ONC+ Developer's Guide

Part II Remote Procedure Call

Part 2 covers RPC topics

Chapter 2 Introduction to TI-RPC

This section provides an overview of TI-RPC, also known as Sun RPC. The information presented is most useful to someone new to RPC. (See also Glossary for the definition of the terms used in this guide.)

What Is TI-RPC?

TI-RPC is a powerful technique for constructing distributed, client-server based applications. It is based on extending the notion of conventional, or local procedure calling, so that the called procedure need not exist in the same address space as the calling procedure. The two processes might be on the same system, or they might be on different systems with a network connecting them.

By using RPC, programmers of distributed applications avoid the details of the interface with the network. The transport independence of RPC isolates the application from the physical and logical elements of the data communications mechanism and enables the application to use a variety of transports.

Figure 2-1 How RPC Works


An RPC is analogous to a function call. Like a function call, when an RPC is made, the calling arguments are passed to the remote procedure and the caller waits for a response to be returned from the remote procedure.

Figure 2-1 shows the flow of activity that takes place during an RPC call between two networked systems. The client makes a procedure call that sends a request to the server and waits. The thread is blocked from processing until either a reply is received, or it times out. When the request arrives, the server calls a dispatch routine that performs the requested service, and sends the reply to the client. After the RPC call is completed, the client program continues.

RPC specifically supports network applications. TI-RPC runs on available networking mechanisms such as TCP/IP. Other RPC standards are OSF DCE (based on Apollo's NCS system), Xerox Courier, and Netwise.

TI-RPC Issues

A number of issues help to characterize a particular RPC implementation.

Parameter Passing

TI-RPC allows a single parameter to be passed from client to server. If more than one parameter is required, the components can be combined into a structure, that is counted as a single element. Information passed from server to client is passed as the function's return value. Information cannot be passed back from server to client through the parameter list.


The client must know how to contact the service. The two necessary aspects are finding out which host the server is on, and then connecting to the actual server process. On each host, a service called rpcbind manages RPC services. TI-RPC uses the available host-naming services, such as the hostsand ipnodes file, NIS+, and DNS, to locate a host.

Transport Protocol

The transport protocol specifies how the call message and the reply message are transmitted between client and server. TS-RPC used TCP and UDP as transport protocols, but the current version of TI-RPC is transport independent; that is, it works with any transport protocol.

Call Semantics

Call semantics has to do with what the client can assume about the execution of the remote procedure; in particular, how many times the procedure was executed. This is important in dealing with error conditions. The three alternatives are exactly once, at most once, and at least once. ONC+ provides at least once semantics. Procedures called remotely are idempotent: they should return the same result each time they are called, even if it is several times.

Data Representation

Data representation describes the format used for parameters and results as they are passed between processes. For RPC to function on a variety of system architectures requires a standard data representation. TI-RPC uses external data representation (XDR). XDR is a machine-independent data description and encoding protocol. Using XDR, RPC can handle arbitrary data structures, regardless of different hosts' byte orders or structure layout conventions. For a detailed discussion of XDR, see Appendix C, XDR Protocol Specification, and Appendix A, XDR Technical Note.

Program, Version, and Procedure Numbers

A remote procedure is uniquely identified by the triple:

The program number identifies a group of related remote procedures, each of which has a unique procedure number.

A program can consist of one or more versions. Each version consists of a collection of procedures that are available to be called remotely. Version numbers enable multiple versions of an RPC protocol to be available simultaneously.

Each version contains a number of procedures that can be called remotely. Each procedure has a procedure number.

"Program and Procedure Numbers" lists the range of values and their significance and tells you how to have a program number assigned to your RPC program. A list of mappings of RPC service name to program number is available in the rpc network database, /etc/rpc.

Overview of Interface Routines

RPC has multiple levels of application interface to its services. These levels provide different degrees of control balanced with different amounts of interface code to implement, in order of increasing control and complexity. This section gives a summary of the routines available at each level.

Simplified Interface Routines

The simplified interfaces are used to make remote procedure calls to routines on other machines, and specify only the type of transport to use. The routines at this level are used for most applications. You can find descriptions and code samples in the section "Simplified Interface".

Table 2-1 RPC Routines--Simplified Level




Registers a procedure as an RPC program on all transports of the specified type 


Remote calls the specified procedure on the specified remote host 


Broadcasts a call message across all transports of the specified type 

Standard Interface Routines

The standard interfaces are divided into top level, intermediate level, expert level, and bottom level. These interfaces give a developer much greater control over communication parameters such as the transport being used, how long to wait before responding to errors and retransmitting requests, and so on.

Top Level Routines

At the top level, the interface is still simple, but the program has to create a client handle before making a call or create a server handle before receiving calls. If you want the application to run on all transports, use this interface. You can find the use of these routines and code samples in "Top Level Interface".

Table 2-2 RPC Routines--Top Level




Generic client creation. The program tells clnt_create() where the server is located and the type of transport to use.


Similar to clnt_create() but lets the programmer specify the maximum time allowed for each type of transport tried during the creation attempt.


Creates server handles for all transports of the specified type. The program tells svc_create() which dispatch function to use.


Client calls a procedure to send a request to the server. 

Intermediate-Level Routines

The intermediate level interface of RPC enables you to you control details. Programs written at these lower levels are more complicated but run more efficiently. The intermediate level enables you to specify the transport to use. You can find the use of these routines and code samples in "Intermediate Level Interface".

Table 2-3 RPC Routines--Intermediate Level




Creates a client handle for the specified transport  


Similar to clnt_tp_create() but lets the programmer specify the maximum time allowed


Creates a server handle for the specified transport 


Client calls a procedure to send a request to the server 

Expert-Level Routines

The expert level contains a larger set of routines with which to specify transport-related parameters. You can find the use of these routines and code samples in "Expert Level Interface".

Table 2-4 RPC Routines--Expert Level




Creates a client handle for the specified transport 


Creates a server handle for the specified transport 


Calls rpcbind to set a map between an RPC service and a network address


Deletes a mapping set by rpcb_set()


Calls rpcbind to get the transport addresses of specified RPC services 


Associates the specified program and version number pair with the specified dispatch routine 


Deletes an association set by svc_reg()


Client calls a procedure to send a request to the server 

Bottom Level Routines

The bottom level contains routines used for full control of transport options. "Bottom Level Interface" describes these routines.

Table 2-5 RPC Routines--Bottom Level




Creates an RPC client handle for the specified remote program, using a connectionless transport  


Creates an RPC server handle, using a connectionless transport 


Creates an RPC client handle for the specified remote program, using a connection-oriented transport 


Creates an RPC server handle, using a connection-oriented transport 


Client calls a procedure to send a request to the server

Network Selection

You can write programs to run on a specific transport or transport type, or to operate on a system- or user-chosen transport. Two mechanisms for network selection are the /etc/netconfig database and the environmental variable NETPATH. These mechanisms enable a fine degree of control over network selection: a user can specify a preferred transport, and if it can, an application uses it. If the specified transport is inappropriate, the application automatically tries others with the right characteristics.

/etc/netconfig lists the transports available to the host and identifies them by type. NETPATH is optional and enables a user to specify a transport or selection of transports from the list in /etc/netconfig. By setting the NETPATH, the user specifies the order in which the application tries the available transports. If NETPATH is not set, the system defaults to all visible transports specified in /etc/netconfig, in the order they appear in that file.

For more details on network selection, refer to the Transport Interfaces Programming Guide or see the getnetconfig(3NSL) and netconfig(4) man pages.

RPC divides selectable transports into the following types.

Table 2-6 nettype Parameters




Same as selecting netpath


Uses the transports chosen with the visible flag (`v') set in their /etc/netconfig entries


Same as visible, but restricted to connection-oriented transports. Transports are selected in the order listed in /etc/netconfig


Same as visible, but restricted to connectionless transports


Uses the connection-oriented transports chosen in the order defined in NETPATH


Uses the connectionless transports chosen in the order defined in NETPATH


Specifies Internet uUser Datagram Protocol (UDP) 


Specifies Internet Transport Control Protocol (TCP) 

Transport Selection

RPC services are supported on both circuit-oriented and datagram transports. The selection of the transport depends on the requirements of the application.

A datagram transport is the transport of choice if the application has all of the following characteristics:

A circuit-oriented transport is the transport of choice if the application has any of the following characteristics:

Name-to-Address Translation

Each transport has an associated set of routines that translate between universal network addresses (string representations of transport addresses) and the local address representation. These universal addresses are passed around within the RPC system (for example, between rpcbind and a client). A run-time linkable library that contains the name-to-address translation routines is associated with each transport. Table 2-7 shows the main translation routines.

For more details on these routines, see the netdir(3NSL) man page and the Transport Interfaces Programming Guide. Note that the netconfig structure in each case provides the context for name-to-address translations.

Table 2-7 Name-to-Address Translation Routines


Translates from host/service pairs (e.g. server1, rpcbind) and a netconfig structure to a set of netbuf addresses. netbufs are Transport Level Interface (TLI) structures that contain transport-specific addresses at run-time.


Translates from netbuf addresses and a netconfig structure to host/service pairs.


Translates from universal addresses and a netconfig structure to netbuf addresses.

taddr2uaddr ()

Translates from netbuf addresses and a netconfig structure to universal addresses.

Address Lookup Services

Transport services do not provide address-lookup services. They provide only message transfer across a network. A client program needs a way to obtain the address of its server program. In earlier system releases this service was performed by portmap. rpcbind replaces the portmap utility.

RPC makes no assumption about the structure of a network address. It deals with universal addresses specified only as null-terminated strings of ASCII characters. RPC translates universal addresses into local transport addresses by using routines specific to the transport. For more details on these routines, see the netdir(3NSL) and rpcbind(3NSL) man pages.

rpcbind provides the operations:

Registering Addresses

rpcbind maps RPC services to their addresses, so its address must be known. The name-to-address translation routines must reserve a known address for each type of transport used. For example, in the Internet domain, rpcbind has port number 111 on both TCP and UDP. When rpcbind is started, it registers its location on each of the transports supported by the host. rpcbind is the only RPC service that must have a known address.

For each supported transport, rpcbind registers the addresses of RPC services and makes the addresses available to clients. A service makes its address available to clients by registering the address with the rpcbind daemon. The address of the service is then available to rpcinfo(1M) and to programs using library routines named in the rpcbind(3NSL) man page. No client or server can assume the network address of an RPC service.

Client and server programs and client and server hosts are usually distinct but they need not be. A server program can also be a client program. When one server calls another rpcbind server it makes the call as a client.

To find a remote program's address, a client sends an RPC message to a host's rpcbind daemon. If the service is on the host, the daemon returns the address in an RPC reply message. The client program can then send RPC messages to the server's address. (A client program can minimize its calls to rpcbind by storing the network addresses of recently called remote programs.)

The RPCBPROC_CALLIT procedure of rpcbind lets a client make a remote procedure call without knowing the address of the server. The client passes the target procedure's program number, version number, procedure number, and calling arguments in an RPC call message. rpcbind looks up the target procedure's address in the address map and sends an RPC call message, including the arguments received from the client, to the target procedure.

When the target procedure returns results, RPCBPROC_CALLIT passes them to the client program. It also returns the target procedure's universal address so that the client can later call it directly.

The RPC library provides an interface to all rpcbind procedures. Some of the RPC library procedures also call rpcbind automatically for client and server programs. For details, see Appendix B, RPC Protocol and Language Specification.

Reporting RPC Information

rpcinfo is a utility that reports current RPC information registered with rpcbind. rpcinfo (with either rpcbind or the portmap utility) reports the universal addresses and the transports for all registered RPC services on a specified host. It can call a specific version of a specific program on a specific host and report whether a response is received. It can also delete registrations. For details, see the rpcinfo(1M) manpage.

Chapter 3 rpcgen Programming Guide

This section introduces the rpcgen tool and provides a tutorial with code examples and usage of the available compile-time flags. See Glossary for the definition of the terms used in this chapter.

What is rpcgen

The rpcgen tool generates remote program interface modules. It compiles source code written in the RPC Language. RPC Language is similar in syntax and structure to C. rpcgen produces one or more C language source modules, which are then compiled by a C compiler.

The default output of rpcgen is:

rpcgen can optionally generate:

rpcgen significantly reduces the development time that would otherwise be spent developing low-level routines. Handwritten routines link easily with the rpcgen output. (For a discussion of RPC programming without rpcgen, see Chapter 4, The Programmer's Interface to RPC.)

SunOS 5.x Features

This section lists the features found in the current rpcgen code generator that are not found in previous versions.

Template Generation

rpcgen generates client-side, server-side, and makefile templates. See "Client and Server Templates" for the list of options.

C-style Mode

rpcgen has two compilation modes, C-style and default. C-style mode lets arguments be passed by value, instead of as pointers to a structure. It also supports passing multiple arguments. The default mode is the same as in previous releases. See "C-style Mode" for the example code for both modes.

Multithread-Safe Code

rpcgen can now generate MT-safe code for use in a threaded environment. By default, the code generated by rpcgen is not MT-safe. See "MT-Safe Code" for the description and example code.

Multithread Auto Mode

rpcgen can generate MT-safe server stubs that operate in the MT Auto mode. See "MT Auto Mode" for the definition and example code.

Library Selection

rpcgen can use library calls for either TS-RPC or TI-RPC. See "TI-RPC or TS-RPC Library Selection".

ANSI C -compliant Code

The output generated by rpcgen conforms to ANSI C standards. The code can also be used in the Sun WorkshopTM Compilers C++ environment. See "ANSI C-compliant Code".

An rpcgen Tutorial

rpcgen provides programmers a simple and direct way to write distributed applications. Server procedures may be written in any language that observes procedure-calling conventions. They are linked with the server stub produced by rpcgen to form an executable server program. Client procedures are written and linked in the same way.

This section presents some basic rpcgen programming examples. Refer also to the rpcgen(1) man page.

Converting Local Procedures to Remote Procedures

Assume that an application runs on a single computer and you want to convert it to run in a "distributed" manner on a network. This example shows the stepwise conversion of this program that writes a message to the system console. Example 3-1 shows the original program.

Example 3-1 Single Process Version of printmesg.c

/* printmsg.c: print a message on the console */
#include <stdio.h>
main(argc, argv)
	int argc;
	char *argv[];
	char *message;
	if (argc != 2) {
		fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s <message>\n",
	message = argv[1];
	if (!printmessage(message)) {
		fprintf(stderr,"%s: couldn't print your
	printf("Message Delivered!\n");
/* Print a message to the console.
 * Return a boolean indicating whether
 * the message was actually printed. */
	char *msg;
	FILE *f;
	f = fopen("/dev/console", "w");
	if (f == (FILE *)NULL) {
		return (0);
	fprintf(f, "%s\n", msg);

For local use on a single machine, this program could be compiled and executed as follows:

$ cc printmsg.c -o printmsg
 $ printmsg "Hello, there."
 Message delivered!

If the printmessage() function is turned into a remote procedure, it can be called from anywhere in the network. rpcgen makes it easy to do this.

First, determine the data types of all procedure-calling arguments and the result argument. The calling argument of printmessage() is a string, and the result is an integer. We can write a protocol specification in RPC language that describes the remote version of printmessage(). The RPC language source code for such a specification is:

/* msg.x: Remote msg printing protocol */
 program MESSAGEPROG {
        int PRINTMESSAGE(string) = 1;
 	 } = 1;
} = 0x20000001;

Remote procedures are always declared as part of remote programs. The code above declares an entire remote program that contains the single procedure PRINTMESSAGE. In this example, the PRINTMESSAGE procedure is declared to be procedure 1, in version 1 of the remote program MESSAGEPROG, with the program number 0x20000001. (See Appendix B, RPC Protocol and Language Specification for guidance on choosing program numbers.) Version numbers are incremented when functionality is changed in the remote program. Existing procedures can be changed or new ones can be added. More than one version of a remote program can be defined and a version can have more than one procedure defined.

Note that the program and procedure names are declared with all capital letters. This is not required, but is a good convention to follow.

Note also that the argument type is string and not char * as it would be in C. This is because a char * in C is ambiguous. char usually means an array of characters, but it could also represent a pointer to a single character. In RPC language, a null-terminated array of char is called a string.

There are just two more programs to write:

Example 3-2 is a remote procedure that implements the PRINTMESSAGE procedure in Example 3-1.

Example 3-2 RPC Version of printmsg.c

 * msg_proc.c: implementation of the
 * remote procedure "printmessage"
#include <stdio.h>
#include "msg.h"				/* msg.h generated by rpcgen */
int *
printmessage_1(msg, req)
	char **msg;	
	struct svc_req *req;		/* details of call */
	static int result;			/* must be static! */
	FILE *f;
	f = fopen("/dev/console", "w");
	if (f == (FILE *)NULL) {
		result = 0;
		return (&result);
	fprintf(f, "%s\n", *msg);
	result = 1;
	return (&result);

Note that the declaration of the remote procedure printmessage_1() differs from that of the local procedure printmessage() in four ways:

  1. It takes a pointer to the character array instead of the pointer itself. This is true of all remote procedures when the -N option is not used: They always take pointers to their arguments rather than the arguments themselves. Without the -N option, remote procedures are always called with a single argument. If more than one argument is required the arguments must be passed in a struct.

