Solaris Transition Guide

Appendix A Commands Reference Table

This appendix contains a user and system administration commands reference table that lists all SunOS release 4 command interfaces and shows their status in the Solaris 7 environment and the SunOS/BSD Source Compatibility Package.

Using the Reference Table

Note -

The SunOS release 5.7 directory structure is different than the SunOS release 4 structure; some commands behave the same, but have a different path name. For example, the SunOS release 4 /usr/etc/newfs command now resides in /usr/sbin/newfs, but the interface has not changed. This command, and others like it, are considered the same (S) according to this table's guidelines.

Commands that exist in both /usr/bin and /usr/5bin have two table entries, the first documents the /usr/bin command, and the second entry documents the /usr/5bin command.

For complete information on all Solaris 7 interfaces, see man Pages(1): User Commands.


Table A-1 through Table A-4 show sample table entries and are followed by an interpretation

Table A-1 Table Entry Example 1

SunOS release 4 Command 

SunOS release 5.7 Status 

Alternative Available and Notes 


fasthalt (8)

The init 0 command provides similar capabilities

The fasthalt command is not available in the Solaris 7 base release. This command is available if you install the SunOS/BSD Compatibility package on your system. The init 0 command replaces fasthalt. If you use the compatibility package fasthalt command in scripts or applications, they will not work on other SVR4 systems. Compatibility package commands can be found in /usr/ucb on systems that have this package installed, and they are documented in section 1B of man Pages(1): User Commands; for example, fasthalt (1B).

Table A-2 Table Entry Example 2

SunOS release 4 Command 

SunOS release 5.7 Status 

Alternative Available and Notes 


cc (1V)

The C compiler is only available with the C language unbundled tools. 

The C compiler is not available in the SunOS release 5.7 software. A C compiler is available with the SunOS/BSD Compatibility package, but it requires the unbundled C compiler and does not provide the same interface and output as the SunOS release 4 compiler.

Table A-3 Table Entry Example 3

SunOS release 4 Command 

SunOS release 5.7 Status 

Alternative Available and Notes 


date (1V) -- SysV


date (1V)

The format used when setting the date is slightly different in SunOS release 5.7. See the date(1) man page for more information.

The SunOS release 4 software had two date commands: /usr/5bin/date (compared in the SysV entry) and /usr/bin/date (compared in the second entry). The /usr/5bin/date command is identical to the SunOS release 5.7 command. If you had /usr/5bin in your path before /usr/bin, you will not notice any difference in this command in the SunOS release 5.7 software. If you are accustomed to using the SunOS release 4 /usr/bin/date command, you should look at the SunOS release 5.7 date (1) man page before attempting to set the date on your system.

Table A-4 Table Entry Example 4

SunOS release 4 Command 

SunOS release 5.7 Status 

Alternative Available and Notes 


rev (1)


The SunOS 4.2 rev command is not available in the SunOS release 5.7 software or the BSD release. There is no replacement command available.

Commands Reference Table

The following tables list all SunOS release 4 command interfaces, and shows their status in the Solaris 7 environment and in the SunOS/BSD Source Compatibility Package.

Table A-5 Commands Reference Table: ac through awk

SunOS release 4 Command 

SunOS release 5.7 Status 

Alternative Available and Notes 


ac (8)

The System Accounting Resource package (SAR) provides most of the accounting capabilities available in ac.

acctcms (8)


acctcom (8)


acctcon1 (8)


acctcon2 (8)


acctdisk (8)


acctdusg (8)


acctmerg (8)


accton (8)


acctprc1 (8)


acctprc2 (8)


acctwtmp (8)


adb (1)


adbgen (8)


add_client (8)

admintool (1M)

add_services (8)

The swmtool (1M) command provides similar capabilities.

addbib (1)


adjacentscreens (1)

The OpenWindows environment has two methods for providing multiple displays: (1) Start two servers on a given machine, each server controlling its specific display.

(2) Start one server with two displays, using the openwin -dev option.

admin (1)

The following SunOS release 4 options are not available in the SunOS release 5.7 system software: 

-lrelease[,release . . . ] Lock indicated release against deltas.

adv (8)

RFS does not exist. This capability is still accessible via the -f flag.

aedplot (1G)


align_equals (1)

The OpenWindows Text menu Indent command provides similar capabilities.

analyze (8)

Use adb (1) on core files to analyze crashes.

apropos (1)

The SunOS release 4 command used the whatis database. In theSunOS release 5.7 software, this database is called windex, and the format is slightly different.

ar (1V)


ar (1V) -- SysV


arch (1)

Without options, this command now returns "sun4." Its use is discouraged. Use uname (1) instead. To determine the operating system name and release level, use uname -sr.

arp (8C)


as (1)

The following SunOS release 4 options are not available in the SunOS release 5.7 command:  

-d2,-h,-j, -J, -k, -O[n].

at (1)

The at, atq, and atrm commands in SunOS release 5.7 systems behave slightly differently than they do in SunOS release 4 systems. Security for non-privileged users is more restricted on SunOS release 5.7 systems. Non-privileged users cannot display the jobs of any other user.

atoplot (1G)


atq (1)

The at, atq, and atrm commands in SunOS release 5.7 systems behave slightly differently than they do in SunOS release 4 systems. In the SunOS release 4 command, if no user name is specified, the entire queue is displayed. In SunOS release 5.7 system software, the entire queue is displayed only if the invoker is a privileged user; otherwise, only the jobs belonging to the invoker are displayed. A non-privileged user cannot list the jobs of another user. Security for non-privileged users is more restricted on SunOS release 5.7 systems.

atrm (1)

The at, atq, and atrm commands in SunOS release 5.7 systems behave slightly differently than they do in SunOS release 4 systems. The SunOS release 4 `-' flag has been renamed to -a in the SunOS release 5.7 command. Security for non-privileged users is more restricted on SunOS release 5.7 systems.

audit (8)

-d or -u options are not available. This command is available only if the Basic Security Module (BSM) has been enabled.

audit_warn (8)


auditd (8)


automount (8)

The following SunOS release 4 option is not available in the SunOS release 5.7 command:  

-m Suppress initialization of directory-map pairs.

