What's New in the Solaris 8 Operating Environment

Alternate One-level Libthread

The standard Solaris threads implementation is a two-level model, in which user-level threads are multiplexed over possibly fewer lightweight processes, (LWPs). An LWP is the fundamental unit of execution that is dispatched to a processor by the operating system.

Solaris 8 software provides an alternate threads implementation, a one-level model, in which user-level threads are associated one-to-one with LWPs. This implementation is simpler than the standard implementation and may be beneficial to some multithreaded applications. It provides the same interfaces for POSIX threads and Solaris threads as for the standard implementation.

Existing multihreaded programs can be bound with the alternate libthread at run time using the LD_LIBRARY_PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH_64environment variable.

See the threads(3THR) man page for details of usage.