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Sun OpenDS Standard Edition 2.0 Administration Guide

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Document Information

Configuring the Directory Server

Configuring Security in the Directory Server

Managing Directory Data

Importing and Exporting Data

Populating a Stand-Alone Directory Server With Data

Importing Data Using import-ldif

To Import Data in Offline Mode

To Replace Existing Data During an Offline Import

To Append Imported Data to Existing Data

To Import Fractional Files

To Import Fractional Files by Using Filters

To Include or Exclude Attributes During Import

To Import a Compressed LDIF File

To Record Rejected or Skipped Entries During Import

To Import Data From a MakeLDIF Template

To Run an Import in Online Mode

To Schedule an Import

Exporting Data Using export-ldif

To Export Data to LDIF

To Export Partial Data

To Export Part of a Back End by Using Filters

To Include or Exclude Attributes During Export

To Export to LDIF and Then Compress the File

To Run an Export in Online Mode

To Schedule an Export

Importing and Exporting Entries With the Control Panel

To Import Entries With the Control Panel

To Export Entries to an LDIF File With the Control Panel

Creating MakeLDIF Template Files

The Template File Format

make-ldif Template File Tags

Defining Custom Tags

Backing Up and Restoring Data

Overview of the Backup and Restore Process

Backing Up Data

To Back Up All Back Ends

To Back Up All Back Ends with Encryption and Signed Hashes

To Perform an Incremental Backup on All Back Ends

To Back Up a Specific Back End

To Perform an Incremental Backup on a Specific Back End

To Schedule a Backup as a Task

Backing Up the Server Configuration

Backing Up for Disaster Recovery

To Back Up the Directory Server For Disaster Recovery

Restoring Data

To Restore a Back End

To Restore a Back End From Incremental Backups

To Schedule a Restore as a Task

To Restore the Configuration File

To Restore a Directory Server During Disaster Recovery

Restoring Replicated Directory Servers

Backing Up and Restoring Directory Data With the Control Panel

To Back Up Data With the Control Panel

To Restore Data With the Control Panel

Searching Directory Data

Overview of the ldapsearch Command

ldapsearch Location and Format

Understanding Search Criteria

ldapsearch Examples

To Return All Entries

To Search For a Specific User

To Search for Specific User Attributes

To Perform a Search With Base Scope

To Perform a Search With One-Level Scope

To Perform a Search With Subtree Scope

To Return Attribute Names Only

To Return User Attributes Only

To Return Base DNs Only

To Search For Specific Object Classes

To Return a Count of All Entries in the Directory

To Perform a Search With a Compound Filter

To Perform a Search Using a Filter File

To Limit the Number of Entries Returned in a Search

Using Advanced Search Features

Searching for Special Entries and Attributes

To Search for Operational Attributes

To Search the Root DSE Entry

To Search for ACI Attributes

To Search the Schema Entry

To Search the Configuration Entry

To Search the Monitoring Entry

Searching Over SSL

To Search Over SSL With Blind Trust

To Search Over SSL Using a Trust Store

To Search Over SSL With No Trust Store

To Search Over SSL Using a Keystore

To Search Using StartTLS

To Search Using SASL With DIGEST-MD5 Client Authentication

To Search Using SASL With the GSSAPI Mechanism

To Search Using SASL With the PLAIN Mechanism

Searching Using Controls

To View the Available Controls

To Search Using the Account Usability Request Control

To Search Using the Authorization Identity Request Control

To Search Using the Get Effective Rights Control

To Search Using the LDAP Assertion Control

To Search Using the LDAP Subentry Control

To Search Using the Manage DSA IT Control

To Search Using the Matched Values Filter Control

To Search Using the Password Policy Control

To Search Using the Persistent Search Control

To Search Using the Proxied Authorization Control

To Search Using the Server-Side Sort Control

To Search Using the Simple Paged Results Control

Searching Using the Virtual List View Control

To Search Using the Virtual List View Control

To Search Using Virtual List View With a Specific Target

To Search Using Virtual List View With a Known Total

Searching in Verbose Mode and With a Properties File

To Search in Verbose Mode

To Search Using a Properties File

Searching Internationalized Entries

Adding, Modifying, and Deleting Directory Data

Adding Directory Entries

To Create a Root Entry

To Add an Entry Using the --defaultAdd Option With ldapmodify