The auto.master and auto.home files are renamed auto_master and auto_home. The default home directory path is /export/home/username.

awk (1)


Table A-6 Commands Reference Table: banner through bootparamd

SunOS release 4 Command 

SunOS release 5.7 Status 

Alternative Available and Notes 


banner (1V) -- SysV


bar (1)

tar, cpio

The tar (1) command can replace bar for most uses. You can use cpio -iH bar to restore existing SunOS release 4 bar backups. You can no longer create bar format files.

basename (1)

The SunOS release 5.7 and SunOS/BSD Compatibility versions are both compatible to the SunOS release 4 version, but they differ in how they parse arguments: the SunOS release 5.7 version will not accept more than two arguments, the SunOS/BSD Compatibility version ignores all arguments after the second. 

batch (1)

By default, the SunOS release 5.7 batch job queuename is not specified. Jobs were always queued on queue b with the SunOS release 4 command.

bc (1)


bgplot (1G)


biff (1)


fiff n: % chmod u+x 'tty' biff y: % chmod u-x 'tty'

bin-mail (1)

Same as the SunOS release 5.7 mail (1) command.

biod (8)


boot (8S)

See the boot (1M) man page for more information.

bootparamd (8)


Table A-7 Commands Reference Table: C2conv through cxref

SunOS release 4 Command 

SunOS release 5.7 Status 

Alternative Available and Notes 


C2conv (8)

See your system vendor for information on this product. 

C2unconv (8)

See your system vendor for information on this product. 

cal (1)


calendar (1)


cancel (1)


capitalize (1)

An OpenWindows version of this command is available with the OpenWindows text editor. 

captoinfo (8V) -- SysV


cat (1V) -- SysV


cat (1V)

The SunOS release 5.7 cat command requires the -v option with the -t and -e options. The SunOS release 5.7 command displays FORMFEED characters with the -t option,instead of the -v option as with the SunOS release 4 command.

catman (8)


cb (1)


cc (1V) -- SysV


cc (1V)

The C compiler is only available with the C language unbundled tools. 

cd (1)


cdc (1)

The two versions differ in how they treat an unreadable s.file. The SunOS release 4 command prints an error; the SunOS release 5.7 command silently ignores the error. 

cflow (1V) -- SysV

The cflow command is now available as an unbundled product.

cflow (1V)

The cflow command is now available as an unbundled product.

chargefee (8)



checkeq (1)


checknr (1)


chfn (1)


chgrp (1)

The default behavior of symbolic links has changed from SunOS release 4 to SunOS release 5.7 system software. In SunOS release 4 system software, chgrp changed ownership of the symbolic itself; in SunOS release 5.7 system software, chgrp follows the link. To change ownership of the symbolic link in SunOS release 5.7 system software, use the -h option.

chkey (1)


chmod (1V) -- SysV

The SunOS release 5.7 -R option changes the mode of the target when symbolic links are encountered.

chmod (1V)

The SunOS release 5.7 -R option changes the mode of the target when symbolic links are encountered.

The SunOS release 5.7 command supports two additional permissions: 'l' and 'T'. 

chown (8)

The default behavior of symbolic links has changed. SunOS release 4 chown changed ownership of the symbolic link. SunOS release 5.7 chown follows the link. To change the ownership of the link, use chown -h. The SunOS release 5.7 chown command does not allow changing the group ID of a file.

chroot (8)


chrtbl (8)

In SunOS release 5.7 localedef (1) creates locale database.

chsh (1)


ckpacct (8)


clear (1)


clear_colormap (1)


clear_functions (1)


click (1)


clock (1)

An OpenWindows command is available in /usr/demo/clock. See the clock (1) man page for information.

clri (8)


cmdtool (1)

This command is replaced by the OpenWindows Command Tool.

cmp (1)


col (1V) -- SysV


col (1V)


colcrt (1)


colldef (8)

In SunOS release 5.7 localedef (1) creates locale database.


The function of this command is now handled by the OpenWindows property window.

colrm (1)


comb (1)

The two versions differ in how they treat an unreadable s.file. The SunOS release 4 command prints an error, but the SunOS release 5.7 command silently ignores the error. 

comm (1)


compress (1)


config (8)






cp (1)

The -R option is replaced by the -r option in the SunOS release 5.7 command.

cpio (1)


cpp (1)


crash (8)

The default name list used in SunOS release 4 is /vmunix, but it is /kernel/unix in the SunOS release 5.7 software.

cron (8)


crontab (1)


crtplot (1G)


crypt (1)


csh (1)


csplit (1V) -- SysV


ctags (1)


ctrace (1V) -- SysV

The following SunOS release 4 option is not available in the SunOS release 5.7 command: 

-b Use only basic functions to trace code. This option is needed for running under an operating system that does not have the signal(), fflush(), longjmp() or setjmp() functions available.

The syntax of the -r option differs between SunOS release 4 and SunOS release 5.7 system software. The 4.1 format is -rf; it is now -r f. ctrace is available as an unbundled product.

cu (1C)


cut (1V) -- SysV


cxref (1V) -- SysV


cxref (1V)

cxref is available as an unbundled product.