  2. It is called with two arguments. The second argument contains information on the context of an invocation: the program, version, and procedure numbers, raw and canonical credentials, and an SVCXPRT structure pointer (the SVCXPRT structure contains transport information). This information is made available in case the invoked procedure requires it to perform the request.

  3. It returns a pointer to an integer instead of the integer itself. This is also true of remote procedures when the -N option is not used: They return pointers to the result. The result should be declared static unless the -M (multithread) or -A (Auto mode) options are used. Ordinarily, if the result is declared local to the remote procedure, references to it by the server stub are invalid after the remote procedure returns. In the case of -M and -A options, a pointer to the result is passed as a third argument to the procedure, so the result is not declared in the procedure.

  4. An _1 is appended to its name. In general, all remote procedures calls generated by rpcgen are named as follows: the procedure name in the program definition (here PRINTMESSAGE) is converted to all lowercase letters, an underbar (_) is appended to it, and the version number (here 1) is appended. This naming scheme allows multiple versions of the same procedure.

Example 3-3 shows the main client program that calls the remote procedure.

Example 3-3 Client Program to Call printmsg.c

 * rprintmsg.c: remote version
 * of "printmsg.c"
#include <stdio.h>
#include "msg.h"			/* msg.h generated by rpcgen */
main(argc, argv)
	int argc;
	char *argv[];
	CLIENT *clnt;
	int *result;
	char *server;
	char *message;
	if (argc != 3) {
		fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s host 
					message\n", argv[0]);
	server = argv[1];
	message = argv[2];
	 * Create client "handle" used for 
 * calling MESSAGEPROG on the server
	 * designated on the command line.
	clnt = clnt_create(server, MESSAGEPROG,
	if (clnt == (CLIENT *)NULL) {
		 * Couldn't establish connection
    * with server.
		 * Print error message and die.
	 * Call the remote procedure
 * "printmessage" on the server
	result = printmessage_1(&message, clnt);
	if (result == (int *)NULL) {
		 * An error occurred while calling 
    * the server.
		 * Print error message and die.
		clnt_perror(clnt, server);
	/* Okay, we successfully called 
 * the remote procedure. 
	if (*result == 0) {
		 * Server was unable to print 
    * our message.
		 * Print error message and die.
		"%s: could not print your message\n",argv[0]);
	/* The message got printed on the
 * server's console
	printf("Message delivered to %s\n",
	clnt_destroy( clnt );

Note the following about Example 3-3:

  1. First, a client handle is created by the RPC library routine clnt_create(). This client handle is passed to the stub routine that calls the remote procedure. (The client handle can be created in other ways as well. See Chapter 4, The Programmer's Interface to RPC for details.) If no more calls are to be made using the client handle, destroy it with a call to clnt_destroy() to conserve system resources.

  2. The last parameter to clnt_create() is visible, which specifies that any transport noted as visible in /etc/netconfig can be used. For further information on this, see the /etc/netconfig file and its description in Transport Interfaces Programming Guide.

  3. The remote procedure printmessage_1() is called exactly the same way as it is declared in msg_proc.c, except for the inserted client handle as the second argument. It also returns a pointer to the result instead of the result.

  4. The remote procedure call can fail in two ways. The RPC mechanism can fail or there can be an error in the execution of the remote procedure. In the former case, the remote procedure printmessage_1() returns a NULL. In the latter case, the error reporting is application dependent. Here, the error is returned through *result.

Here are the compile commands for the printmsg example:

$	rpcgen msg.x
 $	cc rprintmsg.c msg_clnt.c -o rprintmsg -lnsl
 $	cc msg_proc.c msg_svc.c -o msg_server -lnsl

First, rpcgen was used to generate the header files (msg.h), client stub (msg_clnt.c), and server stub (msg_svc.c). Then, two programs are compiled: the client program rprintmsg and the server program msg_server. The C object files must be linked with the library libnsl, which contains all of the networking functions, including those for RPC and XDR.

In this example, no XDR routines were generated because the application uses only the basic types that are included in libnsl.

Here is what rpcgen did with the input file msg.x:

  1. It created a header file called msg.h that contained #define statements for MESSAGEPROG, MESSAGEVERS, and PRINTMESSAGE for use in the other modules. This file must be included by both the client and server modules.

  2. It created the client stub routines in the msg_clnt.c file. Here there is only one, the printmessage_1() routine, that was called from the rprintmsg client program. If the name of an rpcgen input file is FOO.x, the client stub's output file is called FOO_clnt.c.

  3. It created the server program in msg_svc.c that calls printmessage_1() from msg_proc.c. The rule for naming the server output file is similar to that of the client: for an input file called FOO.x, the output server file is named FOO_svc.c.

Once created, the server program is installed on a remote machine and run. (If the machines are homogeneous, the server binary can just be copied. If they are not, the server source files must be copied to and compiled on the remote machine.) For this example, the remote machine is called remote and the local machine is called local. The server is started from the shell on the remote system:

remote$ msg_server

Server processes generated with rpcgen always run in the background. It is not necessary to follow the server's invocation with an ampersand (&). Servers generated by rpcgen can also be invoked by port monitors like listen() and inetd(), instead of from the command line.

Thereafter, a user on local can print a message on the console of machine remote as follows:

local$ rprintmsg remote "Hello, there."

Using rprintmsg, a user can print a message on any system console (including the local console) when the server msg_server is running on the target system.

Passing Complex Data Structures

"Converting Local Procedures to Remote Procedures" shows how to generate client and server RPC code. rpcgen can also be used to generate XDR routines (the routines that convert local data structures into XDR format and vice versa).

Example 3-4 presents a complete RPC service: a remote directory listing service, built using rpcgen both to generate stub routines and to generate the XDR routines.

Example 3-4 RPC Protocol Description File: dir.x

 * dir.x: Remote directory listing protocol
 * This example demonstrates the functions of rpcgen.
const MAXNAMELEN = 255;						/* max length of directory
entry */
typedef string nametype<MAXNAMELEN>;		/* director entry */
typedef struct namenode *namelist;			/* link in the listing */
/* A node in the directory listing */
struct namenode {
	nametype name;						/* name of directory entry */
	namelist next;						/* next entry */
 * The result of a READDIR operation
 * a truly portable application would use
 * an agreed upon list of error codes
 * rather than (as this sample program
 * does) rely upon passing UNIX errno's
 * back.
 * In this example: The union is used 
 * here to discriminate between successful
 * and unsuccessful remote calls.
union readdir_res switch (int errno) {
	case 0:
		namelist list;		/* no error: return directory listing */
		void;					/* error occurred: nothing else to return */
/* The directory program definition */
program DIRPROG {
	version DIRVERS {
		READDIR(nametype) = 1;
	} = 1;
} = 0x20000076; 

You can redefine types (like readdir_res in the example above) using the struct, union, and enum RPC language keywords. These keywords are not used in later declarations of variables of those types. For example, if you define a union, foo, you declare using only foo, and not union foo.

rpcgen compiles RPC unions into C structures. Do not declare C unions using the union keyword.

Running rpcgen on dir.x generates four output files: (1) the header file, (2) the client stub, (3) the server skeleton, and (4) the XDR routines in the file dir_xdr.c. This last file contains the XDR routines to convert declared data types from the host platform representation into XDR format, and vice versa.

For each RPCL data type used in the.x file, rpcgen assumes that libnsl contains a routine whose name is the name of the data type, prepended by the XDR routine header xdr_ (for example, xdr_int). If a data type is defined in the.x file, rpcgen generates the required xdr_ routine. If there is no data type definition in the.x source file (for example, msg.x), then no _xdr.c file is generated.

You can write a.x source file that uses a data type not supported by libnsl, and deliberately omit defining the type (in the.x file). In doing so, you must provide the xdr_ routine. This is a way to provide your own customized xdr_ routines. See Chapter 4, The Programmer's Interface to RPC for more details on passing arbitrary data types. The server-side of the READDIR procedure is shown in Example 3-5.

Example 3-5 Server dir_proc.c Example

 * dir_proc.c: remote readdir
 * implementation
#include <dirent.h>
#include "dir.h"                /* Created by rpcgen */
extern int errno;
extern char *malloc();
extern char *strdup();
readdir_res *
readdir_1(dirname, req)
	nametype *dirname;
	struct svc_req *req;
	DIR *dirp;
	struct dirent *d;
	namelist nl;
	namelist *nlp;
	static readdir_res res; /* must be static! */
	/* Open directory */
	dirp = opendir(*dirname);
	if (dirp == (DIR *)NULL) {
		res.errno = errno;
		return (&res);
	/* Free previous result */
	xdr_free(xdr_readdir_res, &res);
	 * Collect directory entries.
 * Memory allocated here is free by
	 * xdr_free the next time readdir_1
 * is called
	nlp = &res.readdir_res_u.list;
	while (d = readdir(dirp)) {
		nl = *nlp = (namenode *) 
		if (nl == (namenode *) NULL) {
			res.errno = EAGAIN;
		nl->name = strdup(d->d_name);
		nlp = &nl->next;
	*nlp = (namelist)NULL;
	/* Return the result */
	res.errno = 0;
	return (&res);

Example 3-6 shows the client-side implementation of the READDIR procedure.

Example 3-6 Client-side Implementation of rls.c

 * rls.c: Remote directory listing client
#include <stdio.h>
#include "dir.h"                       /* generated by rpcgen */
extern int errno;
main(argc, argv)
	int argc;
	char *argv[];
	CLIENT *clnt;
	char *server;
	char *dir;
	readdir_res *result;
	namelist nl;
	if (argc != 3) {
		fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s host 
	server = argv[1];
	dir = argv[2];
	 * Create client "handle" used for
 * calling MESSAGEPROG on the server
 * designated on the command line.
	cl = clnt_create(server, DIRPROG,
								DIRVERS, "tcp");
	if (clnt == (CLIENT *)NULL) {
	result = readdir_1(&dir, clnt);
	if (result == (readdir_res *)NULL) {
		clnt_perror(clnt, server);
	/* Okay, we successfully called
 * the remote procedure.
	if (result->errno != 0) {
		/* Remote system error. Print
    * error message and die.
		errno = result->errno;
	/* Successfully got a directory listing.
 * Print it.
	for (nl = result->readdir_res_u.list;
								nl != NULL;
		nl = nl->next) {
		printf("%s\n", nl->name);
	xdr_free(xdr_readdir_res, result);

As in other examples, execution is on systems named local and remote. The files are compiled and run as follows:

remote$ rpcgen dir.x
 remote$ cc -c dir_xdr.c
 remote$ cc rls.c dir_clnt.c dir_xdr.o -o rls -lnsl
 remote$ cc dir_svc.c dir_proc.c dir_xdr.o -o dir_svc -lnsl
 remote$ dir_svc

When you install rls() on system local, you can list the contents of /usr/share/lib on system remote as follows:

local$ rls remote /usr/share/lib

rpcgen generated client code does not release the memory allocated for the results of the RPC call. Call xdr_free() to release the memory when you are finished with it. It is similar to calling the free() routine, except that you pass the XDR routine for the result. In this example, after printing the list, xdr_free(xdr_readdir_res, result); was called.

Note -

Use xdr_free() to release memory allocated by malloc(). Failure to use xdr_free() to release memory results in memory leaks.

Preprocessing Directives

rpcgen supports C and other preprocessing features. C preprocessing is performed on rpcgen input files before they are compiled. All standard C preprocessing directives are allowed in the.x source files. Depending on the type of output file being generated, five symbols are defined by rpcgen.

rpcgen provides an additional preprocessing feature: any line that begins with a percent sign (%) is passed directly to the output file, with no action on the line's content. Caution is required because rpcgen does not always place the lines where you intend. Check the output source file and, if needed, edit it.

Table 3-1 rpcgen Preprocessing Directives




Header file output 


XDR routine output 


Server stub output 


Client stub output 


Index table output 

Example 3-7 is a simple rpcgen example. Note the use of rpcgen`s pre-processing features.

Example 3-7 Time Protocol rpcgen Source

 * time.x: Remote time protocol
program TIMEPROG {
	version TIMEVERS {
			unsigned int TIMEGET() = 1;
	} = 1;
} = 0x20000044;

#ifdef RPC_SVC
%int *
%	static int thetime;
%	thetime = time(0);
%	return (&thetime);

cpp Directive

rpcgen supports C preprocessing features. rpcgen defaults to use /usr/ccs/lib/cpp as the C preprocessor. If that fails, rpcgen tries to use /lib/cpp. You may specify a library containing a different cpp to rpcgen with the -Y flag.

For example, if /usr/local/bin/cpp exists, you can specify it to rpcgen as follows:

rpcgen -Y /usr/local/bin test.x

Compile-Time Flags

This section describes the rpcgen options available at compile time. The following table summarizes the options which are discussed in this section.

Table 3-2 rpcgen Compile-time Flags





-a, -Sc, -Ss, -Sm

See Table 3-3



Also called Newstyle mode 



Often used with the -N option 

MT-Safe code


For use in multithreaded environments 

MT Auto mode


-A also turns on -M option 

TS-RPC library


TI-RPC library is default 

xdr_inline count


Uses 5 packed elements as default, but other number may be specified

Client and Server Templates

rpcgen generates sample code for the client and server sides. Use these options to generate the desired templates.

Table 3-3 rpcgen Template Selection Flags




Generate all template files 


Generate client-side template 


Generate server-side template 


Generate makefile template 

The files can be used as guides or by filling in the missing parts. These files are in addition to the stubs generated.

A C-style mode server template is generated from the add.x source by the command:

rpcgen -N -Ss -o add_server_template.c add.x

The result is stored in the file add_server_template.c. A C-style mode, client template for the same add.x source is generated with the command line:

rpcgen -N -Sc -o add_client_template.c add.x

The result is stored in the file add_client_template.c. A make file template for the same add.x source is generated with the command line:

rpcgen -N -Sm -o mkfile_template add.x

The result is stored in the file mkfile_template. It can be used to compile the client and the server. If the -a flag is used as follows:

rpcgen -N -a add.x

rpcgen generates all three template files. The client template goes into add_client.c, the server template to add_server.c, and the makefile template to makefile.a. If any of these files already exists, rpcgen displays an error message and exits.

Note -

When you generate template files, give them new names to avoid the files being overwritten the next time rpcgen is executed.

C-style Mode

Also called Newstyle mode, The -N flag causes rpcgen to produce code in which arguments are passed by value and multiple arguments are passed without a struct. These changes allow RPC code that is more like C and other high-level languages. For compatibility with existing programs and make files, the previous (standard) mode of argument passing is the default. The following examples demonstrate the new feature. The source modules for both modes, C-style and default, are given in Example 3-8 and in Example 3-9 respectively.

Example 3-8 C-style Mode Version of add.x

 * This program contains a procedure
 * to add 2 numbers. It demonstrates
 * the C-style mode argument passing.
 * Note that add() has 2 arguments.
program ADDPROG {					/* program number */
	version ADDVER {					/* version number */
		int add(int, int) = 1;		/* procedure */
	} = 1;
} = 0x20000199;

Example 3-9 Default Mode Version of add.x

 * This program contains a procedure
 * to add 2 numbers. It demonstrates
 * the "default" mode argument passing.
 * In this mode rpcgen can process
 * only one argument.
struct add_arg {
	int first;
	int second;
program ADDPROG {					/* program number */
	version ADDVER {					/* version number */
		int add (add_arg) = 1;		/* procedure */
	} = 1;
} = 0x20000199;

The next four figures show the resulting client-side templates.

Example 3-10 C-style Mode Client Stub for add.x

 * The C-style client side main
 * routine calls the  add() function
 * on the remote rpc server
#include <stdio.h>
#include "add.h"
main(argc, argv)
int argc;
char *argv[];
	CLIENT *clnt;
	int *result,x,y;
	if(argc != 4) {
		printf("usage: %s host num1 
					num2\n" argv[0]);
	/* create client handle -
 * bind to server
	clnt = clnt_create(argv[1], ADDPROG,
								ADDVER, "udp");
	if (clnt == NULL) {
	x = atoi(argv[2]);
	y = atoi(argv[3]);
	 * invoke remote procedure: Note that
 * multiple arguments can be passed to
	 * add_l() instead of a pointer
	result = add_1(x, y, clnt);
	if (result == (int *) NULL) {
		clnt_perror(clnt, "call failed:");
	} else {
		printf("Success: %d + %d = %d\n", 
					x, y, *result);

Example 3-11 shows how the default mode code differs from C-style mode code.

Example 3-11 Default Mode Client

	arg.first = atoi(argv[2]);
	arg.second = atoi(argv[3]);
	 * invoke remote procedure -- note 
 * that a pointer to the argument has
	 * to be passed to the client stub
	result = add_1(&arg, clnt);

The server-side procedure in C-style mode is shown in Example 3-12.

Example 3-12 C-style Mode Server

#include "add.h"

int *
add_1(arg1, arg2, rqstp)
	int arg1;
	int arg2;
	struct svc_req *rqstp;
	static int result;

	result = arg1 + arg2;

The server side procedure in default mode is shown in Example 3-13.

Example 3-13 Default Mode Server Stub

#include "add.h"
int *
add_1(argp, rqstp)
	add_arg *argp;
	struct svc_req *rqstp;
	static int result;

	result = argp->first + argp->second;

MT-Safe Code

By default, the code generated by rpcgen is not MT safe. It uses unprotected global variables and returns results in the form of static variables. The -M flag generates MT-safe code which can be used in a multithreaded environment. This can be used with the C-style flag, the ANSI C flag, or both.

