Sun Java System Web Proxy Server 4.0.13 Installation and Migration Guide

Chapter 1 Installing Sun Java System Web Proxy Server

This chapter describes how to install the Sun Java System Web Proxy Server. You can install interactively or use silent mode to replicate an installation scenario on multiple systems.

This chapter contains the following sections:

For any late-breaking updates to the installation procedures, see Sun Java System Web Proxy Server 4.0.13 Release Notes.

For more information about configuring your Proxy Server after installation, see Sun Java System Web Proxy Server 4.0.13 Administration Guide.

About the Proxy Server Installation

You can install the Proxy Server from the product CD or the download site. This section provides instructions for installing the Proxy Server on various platforms.

Note –

The Proxy Server installation is done as the UNIX user that you have logged in as. The installation can be done as either root or non-root user if it is a stand-alone installation. If you are installing Proxy Server through the Java Enterprise System (JavaES) installer, you cannot install as non-root, but you can only run as non-root.

This section contains the following topics:

Installing From the Proxy Server CD

This topic provides instructions for installing the Proxy Server from the Proxy Server CD.


ProcedureSteps for installing Proxy Server on UNIX

  1. Put the Proxy Server CD in the drive and mount it if necessary.

  2. Change to the CD-ROM directory. For example:

    cd /cdrom

    You will see the following directories:

    • /Documentation

      • /Licenses

      • /Linux-x86

      • /Solaris-sparc

      • /Solaris-x86

      • /Windows

        In /Linux-x86, /Solaris-sparc,/Solaris-x86, and /Windows directories you will see the following files:

      • /ProxyServer

      • README.txt

      • setup

        You can run the setup program in the GUI, CLI, or silent mode.


ProcedureSteps for installing Proxy Server on Windows

  1. Put the Proxy Server CD in the drive.

  2. Change to the CD-ROM directory.

    You will see the following directories:

    • /Documentation

      • /Licenses

      • /Linux-x86

      • /Solaris-sparc

      • /Solaris-x86

      • /Windows

        In /Linux-x86, /Solaris-sparc,/Solaris-x86, and /Windows directories you will see the following files:

      • /ProxyServer

      • README.txt

      • setup

        You can run the setup program in the GUI, CLI, or silent mode.

Installing From the Web Site

This section provides instructions for downloading the Proxy Server installation files from the web site.


ProcedureSteps for installing Proxy Server on UNIX

  1. Download the installation file from and save it in a temporary directory in your Solaris SPARC, x86, or Linux system. The installation file is in the format:


  2. Change to the directory on your UNIX system where you copied the file. For example:

    cd /tmp/Sunproxyinstallable

  3. Unzip the .gz file by using the gunzip command in this format:

    gunzip filename.tar.gz

  4. Untar the unzipped file using the tar -xvf command in this format:

    tar -xvf filename.tar

    This command unpacks the server files and creates a temporary directory structure under the current directory. Unpacking the file may take a little time. When the files are unpacked, you will see a /ProxyServer directory and the following files:


      • LICENSE.txt

      • README.txt

      • setup

        You can run the setup program in the GUI, CLI, or silent mode.


ProcedureSteps for installing Proxy Server on Windows

  1. Download the installation file from and save it in a temporary directory in your Windows system.

    A progress bar indicates the status of the download.

  2. Change to the directory where you have downloaded the installation zip file that is in the following format:

  3. Unzip the .zip file to extract its contents to the chosen folder.

    When the extraction is complete, you will see a /ProxyServer directory and the following files:


    • LICENSE.txt

    • README.txt

    • setup

      You can run the setup program in the GUI, CLI, or silent mode.

Modes of Installation

There are three modes of installation:

The setup command allows you to specify the method of installation and also allows you to create a configuration file for silent installation.

The setup command syntax is as follows:

./setup[--console][--savestate ][--silentconfig_file][--help][--id][--javahome]

Modes of Installation describes the setup command options for all installation methods.

Table 1–1 Options for the setup Command




Runs the installation using the GUI method. 

./setup --console

Runs the installation using the command-line method. 

./setup --savestate

Runs the installation using the GUI method and also creates an installer configuration file based on this installation. 

The file name is statefile and is located in install_dir.

./setup --console --savestate

Runs the installation using the command-line method and also creates an installer configuration file based on this installation. 

The file name is statefile and is located in install_dir.

./setup --silentconfig-file

Runs the installation in silent mode. Installation parameters are read from the specified installer configuration file. 

./setup --help

Displays the available command-line arguments for the setup command.

./setup --id

Prints installer build WizardID value to stdout, but does not proceed with the installation. This option is provided for determining the WizardID and simplifying reuse of installer configuration files between builds.

