Sun Java System Web Proxy Server 4.0.13 Configuration File Reference


Applicable in Init-class directives.

The init-clf function opens the named log files to be used for common logging. The common-log function writes entries into the log files during the AddLog stage of the request-handling process. The log files stay open until the server is shut down, at which time the log files are closed or the server is restarted. If the server is restarted the log files are closed and reopened.

Note –

If the server has an AddLog-stage directive that calls common-log, common log files must be initialized by init-clf during initialization.

Note –

If this function is called more than once, the new call will replace log file names from all previous calls.

If you move, remove, or change the log file without shutting down or restarting the server, client accesses might not be recorded. To save or backup a log file, rename the file and for UNIX, send the -HUP signal. Then restart the server. The server first looks for the log file by name. If the server does not find the file, it creates a new one (the renamed original log file is left for you to use).

For information on rotating log files, see flex-rotate-init.


The following table describes the parameters for the init-clf function.

Table 5–8 init-clf Parameters




The name of the parameter is the name of the log file. The value of the parameter specifies either the full path to the log file or a file name relative to the server’s logs directory. For example:Ini

access="/usr/netscape/server4/https-servername/logs/access"mylogfile = "log1"

The log file name is a parameter to the common-log function, which is applicable in AddLog-class directives.


Init fn=init-clf access=/usr/netscape/server4/https-boots/logs/access
Init fn=init-clf templog=/tmp/mytemplog templog2=/tmp/mytemplog2

See Also