Table A-8 Commands Reference Table: date through dumpkeys

SunOS release 4 Command 

SunOS release 5.7 Status 

Alternative Available and Notes 


date (1V) -- SysV


date (1V)

The format used when setting the date is slightly different in the SunOS release 5.7 software. See the date (1) man page for more information.

dbconfig (8)


dbx (1)

Available with the unbundled SPARCworks product. 

dbxtool (1)

Available with the unbundled SPARCworks product as the command debugger. 

dc (1)


dcheck (8)

Use the fsck (1M) command for normal consistency checking. The ncheck (1M) command replaces the function of dcheck -i numbers.

dd (1)

In the SunOS release 4 command, the size used for the size suffix w (words) is in units of 4 bytes, while in SunOS release 5.7 system software, w is in units of 2 bytes. k, b, or w may be used as a suffix to specify multiplication by 1024, 512, or 2, respectively. The unblock and block conversion options are new.

defaults_from_input (1)


The function of this command is now handled by the OpenWindows property window.

defaults_merge (1)


defaults_to_indentpro (1)


The function of this command is now handled by the OpenWindows property window. 

defaults_to_mailrc (1)


The function of this command is now handled by the OpenWindows property window. 

defaultsedit (1)


The function of this command is now handled by the OpenWindows property window. 

delta (1)

If a directory is specified as the argument, all files in the directory are processed. In the SunOS release 4 software, an error is produced if a file in a directory generates an error. Such files are silently ignored by the SunOS release 5.7 command. 

deroff (1)


des (1)


devinfo (8S)

The prtconf (1M) command provides similar capabilities.

devnm (8)

The output format between SunOS release 4 and SunOS release 5.7 system software is quite different.  

In SunOS release 4 system software, the name argument is optional. In the SunOS release 5.7 system software, it is required. 

df (1V) -- SysV


df (1V)

The SunOS release 4 version of this command provides a different output format containing somewhat different output than the SunOS release 5.7 df command. The SunOS release 5.7 -k option provides output formats similar to those in the SunOS release 4 command. The SunOS release 4 df -t filesystem type reports on files of the specified type, whereas the SunOS release 5.7 df -t command prints full listings with totals. You can use df -l to see local file systems.

diff (1)

The behavior of several flags differs between the two versions. In SunOS release 4 system software, the -c option takes an optional argument for the number of lines to display for each difference. If no argument is given, the default is 3 lines. In the SunOS release 5.7 command, a space is required between the -S option and its argument.

diff3 (1V) -- SysV


diff3 (1V)


diffmk (1)


dircmp (1V) -- SysV


dirname (1V) -- SysV



The following SunOS release 4 option is not available in the SunOS release 5.7 command:  

-da sec Disassemble sec as data, printing the actual address of the data. Use the SunOS release 5.7 -D sec option to do the same thing.





diskusg (8)

The acctdusg (1M) command provides similar capabilities.

dkctl (8)


dkinfo (8)

The prtvtoc (1M) command provides similar capabilities.

dmesg (8)


dname (8)

RFS is not available. 

dodisk (8)


domainname (1)


dorfs (8)

RFS is not available. 

dos2unix (1)


du (1V) -- SysV


du (1V)

The SunOS release 4 command reports the disk usage in kilobytes while the SunOS release 5.7 du command reports disk usage in 512-byte blocks. The -k option can be used to report usage in kilobytes.

dumbplot (1G)


dump (8)

The ufsdump command provides similar capabilities. The following SunOS release 4 options are not in the SunOS release 5.7 command:

-a archive-file The SunOS release 5.7 -a option dumps the archive header of each member of an archive.

-D Specify diskette as the dump media. The SunOS release 5.7 -D option dumps debugging information.

-v Verify against the file system being dumped. The SunOS release 5.7 -v option dumps information in symbolic, rather than numeric, representation.

dumpadm (8)


This command enables system administrators to configure crash dumps of the operating system. Dump data is now stored in compressed format on the dump device. Saving core files is run in the background when a dedicated dump device, not the primary swap area, is part of the dump configuration. 

dumpfs (8)

The fstyp -F -ufs -v command provides similar capabilities.

dumpkeys (1)


Table A-9 Commands Reference Table: e through extract_unbundled

SunOS release 4 Command 

SunOS release 5.7 Status 

Alternative Available and Notes 


e (1)

The ex (1) command provides similar capabilities.

echo (1V) -- SysV



The SunOS release 4 -n option suppressed new-line printing. Use a \c in the SunOS release 5.7 software.

ed (1)


edit (1)


edquota (8)


eeprom (8S)


egrep (1V)


eject (1)






enroll (1)


env (1)


eqn (1)


error (1)


etherd (8C)

The snoop (1M) command provides similar capabilities.


The snoop (1M) command provides similar capabilities.

ex (1)


expand (1)


exportfs (8)

The share (1M) command provides similar capabilities.

expr (1V) -- SysV




extract_files (8)

The pkgadd (1M) command provides similar capabilities.

extract_patch (8)

The pkgadd (1M) command provides similar capabilities.

extract_unbundled (8)

The swmtool(1M) command provides similar capabilities.

Table A-10 Commands Reference Table: false through fwtmp

SunOS release 4 Command 

SunOS release 5.7 Status 

Alternative Available and Notes 


false (1)


fastboot (8)

The init 6 command provides similar capabilities.

fasthalt (8)

The init 0 command provides similar capabilities.

fdformat (1)


fgrep (1V)


file (1)

The following SunOS release 4 option is not in the SunOS release 5.7 command:  

-L If a file is a symbolic link, test the file referenced by the link rather than the link itself.


