Sun Java System Web Proxy Server 4.0.13 Release Notes

The New Directives in the magnus.conf File

This section lists the newly added parameters in the magnus.conf file.

Table 1 magnus.conf Directives


Valid Values 




Specify a configurable limit for the ACL cache. This directive restricts the size of ACL cache, thus removing old entries from the cache which otherwise contributes significantly to memory usage. 


1 – 65536

Specify the size of the FTP connection pool. The default value is 256. 


1 – 65536

Specify the life of the connection in seconds, that the FTP connection remain unused in the pool before the monitor thread closes it. The default value is 3600. 



Specify the boolean value to monitor the FTP thread functionality. The default is ON.



Specify an integer value. If set to 0 the pool monitor thread checks whether the connection is dead or alive. 

If set to 1, the NOOP command is sent to the connection and awaits for the reply. Failure to get a response will cause the connection to be removed from the pool. The default level is 1.


30 – 65536

Specify an integer value in seconds, after which the pool connections are monitored. The default value is 30 


Takes a boolean value. 

If set to TRUE, a ldap pool monitor thread would be created which monitors the ldap connection pool at regular intervals. The default value is FALSE.


Takes an integer argument.  

Specifies the interval at which the ldap pool monitor thread inspects the ldap connection pool. The default value is 30.


Takes a boolean value. 

If set to TRUE, every connection that is picked off the connection pool will be "revalidated" before being passed on to the caller. The default value is FALSE.


Takes a boolean value 

If set to TRUE, it enables "connection pairing" where a server channel is dedicated, or paired, to a specific client connection. The default value is FALSE.


Takes a boolean value 

If set to true, an error that is generated multiple times over a period of time is written only once into the error logs, accompanied by information on the number of times the particular error was actually generated during the specified period. The default value is FALSE.


1 – 65536

It specifies the maximum number of times an error can be generated after which it will be flushed out to the error log. The default value is 128. 


1 – 65536

It specifies the maximum number of error messages that the log buffer can contain after which the log messages will be flushed to the error log. The default value is 8192. 


1 - 3600

It specifies the maximum age, in seconds, of a log message in the log buffer after which it will be considered aged and flushed to the error log. The default value is 300. 


1 - 300

It specifies the time interval, in seconds, during which the log buffer is inspected by the thread responsible for flushing log messages to the error log. The default value is 30.