An example of an MT-safe program with this interface follows. The rpcgen protocol file is msg.x, shown in Example 3-14.

Example 3-14 MT-Safe Program: msg.

        int PRINTMESSAGE(string) = 1;
        } = 1;
} = 0x4001;

A string is passed to the remote procedure, which prints it and returns the length of the string to the client. The MT-Safe stubs are generated with:

% rpcgen -M msg.x

A possible client-side code that could be used with this is shown in Example 3-15.

Example 3-15 MT-Safe Client Stub

#include "msg.h"
	char *host;
	CLIENT *clnt;
	enum clnt_stat retval_1;
	int result_1;
	char * printmessage_1_arg;
	clnt = clnt_create(host, MESSAGEPROG, 
	if (clnt == (CLIENT *) NULL) {
	printmessage_1_arg = 
							(char *) malloc(256);
	strcpy(printmessage_1_arg, "Hello World");
	retval_1 = printmessage_1(&printmessage_1_arg,
	if (retval_1 != RPC_SUCCESS) {
		clnt_perror(clnt, "call failed");
	printf("result = %d\n", result_1);
main(argc, argv)
	int argc;
	char *argv[];
	char *host;
	if (argc < 2) {
		printf("usage:  %s server_host\n", argv[0]);
	host = argv[1];

Note that a pointer to both the arguments and the results needs to be passed in to the rpcgen-generated code. This is to preserve reentrancy. The value returned by the stub function indicates whether this call is a success or a failure. The stub returns RPC_SUCCESS if the call is successful. Compare the MT-safe client stub (generated with the -M option) and the not MT-safe client stub shown in Example 3-16. The client stub that is not MT safe uses a static to store returned results and can use only one thread at a time.

Example 3-16 Client Stub (Not MT Safe)

int *
printmessage_1(argp, clnt)
	char **argp;
	CLIENT *clnt;
	static int clnt_res;
	memset((char *)&clnt_res, 0, 
								sizeof (clnt_res));
	if (clnt_call(clnt, PRINTMESSAGE,
		(xdrproc_t) xdr_wrapstring, 
										(caddr_t) argp,
		(xdrproc_t) xdr_int, (caddr_t) 
		return (NULL);
	return (&clnt_res);

The server side code is shown in Example 3-17.

Note -

When compiling a server that uses MT-safe mode, you must link in the threads library. To do this, specify the -lthread option in the compile command.

Example 3-17 MT-Safe Server Stub

#include "msg.h"
#include <syslog.h>
printmessage_1_svc(argp, result, rqstp)
	char **argp;
	int *result;
	struct svc_req *rqstp;
	int retval;
	if (*argp == NULL) {
		syslog(LOG_INFO, "argp is NULL\n");
		*result = 0;
	else {
		syslog("argp is %s\n", *argp);
		*result = strlen (*argp);
	retval = 1;
	return (retval);
messageprog_1_freeresult(transp, xdr_result, result)
	SVCXPRT *transp;
	xdrproc_t xdr_result;
	caddr_t result;
	 * Insert additional freeing code here,
 * if needed
	(void) xdr_free(xdr_result, result);

The server side code should not use statics to store returned results. A pointer to the result is passed in and this should be used to pass the result back to the calling routine. A return value of 1 indicates success to the calling routine, while 0 indicates a failure.

In addition, the code generated by rpcgen also generates a call to a routine to free any memory that may have been allocated when the procedure was called. To prevent memory leaks, any memory allocated in the service routine needs to be freed in this routine. messageprog_1_freeresult() frees the memory.

Normally, xdr_free() frees any allocated memory for you (in this case, no memory was allocated, so no freeing needs to take place).

As an example of the use of the -M flag with the C-style and ANSI C flag, consider the following file, add.x, shown in Example 3-18.

Example 3-18 MT-Safe Program: add.x

program ADDPROG {
	version ADDVER {	
	int add(int, int) = 1;
	} = 1;
}= 199;

This program adds two numbers and returns its result to the client. rpcgen is invoked on it, with the following command: % rpcgen -N -M -C add.x The multithreaded client code to call this is shown in Example 3-19.

Example 3-19 MT-Safe Client: add.x

 * This client-side main routine
 * starts up a number of threads,
 * each of which calls the server
 * concurrently.
#include "add.h"
CLIENT *clnt;
#define NUMCLIENTS 5
struct argrec {
	int arg1;
	int arg2;
/* Keeps count of number of
 * threads running
int numrunning;
mutex_t numrun_lock;
cond_t condnum;
addprog(struct argrec *args)
	enum clnt_stat retval;
	int result;
	/* call server code */
	retval = add_1(args->arg1, args->arg2,
											&result, clnt);
	if (retval != RPC_SUCCESS) {
		clnt_perror(clnt, "call failed");
	} else
		printf("thread #%x call succeeded,
					result = %d\n", thr_getself(),
	/* decrement the number of running
 * threads
main(int argc, char *argv[])
	char *host;
	struct argrec args[NUMCLIENTS];
	int i;
	thread_t mt;
	int ret;
	if (argc < 2) {
		printf("usage:  %s server_host\n",
	host = argv[1];
	clnt = clnt_create(host, ADDPROG, ADDVER,
	if (clnt == (CLIENT *) NULL) {
	mutex_init(&numrun_lock, USYNC_THREAD, NULL);
	cond_init(&condnum, USYNC_THREAD, NULL);
	numrunning = 0;
	/* Start up separate threads */
	for (i = 0; i < NUMCLIENTS; i++) {
		args[i].arg1 = i;
		args[i].arg2 = i + 1;
		ret = thr_create(NULL, NULL, addprog,
									(char *) &args[i],
				 					THR_NEW_LWP, &mt);
		if (ret == 0)
	/* are any threads still running ? */
	while (numrunning != 0)
		cond_wait(&condnum, &numrun_lock);

The server-side procedure is shown in Example 3-20.

Note -

When compiling a server that uses MT-safe mode, you must link in the threads library. To do this, specify the -lthread option in the compile command.

Example 3-20 MT-Safe Server: add.x

add_1_svc(int arg1, int arg2, 
						int *result, struct svc_req *rqstp)
	bool_t retval;
	/* Compute result */
	*result = arg1 + arg2;
	retval = 1;
	return (retval);

/* Routine for freeing memory that may
 * be allocated in the server procedure
addprog_1_freeresult(SVCXPRT *transp,
									xdrproc_t xdr_result,
									caddr_t result)

	(void) xdr_free(xdr_result, result);

MT Auto Mode

MT Auto mode enables RPC servers to automatically use Solaris threads to process client requests concurrently. Use the -A option to generate RPC code in MT Auto mode. The -A option also has the effect of turning on the -M option, so -M does not need to be explicitly specified. The -M option is necessary because any code generated has to be multithread safe.

Further discussion on multithreaded RPC begins on "Multithreaded RPC Programming"; see also "MT Auto Mode".

Here is an example of an Auto mode program generated by rpcgen. The rpcgen protocol filetime.x is shown in Example 3-21. A string is passed to the remote procedure, which prints it and returns the length of the string to the client. The MT-safe stubs are generated with:

Example 3-21 MT Auto Mode: time.x

		program TIMEPROG {
			version TIMEVERS {
				unsigned int TIMEGET(void) = 1;
				void TIMESET(unsigned) = 2;
			} = 1;
		} = 0x20000044;

% rpcgen -A time.x

Note -

When the -A option is used, the generated server code will contain instructions for enabling MT Auto mode for the server.

When compiling a server that uses MT Auto mode, you must link in the threads library. To do this, specify the -lthread option in the compile command.

TI-RPC or TS-RPC Library Selection

In older SunOS releases, rpcgen created stubs that used the socket functions. With the current SunOS release, you can use either the transport-independent RPC (TI-RPC) or the transport-specific socket (TS-RPC) routines. This provides backward compatibility with previous releases. The default uses the TI-RPC interfaces. The -b flag tells rpcgen to create TS-RPC variant source code as its output.

ANSI C-compliant Code

rpcgen can also produce output that is compatible with ANSI C or Sun WorkShop(TM) Compilers C++. This feature is selected with the -C compile flag and is most often used with the -N flag, described in "C-style Mode".

The add.x example of the server template is generated by the command:

rpcgen -N -C -Ss -o add_server_template.c add.x

It is important to note that on the C++ 3.0 server, remote procedure names require an _svc suffix. In the following example, the add.x template and the -C compile flag produce the client side add_1 and the server stub add_1_svc.

Example 3-22 rpcgen ANSI C Server Template

 * This is a template. Use it to
 * develop your own functions.
#include <c_varieties.h>
#include "add.h"
int *
add_1_svc(int arg1, int arg2,
					struct svc_req *rqstp)
	static int result;
	 * insert server code here

This output conforms to the syntax requirements and structure of ANSI C. The header files that are generated when this option is invoked can be used with ANSI C or with C++

xdr_inline() Count

rpcgen tries to generate more efficient code by using xdr_inline() when possible (see the xdr_admin(3NSL) man page). When a structure contains elements that xdr_inline() can be used on (for example integer, long, bool), the relevant portion of the structure is packed with xdr_inline(). A default of five or more packed elements in sequence causes in-line code to be generated. This default can be changed with the -i flag. For example:

rpcgen -i 3 test.x

causes rpcgen to start generating in-line code after three qualifying elements are found in sequence. The example:

rpcgen -i 0 test.x

prevents any in-line code from being generated.

In most situations, there is no reason to use the -i flag. The _xdr.c stub is the only file affected by this feature.

rpcgen Programming Techniques

This section suggests some common RPC and rpcgen programming techniques. Each topic is covered in its own subsection.

Network Types/Transport Selection

rpcgen takes optional arguments that allow a programmer to specify desired network types or specific network identifiers. (For details of network selection, see Transport Interfaces Programming Guide).

The -s flag creates a server that responds to requests on the specified type of transport. For example, the invocation

rpcgen -s datagram_n prot.x

writes a server to standard output that responds to any of the connectionless transports specified in the NETPATH environment variable (or in /etc/netconfig, if NETPATH is not defined). A command line can contain multiple -s flags and their network types.

Similarly, the -n flag creates a server that responds only to requests from the transport specified by a single network identifier.

Caution - Caution -

Be careful using servers created by rpcgen with the -n flag. Network identifiers are host specific, so the resulting server may not run as expected on other hosts.

Command Line Define Statements

You can define C-preprocessing symbols and assign values to them from the command line. Command line define statements can, for example, be used to generate conditional debugging code when the DEBUG symbol is defined. For example:

$ rpcgen -DDEBUG proto.x

Server Response to Broadcast Calls

When a procedure has been called through broadcast RPC and cannot provide a useful response, the server should send no reply to the client. This reduces network traffic. To prevent the server from replying, a remote procedure can return NULL as its result. The server code generated by rpcgen detects this and sends no reply.

Example 3-23 is a procedure that replies only if it is an NFS server.

Example 3-23 NFS Server Response to Broadcast Calls

void *
	char notnull; /*only here so we can
						 *use its address

	if( access( "/etc/dfs/sharetab",
						F_OK ) < 0 ) {
		/* prevent RPC from replying */
		return( (void *) NULL );
	/* assign notnull a non-null value
 * so RPC will send a reply
	return( (void *) &notnull );

A procedure must return a non-NULL pointer when it wants RPC library routines to send a reply.

In Example 3-23, if the procedure reply_if_nfsserver() is defined to return non void values, the return value (&notnull) should point to a static variable.

Port Monitor Support

Port monitors such as inetd and listen can monitor network addresses for specified RPC services. When a request arrives for a particular service, the port monitor spawns a server process. After the call has been serviced, the server can exit. This technique conserves system resources. The main server function generated by rpcgen allows invocation by inetd. See "Using inetd" for details.

It may be useful for services to wait for a specified interval after satisfying a service request, in case another request follows. If there is no call in the specified time, the server exits, and some port monitors, like inetd, continue to monitor for the server. If a later request for the service occurs, the port monitor gives the request to a waiting server process (if any), rather than spawning a new process.

Note -

When monitoring for a server, some port monitors, like listen(), always spawn a new process in response to a service request. If a server is used with such a monitor, it should exit immediately on completion.

By default, services created using rpcgen wait for 120 seconds after servicing a request before exiting. The programmer can change the interval with the -K flag. In this example,

$ rpcgen -K 20 proto.x

the server waits for 20 seconds before exiting. To create a server that exits immediately, zero value can be used for the interval period:

$ rpcgen -K 0 proto.x.

To create a server that never exits, the value is -K -1.

Time-out Changes

After sending a request to the server, a client program waits for a default period (25 seconds) to receive a reply. This time-out may be changed using the clnt_control() routine. See "Standard Interfaces" for additional uses of the clnt_control() routine. See also the rpc(3N) manpage. When considering time-out periods, be sure to allow the minimum amount of time required for "round-trip" communications over the network. Example 3-24 illustrates the use of clnt_control().

Example 3-24 clnt_control Routine

struct timeval tv;
CLIENT *clnt;
clnt = clnt_create( "somehost", SOMEPROG,
									SOMEVERS, "visible" );

if (clnt == (CLIENT *)NULL)
tv.tv_sec = 60;	/* change time-out to
							 * 60 seconds
tv.tv_usec = 0;
clnt_control(clnt, CLSET_TIMEOUT, &tv);

Client Authentication

The client create routines do not have any facilities for client authentication. Some clients may have to authenticate themselves to the server.

The following example illustrates one of the least secure authentication methods in common use. See "Authentication" for information on more secure authentication techniques.

Example 3-25 AUTH_SYS Authentication Program

CLIENT *clnt;
clnt = clnt_create( "somehost", SOMEPROG,
									SOMEVERS, "visible" );
if (clnt != (CLIENT *)NULL) {
	/* To set AUTH_SYS style authentication */
		clnt->cl_auth = authsys_createdefault();

Authentication information is important to servers that have to achieve some level of security. This extra information is supplied to the server as a second argument.

Example 3-26 is a server that checks client authentication data. It is modified from printmessage_1() in "An rpcgen Tutorial" and only allows superusers to print a message to the console.

Example 3-26 printmsg_1 for Superuser

int *
printmessage_1(msg, req)
	char **msg;
	struct svc_req  *req;
	static int result;	/* Must be static */
	FILE *f;
	struct authsys_parms *aup;

	aup = (struct authsys_parms *)req->rq_clntcred;
	if (aup->aup_uid != 0) {
		result = 0;
		return (&result)

/* Same code as before. */

Dispatch Tables

It is sometimes useful for programs to have access to dispatch tables used by the RPC package. For example, the server dispatch routine may check authorization and then invoke the service routine; or a client library may deal with the details of storage management and XDR data conversion.

When invoked with the -T option, rpcgen generates RPC dispatch tables for each program defined in the protocol description file, proto.x, in the file proto_tbl.i. The suffix.i stands for "index." rpcgen may be invoked with the -t option to build only the header file. rpcgen cannot be invoked in C-style mode (-N) with either the -T or -t flag.

Each entry in the dispatch table is a struct rpcgen_table, defined in the header file proto.h as follows:

struct rpcgen_table {
   char *(*proc)();
   xdrproc_t xdr_arg;
   unsigned len_arg;
   xdrproc_t xdr_res;
   xdrproc_t len_res


proc is a pointer to the service routine

xdr_arg is a pointer to the input (argument) xdr routine

len_arg is the length in bytes of the input argument

xdr_res is a pointer to the output (result) xdr routine

len_res is the length in bytes of the output result

The table, named dirprog_1_table for the dir.x example, is indexed by procedure number. The variable dirprog_1_nproc contains the number of entries in the table.

An example of how to locate a procedure in the dispatch tables is shown by the routine find_proc():

Example 3-27 Using a Dispatch Table

struct rpcgen_table *
   rpcproc_t proc;
   if (proc >= dirprog_1_nproc)
       /* error */
      return (&dirprog_1_table[proc]);

Each entry in the dispatch table contains a pointer to the corresponding service routine. However, that service routine is usually not defined in the client code. To avoid generating unresolved external references, and to require only one source file for the dispatch table, the rpcgen service routine initializer is RPCGEN_ACTION(proc_ver).

This way, the same dispatch table can be included in both the client and the server. Use the following define statement when compiling the client:

#define RPCGEN_ACTION(routine) 0

And use the following define when writing the server:

#define RPCGEN_ACTION(routine)routine

64-bit Considerations for rpcgen

Note that in Example 3-27 proc is declared as type rpcproc_t. Formerly, RPC programs, versions, procedures, and ports were declared to be of type u_long. On a 32-bit machine, a u_long is a four-byte quantity (as is an int); on a 64-bit system, a u_long is an eight-byte quantity. The data types rpcprog_t, rpcvers_t, rpc_proc_t, and rpcport_t - introduced in Solaris 7 - should be used whenever possible in declaring RPC programs, versions, procedures, and ports in place of both u_long and long. The reason is that these newer types provide backwards compatibility with 32-bit systems; they're guaranteed to be four-byte quantities no matter which system rpcgen is run on. While rpcgenprograms using u_longversions of programs, versions, and procedures will still run, they may have different consequences on 32- and 64-bit machines. For that reason it is a good idea to replace them with the appropriate newer data types. In fact, it is a good idea to avoid using long and u_long whenever possible (see the note below).