The following SunOS release 4 option is not available in the SunOS release 5.7 command:  

-n cpio-device Write the current file on device in cpio -c format.

finger (1)


fingerd (8)


fmt (1)


fmt_mail (1)


fold (1)


fontedit (1)


foption (1)


format (8S)


fpa_download (8)




fpaversion (8)


fpurel (8)


fpuversion4 (8)


This information is available from psrinfo -v

from (1)


fsck (8)

The SunOS release 4 fsck command differs significantly from the SunOS release 5.7 command. With the SunOS release 5.7 command, you specify most options after you specify the file system type. fsck -m does a quick file-system check. The -w option is not available. New options include -f, -v, and -o.

fsck-cdrom (8)


fsirand (8)


ftp (1C)


ftpd (8C)


fumount (8)

RFS is no longer available 

fusage (8)

RFS is no longer available 

fuser (8)


fwtmp (8)


Table A-11 Commands Reference Table: gcore through gxtest

SunOS release 4 Command 

SunOS release 5.7 Status 

Alternative Available and Notes 


gcore (1)


generic_args (1)


get (1)

The SunOS release 5.7 command generates only ASCII files; there is no such restriction in SunOS release 4 system software. If a directory is specified and the files inside the directory cannot be obtained successfully, the SunOS release 4 command reports an error; the SunOS release 5.7 command ignores them silently.  

get_alarm (1)


get_selection (1)

The xv_get_sel (1) command provides similar capabilities.

getopt (1V) -- SysV


getoptcvt (1)


getopts (1)


gettable (8C)


getty (8)


gfxtool (1)


gigiplot (1G)


glob (1)


goto (1)


gpconfig (8)


gprof (1G)


graph (1G)


grep (1V)


grep (1V) -- SysV

The following option has changed:  

-w Search for the regular expression as a word as if surrounded by \< and \>.

groups (1)


grpck (8V)


gxtest (8S)


Table A-12 Commands Reference Table: halt through htable

SunOS release 4 Command 

SunOS release 5.7 Status 

Alternative Available and Notes 


halt (8)


hashcheck (1)


hashmake (1)


hashstat (1)


head (1)


help (1)


help_open (1)


hostid (1)

hostname (1)

hostrfs (8)

RFS is not available. 

hp7221plot (1G)


hpplot (1G)


htable (8)


Table A-13 Commands Reference Table: i386 through isainfo

SunOS release 4 Command 

SunOS release 5.7 Status 

Alternative Available and Notes 


i386 (1)


iAPX286 (1)


icheck (8)

fsdb is an alternate command.

iconedit (1)

This command is replaced by the OpenWindows Icon Edit tool.

id (1)




id (1V) -- SysV


idload (8)

RFS is not available. 

ifconfig (8C)


imemtest (8C)


implot (1G)


in.comsat (8C)


in.fingerd (8C)


in.ftpd (8C)


in.named (8C)


in.rexecd (8C)


in.rlogind (8C)


in.routed (8C)


in.rshd (8C)

The port range differs between the SunOS release 4 and SunOS release 5.7 commands. In SunOS release 4 system software, the range is 512-1023; in SunOS release 5.7 system software, it is 0-1023. 

in.rwhod (8C)


in.talkd (8C)


in.telnetd (8C)


in.tftpd (8C)


in.tnamed (8C)


in.uucpd (8C)


indent (1)

This command is now available as an unbundled product. 

indentpro_to_defaults (1)

The function of this command is now handled by the OpenWindows property sheets.

indxbib (1)




infocmp (8V) -- SysV


infocmp (8V)

The syntax of the -s option differs between SunOS release 4 and SunOS release 5.7 system software. In the SunOS release 5.7 command, there must be a space between -s and its argument. In the SunOS release 4 command, the space is optional.


The SunOS release 5.7 command is very different from the SunOS release 4 command. See the init (1M) man page for more information.

inline (1)

This command is now available as an unbundled product. 

input_from_defaults (1)


insert_brackets (1)

An OpenWindows command with the same name is available with the OpenWindows Text Editor. 

install (1)

The functions of the -c, -o, and -s options are different between the SunOS release 4 and SunOS release 5.7 commands.

installboot (8S)

The path names and syntax have changed. 

installtxt (8)

The msgfmt (1) command provides similar capabilities.

intr (8)


iostat (8)

New options:  

-x Provide disk statistics

-c Report the percentage of time the system has spent in user mode, system mode, and idle.

ipallocd (8C)


ipcrm (1)


ipcs (1)


isainfo (1)


This is a new command that enables you to print information about the supported Instruction Set Architectures (ISA) of the running system. 

Table A-14 Commands Reference Table: join

SunOS release 4 Command 

SunOS release 5.7 Status 

Alternative Available and Notes 


join (1)

In the SunOS release 4 command, the -a option takes an argument whose value can be 1, 2, or 3. In the SunOS release 5.7 system software, this value can only be 1 or 2. In the SunOS release 4 command, the argument to -j can only be 1 or 2; there is no such restriction in the SunOS release 5.7 command.

Table A-15 Commands Reference Table: kadb through kill

SunOS release 4 Command 

SunOS release 5.7 Status 

Alternative Available and Notes 


kadb (8S)


keyenvoy (8C)


keylogin (1)


keylogout (1)


keyserv (8C)


kgmon (8)


kill (1)


Table A-16 Commands Reference Table: labelit through lsw

SunOS release 4 Command 

SunOS release 5.7 Status 

Alternative Available and Notes 


labelit (8)


last (1)


lastcomm (1)


lastlogin (8)


ld (1)

There are many differences between the SunOS release 4 ld command and the SunOS release 5.7 command. The following SunOS release 4 options are not available: -align, -A, -B,- -D, -M, -n, -t, -T,

-Tdata, -x, -X, -y and -z. The -assert option has been replaced by the -z option. The -d, -dc, -dp options are the default in SunOS release 5.7 system software. To turn off these options use -b.

ldconfig (8)


ldd (1)


leave (1)

The cron (1M) and at (1) commands provide similar capabilities.

lex (1)

The following SunOS release 4 option is not available in the SunOS release 5.7 command: -f Compile faster by not packing resulting tables. This option is limited to small programs.

line (1)


link (8V)


lint (1V) -- SysV



Available with the unbundled SPARCworks product. 

listen (8)


ln (1V)

The SunOS release 4 ln command never removes the target if it already exists. The SunOS release 5.7 ln command removes the target, given the proper permissions. The SunOS release 4 -f option forces a hard link to a directory.

ln (1V) -- SysV

In SunOS release 4 /usr/5bin/ln, the -f option forces files to be linked without displaying permissions, asking questions, or reporting errors.

