This setting is only necessary if you have multiple parser configurations in your obj.conf. If not specified, the configuration is assigned a name equal to the value of the file.


Init fn="um-load-parser-config" file="/opt/SUNWproxy/proxy-server1/conf/proxy.cfg"