Beginning with Solaris 7, source files created byrpcgen, containing XDR routines, use different inline macros depending on whether the code is to run on a 32- or 64-bit machine - specifically, it uses the IXDR_GET_INT32() and IXDR_PUT_INT32() macros instead of IXDR_GETLONG() and IXDR_PUTLONG(). For example, if the rpcgen source file foo.x contains the following code

struct foo {
        char      c;
        int       i1;
        int       i2;
        int       i3;
        long      l;
        short     s;
the resulting foo_xdr.c file will ensure that the correct inline macro is used:
#if defined(_LP64) || defined(_KERNEL)
        register int *buf;
        register long *buf;

. . .

#if defined(_LP64) || defined(_KERNEL)
                        IXDR_PUT_INT32(buf, objp->i1);
                        IXDR_PUT_INT32(buf, objp->i2);
                        IXDR_PUT_INT32(buf, objp->i3);
                        IXDR_PUT_INT32(buf, objp->l);
                        IXDR_PUT_SHORT(buf, objp->s);
                        IXDR_PUT_LONG(buf, objp->i1);
                        IXDR_PUT_LONG(buf, objp->i2);
                        IXDR_PUT_LONG(buf, objp->i3);
                        IXDR_PUT_LONG(buf, objp->l);
                        IXDR_PUT_SHORT(buf, objp->s);
Note that the code declares buf to be either int or long, depending on whether the machine is 64- or 32-bit.

Note -

Currently, data types transported via RPC are limited in size to four-byte quantities (32 bits). The eight-byte long is provided to allow applications to make maximum use of 64-bit architecture. However, programmers should avoid using longs, and functions that use longs, such as x_putlong(), in favor of ints whenever possible. (As noted above, RPC programs, versions, procedures, and ports have their own dedicated types.) The reason is that xdr_long() will fail if the data value is not between INT32_MIN and INT32_MAX - or the data could be truncated if inline macros such as IXDR_GET_LONG() and IXDR_PUT_LONG() are used. (The same applies for u_longs.) See also the xdr_long(3NSL) man page.

IPv6 Considerations for RPCGEN

Only TI-RPC supports IPv6 transport. If an application is intended to run over IPv6, now or in the future, then the backward compatibility switch must not be used. The selection of IPv4 or IPv6 is determined by the respective order of associated entries in /etc/netconfig.

Debugging Applications

You can simplify the testing and debugging process. First test the client program and the server procedure in a single process by linking them with each other rather than with the client and server skeletons. Comment out calls to the client create RPC library routines (see the rpc_clnt_create(3N) manpage) and the authentication routines. Do not link with libnsl.

Link the procedures from previous example by:

cc rls.c dir_clnt.c dir_proc.c -o rls

With the RPC and XDR functions commented out, the procedure calls execute as ordinary local function calls, and the program is debugged with a local debugger such as dbxtool. When the program works, the client program is linked to the client skeleton produced by rpcgen and the server procedures are linked to the server skeleton produced by rpcgen.

You can also use the Raw RPC mode to test the XDR routines. See "Testing Programs Using Low-level Raw RPC" for details.

There are two kinds of errors that can happen in an RPC call. The first kind of error is caused by a problem with the mechanism of the remote procedure calls. Examples of these are (1) the procedure is not available, (2) the remote server is not responding, and (3) the remote server is unable to decode the arguments. In Example 3-26, an RPC error happens if result is NULL. The reason for the failure can be displayed by using clnt_perror(), or an error string can be returned through clnt_sperror().

The second type of error is caused by the server itself. In Example 3-26, an error can be returned by opendir(). The handling of these errors is application specific and is the responsibility of the programmer.

Note that the mechanism illustrated by the paragraphs above does not function with the -C option because of the _svc suffix added to the server-side routines.

Chapter 4 The Programmer's Interface to RPC

This section addresses the C interface to RPC and describes how to write network applications using RPC. For a complete specification of the routines in the RPC library, see the rpc(3NSL) and related man pages.

RPC Is Multithread Safe

The client and server interfaces described in this chapter are multithread safe, except where noted (such as raw mode). This means that applications that contain RPC function calls can be used freely in a multithreaded application.

Simplified Interface

The simplified interface is the easiest level to use because it does not require the use of any other RPC routines. It also limits control of the underlying communications mechanisms. Program development at this level can be rapid, and is directly supported by the rpcgen compiler. For most applications, rpcgen and its facilities are sufficient.

Some RPC services are not available as C functions, but they are available as RPC programs. The simplified interface library routines provide direct access to the RPC facilities for programs that do not require fine levels of control. Routines such as rusers() are in the RPC services library librpcsvc. Example 4-1 is a program that displays the number of users on a remote host. It calls the RPC library routine, rusers().

Example 4-1 rusers Program

#include <rpc/rpc.h>
#include <rpcsvc/rusers.h>
#include <stdio.h>
 * a program that calls the
 * rusers() service
main(argc, argv)
	int argc;
	char **argv;
	int num;
	if (argc != 2) {
		fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s hostname\n",
	if ((num = rnusers(argv[1])) < 0) {
		fprintf(stderr, "error: rusers\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "%d users on %s\n", num,
						argv[1] );

Compile the program in Example 4-1 with:

cc program.c -lrpcsvc -lnsl


There is just one function on the client side of the simplified interface: rpc_call(). It has nine parameters:

int	0 or error code
rpc_call (  
       char				*host			/* Name of server host */
       rpcprog_t		prognum		/* Server program number */
       rpcvers_t		versnum		/* Server version number */
       rpcproc_t		procnum		/* Server procedure number */
       xdrproc_t		inproc		/* XDR filter to encode arg */
       char				*in			/* Pointer to argument */
       xdr_proc_t	outproc		/* Filter to decode result */
       char				*out			/* Address to store result */
       char				*nettype		/* For transport selection */

This function calls the procedure specified by prognum, versum, and procnum on the host. The argument to be passed to the remote procedure is pointed to by the in parameter, and inproc is the XDR filter to encode this argument. The out parameter is an address where the result from the remote procedure is to be placed. outproc is an XDR filter which will decode the result and place it at this address.

The client blocks on rpc_call() until it receives a reply from the server. If the server accepts, it returns RPC_SUCCESS with the value of zero. It will return a non-zero value if the call was unsuccessful. This value can be cast to the type clnt_stat, an enumerated type defined in the RPC include files and interpreted by the clnt_sperrno() function. This function returns a pointer to a standard RPC error message corresponding to the error code.

In the example, all "visible" transports listed in /etc/netconfig are tried. Adjusting the number of retries requires use of the lower levels of the RPC library.

Multiple arguments and results are handled by collecting them in structures.

The example in Example 4-1, changed to use the simplified interface, looks like Example 4-2.

Example 4-2 rusers Program Using Simplified Interface

#include <stdio.h>
#include <utmpx.h>
#include <rpc/rpc.h>
#include <rpcsvc/rusers.h>
/* a program that calls the RUSERSPROG
 * RPC program
main(argc, argv)
	int argc;
	char **argv;
	unsigned int nusers;
	enum clnt_stat cs;
	if (argc != 2) {
		   fprintf(stderr, "usage: rusers hostname\n");
	if( cs = rpc_call(argv[1], RUSERSPROG,
					(char *)0, xdr_u_int, (char *)&nusers,
     "visible")  !=  RPC_SUCCESS )  {
	fprintf(stderr, "%d users on %s\n", nusers,
						argv[1] );

Since data types may be represented differently on different machines, rpc_call() needs both the type of, and a pointer to, the RPC argument (similarly for the result). For RUSERSPROC_NUM, the return value is an unsigned int, so the first return parameter of rpc_call() is xdr_u_int (which is for an unsigned int) and the second is &nusers (which points to unsigned int storage). Because RUSERSPROC_NUM has no argument, the XDR encoding function of rpc_call() is xdr_void() and its argument is NULL.


The server program using the simplified interface is very straightforward. It simply calls rpc_reg() to register the procedure to be called, and then it calls svc_run(), the RPC library's remote procedure dispatcher, to wait for requests to come in.

rpc_reg() has the following arguments:

rpc_reg (
      rpcprog_t			prognum			/* Server program number */
      rpcvers_t			versnum			/* Server version number */
      rpcproc_t			procnum			/* server procedure number */
      char						*procname		/* Name of remote function */
      xdrproc_t			inproc			/* Filter to encode arg */
      xdrproc_t			outproc			/* Filter to decode result */
      char						*nettype			/* For transport selection */

svc_run() invokes service procedures in response to RPC call messages. The dispatcher in rpc_reg() takes care of decoding remote procedure arguments and encoding results, using the XDR filters specified when the remote procedure was registered. Some notes about the server program:

Hand-Coded Registration Routine

You can sometimes implement faster or more compact code than can rpcgen. rpcgen handles the generic code-generation cases. The following program is an example of a hand-coded registration routine. It registers a single procedure and enters svc_run() to service requests.

#include <stdio.h>
 #include <rpc/rpc.h>
 #include <rpcsvc/rusers.h>
 void *rusers();
						RUSERSPROC_NUM, rusers,
 					xdr_void, xdr_u_int,
						"visible") == -1) {
 		fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't Register\n");
 	svc_run();     /* Never returns */
 	fprintf(stderr, "Error: svc_run

rpc_reg() can be called as many times as is needed to register different programs, versions, and procedures.

Passing Arbitrary Data Types

Data types passed to and received from remote procedures can be any of a set of predefined types, or can be programmer-defined types. RPC handles arbitrary data structures, regardless of different machines' byte orders or structure layout conventions, by always converting them to a standard transfer format called external data representation (XDR) before sending them over the transport. The conversion from a machine representation to XDR is called serializing, and the reverse process is called deserializing.

The translator arguments of rpc_call() and rpc_reg() can specify an XDR primitive procedure, like xdr_u_int(), or a programmer-supplied routine that processes a complete argument structure. Argument processing routines must take only two arguments: a pointer to the result and a pointer to the XDR handle.

Table 4-1 XDR Primitive Type Routines

XDR Primitive Routines 



















For the convenience of ANSI C programmers who are accustomed to the fixed-width integer types found in int_types.h, the routines xdr_char(), xdr_short(), xdr_int(), and xdr_hyper() (and the unsigned versions of each) have equivalent functions with names familiar to ANSI C, as indicated in Table 4-2.

Table 4-2 Primitive Type Equivalences



















The nonprimitive xdr_string(), which takes more than two parameters, is called from xdr_wrapstring().

For an example of a programmer-supplied routine, the structure:

struct simple {
 	int a;
 	short b;
 } simple;

contains the calling arguments of a procedure. The XDR routine xdr_simple() translates the argument structure as shown in Example 4-3.

Example 4-3 xdr_simple Routine

#include <rpc/rpc.h>
#include "simple.h"
xdr_simple(xdrsp, simplep)
	XDR *xdrsp;
	struct simple *simplep;
	if (!xdr_int(xdrsp, &simplep->a))
		return (FALSE);
	if (!xdr_short(xdrsp, &simplep->b))
		return (FALSE);
	return (TRUE);

An equivalent routine can be generated automatically by rpcgen.

An XDR routine returns nonzero (a C TRUE) if it completes successfully, and zero otherwise. A complete description of XDR is provided in Appendix C, XDR Protocol Specification.

Table 4-3
 Prefabricated Routines









For example, to send a variable-sized array of integers, it is packaged in a structure containing the array and its length:

struct varintarr {
 	int *data;
 	int arrlnth;
 } arr;

Translate the array with xdr_varintarr(), as shown in Example 4-4.

Example 4-4 xdr_varintarr Syntax Use

xdr_varintarr(xdrsp, arrp)
	XDR *xdrsp;
	struct varintarr *arrp;
	return(xdr_array(xdrsp, (caddr_t)&arrp->data,
		(u_int *)&arrp->arrlnth, MAXLEN,
		sizeof(int), xdr_int));

The arguments of xdr_array() are the XDR handle, a pointer to the array, a pointer to the size of the array, the maximum array size, the size of each array element, and a pointer to the XDR routine to translate each array element. If the size of the array is known in advance, use xdr_vector(), as shown in Example 4-5.

Example 4-5 xdr_vector Syntax Use

int intarr[SIZE];

xdr_intarr(xdrsp, intarr)
	XDR *xdrsp;
	int intarr[];
	return (xdr_vector(xdrsp, intarr, SIZE,

XDR converts quantities to 4-byte multiples when serializing. For arrays of characters, each character occupies 32 bits. xdr_bytes() packs characters. It has four parameters similar to the first four parameters of xdr_array().

Null-terminated strings are translated by xdr_string(). It is like xdr_bytes() with no length parameter. On serializing it gets the string length from strlen(), and on deserializing it creates a null-terminated string.

Example 4-6 calls the built-in functions xdr_string() and xdr_reference(), which translates pointers to pass a string, and struct simple from the previous examples.

Example 4-6 xdr_reference Syntax Use

struct finalexample {
	char *string;
	struct simple *simplep;
} finalexample;

xdr_finalexample(xdrsp, finalp)
	XDR *xdrsp;
	struct finalexample *finalp;
	if (!xdr_string(xdrsp, &finalp->string,
		return (FALSE);
	if (!xdr_reference( xdrsp, &finalp->simplep,
			sizeof(struct simple), xdr_simple))
		return (FALSE);
	return (TRUE);


Note that xdr_simple() could have been called here instead of xdr_reference().

Standard Interfaces

Interfaces to standard levels of the RPC package provide increasing control over RPC communications. Programs that use this control are more complex. Effective programming at these lower levels requires more knowledge of computer network fundamentals. The top, intermediate, expert, and bottom levels are part of the standard interfaces.

This section shows how to control RPC details by using lower levels of the RPC library. For example, you can select the transport protocol, which can be done at the simplified interface level only through the NETPATH variable. You should be familiar with the TLI in order to use these routines.

The routines shown in Table 4-4 cannot be used through the simplified interface because they require a transport handle. For example, there is no way to allocate and free memory while serializing or deserializing with XDR routines at the simplified interface.

Table 4-4 XDR Routines Requiring a Transport Handle

Do Not Use With Simplified Interface 








Top Level Interface

At the top level, the application can specify the type of transport to use but not the specific transport. This level differs from the simplified interface in that the application creates its own transport handles, in both the client and server.


Assume the header file in Example 4-7.

Example 4-7 time_prot.h Header File

/* time_prot.h */
#include <rpc/rpc.h>
#include <rpc/types.h>
struct timev {
	int second;
	int minute;
	int hour;
typedef struct timev timev;
bool_t xdr_timev();
#define TIME_PROG 0x40000001
#define TIME_VERS 1
#define TIME_GET  1

Example 4-8 shows the client side of a trivial date service using top-level service routines. The transport type is specified as an invocation argument of the program.

Example 4-8 Client for Trivial Date Service

#include <stdio.h>
#include "time_prot.h"
#define TOTAL (30)
 * Caller of trivial date service
 * usage: calltime hostname
main(argc, argv)
	int argc;
	char *argv[];
	struct timeval time_out;
	CLIENT *client;
	enum clnt_stat stat;
	struct timev timev;
	char *nettype;
	if (argc != 2 && argc != 3) {
		fprintf(stderr,"usage:%s host[nettype]\n"
	if (argc == 2)
		nettype = "netpath";		/* Default */	
		nettype = argv[2];
	client = clnt_create(argv[1], TIME_PROG,
									TIME_VERS, nettype);
	if (client == (CLIENT *) NULL) {
		clnt_pcreateerror("Couldn't create client");
	time_out.tv_sec = TOTAL;
	time_out.tv_usec = 0;
	stat = clnt_call( client, TIME_GET, 
					xdr_void, (caddr_t)NULL,
					xdr_timev, (caddr_t)&timev,
	if (stat != RPC_SUCCESS) {
		clnt_perror(client, "Call failed");
	fprintf(stderr,"%s: %02d:%02d:%02d GMT\n",
				nettype timev.hour, timev.minute,
	(void) clnt_destroy(client);

If nettype is not specified in the invocation of the program, the string netpath is substituted. When RPC libraries routines encounter this string, the value of the NETPATH environment variable governs transport selection.

If the client handle cannot be created, display the reason for the failure with clnt_pcreateerror(), or get the error status by reading the contents of the global variable rpc_createerr.

After the client handle is created, clnt_call() is used to make the remote call. Its arguments are the remote procedure number, an XDR filter for the input argument, the argument pointer, an XDR filter for the result, the result pointer, and the time-out period of the call. The program has no arguments, so xdr_void() is specified. Clean up by calling clnt_destroy().

In the above example, if the programmer wished to bound the time allowed for client handle creation to thirty seconds, the call to clnt_create() should be replaced with a call to clnt_create_timed() as shown in the following code segment:

 struct timeval timeout;
 timeout.tv_sec = 30;		/* 30 seconds */
 timeout.tv_usec = 0;

 client = clnt_create_timed(argv[1],
					TIME_PROG, TIME_VERS, nettype,

Example 4-9 shows a top-level implementation of a server for the trivial date service.