The /usr/5bin/ln -F option to force a hard link to a directory is not available in SunOS release 5.7 system software.

loadkeys (1)


lockd (8C)


lockscreen (1)

This command is available as the OpenWindows tool xlock (1). The capabilities of the lockscreen command remains the same in xlock, although the foreground pattern differs.

logger (1)


login (1)






logname (1)


look (1)


lookbib (1)


lorder (1)


lp (1)


lpc (8)

The lpadmin (1M) command provides similar capabilities.

lpd (8)

The lpadmin (1M) command provides similar capabilities.

lpq (1)

The lpstat (1) command provides similar capabilities.

lpr (1)

The lp (1) command provides similar capabilities.

lprm (1)

The cancel (1) command provides similar capabilities.

lpstat (1)


lptest (1)


ls(1V) -- SysV


ls (1V)


lsw (1)


Table A-17 Commands Reference Table: m4 through mv

SunOS release 4 Command 

SunOS release 5.7 Status 

Alternative Available and Notes 


m4 (1V)

Some small syntactic incompatibilities over expression evaluation. 

m4 (1V) -- SysV


m68k (1)


mach (1)





Mail (1)

The mailx (1) command provides similar capabilities.

mail (1) -- UCB



mail (1)

Now in /usr/bin/mail, was in /usr/ucb/mail in the SunOS release 4 software. This entry refers to the mail command installed under /usr/bin/mail. The SunOS release 4 mail is compatible with the SunOS release 5.7 command except for the following: -i The -i (ignore interrupts) option is not available. In the SunOS release 4 command, the postmark line is preceded by a `>'; this is not required by the SunOS release 5.7 command.

mailrc_to_defaults (1)

The function of this command is now handled by the OpenWindows property window.

mailstats (8)


mailtool (1)

This command is available as the OpenWindows Mail Tool.

make (1)

SVR4 & SVID make is available in /usr/ccs/lib/svr4.mke

makedbm (8)

The SunOS release 5.7 interface for this command is compatible with the SunOS release 4 interface. The SunOS release 5.7 version uses /usr/lib/ndbm rather than /usr/lib/dbm as the SunOS release 4 version does.

makedev (8)


makekey (8)


man (1)

The organization of the on-line man pages has changed. Refer to intro(1) for a description of all sections. The man command now allows you to specify a default order of directories for man to search. Two new options make it easier to find man pages:

-a to display all man pages matching title in the order found; and

-l to list all man pages matching title.

Also, the -s option replaces the section number argument.

mc68010 (8)


mc68020 (8)


mc68881version (8)


mconnect (8)


mesg (1)


mkdir (1)


mkfile (8)


mkfs (8)

The interface differs significantly between the two versions. The SunOS release 5.7 command provides for different file system types. 

mknod (8)


mkproto (8)


mkstr (1)


modload (8)

Modules are usually automatically loaded using modload.

modstat (8)

The modinfo (1M) command provides similar capabilities.

modunload (8)

Modules are usually automatically unloaded. 

monacct (8)


more (1)


mount (8)

The interface differs significantly between the two versions. In the SunOS release 5.7 version, most options must be specified after the file system type has been specified (unless the file system is entered in /etc/vfstab).

mount_tfs (8)


mountd (8C)


mt (1)


mv (1)


Table A-18 Commands Reference Table: named through nulladm

SunOS release 4 Command 

SunOS release 5.7 Status 

Alternative Available and Notes 


named (8C)


The name deamon is renamed to in.named.

nawk (1)


ncheck (8)

Modified to allow specification of different file system types. 

ndbootd (8C)


neqn (1)






netstat (8C)


newaliases (8)


newfs (8)

Moved from /usr/etc/newfs to /usr/sbin/newfs.

newgrp (1)


newkey (8)


nfsd (8)


nfsstat (8C)


nice (1)

There are two versions of nice in SunOS release 4 system software, one built into the csh and one installed under /usr/bin. The default process priority for the command built into csh is 4, and the default value for /usr/bin/nice is 10. The SunOS release 5.7 command defaults to 10. The SunOS release 4 command that is built into the csh uses a slightly different syntax than the SunOS release 4 command found in /usr/bin, in that the additional -+ option (nice -+n) sets the nice value to n rather than incrementing it by n.

nl (1V) -- SysV


nlsadmin (8)

The function of the -l option differs between the versions. In the SunOS release 4 software, changing addr does not take effect until the next time the listener for that network is started. In the SunOS release 5.7 software, it happens immediately. In the SunOS release 4 software, addr can be specified in hexadecimal notation while in the SunOS release 5.7 software it cannot. The SunOS release 4 -m option is not available in the SunOS release 5.7 version. This option is used to add a new service to the list of services available through the indicated listener.

nm (1)

The following SunOS release 4 options are not available with the SunOS release 5.7 version: -g, -p, -s, and -a. The SunOS release 4 and SunOS release 5.7 versions of the -n, -o and -r options differ.

nohup (1V)


nohup (1V) -- SysV


nroff (1)


nslookup (8C)


nsquery (8)


nulladm (8)