Each new installer build changes the WizardID value and the WizardID value referenced in the installer configuration file must match the one in the current installer build. To be able to reuse installer configuration files created by different installer builds, the WizardID value provided through this option can be inserted in an existing installer configuration file. 

./setup --javahome

Defines the location of the JDKTM installation that should be used for installer JVMTM in GUI mode.

./setup --console --javahome

Defines the location of the JDK installation that should be used for installer JVM in CLI mode. 

During the installation process, you have the choice of two kinds of installation:

Installing in GUI Mode

The installation program prompts you using a sequence of graphical screens. This is the default method when you invoke the installation program without options: ./setup

ProcedureSteps for installing Proxy Server in GUI Mode

  1. Change to the directory where the installation files exist.

  2. Type ./setup to start the server installation

    Note –

    Double-click the setup.exe file that is available in the proxy installer folder or type setup at the command prompt to start the installation on Windows.

    A Welcome screen is displayed. Click Next.

    The Software License Agreement page is displayed.

  3. Select the Yes option to accept the software license or the No option to decline.

    Click Next.

  4. Specify the path of the proxy server installation directory.

    The default installation directory is /opt/sun/proxyserver40. You can click the Browse button to specify a different directory.

    Note –

    The default installation directory on Windows is C:\\Sun\ProxyServer40

    Note –

    Steps 5 and 6 will apply only if you have an existing installation of Sun Java System Web Proxy Server.

  5. The Upgrade Installation page is displayed if the installer detects an existing installation of Sun Java System Web Proxy Server 4.0.

    Click Upgrade button to upgrade to the 4.0.13 version. Continue with Step 6.

    Click Select New button to continue with a new installation. Proceed to step 7.

  6. The Ready to Upgrade page is displayed if Upgrade was selected in Step 5.

    Click the Upgrade Now button. The Upgradation Complete page displays the success or failure of the installation. Proceed to step 16.

  7. Click Next. The Create New Directory dialog displays if the specified directory does not exist.

  8. Click Yes to create a new directory or click No to specify a different directory in the installation directory page.

  9. Select the type of installation (Express or Custom) you want to run and click Next.

  10. The Java Configuration page is displayed if the Custom type of installation was selected.

    Note –

    If you selected the Express type of installation in Step 9, the proxy installer installs its own JRE.

  11. Click the Install Java Runtime Environment(1.5.0_12) option to install JRE if it is not already installed on your system, or click Reuse existing Java Runtime Environment and specify the path where JRE 1.5.0_12 is installed on your system.

    Note –

    For HP-UX, the bundled version of JRE is 1.5.0_12.

    Click Next.

  12. In the Server Config Information page, enter the following details:

    1. In the Administration Server section:

      Admin UNIX User Id. Enter the UNIX user name of the system on which the administration server will run. The default value is UNIX user.

      Note –

      The Admin UNIX User Id field is not applicable for Windows.

      User Name. Enter the user name to authenticate the administration server when it is accessed. The default value is admin.

      Password. Enter the password to use for authentication. It should have a minimum of eight characters.

      Re-enter Password. Retype the password to confirm.

      Port. Enter the port number to access the administration server. Select a port number above 1024 if it is a non-root user installation. By default, the port number is 8081. The installation program automatically detects ports in use and suggests unused ports. On a Windows installation you can select any port between 1 and 65535.

      Note –

      If you selected the Express type of installation in Step 9, the port field is not displayed. The default settings are used.

    2. In the Proxy Instance Server section:

      Proxy UNIX User Id. Enter the name of the user when running the default instance of Proxy Server.

      Note –

      If you are installing as root, the default user while running the Proxy Server as non-root user on all UNIX systems is nobody.

      Note –

      The Proxy UNIX User Id field is not applicable for Windows.

      Proxy Server Name. Specify the fully qualified domain name of the system on which you are installing the server and press Enter.

      Note –

      If you selected the Express type of installation in Step 9, the Proxy Server Name field is not displayed. The default settings are used.

      Port. Enter the port number to access the instance. Select a port number above 1024 if it is a non-root user installation. By default, the port number is 8080. The installation program automatically detects ports in use and suggests unused ports. On a Windows installation you can select any port between 1 and 65535. Click Next.

      Note –

      If you selected the Express type of installation in Step 9, the Port field is not displayed. The default settings are used.

  13. Startup on Boot.

    Check this option to automatically start Proxy Server when the system boots up. This option is available if you are installing Proxy Server as root (super user).

    Note –

    The Startup on Boot option is not available on Windows.

    The installation program verifies the available disk space on your machine. If you do not have enough disk space, an error message is displayed. For more information on minimum disk space required, see Proxy Server Release Notes.