Example 4-9 Server for Trivial Date Service

#include <stdio.h>
#include <rpc/rpc.h>
#include "time_prot.h"
static void time_prog();
	int argc;
	char *argv[];
	int transpnum;
	char *nettype;
	if (argc > 2) {
		fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s [nettype]\n",
	if (argc == 2)
		nettype = argv[1];
		nettype = "netpath";			/* Default */
	transpnum =
	if (transpnum == 0) {
		fprintf(stderr,"%s: cannot create %s service.\n",
					argv[0], nettype);
 * The server dispatch function
static void
time_prog(rqstp, transp)
	struct svc_req *rqstp;
	SVCXPRT *transp;
	struct timev rslt;
	time_t thetime;
	switch(rqstp->rq_proc) {
		case NULLPROC:
			svc_sendreply(transp, xdr_void, NULL);
		case TIME_GET:
	thetime = time((time_t *) 0);
	rslt.second = thetime % 60;
	thetime /= 60;
	rslt.minute = thetime % 60;
	thetime /= 60;
	rslt.hour = thetime % 24;
	if (!svc_sendreply( transp, xdr_timev, &rslt)) {

svc_create() returns the number of transports on which it created server handles. time_prog() is the service function called by svc_run() when a request specifies its program and version numbers. The server returns the results to the client through svc_sendreply().

When rpcgen is used to generate the dispatch function, svc_sendreply() is called after the procedure returns, so rslt (in this example) must be declared static in the actual procedure. svc_sendreply() is called from inside the dispatch function, so rslt is not declared static.

In this example, the remote procedure takes no arguments. When arguments must be passed, the calls:

svc_getargs( SVCXPRT_handle, XDR_filter, argument_pointer);
svc_freeargs( SVCXPRT_handle, XDR_filter argument_pointer );

fetch, deserialize (XDR decode), and free the arguments.

Intermediate Level Interface

At the intermediate level, the application directly chooses the transport to use.


Example 4-10 shows the client side of the time service from "Top Level Interface", written at the intermediate level of RPC. In this example, the user must name the transport over which the call is made on the command line.

Example 4-10 Client for Time Service, Intermediate Level

#include <stdio.h>
#include <rpc/rpc.h>
#include <netconfig.h>		/* For netconfig structure */
#include "time_prot.h"
#define TOTAL (30)
	int argc;
	char *argv[];
	CLIENT *client;
	struct netconfig *nconf;
	char *netid;
	/* Declarations from previous example */
	if (argc != 3) {
		fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s host netid\n",
	netid = argv[2];
	if ((nconf = getnetconfigent( netid)) ==
	    (struct netconfig *) NULL) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Bad netid type: %s\n",
	client = clnt_tp_create(argv[1], TIME_PROG,
										TIME_VERS, nconf);
	if (client == (CLIENT *) NULL) {
		clnt_pcreateerror("Could not create client");
	/* Same as previous example after this point */

In this example, the netconfig structure is obtained by a call to getnetconfigent(netid). (See the getnetconfig(3NSL) man page and Transport Interfaces Programming Guide for more details.) At this level, the program explicitly selects the network.

In the above example, if the programmer wished to bound the time allowed for client handle creation to thirty seconds, the call to clnt_tp_create() should be replaced with a call to clnt_tp_create_timed() as shown in the following code segment:

 struct timeval timeout;
 timeout.tv_sec = 30; /* 30 seconds */
 timeout.tv_usec = 0;

 client = clnt_tp_create_timed(argv[1], 
				TIME_PROG, TIME_VERS, nconf,


Example 4-11 shows the corresponding server. The command line that starts the service must specify the transport over which the service is provided.

Example 4-11 Server for Time Service, Intermediate Level

 * This program supplies Greenwich mean
 * time to the client that invokes it.
 * The call format is: server netid
#include <stdio.h>
#include <rpc/rpc.h>
#include <netconfig.h>    /* For netconfig structure */
#include "time_prot.h"
static void time_prog();
main(argc, argv)
	int argc;
	char *argv[];
	SVCXPRT *transp;
	struct netconfig *nconf;
	if (argc != 2) {
		fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s netid\n",
	if ((nconf = getnetconfigent( argv[1])) ==
					(struct netconfig *) NULL) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Could not find info on %s\n",
	transp = svc_tp_create(time_prog, TIME_PROG,
										TIME_VERS, nconf);
	if (transp == (SVCXPRT *) NULL) {
		fprintf(stderr, "%s: cannot create 
						%s service\n", argv[0], argv[1]);
	void time_prog(rqstp, transp)
		struct svc_req *rqstp;
		SVCXPRT *transp;
/* Code identical to Top Level version */ 

Expert Level Interface

At the expert level, network selection is done the same as at the intermediate level. The only difference is in the increased level of control that the application has over the details of the CLIENT and SVCXPRT handles. These examples illustrate this control, which is exercised using the clnt_tli_create() and svc_tli_create() routines. For more information on TLI, see Transport Interfaces Programming Guide.


Example 4-12 shows a version of clntudp_create() (the client creation routine for UDP transport) using clnt_tli_create(). The example shows how to do network selection based on the family of the transport you choose. clnt_tli_create() is used to create a client handle and to:

Example 4-12 Client for RPC Lower Level

#include <stdio.h>
#include <rpc/rpc.h>
#include <netconfig.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
 * In earlier implementations of RPC,
 * only TCP/IP and UDP/IP were supported.
 * This version of clntudp_create()
 * is based on TLI/Streams.
clntudp_create(raddr, prog, vers, wait, sockp)
	struct sockaddr_in *raddr;		/* Remote address */
	rpcprog_t prog;							/* Program number */
	prcvers_t vers;							/* Version number */
	struct timeval wait;				/* Time to wait */
	int *sockp;								/* fd pointer */
	CLIENT *cl;								/* Client handle */
	int madefd = FALSE;					/* Is fd opened here */
	int fd = *sockp;						/* TLI fd */
	struct t_bind *tbind;				/* bind address */
	struct netconfig *nconf;			/* netconfig structure */
	void *handlep;

	if ((handlep = setnetconfig() ) == (void *) NULL) {
		/* Error starting network configuration */
		rpc_createerr.cf_stat = RPC_UNKNOWNPROTO;
		return((CLIENT *) NULL);
	 * Try all the transports until it gets one that is
	 * connectionless, family is INET, and preferred name is UDP
	while (nconf = getnetconfig( handlep)) {
		if ((nconf->nc_semantics == NC_TPI_CLTS) &&
		     (strcmp( nconf->nc_protofmly, NC_INET ) == 0) &&
		     (strcmp( nconf->nc_proto, NC_UDP ) == 0))
	if (nconf == (struct netconfig *) NULL)
		rpc_createerr.cf_stat = RPC_UNKNOWNPROTO;
		goto err;
	if (fd == RPC_ANYFD) {
		fd = t_open(nconf->nc_device, O_RDWR, &tinfo);
		if (fd == -1) {
			rpc_createerr.cf_stat = RPC_SYSTEMERROR;
			goto err;
	if (raddr->sin_port == 0) { /* remote addr unknown */
		u_short sport;
		 * rpcb_getport() is a user-provided routine that calls
		 * rpcb_getaddr and translates the netbuf address to port
		 * number in host byte order.
		sport = rpcb_getport(raddr, prog, vers, nconf);
		if (sport == 0) {
			rpc_createerr.cf_stat = RPC_PROGUNAVAIL;
			goto err;
		raddr->sin_port = htons(sport);
	/* Transform sockaddr_in to netbuf */
	tbind = (struct t_bind *) t_alloc(fd, T_BIND, T_ADDR);
	if (tbind == (struct t_bind *) NULL)
		rpc_createerr.cf_stat = RPC_SYSTEMERROR;
		goto err;
	if (t_bind->addr.maxlen < sizeof( struct sockaddr_in))
		goto err;
	(void) memcpy( tbind->addr.buf, (char *)raddr,
	               sizeof(struct sockaddr_in));
	tbind->addr.len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in);
	/* Bind fd */
	if (t_bind( fd, NULL, NULL) == -1) {
		rpc_createerr.ct_stat = RPC_TLIERROR;
		goto err;
	cl = clnt_tli_create(fd, nconf, &(tbind->addr), prog, vers,
	                      tinfo.tsdu, tinfo.tsdu);
	/* Close the netconfig file */
	(void) endnetconfig( handlep);
	(void) t_free((char *) tbind, T_BIND);
	if (cl) {
		*sockp = fd;
		if (madefd == TRUE) {
			/* fd should be closed while destroying the handle */
			(void)clnt_control(cl,CLSET_FD_CLOSE, (char *)NULL);
		/* Set the retry time */
		(void) clnt_control( l, CLSET_RETRY_TIMEOUT,
		                     (char *) &wait);
	if (madefd == TRUE)
		(void) t_close(fd);
	(void) endnetconfig(handlep);
	return((CLIENT *) NULL);

The network is selected using setnetconfig(), getnetconfig(), and endnetconfig().

Note -

endnetconfig() is not called until after the call to clnt_tli_create(), near the end of the example.

clntudp_create() can be passed an open TLI fd. If passed none (fd == RPC_ANYFD), it opens its own using the netconfig structure for UDP to find the name of the device to pass to t_open().

If the remote address is not known (raddr->sin_port == 0), it is obtained from the remote rpcbind.

After the client handle has been created, you can modify it using calls to clnt_control(). The RPC library closes the file descriptor when destroying the handle (as it does with a call to clnt_destroy() when it opens the fd itself) and sets the retry time-out period.


Example 4-13 shows the server side of Example 4-12. It is called svcudp_create(). The server side uses svc_tli_create().

svc_tli_create() is used when the application needs a fine degree of control, particularly to:

Use rpcb_set() to register the service with rpcbind.

Example 4-13 Server for RPC Lower Level

#include <stdio.h>
#include <rpc/rpc.h>
#include <netconfig.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>

	register int fd;
	struct netconfig *nconf;
	SVCXPRT *svc;
	int madefd = FALSE;
	int port;
	void *handlep;
	struct  t_info tinfo;

	/* If no transports available */
	if ((handlep = setnetconfig() ) == (void *) NULL) {
		return((SVCXPRT *) NULL);
	 * Try all the transports until it gets one which is
	 * connectionless, family is INET and, name is UDP
	while (nconf = getnetconfig( handlep)) {
		if ((nconf->nc_semantics == NC_TPI_CLTS) &&
		    (strcmp( nconf->nc_protofmly, NC_INET) == 0 )&&
		    (strcmp( nconf->nc_proto, NC_UDP) == 0 ))
	if (nconf == (struct netconfig *) NULL) {
		return((SVCXPRT *) NULL);
	if (fd == RPC_ANYFD) {
		fd = t_open(nconf->nc_device, O_RDWR, &tinfo);
		if (fd == -1) {
			(void) endnetconfig();
			return((SVCXPRT *) NULL);
		madefd = TRUE;
	} else
		t_getinfo(fd, &tinfo);
	svc = svc_tli_create(fd, nconf, (struct t_bind *) NULL,
	                      tinfo.tsdu, tinfo.tsdu);
	(void) endnetconfig(handlep);
	if (svc == (SVCXPRT *) NULL) {
		if (madefd)
			(void) t_close(fd);
		return((SVCXPRT *)NULL);
	return (svc);

The network selection here is accomplished similar to clntudp_create(). The file descriptor is not bound explicitly to a transport address because svc_tli_create() does that.

svcudp_create() can use an open fd. It will open one itself using the selected netconfig structure, if none is provided.

Bottom Level Interface

The bottom-level interface to RPC lets the application control all options. clnt_tli_create() and the other expert-level RPC interface routines are based on these routines. You rarely use these low-level routines.

Bottom-level routines create internal data structures, buffer management, RPC headers, and so on. Callers of these routines, like the expert level routine clnt_tli_create(), must initialize the cl_netid and cl_tp fields in the client handle. For a created handle, cl_netid is the network identifier (for example udp) of the transport and cl_tp is the device name of that transport (for example /dev/udp). The routines clnt_dg_create() and clnt_vc_create() set the clnt_ops and cl_private fields.


Example 4-14 shows calls to clnt_vc_create() and clnt_dg_create().

Example 4-14 Client for Bottom Level

 * variables are:
 * cl: CLIENT *
 * tinfo: struct t_info returned from either t_open or t_getinfo
 * svcaddr: struct netbuf *
	switch(tinfo.servtype) {
		case T_COTS:
		case T_COTS_ORD:
			cl = clnt_vc_create(fd, svcaddr,
			 prog, vers, sendsz, recvsz);
		case T_CLTS:
			cl = clnt_dg_create(fd, svcaddr,
			 prog, vers, sendsz, recvsz);
			goto err;

These routines require that the file descriptor is open and bound. svcaddr is the address of the server.


Example 4-15 is an example of creating a bottom-level server.

Example 4-15 Server for Bottom Level

 * variables are:
 * xprt: SVCXPRT *
switch(tinfo.servtype) {
	case T_COTS_ORD:
	case T_COTS:
		xprt = svc_vc_create(fd, sendsz, recvsz);

	case T_CLTS:
		xprt = svc_dg_create(fd, sendsz, recvsz);

		goto err;

Server Caching

svc_dg_enablecache() initiates service caching for datagram transports. Caching should be used only in cases where a server procedure is a "once only" kind of operation, because executing a cached server procedure multiple times will yield different results.

svc_dg_enablecache(xprt, cache_size)
    SVCXPRT *xprt;
    unsigned int cache_size;

This function allocates a duplicate request cache for the service endpoint xprt, large enough to hold cache_size entries. A duplicate request cache is needed if the service contains procedures with varying results. Once enabled, there is no way to disable caching.

Low-Level Data Structures

The following are for reference only. The implementation may change.

First is the client RPC handle, defined in <rpc/clnt.h>. Low-level implementations must provide and initialize one handle per connection, as shown in Example 4-16.

Example 4-16 RPC Client Handle Structure

typedef struct {
	AUTH *cl_auth;								/* authenticator */
	struct clnt_ops {
		enum clnt_stat	(*cl_call)();		/* call remote procedure */
		void			(*cl_abort)();			/* abort a call */
		void			(*cl_geterr)();		/* get specific error code */
		bool_t			(*cl_freeres)();	/* frees results */
		void			(*cl_destroy)();		/* destroy this structure */
		bool_t			(*cl_control)();	/* the ioctl() of rpc */
	} *cl_ops;
	caddrt_t			cl_private;				/* private stuff */
	char			*cl_netid;					/* network token *l
	char			*cl_tp;						/* device name */

The first field of the client-side handle is an authentication structure, defined in <rpc/auth.h>. By default, it is set to AUTH_NONE. A client program must initialize cl_auth appropriately, as shown in Example 4-17.

Example 4-17 Client Authentication Handle

typedef struct {
	struct			opaque_auth  ah_cred;
	struct			opaque_auth  ah_verf;
	union			des_block    ah_key;
	struct auth_ops {
		void		(*ah_nextverf)();
		int		(*ah_marshal)();			/* nextverf & serialize */
		int		(*ah_validate)();			/* validate varifier */
		int		(*ah_refresh)();			/* refresh credentials */
		void		(*ah_destroy)();			/* destroy this structure */
	} *ah_ops;
	caddr_t ah_private;

In the AUTH structure, ah_cred contains the caller's credentials, and ah_verf contains the data to verify the credentials. See "Authentication" for details.

Example 4-18 shows the server transport handle.

Example 4-18 Server Transport Handle

typedef struct {
	int			xp_fd;
#define xp_sock					xp_fd
	u_short xp_port;		/* associated port number. Obsoleted */
	struct xp_ops {
	    bool_t				(*xp_recv)();		/* receive incoming requests */
	   enum xprt_stat (*xp_stat)();			/* get transport status */
	    bool_t				(*xp_getargs)();	/* get arguments */
	    bool_t				(*xp_reply)();		/* send reply */
	    bool_t				(*xp_freeargs)();		/* free mem alloc for args */
	    void				(*xp_destroy)();		/* destroy this struct */
	} *xp_ops;
	int		xp_addrlen;			/* length of remote addr. Obsolete */
	char		*xp_tp;				/* transport provider device name */
	char		*xp_netid;			/* network token */
	struct netbuf  xp_ltaddr;		/* local transport address */
	struct netbuf  xp_rtaddr;		/* remote transport address */
	char				xp_raddr[16];	/* remote address. Now obsoleted */
	struct opaque_auth xp_verf;	/* raw response verifier */
	caddr_t				xp_p1;		/* private: for use by svc ops */
	caddr_t				xp_p2;		/* private: for use by svc ops */
	caddr_t				xp_p3;		/* private: for use by svc lib */

Table 4-5 shows the fields for the server transport handle.

Table 4-5 RPC Server Transport Handle Fields


The file descriptor associated with the handle. Two or more server handles can share the same file descriptor. 


The network identifier (e.g. udp) of the transport on which the handle is created and xp_tp is the device name associated with that transport.


The server's own bind address. 


The address of the remote caller (and so may change from call to call). 

xp_netid xp_tp xp_ltaddr

Initialized by svc_tli_create() and other expert-level routines.

The rest of the fields are initialized by the bottom-level server routines svc_dg_create() and svc_vc_create().

For connection-oriented endpoints, the fields in Table 4-6 are not valid until a connection has been requested and accepted for the server:

Table 4-6 RPC Connection-Oriented Endpoints

Fields Not Valid Until Connection Is Accepted 










Testing Programs Using Low-level Raw RPC

There are two pseudo-RPC interface routines that bypass all the network software. The routines shown in Failed Cross Reference Format, clnt_raw_create() and svc_raw_create(), do not use any real transport.

Note -

Do not use raw mode on production systems. Raw mode is intended as a debugging aid only. Raw mode is not MT safe.

