Sun Java System Web Proxy Server 4.0.13 Configuration File Reference

Domain Component (dc) Tree

The dc tree contains hierarchical domain entries, each of which is a DNS name component.

Entries that represent the domain name of a customer are overlaid with the LDAP auxiliary class inetDomain. For example, the two LDAP entries dc=customer1,dc=com,o=Internet,o=root and dc=customer2,dc=com,o=Internet,o=root contain the inetDomain class, but dc=com,o=Internet,o=root does not. The latter is present only to provide structure to the tree.

Entries with an inetDomain attribute are called virtual domains. The attribute inetDomainBaseDN for these domains must be filled with the DN of the top-level organization entry where the data of this domain is stored in the convergence tree. For example, the virtual domain entry in dc=cust2,dc=com,o=Internet,o=root would contain the attribute inetDomainBaseDN with value o=Cust2,o=isp,o=root.

If an inetDomainStatus attribute is present in an entry and has a value of inactive or deleted, the entry is ignored.