Table A-19 Commands Reference Table: od through overview

SunOS release 4 Command 

SunOS release 5.7 Status 

Alternative Available and Notes 


od (1V)


od (1V) -- SysV


old-analyze (8)


old-ccat (1)


old-clocktool (1)


old-compact (1)


old-eyacc (1)


old-filemerge (1)


old-make (1)


old-perfmon (1)


old-prmail (1)


old-pti (1)


old-setkeys (1)


old-sun3cvt (1)


old-syslog (1)


old-uncompact (1)


old-vc (1)


on (1C)






overview (1)


Table A-20 Commands Reference Table: pac through pwdauthd

SunOS release 4 Command 

SunOS release 5.7 Status 

Alternative Available and Notes 


pac (8)


pack (1V)


pack (1V) -- SysV

With the SunOS release 4 /usr/5bin/pack command, file names are restricted to 12 characters. In SunOS release 5.7 system software, they are restricted to {NAME_MAX} - 2. The SunOS release 5.7 pack and unpack commands are compatible with the SunOS release 4 commands.

page (1)


pagesize (1)


passwd (1)

The -F filename option is not available. The -f and -s options have different meanings. The -f option forces the user to change the password at the next login. The -s option displays the password attributes for the user's login name.

paste (1V) -- SysV


pax (1V)

paxcpio (1V)

The cpio (1) and pax (1) commands provide similar capabilities.

pcat (1V) -- SysV


pdp11 (1)


perfmeter (1)

This command is available in theSunOS release 5.7 software as the OpenWindows Performance Meter tool.

pg (1V) -- SysV


pgrep (1)


This command looks at the active processes on the system and displays the process IDs of the processes whose attributes match the specified criteria on the command line. 

ping (8C)


pkill (1)


This command works the same way as the pgrep command except that each matching process ID is signaled by kill (1) instead of having the process ID displayed.

plot (1G)


plottoa (1G)


portmap (8C)

The rpcbind (1M) daemon provides similar capabilities.

pr (1V)


pr (1V) -- SysV


praudit (8)


prctmp (8)


prdaily (8)


printenv (1)

The env (1) command provides similar capabilities.

prof (1)

The SunOS release 4 -v option is not available with SunOS release 5.7 system software. This option suppresses all printing and produces a graphic version of the profile on the standard output for display by the plot (1) filters. The SunOS release 4 -a option requests that all symbols be reported: in the SunOS release 5.7 command, just external symbols are reported.

prs (1)

The versions differ in how they treat an unreadable s.file. The SunOS release 4 command prints an error and continues if it encounters an unreadable s.file. The SunOS release 5.7 command silently ignores the error. 

prt (1)


prtacct (8)


ps (1)

The following SunOS release 4 options are not available with SunOS release 5.7 system software: -C, -k, -n, -r, -S, -U, -v, -w, and -x. The following option has different meanings in the two versions:

-c In the SunOS release 4 command, this option displays the command name. In the SunOS release 5.7 command, it prints information in a format that reflects the new process scheduler design.

psrinfo (1)


Enables you to distinquish between SPARC V9 CPUs and earlier SPARC CPUs, independently of which kernel is booted. 

Only SPARC V9 CPUs found in UltraSPARC platforms are capable of running the 64-bit OS and 64-bit applications. 

pstat (8)

The sar (1M) command provides similar capabilities. swap -s shows the total amount of swap space available on the system.

ptx (1)


pwck (8V)




pwdauthd (8C)

Similar capabilities will be available in future releases with unbundled products. See your system vendor for information on this product. 

Table A-21 Commands Reference Table: quot through quotaon

SunOS release 4 Command 

SunOS release 5.7 Status 

Alternative Available and Notes 


quot (8)


quota (1)


quotacheck (8)


quotaoff (8)


quotaon (8)


Table A-22 Commands Reference Table: ranlib through rwho

SunOS release 4 Command 

SunOS release 5.7 Status 

Alternative Available and Notes 


ranlib (1)

The ar (1) command automatically provides similar capabilities. ranlib remains as a null script.

rarpd (8C)


rasfilter8to1 (1)


rastrepl (1)


rc (8)

The configuration scripts under /etc/init.d provide similar capabilities. The organization of rc files has changed in SunOS release 5.7 systems. They are now divided by run levels.

rc.boot (8)

The configuration scripts under /etc/init.d provide similar capabilities.

rc.local (8)

The configuration scripts under /etc/init.d provide similar capabilities.

rcp (1C)


rdate (8C)


rdist (1)


rdump (8)

The ufsdump (1M) command provides similar capabilities.

reboot (8)


red (1)


refer (1)


rehash (1)


remove_brackets (1)

A version of this command is available with the OpenWindows Text Editor. 

renice (8)

The priocntl (1) command provides similar capabilities.

repquota (8)


reset (1)

stty provides similar capabilities.

restore (8)

The SunOS release 5.7 command, ufsrestore, has been enhanced to take advantage of the end-of-media detection done by ufsdump.

rev (1)


rexd (8C)

in.rexd provides similar capabilities.

rexecd (8C)

in.rexcd provides similar capabilities.

rfadmin (8)

RFS is not available. 

rfpasswd (8)

RFS is not available. 

rfstart (8)

RFS is not available. 

rfstop (8)

RFS is not available. 

rfuadmin (8)

RFS is not available. 

rfudaemon (8)

RFS is not available. 

ring_alarm (1)


rlogin (1C)

The ~dsusp sequence for escapes on SunOS release 4 system software is not available with the SunOS release 5.7 command. Also, the syntax for the -e option differs between the SunOS release 4 and SunOS release 5.7 commands. In SunOS release 4 system software, the syntax is -ec; in SunOS release 5.7 system software, it is -e c.

rlogind (8C)

in.rlogind provides similar capabilities.

rm (1)


rm_client (8)