Failed Cross Reference Format is compiled and linked using the following Makefile:

all: raw
CFLAGS += -g
raw: raw.o
cc -g -o raw raw.o -lnsl

Example 4-19 Simple Program Using Raw RPC

 * A simple program to increment a number by 1

#include <stdio.h>
#include <rpc/rpc.h>
#include <rpc/raw.h>
#define prognum 0x40000001
#define versnum 1
#define INCR 1

struct timeval TIMEOUT = {0, 0};
static void server();

main (argc, argv)
	int argc;
	char **argv;
	CLIENT *cl;
	SVCXPRT *svc;
	int num = 0, ans;
	int flag;

	if (argc == 2)
		num = atoi(argv[1]);
		svc = svc_raw_create();
	if (svc == (SVCXPRT *) NULL) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Could not create server handle\n");
	flag = svc_reg( svc, prognum, versnum, server,
	        (struct netconfig *) NULL );
    if (flag == 0) {
	    fprintf(stderr, "Error: svc_reg failed.\n");
	cl = clnt_raw_create( prognum, versnum );
	if (cl == (CLIENT *) NULL) {
		clnt_pcreateerror("Error: clnt_raw_create");
	if (clnt_call(cl, INCR, xdr_int, (caddr_t) &num, xdr_int,
	      (caddr_t) &ans, TIMEOUT)
	  != RPC_SUCCESS) {
		clnt_perror(cl, "Error: client_call with raw");
	printf("Client: number returned %d\n", ans);

static void
server(rqstp, transp)
	struct svc_req *rqstp;
	SVCXPRT *transp;
	int num;

    fprintf(stderr, "Entering server procedure.\n");

	switch(rqstp->rq_proc) {
		case NULLPROC:
			if (svc_sendreply( transp, xdr_void,
				(caddr_t) NULL) == FALSE) {
				fprintf(stderr, "error in null proc\n");
		case INCR:
	if (!svc_getargs( transp, xdr_int, &num)) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Server procedure: about to increment.\n");
	if (svc_sendreply(transp, xdr_int, &num) == FALSE) {
		fprintf(stderr, "error in sending answer\n");
		exit (1);
    fprintf(stderr, "Leaving server procedure.\n");

Note the following points in Failed Cross Reference Format:

Advanced RPC Programming Techniques

This section addresses areas of occasional interest to developers using the lower level interfaces of the RPC package. The topics are:

poll() on the Server Side

This section applies only to servers running RPC in single-threaded (default) mode.

A process that services RPC requests and performs some other activity cannot always call svc_run(). If the other activity periodically updates a data structure, the process can set a SIGALRM signal before calling svc_run(). This allows the signal handler to process the data structure and return control to svc_run() when done.

A process can bypass svc_run() and access the dispatcher directly with the svc_getreqset() call. Given the file descriptors of the transport endpoints associated with the programs being waited on, the process can have its own poll() that waits on both the RPC file descriptors and its own descriptors.

Example 4-20 shows svc_run(). svc_pollset is an array of pollfd structures that is derived, through a call to __rpc_select_to_poll(), from svc_fdset(). The array can change every time any RPC library routine is called, because descriptors are constantly being opened and closed. svc_getreq_poll() is called when poll() determines that an RPC request has arrived on some RPC file descriptors.

Note -

The functions __rpc_dtbsize() and __rpc_select_to_poll() are not part of the SVID, but they are available in the libnsl library. The descriptions of these functions are included here so that you may create versions of these functions for non-Solaris implementations.

int __rpc_select_to_poll(int fdmax, fd_set *fdset,
															struct pollfd *pollset)

Given an fd_set pointer and the number of bits to check in it, this function initializes the supplied pollfd array for RPC's use. RPC polls only for input events. The number of pollfd slots that were initialized is returned.

int __rpc_dtbsize()

This function calls the getrlimit() function to determine the maximum value that the system may assign to a newly created file descriptor. The result is cached for efficiency.

For more information on the SVID routines in this section, see the rpc_svc_calls(3NSL) and the poll(2) man pages.

Example 4-20 svc_run() and poll()

	int nfds;
	int dtbsize = __rpc_dtbsize();
	int i;
	struct pollfd svc_pollset[fd_setsize];

	for (;;) {
		 * Check whether there is any server fd on which we may have
		 * to wait.
		nfds = __rpc_select_to_poll(dtbsize, &svc_fdset,
		if (nfds == 0)
			break;	/* None waiting, hence quit */

		switch (i = poll(svc_pollset, nfds, -1)) {
		case -1:
			 * We ignore all errors, continuing with the assumption
			 * that it was set by the signal handlers (or any
			 * other outside event) and not caused by poll().
		case 0:
			svc_getreq_poll(svc_pollset, i);

Broadcast RPC

When an RPC broadcast is issued, a message is sent to all rpcbind daemons on a network. An rpcbind daemon with which the requested service is registered forwards the request to the server. The main differences between broadcast RPC and normal RPC calls are:

Example 4-21 shows how rpc_broadcast() is used and describes its arguments.

Example 4-21 RPC Broadcast

 * bcast.c: example of RPC broadcasting use.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <rpc/rpc.h>

main(argc, argv)
	int argc;
	char *argv[];
	enum clnt_stat rpc_stat;
	rpcprog_t prognum;
	rpcvers_t vers;
	struct rpcent *re;

	if(argc != 3) {
		fprintf(stderr, "usage : %s RPC_PROG VERSION\n", argv[0]);
	if (isdigit( *argv[1]))
		prognum = atoi(argv[1]);
	else {
		re = getrpcbyname(argv[1]);
		if (! re) {
			fprintf(stderr, "Unknown RPC service %s\n", argv[1]);
		prognum = re->r_number;
	vers = atoi(argv[2]);
	rpc_stat = rpc_broadcast(prognum, vers, NULLPROC, xdr_void,
	           (char *)NULL, xdr_void, (char *)NULL, bcast_proc,
	if ((rpc_stat != RPC_SUCCESS) && (rpc_stat != RPC_TIMEDOUT)) {
		fprintf(stderr, "broadcast failed: %s\n",

The function in Example 4-22 collects replies to the broadcast. Normal operation is to collect either the first reply or all replies. bcast_proc() displays the IP address of the server that has responded. Since the function returns FALSE it will continue to collect responses, and the RPC client code will continue to resend the broadcast until it times out.

Example 4-22 Collect Broadcast Replies

bcast_proc(res, t_addr, nconf)
	void *res;									/* Nothing comes back */
	struct t_bind *t_addr;					/* Who sent us the reply */
	struct netconfig *nconf;
	register struct hostent *hp;
	char *naddr;

	naddr = taddr2naddr(nconf, &taddr->addr);
	if (naddr == (char *) NULL) {
		fprintf(stderr,"Responded: unknown\n");
	} else {
		fprintf(stderr,"Responded: %s\n", naddr);

If done is TRUE, then broadcasting stops, and rpc_broadcast() returns successfully. Otherwise, the routine waits for another response. The request is rebroadcast after a few seconds of waiting. If no responses come back, the routine returns with RPC_TIMEDOUT.


RPC is designed so that clients send a call message and wait for servers to reply to the call. This implies that a client is blocked while the server processes the call. This is inefficient when the client does not need each message acknowledged.

RPC batching lets clients process asynchronously. RPC messages can be placed in a pipeline of calls to a server. Batching requires that:

Because the server does not respond to each call, the client can send new calls in parallel with the server processing previous calls. The transport can buffer many call messages and send them to the server in one write() system call. This decreases interprocess communication overhead and the total time of a series of calls. The client should end with a nonbatched call to flush the pipeline.

Example 4-23 shows the unbatched version of the client. It scans the character array, buf, for delimited strings and sends each string to the server.

Example 4-23 Unbatched Client

#include <stdio.h>
#include <rpc/rpc.h>
#include "windows.h"

main(argc, argv)
	int argc;
	char **argv;
	struct timeval total_timeout;
	register CLIENT *client;
	enum clnt_stat clnt_stat;
	char buf[1000], *s = buf;

	if ((client = clnt_create( argv[1], WINDOWPROG, WINDOWVERS,
								"circuit_v")) == (CLIENT *) NULL) {

	total_timeout.tv_sec = 20;
	total_timeout.tv_usec = 0;
	while (scanf( "%s", s ) != EOF) {
		if (clnt_call(client, RENDERSTRING, xdr_wrapstring, &s,
		   xdr_void, (caddr_t) NULL, total_timeout) != RPC_SUCCESS) {
			clnt_perror(client, "rpc");

	clnt_destroy( client );

Example 4-24 shows the batched version of the client. It does not wait after each string is sent to the server. It waits only for an ending response from the server.

Example 4-24 Batched Client

#include <stdio.h>
#include <rpc/rpc.h>
#include "windows.h"

main(argc, argv)
	int argc;
	char **argv;
	struct timeval total_timeout;
	register CLIENT *client;
	enum clnt_stat clnt_stat;
	char buf[1000], *s = buf;

	if ((client = clnt_create( argv[1], WINDOWPROG, WINDOWVERS,
									"circuit_v")) == (CLIENT *) NULL) {
	while (scanf("%s", s) != EOF)
		clnt_call(client, RENDERSTRING_BATCHED, xdr_wrapstring,
		           &s, xdr_void, (caddr_t) NULL, total_timeout);
	/* Now flush the pipeline */
	total_timeout.tv_sec = 20;
	clnt_stat = clnt_call(client, NULLPROC, xdr_void,
	         (caddr_t) NULL, xdr_void, (caddr_t) NULL,
	if (clnt_stat != RPC_SUCCESS) {
		clnt_perror(client, "rpc");

Example 4-25 shows the dispatch portion of the batched server. Because the server sends no message, the clients are not notified of failures.

Example 4-25 Batched Server

#include <stdio.h>
#include <rpc/rpc.h>
#include "windows.h"

windowdispatch(rqstp, transp)
	struct svc_req *rqstp;
	SVCXPRT *transp;
	char    *s = NULL;

	switch(rqstp->rq_proc) {
		case NULLPROC:
			if (!svc_sendreply( transp, xdr_void, NULL))
				fprintf(stderr, "can't reply to RPC call\n");
			if (!svc_getargs( transp, xdr_wrapstring, &s)) {
				fprintf(stderr, "can't decode arguments\n");
				/* Tell caller an error occurred */
			/* Code here to render the string s */
			if (!svc_sendreply( transp, xdr_void, (caddr_t) NULL))
				fprintf( stderr, "can't reply to RPC call\n");
			if (!svc_getargs(transp, xdr_wrapstring, &s)) {
				fprintf(stderr, "can't decode arguments\n");
				/* Be silent in the face of protocol errors */
			/* Code here to render string s, but send no reply! */
	/* Now free string allocated while decoding arguments */
	svc_freeargs(transp, xdr_wrapstring, &s);

Batching Performance

To illustrate the benefits of batching, the examples in Example 4-23 and Example 4-25 were completed to render the lines in a 25144-line file. The rendering service simply throws the lines away. The batched version of the application was four times as fast as the unbatched version.


In all of the preceding examples in this chapter, the caller has not identified itself to the server, and the server has not required identification of the caller. Some network services, such as a network file system, require caller identification. Refer to System Administration Guide, to implement any of the authentication methods described in this section.

Just as different transports can be used when creating RPC clients and servers, different "flavors" of authentication can be associated with RPC clients. The authentication subsystem of RPC is open ended. So, many flavors of authentication can be supported. The authentication protocols are further defined in Appendix B, RPC Protocol and Language Specification.

Sun RPC currently supports the authentication flavors shown in Table 4-7.

Table 4-7 Authentication Methods Supported By Sun RPC


Default. No authentication performed 


An authentication flavor based on UNIX operating system, process permissions authentication 


An alternate flavor of AUTH_SYS used by some servers for efficiency. Client programs using AUTH_SYS authentication can receive AUTH_SHORT response verifiers from some servers. See Appendix B, RPC Protocol and Language Specificationfor details


An authentication flavor based on DES encryption techniques 


Version 5 Kerberos authentication based on DES framework

When a caller creates a new RPC client handle as in:

clnt = clnt_create(host, prognum, versnum, nettype);

the appropriate client-creation routine sets the associated authentication handle to:

clnt->cl_auth = authnone_create();

If you create a new instance of authentication, you must destroy it with auth_destroy(clnt->cl_auth). This should be done to conserve memory.

On the server side, the RPC package passes the service-dispatch routine a request that has an arbitrary authentication style associated with it. The request handle passed to a service-dispatch routine contains the structure rq_cred. It is opaque, except for one field: the flavor of the authentication credentials.

 * Authentication data
struct opaque_auth {
   enum_t    oa_flavor;		/* style of credentials */
   caddr_t   oa_base;			/* address of more auth stuff */
   u_int     oa_length;		/* not to exceed MAX_AUTH_BYTES */

The RPC package guarantees the following to the service-dispatch routine:

AUTH_SYS Authentication

The client can use AUTH_SYS (called AUTH_UNIX in previous releases) style authentication by setting clnt->cl_auth after creating the RPC client handle:

clnt->cl_auth = authsys_create_default();

This causes each RPC call associated with clnt to carry with it the following credentials-authentication structure shown in Example 4-26.

Example 4-26 AUTH_SYS Credential Structure

 * AUTH_SYS flavor credentials.
struct authsys_parms {
	u_long aup_time;					/* credentials creation time */
	char *aup_machname;				/* client's host name */
	uid_t aup_uid;						/* client's effective uid */
	gid_t aup_gid;						/* client's current group id */
	u_int aup_len;						/* element length of aup_gids*/
	gid_t *aup_gids;					/* array of groups user is in */

rpc.broadcast defaults to AUTH_SYS authentication.

Example 4-27 shows a server, with procedure RUSERPROC_1(), that returns the number of users on the network. As an example of authentication, it checks AUTH_SYS credentials and does not service requests from callers whose uid is 16.

Example 4-27 Authentication Server

nuser(rqstp, transp)
	struct svc_req *rqstp;
	SVCXPRT *transp;
	struct authsys_parms *sys_cred;
	uid_t uid;
	unsigned int nusers;

	/* NULLPROC should never be authenticated */
	if (rqstp->rq_proc == NULLPROC) {
		if (!svc_sendreply( transp, xdr_void, (caddr_t) NULL))
			fprintf(stderr, "can't reply to RPC call\n");

	/* now get the uid */
	switch(rqstp->rq_cred.oa_flavor) {
		case AUTH_SYS:
			sys_cred = (struct authsys_parms *) rqstp->rq_clntcred;
			uid = sys_cred->aup_uid;
	switch(rqstp->rq_proc) {
		case RUSERSPROC_1:
			/* make sure caller is allowed to call this proc */
			if (uid == 16) {

			 * Code here to compute the number of users and assign it
			 * to the variable nusers
			if (!svc_sendreply( transp, xdr_u_int, &nusers))
				fprintf(stderr, "can't reply to RPC call\n");

Note the following:

The last point underscores the relation between the RPC authentication package and the services: RPC deals only with authentication and not with an individual service's access control. The services themselves must establish access-control policies and reflect these policies as return statuses in their protocols.

AUTH_DES Authentication

Use AUTH_DES authentication for programs that require more security than AUTH_SYS provides. AUTH_SYS authentication is easy to defeat. For example, instead of using authsys_create_default(), a program can call authsys_create() and change the RPC authentication handle to give itself any desired user ID and hostname.

AUTH_DES authentication requires that keyserv() daemons are running on both the server and client hosts. The NIS or NIS+ naming service must also be running. Users on these hosts need public/secret key pairs assigned by the network administrator in the publickey() database. They must also have decrypted their secret keys with the keylogin() command (normally done by login() unless the login password and secure-RPC password differ).

To use AUTH_DES authentication, a client must set its authentication handle appropriately. For example:

cl->cl_auth = authdes_seccreate(servername, 60, server,
						       (char *)NULL);

The first argument is the network name or "netname" of the owner of the server process. Server processes are usually root processes, and you can get their netnames with the following call:

char servername[MAXNETNAMELEN];
host2netname(servername, server, (char *)NULL);

servername points to the receiving string and server is the name of the host the server process is running on. If the server process was run by a non-root user, use the call user2netname() as follows:

char servername[MAXNETNAMELEN];
user2netname(servername, serveruid(), (char *)NULL);

serveruid() is the user id of the server process. The last argument of both functions is the name of the domain that contains the server. NULL means "use the local domain name."

The second argument of authdes_seccreate() is the lifetime (known also as the window) of the client's credential, here, 60 seconds. A credential will expire 60 seconds after the client makes an RPC call. If a program tries to reuse the credential, the server RPC subsystem recognizes that it has expired and does not service the request carrying the expired credential. If any program tries to reuse a credential within its lifetime, it is rejected, because the server RPC subsystem saves credentials it has seen in the near past and does not serve duplicates.

The third argument of authdes_seccreate() is the name of the timehost used to synchronize clocks. AUTH_DES authentication requires that server and client agree on the time. The example specifies to synchronize with the server. A (char *)NULL says not to synchronize. Do this only when you are sure that the client and server are already synchronized.

The fourth argument of authdes_seccreate() points to a DES encryption key to encrypt time stamps and data. If this argument is (char *)NULL, as it is in this example, a random key is chosen. The ah_key field of the authentication handle contains the key.

The server side is simpler than the client. Example 4-28 shows the server in Example 4-27 changed to use AUTH_DES.