To Add Entries Using an LDIF Update Statement With ldapmodify

Adding Attributes

To Add an Attribute to an Entry

To Add an ACI Attribute

To Add an International Attribute

Modifying Directory Entries

To Modify an Attribute Value

To Modify an Attribute With Before and After Snapshots

To Delete an Attribute

To Change an RDN

To Move an Entry

Deleting Directory Entries

To Delete an Entry With ldapmodify

To Delete an Entry With ldapdelete

To Delete Multiple Entries by Using a DN File

Indexing Directory Data

Configuring Indexes on the Local DB Back End

To Create a New Local DB Index

Configuring VLV Indexes

To Create a New VLV Index

Managing Indexes With the Control Panel

To Display a List of Indexes

To Add an Index

To Add a VLV Index

To Delete an Index

To Verify Indexes

To Rebuild Indexes

Reducing Stored Data Size

To Enable or Disable Compact Encoding

To Enable or Disable Entry Compression

Managing Directory Data With the Control Panel

Managing Entries With the Control Panel

To Display A List of All Directory Entries

To Add a New Entry With the Control Panel

To Add a New Entry From an LDIF Specification With the Control Panel

To Change the Values of an Entry's Attributes With the Control Panel

To Delete an Entry With the Control Panel

Managing Base DNs With the Control Panel

Adding a New Base DN

Deleting a Base DN

Copying an Entry's DN to the Clipboard

Managing Users

To Reset a User's Password

To Create a Group

To Add a User to a Group

Deleting a Back End With the Control Panel

To Delete a Back End With the Control Panel

Selecting a View of Entry Data

To Select a View of Entry Data

Ensuring Attribute Value Uniqueness

Overview of the Unique Attribute Plug-In

Configuring the Unique Attribute Plug-In Using dsconfig

To Ensure Uniqueness of the Value of the uid Attribute

To Ensure Uniqueness of the Value of Any Other Attribute

Replication and the Unique Attribute Plug-In

Configuring Virtual Attributes

To List the Existing Virtual Attributes

To Create a New Virtual Attribute

To Enable or Disable a Virtual Attribute

To Display the Configuration of a Virtual Attribute

To Change the Configuration of a Virtual Attribute

Configuring Referrals

Configuring LDAP URLs

To Create a Referral

To Modify a Referral

To Delete a Referral

Controlling Access To Data

Replicating Data

Managing Users and Groups

Directory Server Monitoring

Improving Performance

Advanced Administration

Managing Indexes With the Control Panel

You can use the Control Panel to create, configure, and delete local database indexes and Virtual List View (VLV) indexes. A local database index is used to find entries matching search criteria. A VLV index is used to process searches efficiently with VLV controls. Unindexed searches are denied by default unless the user has the unindexed-search privilege. For more information, see Root Users and the Privilege Subsystem.

To Display a List of Indexes

This procedure shows how to display a list of all the indexes configured for the directory server.

  1. Start the Control Panel, as described in To Start the Control Panel.
  2. Click the Manage Indexes link under the Indexes menu on the left side of the Control Panel window. The Manage Indexes window appears, displaying all configured indexes in a list on its left side.
    Figure shows the index configuration window of the Control Panel.

To Add an Index

If your clients search on particular attribute frequently, you can add an index for that attribute to return results more efficiently.

  1. Start the Control Panel, as described in To Start the Control Panel.
  2. Click the Manage Indexes link under the Indexes menu on the left side of the Control Panel window. The Manage Indexes window appears, displaying all configured indexes in a list on its left side.
  3. Click the New Index button,

    The New Index window appears.

  4. Select the attribute that you want to index from the Attributes list.
  5. If necessary, specify a number in the Entry Limit fields other than the default, 4000.

    The entry limit is the maximum number of entries allowed in the index before the directory server stops maintaining the index.

  6. Select one or more Index Type options.
    • approximate-Used to help improve the efficiency of searches using approximate equality search filers.

    • equality-Used to help improve the efficiency of searches using equality search filters.

    • ordering-Used to help improve the efficiency of searches using "greater than or equal to" or "less than or equal to" search filters. In the future, this index type might also be used for server-side sorting.

    • presence-Used to help improve the efficiency of searches using presence search filters.