The admintool (1M) utility replaces this command on SunOS release 5.7 systems.

rm_services (8)

The swmtool (1M) command provides similar capabilities

rmail (8C)

The SunOS release 4 version handles remote mail received using uucp (1C). It is explicitly designed for use with uucp (1C) and sendmail (8). The SunOS release 5.7 rmail is a link to mail (1) and is a command used for reading mail.

rmdel (1)

The versions differ in how they treat an unreadable s.file. The SunOS release 4 command prints an error and continues if it encounters an unreadable s.file. The SunOS release 5.7 command silently ignores the error. 

rmdir (1)


rmntstat (8)

RFS is not available. 

rmt (8C)


roffbib (1)


route (8C)

The SunOS release 4 route command uses gethostent (3) to look up all symbolic names and gateways, while the SunOS release 5.7 command uses gethostbyname (3).

routed (8)

in.routed provides similar capabilities.

rpc.bootparamd (8)


rpc.etherd (8C)

snoop (1m) obsoletes this daemon.

rpc.lockd (8C)

lockd provides similar capabilities.

rpc.mountd (8C)

mountd provides similar capabilites.

rpc.rexd (8C)


rpc.rquotad (8C)


rpc.rstatd (8C)

Now in /usr/lib/netsvc/rstat.

rpc.rusersd (8C)

Now in /usr/lib/netsvc/rusers.

rpc.rwalld (8C)

Now in /usr/lib/netsvc/rwall.

rpc.sprayd (8C)

Now in /usr/lib/netsvc/spray.

rpc.statd (8C)

Now in /usr/lib/netsvc/rstat.

rpc.user_agentd (8C)


rpc.yppasswdd (8C)


rpc.ypupdated (8C)


rpcgen (1)


rpcinfo (8)


rrestore (8)

The ufsrestore (1M) command provides similar capabilities.

rsh (1C)


runacct (8)


rup (1C)


ruptime (1C)


rusage (8)




rwall (1C)


rwho (1C)


Table A-23 Commands Reference Table: sa through syslogd

SunOS release 4 Command 

SunOS release 5.7 Status 

Alternative Available and Notes 


sa (8)

acct (1M) provides similar capabilities.

sact (1)

The versions differ in how they treat an unreadable s.file. The SunOS release 4 command will print an error and continue if it encounters an unreadable s.file. The SunOS release 5.7 command silently ignores the error. 

savecore (8)


sccs (1)


sccs-admin (1)


sccs-cdc (1)


sccs-comb (1)


sccs-delta (1)


sccs-get (1)


sccs-help (1)


sccs-prs (1)


sccs-prt (1)


sccs-rmdel (1)


sccs-sact (1)


sccs-sccsdiff (1)


sccs-unget (1)


sccs-val (1)


sccsdiff (1)


screenblank (1)

The OpenWindows xset -s -600 command provides similar capabilities.

screendump (1)


screenload (1)


script (1)


scrolldefaults (1)

The function of this command is now handled by the OpenWindows property window.

sdiff (1V) -- SysV


sed (1V) -- SysV


sed (1V)

The SunOS release 4 /usr/5bin/sed and the SunOS release 5.7 commands do not strip initial SPACE and TAB characters from text lines.

selection_svc (1)

sendmail (8)


set4 (8)


set_alarm (1)


setkeys (1)




setup_client (8)


setup_exec (8)


sh (1)

Under SunOS release 4 system software, the behavior of the builtins echo and test depend on the relative positions of /usr/bin and /usr/5bin in the environment variable PATH. The behavior is now triggered by the relative ordering of /usr/ueb and /usr/bin.

shelltool (1)

This command is available as an OpenWindows Shell Tool.

shift_lines (1)

An OpenWindows command is available with the OpenWindows Text Editor. 

showfh (8C)


showmount (8)


shutacct (8)


shutdown (8)

The SunOS release 4 command is very different from the SunOS release 5.7 shutdown (1M) command. By default, the SunOS release 5.7 shutdown (1M) asks for confirmation before starting shutdown activities, while the SunOS release 4 shutdown (8) does not ask for confirmation. In addition, the following SunOS release 4 options are not present in the SunOS release 5.7 command: -f,-h, -k, -n, -r.

size (1)

The SunOS release 4 command prints sizes in hexadecimal and decimal, and the file name is optional (with a.out as the default). The SunOS release 5.7 command prints them only in decimal, unless the -o or -x option is specified, and the file name is required.

skyversion (8)


sleep (1)


soelim (1)


sort (1V) -- SysV


sort (1V)




sparc (1)


spell (1)

The SunOS release 4 -h spellhist option is not available with the SunOS release 5.7 command.

This option places misspelled words with a user/date stamp in spellhist.

spellin (1)


spline (1G)




spray (8C)

The SunOS release 4-i delay option is not available with the SunOS release 5.7 command. This option specifies that ICMP echo packets should be used rather than RPC.

startup (8)


strings (1)


strip (1)


stty (1V) -- SysV


stty (1V)

The following SunOS release 4 options are not supported by SunOS release 5.7 stty command: decctlq, tandem, cbreak, ctlecho, prterase, crtkill, cols, tab3, crt, dec, term.

stty_from_defaults (1)


su (1V) -- SysV


su (1V)

The SunOS release 4 -f option is not supported by the SunOS release 4 /usr/5bin/su or SunOS release 5.7 su command. This option was used for a fast su with csh.

sum (1V) -- SysV


sum (1V)


sun (1)


sundiag (8)



suninstall (8)

The command to install SunOS release 5.7 software is still called suninstall, but the installation procedure has changed completely. See Solaris 7 (SPARC Platform Edition) Installation Library.

sunview (1)

OpenWindows replaces SunView in SunOS release 5.7 systems.