Example 4-28 AUTH_DES Server

#include <rpc/rpc.h>
nuser(rqstp, transp)
	struct svc_req *rqstp;
	SVCXPRT *transp;
	struct authdes_cred *des_cred;
	uid_t uid;
	gid_t gid;
	int gidlen;
	gid_t gidlist[10];

	/* NULLPROC should never be authenticated */
	if (rqstp->rq_proc == NULLPROC) {
		/* same as before */
	/* now get the uid */
	switch(rqstp->rq_cred.oa_flavor) {
		case AUTH_DES:
			des_cred = (struct authdes_cred *) rqstp->rq_clntcred;
			if (! netname2user( des_cred->adc_fullname.name, &uid,
			                    &gid, &gidlen, gidlist)) {
				fprintf(stderr, "unknown user: %s\n",
	/* The rest is the same as before */

Note the routine netname2user() converts a network name (or "netname" of a user) to a local system ID. It also supplies group IDs (not used in this example).

AUTH_KERB Authentication

SunOS 5.x includes support for most client-side features of Kerberos 5, except klogin. AUTH_KERB is conceptually similar to AUTH_DES; the essential difference is that DES passes a network name and DES-encrypted session key, while Kerberos passes the encrypted service ticket. The other factors that affect implementation and interoperability are given in the following subsections.

For more information, see the kerberos(3KRB) man page and the Steiner-Neuman-Shiller paper [Steiner, Jennifer G., Neuman, Clifford, and Schiller, Jeffrey J. "Kerberos: An Authentication Service for Open Network Systems." USENIX Conference Proceedings, USENIX Association, Berkeley, CA, June 1988.] on the MIT Project Athena implementation of Kerberos. You may access MIT documentation through the FTP directory /pub/kerberos/doc on athena-dist.mit.edu, or through Mosaic, using the document URL, ftp://athena-dist.mit.edu/pub/kerberos/doc.

Time Synchronization

Kerberos uses the concept of a time window in which its credentials are valid. It does not place restrictions on the clocks of the client or server. The client is required to determine the time bias between itself and the server and compensate for the difference by adjusting the window time specified to the server. Specifically, the window is passed as an argument to authkerb_seccreate(); the window does not change. If a timehost is specified as an argument, the client side gets the time from the timehost and alters its timestamp by the difference in time. Various methods of time synchronization are available. See the kerberos_rpc(3KRB) man page for more information.

Well-Known Names

Kerberos users are identified by a primary name, instance, and realm. The RPC authentication code ignores the realm and instance, while the Kerberos library code does not. The assumption is that user names are the same between client and server. This enables a server to translate a primary name into user identification information. Two forms of well-known names are used (omitting the realm):


Kerberos uses cipher block chaining (CBC) mode when sending a full name credential (one that includes the ticket and window), and electronic code book (ECB) mode otherwise. CBC and ECB are two methods of DES encryption. See the des_crypt(3) man page for more information. The session key is used as the initial input vector for CBC mode. The notation


means that XDR is used on object as a type. The length in the next code section is the size, in bytes of the credential or verifier, rounded up to 4-byte units. The full name credential and verifier are obtained as follows:

xdr_long(window - 1)

After encryption with CBC with input vector equal to the session key, the output is two DES cipher blocks:


The credential is:


The verifier is:


The nickname exchange yields:


The nickname is encrypted with ECB to obtain ECB0, and the credential is:


The verifier is:


Authentication Using RPCSEC_GSS

The authentication flavors mentioned previously -- AUTH_SYS, AUTH_DES, and AUTH_KERB -- can be overcome by a determined snoop. For this reason a new networking layer, the Generic Security Standard API, or GSS-API, has been added. The GSS-API framework offers two extra services beyond authentication:

Note -

Currently, the GSS-API is not exposed. Certain GSS-API features, however, are "visible" through RPCSEC_GSS functions -- they can be manipulated in an "opaque" fashion. The programmer need not be directly concerned with their values.


The RPCSEC_GSS security flavor allows ONC RPC applications to take advantage of the features of GSS-API. RPCSEC_GSS sits "on top" of the GSS-API layer as follows:

Figure 4-1 GSS-API and RPCSEC_GSS Security Layers


Using the programming interface for RPCSEC_GSS, ONC RPC applications can specify:


A security paradigm. Each kind of security mechanism offers a different kind of data protection, as well as one or more levels of data protection. In this case, any security mechanism supported by the GSS-API (Kerberos V5, RSA public key, and so forth).

security service

Either privacy or integrity (or neither). The default is integrity The service is mechanism-independent.


Quality of Protection. The QOP specifies the type of cryptographic algorithm to be used to implement privacy or integrity services. Each security mechanism can have one or more QOPs associated with it.

Applications can obtain lists of valid QOPs and mechanisms through functions provided by RPCSEC_GSS. (See "Miscellaneous Functions".) Developers should avoid hard-coding mechanisms and QOPs into their applications, so that the applications will not need to be modified to use new or different mechanisms and QOPs.

Note -

Historically, "security flavor" and "authentication flavor" have meant the same thing. With the introduction of RPCSEC_GSS, "flavor" now has a somewhat different sense. A flavor can now include a service (integrity or privacy) along with authentication, although currently RPCSEC_GSS is the only flavor that does.

Using RPCSEC_GSS, ONC RPC applications establish a security context with a peer, exchange data, and destroy the context, just as they do with other flavors. Once a context is established, the application can change the QOP and service for each data unit sent.

For more information on RPCSEC_GSS, including RPCSEC_GSS data types, see the rpcsec_gss(3N) man page.


Table 4-8 summarizes RPCSEC_GSS commands. It is intended as a general overview of RPCSEC_GSS functions, rather than a specific description of each one. For more information on each function, see its man page, or check the rpcsec_gss(3N) man page for an overview, including a list of RPCSEC_GSS data structures.

Table 4-8 RPCSEC_GSS Functions
 Create a security contextrpc_gss_seccreate() CLIENT handle, principal name, mechanism, QOP, service typeAUTH handle
 Change QOP, service type for contextrpc_gss_set_defaults() Old QOP, service New QOP, service
 Show maximum size for data before security transformationrpc_gss_max_data_length() Maximum data size allowed by transport Maximum pre-transformation data size
 Show maximum size for data before security transformationrpc_gss_svc_max_data_length() Maximum data size allowed by transport Maximum pre-transformation data size
 Set name of principal(s) for server to representrpc_gss_set_svc_name() Principal name, RPC program, version #s TRUE if successful
 Fetch credentials of caller (client)rpc_gss_getcred()Pointer to svc_req structure UNIX credentials, RPCSEC_GSS credentials, cookie
 Specify (user-writen) callback functionrpc_gss_set_callback() Pointer to callback function TRUE if successful
 Create RPCSEC_GSS structure for principal names from unique parametersrpc_gss_get_principal_name() Mechanism, user name, machine name, domain name RPCSEC_GSS principal name structure
 Fetch an error code when an RPCSEC_GSS routine failsrpc_gss_get_error()   RPCSEC_GSS error number, errno if applicable
 Get strings for installed mechanismsrpc_gss_get_mechanisms()    List of valid mechanisms
 Get valid QOP stringsrpc_gss_get_mech_info() Mechanism Valid QOPs for that mechanism
 Get the highest, lowest version numbers of RPCSEC_GSS supportedrpc_gss_get_versions()    Highest, lowest versions
 Check to see if a mechanism is installedrpc_gss_is_installed() Mechanism TRUE if installed
 Convert ASCII mechanism to RPC object identifierrpc_gss_mech_to_oid() Mechanism (as string) Mechanism (as OID)
 Convert ASCII QOP to integerrpc_gss_qop_to_num() QOP (as string) QOP (as integer)

Creating a Context

Contexts are created with the rpc_gss_seccreate() call. This function takes as its arguments:

It returns an AUTH authentication handle. Example 4-29 shows how rpc_gss_seccreate() might be used to create a context using the Kerberos V5 security mechanism and the integrity service:

Example 4-29 rpc_gss_seccreate()

CLIENT *clnt;                    /* client handle */
char server_host[] = "foo";
char service_name[] = "nfs@eng.acme.com";
char mech[] = "kerberos_v5";

clnt = clnt_create(server_host, SERVER_PROG, SERV_VERS, "netpath");
clnt->clnt_auth = rpc_gss_seccreate(clnt, service_name, mech,
                          rpc_gss_svc_integrity, NULL, NULL, NULL);

. . .

A few things to note about Example 4-29 are:

For more information, see the rpc_gss_seccreate(3N) man page.

Changing Values and Destroying a Context

Once a context has been set, the application may need to change QOP and service values for individual data units being transmitted. (For example, you might want a program to encrypt a password but not a login name.) rpc_gss_set_defaults() allows you to do so:

Example 4-30 rpc_gss_set_defaults()

rpc_gss_set_defaults(clnt->clnt_auth, rpc_gss_svc_privacy, qop);

. . .

In this case, the security service is set to privacy (see "Creating a Context"). qop is a pointer to a string naming the new QOP.

Contexts are destroyed in the usual way, with auth_destroy().

For more information on changing service and QOP, see the rpc_gss_set_defaults(3N) man page.

Principal Names

Two types of principal names are needed to establish and maintain a security context:

Setting Server Principal Names

A server needs to be told the names of the principals it will represent when it starts up. (A server may act as more than one principal.) rpc_gss_set_svc_name() sets the name of the principal(s):

Example 4-31 rpc_gss_set_svc_name()

char *principal, *mechanism;
u_int req_time;

principal = "nfs@eng.acme.com";
mechanism = "kerberos_v5";
req_time = 10000;		/* time for which credential should be valid */

rpc_gss_set_svc_name(principal, mechanism, req_time, SERV_PROG, SERV_VERS);

(Kerberos ignores the req_time parameter. Other authentication systems may use it.)

For more information, see the rpc_gss_set_svc_name(3N) man page.

Generating Client Principal Names

Servers need to be able to operate on a client's principal name -- for example, to compare a client's principal name to an access control list, or look up a UNIX credential for that client, if such a credential exists. Such principal names are kept in the form of a rpc_gss_principal_t structure pointer. (See the rpcsec_gss(3N) man page for more on rpc_gss_principal_t.) If a server wants to compare a principal name it has received with the name of a known entity, it needs to be able to generate a principal name in that form.

The rpc_gss_get_principal_name() call takes as input several parameters that uniquely identify an individual on a network, and generates a principal name as a rpc_gss_principal_t structure pointer:

Example 4-32 rpc_gss_get_principal_name()

rpc_gss_principal_t *principal;

rpc_gss_get_principal_name(principal, mechanism, name, node, domain);
. . .

The arguments to rpc_gss_get_principal_name() are as follows:

Each security mechanism requires different identifying parameters. For example, Kerberos V5 requires a user name and, only optionally, qualified node and domain names (in Kerberos terms, host and realm names).

For more information, see the rpc_gss_get_principal_name(3N) man page.

Freeing Up Principal Names

Principal names are freed up using the free() library call.

Receiving Credentials at the Server

A server must be able to fetch the credentials of a client. The rpc_gss_getcred() function, shown in Example 4-33, allows the server to retrieve either UNIX credentials or RPCSEC_GSS credentials (or both, for that matter). It does so through two arguments that are set if the function is successful. One is a pointer to an rpc_gss_ucred_t structure, which contains the caller's UNIX credentials, if such exist:

typedef struct {
    uid_t   uid;          /* user ID */
    gid_t   gid;          /* group ID */
    short   gidlen;       
    git_t   *gidlist;     /* list of groups */
} rpc_gss_ucred_t;

The other argument is a pointer to a rpc_gss_raw_cred_t structure, which looks like this:

typedef struct {
		u_int                  version;               /* RPCSEC_GSS program version */
		char                   *mechanism;
		char                   *qop;
		rpc_gss_principal_t    client_principal;     /* client principal name */
		char                   *svc_principal;        /* server principal name */
		rpc_gss_service_t			service;               /* privacy, integrity enum */
} rpc_gss_rawcred_t;
(See "Generating Client Principal Names" for a description of the rpc_gss_principal_t structure and how it is created.) Because rpc_gss_rawcred_t contains both the client and server principal names, rpc_gss_getcred() can return them both.

Example 4-33 is an example of a simple server-side dispatch procedure, in which the server gets the credentials for the caller. The procedure gets the caller's UNIX credentials and then verifies the user's identity, using the mechanism, QOP, and service type found in the rpc_gss_rcred_t argument.

Example 4-33 Getting Credentials

static void server_prog(struct svc_req *rqstp, SVCXPRT *xprt)
		rpc_gss_ucred_t *ucred;
		rpc_gss_rawcred_t *rcred;

		if (rqst->rq_proq == NULLPROC) {
			svc_sendreply(xprt, xdr_void, NULL);
		 * authenticate all other requests */

		switch (rqstp->rq_cred.oa_flavor) {
		case RPCSEC_GSS:
			 * get credential information
			rpc_gss_getcred(rqstp, &rcred, &ucred, NULL);
			* verify that the user is allowed to access
			* using received security parameters by
			* peeking into my config file
			if (!authenticate_user(ucred->uid, rcred->mechanism,
				rcred->qop, rcred->service)) {
			break; 	/* allow the user in */
		} /* end switch */

		switch (rqstp->rq_proq) {
		case SERV_PROC1:
			. . .

		/* usual request processing; send response ... */



For more information, see the rpc_gss_getcred(3N) man page.


In Example 4-33, the last argument to rpc_gss_getcred() (here, a NULL) is a user-defined cookie, whose value on return will be whatever was specified by the server when the context was created. This cookie, a four-byte value, can be used in any way appropriate for the application -- RPC does not interpret it. For example, the cookie can be a pointer or index to a structure that represents the context initiator; instead of computing this value for every request, the server computes it at context-creation time (thus saving on request-processing time).


Another place where cookies can be used is with callbacks. A server can specify a (user-defined) callback so that it knows when a context first gets used, by using the rpc_gss_set_callback() function. The callback is invoked the first time a context is used for data exchanges, after the context is established for the specified program and version.

The user-defined callback routine takes the following form:

The second and third arguments, deleg and gss_context, are GSS-API data types and are not currently exposed, so the callback function can ignore them. (Briefly, deleg is the identity of any delegated peer, while gss_context is a pointer to the GSS-API context, in case the program wanted to perform GSS-API operations on the context -- that is, to test for acceptance criteria.) The cookie argument we have already seen.

The lock argument is a pointer to a rpc_gss_lock_t structure:

typedef struct {
		bool_t              locked;
		rpc_gss_rawcred_t   *raw_cred;
} rpc_gss_lock_t;
This parameter enables a server to enforce a particular QOP and service for the session. QOP and service are found in the rpc_gss_rawcred_t structure described in Example 4-33. (A server should not change the values for service and QOP.) When the user-defined callback is invoked, the locked field is set to FALSE. If the server sets locked to TRUE, only requests with QOP and service values that match the QOP and service values in the rpc_gss_rawcred_t structure will be accepted.

For more information, see the rpc_gss_set_callback(3N) man page.

Maximum Data Size

Two functions -- rpc_gss_max_data_length() and rpc_gss_svc_max_data_length() -- are useful in determining how large a piece of data can be before it is transformed by security measures and sent "over the wire." That is, a security transformation such as encryption usually changes the size of a piece of transmitted data (most often enlarging it). To make sure that data won't be enlarged past a usable size, these two functions -- the former is the client-side version, the latter the server-side -- return the maximum pre-transformation size for a given transport.

For more information, see the rpc_gss_max_data_length(3N) and rpc_gss_svc_max_data_length(3N) man pages.

Miscellaneous Functions

Several functions are useful for getting information about the installed security system:

Using these functions gives the programmer latitude in avoiding hard-coding security parameters in applications. (See Table 4-8 and the rpcsec_gss(3N) man page for a list of all RPCSEC_GSS functions.)

Associated Files

RPCSEC_GSS makes use of certain files to store information.

The gsscred Table

When a server retrieves the client credentials associated with a request, it can get either the client's principal name (in the form of a rpc_gss_principal_t structure pointer) or local UNIX credentials (UID) for that client. Services such as NFS require a local UNIX credential for access checking, but others might not; they can, for example, store the principal name, as a rpc_gss_principal_t structure, directly in their own access control lists.

Note -

The correspondence between a client's network credential (its principal name) and any local UNIX credential is not automatic -- it must be set up explicitly by the local security administrator.

The gsscred file contains both the client's UNIX and network (for example, Kerberos V5) credentials. (The latter is the Hex-ASCII representation of the rpc_gss_principal_t structure.) It is accessed through XFN; thus, this table can be implemented over files, NIS, or NIS+, or any future name service supported by XFN. In the XFN hierarchy, this table appears as this_org_unit/service/gsscred. The gsscred table is maintained with the use of the gsscred utility, which allows administrators to add and delete users and mechanisms.

/etc/gss/qop and /etc/gss/mech

For convenience, RPCSEC_GSS uses string literals for representing mechanisms and Quality of Protection (QOP) parameters. The underlying mechanisms themselves, however, require mechanisms to be represented as object identifiers and QOPs as 32-bit integers. Additionally, for each mechanism, the shared library that implements the services for that mechanism needs to be specified.

The /etc/gss/mech file stores the following information on all installed mechanisms on a system: the mechanism name, in ASCII; the mechanism's OID; the shared library implementing the services provided by this mechanism; and, optionally, the kernel module implementing the service. A sample line might look like this:

kerberos_v5   1.2.840.113554.1.2.2    gl/mech_krb5.so gl_kmech_krb5

The /etc/gss/qop file stores, for all mechanisms installed, all the QOPs supported by each mechanism, both as an ASCII string as its corresponding 32-bit integer.

