Application Packaging Developer's Guide

How to Create a pkginfo File

  1. Using your favorite text editor, create a file named pkginfo.

    You can create this file anywhere on your system.

  2. Edit the file and define the five required parameters.

    The five required parameters are: PKG, ARCH, VERSION, NAME, and CATEGORY. For more information on these parameters, see "Creating a pkginfo File".

  3. Add any other parameters that you like to the file.

    Create your own parameters or see pkginfo(4) for information on the standard parameters.

  4. Save your changes and quit the editor.

Where to Go Next

If you are ready to go to the next task, see "How to Organize A Package's Contents".

Example--Creating a pkginfo File

This example shows the contents of a valid pkginfo file, with the five required parameters defined, as well as the BASEDIR parameter. The BASEDIR parameter is discussed in more detail in "The path Field".

NAME=Chip designers need CAD application software to design abc chips.  
Runs only on xyz hardware and is installed in the usr partition.
VERSION=release 1.0