sv_acquire (1)


sv_release (1)


swapon (8)

The swap (1M) command provides similar capabilities. In general, options to the SunOS release 5.7 swap command replace capabilities of individual swap-related commands, such as swapon, in SunOS release 4 systems.

swin (1)


switcher (1)


symorder (1)


sync (1)


sys-unconfig (8)


syslogd (8)


Table A-24 Commands Reference Table: t300 through tzsetup

SunOS release 4 Command 

SunOS release 5.7 Status 

Alternative Available and Notes 


t300 (1G)


t300s (1G)


t4013 (1G)


t450 (1G)


tabs (1V) -- SysV


tail (1)




tar (1)


tbl (1)


tcopy (1)


tcov (1)

Available as an unbundled product.

tee (1)


tek (1G)


tektool (1)


telnet (1C)


test (1V) -- SysV


test (1V)


textedit (1)

This command is available as the OpenWindows Text Edit tool.

textedit_filters (1)

An OpenWindows command is available with the OpenWindows Text Editor. 

tfsd (8)


tftp (1C)


tic (8V)


time (1V) -- SysV



The SunOS release 4 command provides a different output than the SunOS release 4 /usr/5bin/time and the SunOS release 5.7 command. The SunOS release 4 time prints the elapsed time, the time spent in the system, and the time spent executing the command all on one line, instead of on three separate lines.

tip (1C)


toolplaces (1)


touch (1V) -- SysV


touch (1V)

The SunOS release 4 -f option is not available. This option attempts to force the touch in spite of read and write permissions on filename.

tput (1V) -- SysV


tr (1V) -- SysV


tr (1V)


trace (1)

The truss (1) command provides similar capabilities.

traffic (1C)




trpt (8C)


true (1)


tset (1)


tsort (1)


tty (1)


ttysoftcar (8)


tunefs (8)


turnacct (8)


tvconfig (8)


tzsetup (8)


Table A-25 Commands Reference Table: u370 through uuxqt

SunOS release 4 Command 

SunOS release 5.7 Status 

Alternative Available and Notes 


u370 (1)


u3b (1)


u3b15 (1)


u3b2 (1)


u3b5 (1)


ul (1)


umask (1)


umount (8)

The interface differs significantly between the two versions. In the SunOS release 5.7 command, most options are changed and must be supplied as file system-specific options. 



unadv (8)

RFS not available. 

uname (1)


uncompress (1)


unconfigure (8)


unexpand (1)


unget (1)

The versions differ in how they treat an unreadable s.file. The SunOS release 4 version will print an error and continue if it encounters an unreadable s.file. The SunOS release 5.7 version silently ignores the error. 

unifdef (1)


uniq (1)


units (1)


unix2dos (1)


unlink (8V)


unpack (1V) -- SysV


unpack (1V) -- SysV

With the SunOS release 4 /usr/5bin/pack command, file names are restricted to 12 characters. In SunOS release 5.7 system software, they are restricted to {NAME_MAX} - 2. The SunOS release 5.7 pack and unpack commands are compatible with the SunOS release 4 commands.


unwhiteout (1)


update (8)

The fsflush process provides this capability.

uptime (1)

The who -u command provides similar capabilities.

users (1)

The who -q provides similar capabilities.

ustar (1V)

The tar (1) command provides similar capabilities.

uucheck (8C)


uucico (8C)


uucleanup (8C)


uucp (1C)


uudecode (1C)


uuencode (1C)


uulog (1C)

The -u option, which allows printing of information about work done for a specified username, is no longer supported.

uuname (1C)


uupick (1C)


uusched (8C)


uusend (1C)


uustat (1C)


uuto (1C)


uux (1C)


uuxqt (8C)


Table A-26 Commands Reference Table: vacation through vwidth

SunOS release 4 Command 

SunOS release 5.7 Status 

Alternative Available and Notes 


vacation (1)


val (1)


vax (1)


vedit (1)


vfontinfo (1)


vgrind (1)


vi (1)


view (1)


vipw (8)


vmstat (8)

The -f option is no longer available.

vplot (1)


vswap (1)


vtroff (1)


vwidth (1)


Table A-27 Commands Reference Table: w through write

SunOS release 4 Command 

SunOS release 5.7 Status 

Alternative Available and Notes 


w (1)


wait (1)


wall (1)


wc (1)


what (1)


whatis (1)




which (1)


who (1)


whoami (1)

The id (1) command provides similar capabilities. The id command prints the user name and user and group IDs, instead of just the user name.

whois (1)


write (1)


Table A-28 Commands Reference Table: xargs through xstr

SunOS release 4 Command 

SunOS release 5.7 Status 

Alternative Available and Notes 


xargs (1V) -- SysV


xget (1)


xsend (1)a


xstr (1)


Table A-29 Commands Reference Table: yacc through ypxfrd

SunOS release 4 Command 

SunOS release 5.7 Status 

Alternative Available and Notes 


yacc (1)


yes (1)


ypbatchupd (8C)


ypbind (8)

Now in /usr/lib/netsvc/yp.

ypcat (1)


ypinit (8)


ypmatch (1)


yppasswd (1)

The yppasswd command is still available on SunOS release 5.7 systems to access the password information on NIS servers. The equivalent command for NIS+ databases is nispasswd (1). The passwd (1) command can handle passwords in all supported databases (NIS, NIS+, files).

yppoll (8)


yppush (8)


ypserv (8)


ypset (8)


ypupdated (8C)


ypwhich (8)


ypxfr (8)

Now in /usr/lib/netsvc/yp.

ypxfrd (8)


Table A-30 Commands Reference Table: zcat through zic

SunOS release 4 Command 

SunOS release 5.7 Status 

Alternative Available and Notes 


zcat (1)


zdump (8)


zic (8)