  14. In the Ready to Install page, click the Install Now button.

  15. The Installation Complete page displays the success or failure of the installation.

    For information on the log file paths, see Installation Log Files.

  16. Click the Finish button to close the installation wizard.

    For information about starting the administration server, see Starting the Administration Server.

Installing in CLI Mode

The installation program prompts you using a sequence of command-line prompts and messages. To activate the interactive command-line mode, invoke the installation program using the --console option:

./setup --console

ProcedureSteps for installing Proxy Server in the CLI Mode

  1. Change to the directory where the installation files are available.

  2. Type ./setup --console to start the server installation.

    Type setup --console to start a command-line installation on Windows.

    The installation program requires you to provide configuration preference settings that are used while installing the server.

    The installation program consists of one or more selections that provide you with information, and allows you to enter preferences that determine how the Proxy Server is installed and configured.

    When you are presented with the following questions, the installation process pauses to allow you to read the information that has been presented. When you are ready, press Enter to continue.

    Some questions require more detailed information that you are required to type. The question may have a default value that is displayed inside brackets []. If you want to accept the default answer, press the Enter or Return key. If you want to provide a different answer, type it at the command prompt and then press Enter.

    A Welcome screen is displayed. Press Enter to continue the installation. You must read and accept the software license agreement before you install this product. Press Enter to display the software license agreement.

  3. Accept the software license agreement by typing Yes, yes, or y.

    If you type No, no, or n the installation program will end without installing the product.

    Note –

    Type < to return to the previous screen. Type ! to exit the installation program.

  4. Specify the installation directory.

    Press Enter to accept the default directory or specify the path of the installation directory. If the directory exists, go to Step 9.

    Note –

    The default installation directory is /opt/sun/proxyserver40

  5. Type Yes to create a new installation directory and press Enter or type No to specify a different installation directory in Step 4.

    Note –

    Steps 6, 7, and 8 will apply only if you have an existing installation of Sun Java System Web Proxy Server.

  6. An existing installation of Sun Java System Web Proxy Server 4.0 is detected.

    You are asked if you would like to upgrade to Sun Java System Web Proxy Server 4.0.13.

  7. Select option 1 to start the upgrade process.

    Select option 2 to continue with a new installation.

  8. If option 1 was selected in Step 7, the installation program verifies the available disk space on your system.

    If you do not have enough disk space, an error message is displayed. For more information on minimum disk space required, see Proxy Server Release Notes. The name of the product, install location and space required is displayed.

    Type option 1 for upgrading, option 2 for starting over the installation again, or option 3 to exit the upgrade program. Press Enter.

    If you type 1, the upgrade installation starts and the status is displayed once the installation is completed. Proceed to Step 22.

  9. Select the type of installation. Type option 1 for an Express installation, option 2 for a Custom installation, or option 3 to exit the installation program. Press Enter.

  10. You need to configure the Java Runtime Environment if you had selected option 2 in Step 9.

    Note –

    The installation program automatically installs the JRE that is bundled with the Proxy Server product if you selected option 1 in Step 9.

  11. Select option 1 to install the Java Runtime Environment (1.5.0_12) that is bundled with the Proxy Server product, option 2 to reuse an existing Java Runtime Environment, or option 3 to exit the installation program. Press Enter.

    Note –

    For HP-UX, the bundled version of JRE is 1.5.0_12.

  12. Specify the path to an existing, compatible Java Runtime Environment if you selected option 2 in Step 11.

    Press Enter.

  13. Enter the Admin UNIX User Id of the system on which the administration server runs.

    The default value is the UNIX user.

    Note –

    The Admin UNIX User Id field is not applicable for Windows.

  14. Enter the Admin User to authenticate the administration server when it is accessed. The default value is admin.

  15. Enter the Admin password to use for authentication. The password should have a minimum of eight characters.

    You are asked to enter your password twice. Press Enter.

  16. Enter the Admin port number.

    You need to select a port number above 1024 if it is a non-root user installation. You can accept the default value which is 8081 and press Enter. The installation program automatically detects ports in use and suggests unused ports. On a Windows installation, you can select any port between 1 and 65535.

    Note –

    If you selected the Express type of installation in Step 9, this field is not displayed because the default settings are used.

  17. Enter the Proxy UNIX User Id to use when running the default instance of Proxy Server and press Enter.

    Note –

    The Proxy UNIX User Id field is not available for Windows.

  18. Specify the Proxy Server Name.

    It is the fully qualified domain name of the system on which you are installing the server. Press Enter.

    Note –

    If you selected the Express type of installation in Step 9, the default settings are used.

  19. Type the Proxy Server Port number that will be used to access the instance Proxy Server and press Enter.

    You need to select a port number above 1024 if it is a non-root user installation. You can accept the default value which is 8080. The installation program automatically detects ports in use and suggests unused ports. On a Windows installation, you can select any port between 1 and 65535.