    • substring-Used to help improve the efficiency of searches using substring search filters.

  7. Click the OK button.

    The Index Rebuild Required window appears.

  8. To rebuild the index now, click the Yes button

    Otherwise, to rebuild the index later, click the No button. However, the index does not improve search efficiency until it is built.

    If you select the Yes button, the New Index window displays the progress of the rebuild operation.

  9. When the operation is complete, click the Close button to close the New Index window.

To Add a VLV Index

  1. Start the Control Panel, as described in To Start the Control Panel.
  2. Click the Manage Indexes link under the Indexes menu on the left side of the Control Panel window. The Manage Indexes window appears, displaying all configured indexes in a list on its left side.
  3. Click the New VLV Index button.

    The New VLV Index window appears.

  4. Specify the following information in the fields of the New VLV Index window:

    A unique name to identify the VLV index

    Base DN

    The base DN where you want to apply the new VLV index. If you select Other, enter the DN in the empty field to the right.

    Search Scope

    The search target where you want to apply the index


    The LDAP filter used in the query being indexed, which can be any valid LDAP filter

    Max Block Size

    The number of entry IDs to store in a single sorted set before it must be split.

    Sort Order

    The names of the attributes by which the entries are sorted and their order of precedence, from highest to lowest.

    Select the name of each attribute from the list of available attributes, select a sort order for the attribute (either Ascending or Descending) and then click the Add button to add the attribute to the list below. Adjust the position of a selected attribute in the sort order list as needed by clicking the Move Up and Move Down buttons. Remove a selected attribute from the sort order list by clicking the Remove button.

  5. Click the OK button.

    The VLV index is configured, but it is not used for search operations until it has been rebuilt for the first time.

To Delete an Index

If an index is not used, you can delete it and release the resources that it uses.

  1. Start the Control Panel, as described in To Start the Control Panel.
  2. Click the Manage Indexes link under theIndexes menu on the left side of the Control Panel window. The Manage Indexes window appears, displaying all configured indexes in a list on its left side.
  3. In the list of indexes, select the index that you want to delete.
  4. Click the Delete Index button.
  5. A window appears, asking you to confirm that you want to delete the selected index.
  6. Click the Yes button.
  7. The Delete Index window appears, displaying the progress of the operation.

To Verify Indexes

The contents of an index can become incorrectly organized. You can verify that any or all indexes are correctly prepared for effective searching. If the verification operation shows that an index is not correctly organized it, rebuild indexes as described in To Rebuild Indexes.

  1. Start the Control Panel, as described in To Start the Control Panel.
  2. Click the Verify Indexes link under the Indexes menu on the left side of the Control Panel window.

    The Verify Indexes window appears, displaying all configured indexes in a list on its left side.

  3. If needed, select the base DN whose indexes you want to verify in the Base DN field.
  4. Select one of the verification options:
    • Verify Entry Contents are Properly Indexed

    • Verify All Index Key ID's are Clean and Refer to Existing Entries

  5. If you selected Verify Entry Contents are Properly Indexed, add the indexes that you want to verify to the Selected Indexes list by using one of these steps
    • Double-click the name of the index in the list of Available Indexes.
    • Select the name of the index in the list of Available Indexes and then click the Add button.
  6. Click the OK button.

    The Verify Indexes window displays the status of the operation

  7. When the operation completes, click the Close button.

To Rebuild Indexes

Over time, as new entries are added, an index can become less efficiently organized. You can rebuild any or all indexes to organize them most efficiently.

  1. Start the Control Panel, as described in To Start the Control Panel.
  2. Click the Rebuild Indexes link under theIndexes menu on the left side of the Control Panel window.

    The Rebuild Indexes window appears, displaying all configured indexes in a list on its left side.

  3. Add the indexes that you want to rebuild to the Selected Indexes list by using one of these steps:
    • Double-click the name of the index in the list of Available Indexes.
    • Select the name of the index in the list of Available Indexes and then click the Add button.
  4. Click the OK button.

    The Confirmation Required window appears, asking you to confirm that you want to rebuild the selected indexes.

  5. Click the Yes button.

    The Rebuild Indexes window displays the status of the operation.

    While the indexes are being rebuilt, the back end is disabled and none of its suffixes can be accessed.

  6. When the operation completes, click the Close button.