    Note –

    If you selected the Express type of installation in Step 9, the default settings are used.

  20. Startup on Boot.

    Type Yes to automatically start Proxy Server when the system boots up. This option is available if you are installing Proxy Server as root (super user).

    Note –

    The Startup on Boot option is not available on Windows.

    The installation program verifies the available disk space on your system. If you do not have enough disk space, an error message is displayed. For more information on minimum disk space required, see Proxy Server Release Notes. The name of the product, install location and space required is displayed.

  21. Select option 1 to start the installation, option 2 to start the installation program all over again, or option 3 to exit the installation program and press Enter.

    The status of the installation is displayed once the installation is complete.

  22. You can view the installation log files.

    For information on the log file paths, see Installation Log Files.

    For information about starting the administration server, see Starting the Administration Server.

Installing in Silent Mode

Silent mode installation runs without any user input and uses the configuration file to obtain the installation information. This section contains the following topics:

Creating the Installer Configuration File

The installer configuration file is created when you use the savestate option with the setup command to start an interactive installation. During the interactive installation, your input is collected and stored in the configuration file you specified. This forms the template for silent installation, which you can use later to install the product on one or more systems. If needed, you can modify the installer configuration file.

The syntax for creating an installer configuration file is as follows:

For graphical method:

./setup --savestate

Note –

Type setup --savestate to create the installer configuration file using the GUI method on Windows.

For command-line method:

./setup --console --savestate

Note –

Type setup --console --savestate to create the installer configuration file using the CLI method on Windows.

Example of an Installer Configuration File

An installer configuration file in Windows looks similar to the following:

[STATE_BEGIN Sun Java System Web Proxy Server 
defaultInstallDirectory = C:\\Sun\\ProxyServer40
currentInstallDirectory = d:\\ProxyServer40
JRE_LOCATION = d:\\jdk\\jre
ADMIN_UID = root
ADMIN_NAME = admin
ADMIN_PWD = admin123
PROXY_UID = nobody
[STATE_DONE Sun Java System Proxy Server 

Modifying the Installer Configuration File

You can modify the installer configuration file by editing the variables and values described in Modifying the Installer Configuration File.

Table 1–2 Installer Configuration File Variables

Variable Name  

Valid values (if applicable)  




Selected installation directory path 



List of product components selected for installation 



Selected J2SETM installation directory path


Valid user ID 

Valid UNIX user ID to run administration server 


1 - 65535 

Valid port to run the administration server 



Administrator user name for initial administrator server instance 



Administrator password for initial server instance 


Valid user ID 

Valid UNIX user ID to run the proxy instance server 


1 - 65535 

Valid default port to run the proxy instance server 

Silent Installation Using the Installer Configuration File

ProcedureSteps for installing Proxy Server in Silent Mode

  1. Review the configuration file and verify that it contains what you want to use for your silent installation.

  2. Copy your installer configuration file to each system where you plan to install the Proxy Server software.

  3. Copy the Proxy Server installation files to each system where you plan to install the Proxy Server software.

  4. Navigate to the directory where you copied the installation files and your installer configuration file.

  5. Start silent installation at the command line using the following command format:

    ./setup --silent config_file

    Note –

    Type setup --silent config_file to start the silent installation on Windows.

    The installation program reads the specified config_file, checks for adequate disk space, then installs the product based on the data in config_file.

    When the prompt is returned, the silent installation is complete and the installation components are installed on your systems.

    You can view the installation log files. For information on the log file paths, see Installation Log Files.

    For information about starting the administration server, see Starting the Administration Server.

Installation Log Files

You can view the installation log files at:

Starting the Administration Server

To start and configure your Proxy Server, you need to have an administration server running on your system.

To start the administration server

ProcedureSteps To Start the Administration Server

  1. Change to the proxy-admserv directory under your server root directory and start the administration server by typing ./start.

    Note –

    You can start the administration server on Windows in any one of the following ways:

    • Select the Start menu -> Programs -> Sun Microsystems -> Sun Java System Web Proxy Server 4, and choose Start Admin Server

    • From the Services item in the Control Panel

    • At the command prompt, go to the proxy-admserv directory under your server root directory and start the administration server by typing start.

      Once you have started the administration server, you need to connect to it.

  2. Using a browser that supports frames and JavaScript, enter the following URL for the administration server:


    In the above URL, use the port number of the administration server that you specified during installation. You will be prompted for a user name and password.

  3. Enter your administration user name and password. The Server Administration page appears.

    You can now configure your Proxy Server. For more information on configuring and using the Proxy Server, see the Proxy Server Administration Guide.