Both /etc/gss/mech and /etc/gss/qop are created when security mechanisms are first installed on a given system.

Because many of the in-kernel RPC routines use non-string values to represent mechanism and QOP, applications can use the rpc_gss_mech_to_oid() and rpc_gss_qop_to_num() functions to get the non-string equivalents for these parameters, should they need to take advantage of those in-kernel routines.

Using Port Monitors

RPC servers can be started by port monitors such as inetd and listen. Port monitors listen for requests and spawn servers in response. The forked server process is passed file descriptor 0 on which the request has been accepted. For inetd, when the server is done, it may exit immediately or wait a given interval for another service request.

For listen, servers should exit immediately after replying because listen() always spawns a new process. The following function call creates a SVCXPRT handle to be used by the services started by port monitors:

transp = svc_tli_create(0, nconf, (struct t_bind *)NULL, 0, 0)

nconf is the netconfig structure of the transport from which the request is received.

Because the port monitors have already registered the service with rpcbind, there is no need for the service to register with rpcbind. But it must call svc_reg() to register the service procedure:

svc_reg(transp, PROGNUM, VERSNUM, dispatch,(struct netconfig *)NULL)

The netconfig structure here is NULL to prevent svc_reg() from registering the service with rpcbind.

Note -

Study rpcgen-generated server stubs to see the sequence in which these routines are called.

For connection-oriented transports, the following routine provides a lower level interface:

transp = svc_fd_create(0, recvsize, sendsize);

A 0 file descriptor is the first argument. You can set the value of recvsize and sendsize to any appropriate buffer size. A 0 for either argument causes a system default size to be chosen. Application servers that do not do any listening of their own use svc_fd_create().

Using inetd

Entries in /etc/inet/inetd.conf have different formats for socket-based, TLI-based, and RPC services. The format of inetd.conf entries for RPC services is:

rpc_prog/vers endpoint_type rpc/proto flags user pathname args
Table 4-9 RPC inetd Services


The name of an RPC program followed by a / and the version number or a range of version numbers. 


One of dgram (for connectionless sockets), stream (for connection mode sockets), or tli (for TLI endpoints).


May be * (for all supported transports), a nettype, a netid, or a comma separated list of nettype and netid. 


Either wait or nowait.


Must exist in the effective passwd database. 


Full path name of the server daemon. 


Arguments to be passed to the daemon on invocation. 

For example:

rquotad/1 tli rpc/udp wait root /usr/lib/nfs/rquotad rquotad

For more information, see the inetd.conf(4) man page.

Using the Listener

Use pmadm to add RPC services:

pmadm -a -p pm_tag -s svctag -i id -v vers \

 	-m `nlsadmin -c command -D -R prog:vers`

The arguments are: -a means to add a service, -p pm_tag specifies a tag associated with the port monitor providing access to the service, -s svctag is the server's identifying code, -i id is the /etc/passwd user name assigned to service svctag, -v ver is the version number for the port monitor's data base file, and -m specifies the nlsadmin command to invoke the service. nlsadmin can have additional arguments. For example, to add version 1 of a remote program server named rusersd, a pmadm command is:

# pmadm -a -p tcp -s rusers -i root -v 4 \
   -m `nlsadmin -c /usr/sbin/rpc.ruserd -D -R 100002:1`

The command is given root permissions, installed in version 4 of the listener data base file, and is made available over TCP transports. Because of the complexity of the arguments and options to pmadm, use a command script or the menu system to add RPC services. To use the menu system, enter sysadm ports and choose the -port_services option.

After adding a service, the listener must be re-initialized before the service is available. To do this, stop and restart the listener, as follows (note that rpcbind must be running):

# sacadm -k -p pmtag
# sacadm -s -p pmtag

For more information, such as how to set up the listener process, see the listen(1M), pmadm(1M), sacadm(1M) and sysadm(1M) man pages and the TCP/IP and Data Communications Administration Guide.

Multiple Server Versions

By convention, the first version number of a program, PROG, is named PROGVERS_ORIG and the most recent version is named PROGVERS. Program version numbers must be assigned consecutively. Leaving a gap in the program version sequence can cause the search algorithm to not find a matching program version number that is defined.

Version numbers should never be changed by anyone other than the owner of a program. Adding a version number to a program that you do not own can cause severe problems when the owner increments the version number. Sun registers version numbers and answers questions about them (rpc@Sun.com).

Suppose a new version of the ruser program returns an unsigned short rather than an int. If you name this version RUSERSVERS_SHORT, a server that wants to support both versions would do a double register. The same server handle is used for both registrations.

Example 4-34 Server Handle for Two Versions of Single Routine

if (!svc_reg(transp, RUSERSPROG, RUSERSVERS_ORIG, 
						nuser, nconf))
	fprintf(stderr, "can't register RUSER service\n");
if (!svc_reg(transp, RUSERSPROG, RUSERSVERS_SHORT, nuser,
						nconf)) {
	fprintf(stderr, "can't register RUSER service\n");

Both versions can be performed by a single procedure.

Example 4-35 Procedure for Two Versions of Single Routine

nuser(rqstp, transp)
	struct svc_req *rqstp;
	SVCXPRT *transp;
	unsigned int nusers;
	unsigned short nusers2;
	switch(rqstp->rq_proc) {
		case NULLPROC:
			if (!svc_sendreply( transp, xdr_void, 0))
				fprintf(stderr, "can't reply to RPC call\n");
			 * Code here to compute the number of users
			 * and assign it to the variable nusers
		switch(rqstp->rq_vers) {
				if (! svc_sendreply( transp, xdr_u_int, &nusers))
					fprintf(stderr, "can't reply to RPC call\n");
				nusers2 = nusers;
				if (! svc_sendreply( transp, xdr_u_short, &nusers2))
					fprintf(stderr, "can't reply to RPC call\n");

Multiple Client Versions

Since different hosts may run different versions of RPC servers, a client should be capable of accommodating the variations. For example, one server may run the old version of RUSERSPROG(RUSERSVERS_ORIG) while another server runs the newer version (RUSERSVERS_SHORT).

If the version on a server does not match the version number in the client creation call, clnt_call() fails with an RPCPROGVERSMISMATCH error. You can get the version numbers supported by a server and then create a client handle with the appropriate version number. Use either the routine in Example 4-36, or clnt_create_vers(). See the rpc(3NSL) man page for more details.

Example 4-36 RPC Versions on Client Side

	enum clnt_stat status;
	u_short num_s;
	u_int num_l;
	struct rpc_err rpcerr;
	int maxvers, minvers;
	CLIENT *clnt;

	clnt = clnt_create("remote", RUSERSPROG, RUSERSVERS_SHORT,
	if (clnt == (CLIENT *) NULL) {
		clnt_pcreateerror("unable to create client handle");
	to.tv_sec = 10;							/* set the time outs */
	to.tv_usec = 0;

	status = clnt_call(clnt, RUSERSPROC_NUM, xdr_void,
	                  (caddr_t) NULL, xdr_u_short, 
                  (caddr_t)&num_s, to);
	if (status == RPC_SUCCESS) {			/* Found latest version number */
		printf("num = %d\n", num_s);
	if (status != RPC_PROGVERSMISMATCH) {		/* Some other error */
		clnt_perror(clnt, "rusers");
	/* This version not supported */
	clnt_geterr(clnt, &rpcerr);
	maxvers = rpcerr.re_vers.high;		/* highest version supported */
	minvers = rpcerr.re_vers.low;		/*lowest version supported */
	if (RUSERSVERS_SHORT < minvers || RUSERSVERS_SHORT > maxvers)
			                       /* doesn't meet minimum standards */
		clnt_perror(clnt, "version mismatch");
	(void) clnt_control(clnt, CLSET_VERSION, RUSERSVERS_ORIG);
	status = clnt_call(clnt, RUSERSPROC_NUM, xdr_void,
			 (caddr_t) NULL, xdr_u_int, (caddr_t)&num_l, to);
	if (status == RPC_SUCCESS)
			               /* We found a version number we recognize */
		printf("num = %d\n", num_l);
	else {
		clnt_perror(clnt, "rusers");

Using Transient RPC Program Numbers

Occasionally, it is useful for an application to use RPC program numbers that are generated dynamically. This could be used for implementing callback procedures, for example. In the callback example, a client program typically registers an RPC service using a dynamically generated, or transient, RPC program number and passes this on to a server along with a request. The server will then call back the client program using the transient RPC program number in order to supply the results. Such a mechanism may be necessary if processing the client's request will take a huge amount of time and the client cannot block (assuming it is single-threaded); in this case, the server will acknowledge the client's request, and call back later with the results. Another use of callbacks is to generate periodic reports from a server; the client makes an RPC call to start the reporting, and the server periodically calls back the client with reports using the transient RPC program number supplied by the client program.

Dynamically generated, or transient, RPC program numbers are in the transient range, 0x40000000 - 0x5fffffff. The following routine creates a service based on a transient RPC program for a given transport type. The service handle and the transient rpc program number are returned. The caller supplies the service dispatch routine, the version, and the transport type.

Example 4-37 Transient RPC Program--Server Side

SVCXPRT *register_transient_prog(dispatch, program, version, netid)
	void (*dispatch)(); /* service dispatch routine */
	rpcproc_t *program;    /* returned transient RPC number */
	rpcvers_t version;     /* program version */
	char *netid;        /* transport id */
	SVCXPRT  *transp;
	struct netconfig *nconf;
	rpcprog_t prognum;
	if ((nconf = getnetconfigent(netid)) == (struct netconfig
		return ((SVCXPRT *)NULL);
	if ((transp = svc_tli_create(RPC_ANYFD, nconf,
				(struct t_bind *)NULL, 0, 0)) == (SVCXPRT *)NULL) {
		return ((SVCXPRT *)NULL);
	prognum = 0x40000000;
	while (prognum < 0x60000000 && svc_reg(transp, prognum,
									dispatch, nconf) == 0) {
	if (prognum >= 0x60000000) {
		return ((SVCXPRT *)NULL);
	*program = prognum;
	return (transp);

Multithreaded RPC Programming

This manual does not cover basic topics and code examples for the Solaris implementation of multithread programming. Instead, refer to the Multithreaded Programming Guide for background on the following topics:

TI-RPC supports multithreaded RPC servers in releases since Solaris 2.4. The difference between a multithreaded server and a single-threaded server is that a multithreaded server uses threading technology to process incoming client requests concurrently. Multithreaded servers can have higher performance and availability compared with single-threaded servers.

The section "MT Server Overview" is a good place to start reading about the interfaces available in this release.

MT Client Overview

In a multithread client program, a thread can be created to issue each RPC request. When multiple threads share the same client handle, only one thread at a time will be able to make an RPC request. All other threads will wait until the outstanding request is complete. On the other hand, when multiple threads make RPC requests using different client handles, the requests are carried out concurrently. Figure 4-2 illustrates a possible timing of a multithreaded client implementation consisting of two client threads using different client handles.

Example 4-38 shows the client side implementation of a multithreaded rstat program. The client program creates a thread for each host. Each thread creates its own client handle and makes various RPC calls to the given host. Because the client threads are using different handles to make the RPC calls, they can carry out the RPC calls concurrently.

Figure 4-2 Two Client Threads Using Different Client Handles (Real time)


Note -

You must link in the thread library when writing any RPC multi-threaded-safe application. The thread library must be the last named library on the link line. To do this, specify the -lthread option in the compile command.

Compile the program in Example 4-38 by typing:

$ cc rstat.c -lnsl -lthread

Example 4-38 Client for MT rstat

/* @(#)rstat.c 2.3 93/11/30 4.0 RPCSRC */
 * Simple program that prints the status of a remote host,
 *  in a format similar to that used by the 'w' command.

#include <thread.h>		/* thread interfaces defined */
#include <synch.h>	/* mutual exclusion locks defined */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/param.h>
#include <rpc/rpc.h>
#include <rpcsvc/rstat.h>
#include <errno.h>

mutex_t tty;					/* control of tty for printf's */
cond_t cv_finish;
int count = 0;

main(argc, argv)
int argc;
char **argv;
	int i;
	thread_t tid;
	void *do_rstat();

	if (argc < 2) {
		fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s \"host\" [...]\n", argv[0]);


	for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
		if (thr_create(NULL, 0, do_rstat, argv[i], 0, &tid) < 0) {
			fprintf(stderr, "thr_create failed: %d\n", i);
		} else
			fprintf(stderr, "tid: %d\n", tid);

	while (count < argc-1) {
		printf("argc = %d, count = %d\n", argc-1, count);
		cond_wait(&cv_finish, &tty);



bool_t rstatproc_stats();

void *
char *host;
	CLIENT *rstat_clnt;
	statstime host_stat;
	bool_t rval;
	struct tm *tmp_time;
	struct tm host_time;
	struct tm host_uptime;
	char days_buf[16];
	char hours_buf[16];

	printf("%s: starting\n", host);

	/* client handle to rstat */
	rstat_clnt = clnt_create(host, RSTATPROG, RSTATVERS_TIME,
	if (rstat_clnt == NULL) {
		mutex_lock(&tty);				/* get control of tty */
		mutex_unlock(&tty);	/* release control of tty */



	rval = rstatproc_stats(NULL, &host_stat, rstat_clnt);
	if (!rval) {
		mutex_lock(&tty);	/* get control of tty */
		clnt_perror(rstat_clnt, host);
		mutex_unlock(&tty);	/* release control of tty */



	tmp_time = localtime_r(&host_stat.curtime.tv_sec,

	host_stat.curtime.tv_sec = host_stat.boottime.tv_sec;

	tmp_time = gmtime_r(&host_stat.curtime.tv_sec,

	if (host_uptime.tm_yday != 0)
		sprintf(days_buf, "%d day%s, ", host_uptime.tm_yday,
		         (host_uptime.tm_yday > 1) ? "s" : "");
		days_buf[0] = '\0';

	if (host_uptime.tm_hour != 0)
		sprintf(hours_buf, "%2d:%02d,",
			host_uptime.tm_hour, host_uptime.tm_min);

	else if (host_uptime.tm_min != 0)
		sprintf(hours_buf, "%2d mins,", host_uptime.tm_min);

		hours_buf[0] = '\0';

	mutex_lock(&tty);	/* get control of tty */
	printf("%s: ", host);
	printf(" %2d:%02d%cm up %s%s load average: %.2f %.2f %.2f\n",
		(host_time.tm_hour > 12)  ? host_time.tm_hour - 12

		: host_time.tm_hour,
		(host_time.tm_hour >= 12) ? 'p'
		: 'a',
	mutex_unlock(&tty);	/* release control of tty */


/* Client side implementation of MT rstat program */
/* Default timeout can be changed using clnt_control() */
static struct timeval TIMEOUT = { 25, 0 };

rstatproc_stats(argp, clnt_resp, clnt)
	void *argp;
	statstime *clnt_resp;
	CLIENT *clnt;

	memset((char *)clnt_resp, 0, sizeof (statstime));
	if (clnt_call(clnt, RSTATPROC_STATS,
		(xdrproc_t) xdr_void, (caddr_t) argp,
		(xdrproc_t) xdr_statstime, (caddr_t) clnt_resp,
		return (FALSE);

	return (TRUE);

MT Server Overview

Prior to Solaris 2.4, RPC servers were single threaded. That is, they process client requests sequentially, as the requests come in. For example, if two requests come in, and the first takes 30 seconds to process, and the second takes only 1 second to process, the client that made the second request will still have to wait for the first request to complete before it receives a response. This is not desirable, especially in a multiprocessor server environment, where each CPU could be processing a different request simultaneously; or in a situation where one request is waiting for I/O to complete, other requests could be processed by the server.

Releases since Solaris 2.4 provide facilities in the RPC library for service developers to create multithreaded servers that deliver better performance to end users. Two modes of server multithreading are supported in TI-RPC: the Automatic MT mode and the User MT mode.

In the Auto mode, the server automatically creates a new thread for every incoming client request. This thread processes the request, sends a response, and exits. In the User mode, the service developer decides how to create and manage threads for concurrently processing the incoming client requests. The Auto mode is much easier to use than the User mode, but the User mode offers more flexibility for service developers with special requirements.

Note -

You must link in the thread library when writing RPC multithreaded-safe applications. The thread library must be the last named library on the link line. To do this, specify the -lthread option in the compile command.

The two calls that support server multithreading are rpc_control() and svc_done(). The rpc_control() call is used to set the MT mode, either Auto or User mode. If the server uses Auto mode, it does not need to invoke svc_done() at all. In User mode, svc_done() must be invoked after each client request is processed, so that the server can reclaim the resources from processing the request. In addition, multithreaded RPC servers must call on svc_run(). Note that svc_getreqpoll() and svc_getreqset() are unsafe in MT applications.

Note -

If the server program does not invoke any of the MT interface calls, it remains in single-threaded mode, which is the default mode.

You are required to make RPC server procedures multithreaded safe regardless of which mode the server is using. Usually, this means that all static and global variables need to be protected with mutex locks. Mutual exclusion and other synchronization APIs are defined in synch.h. See the condition(3THR), rwlock(3THR), and mutex(3THR) man pages for a list of the various synchronization interfaces.

Figure 4-3 illustrates a possible timing of a server implemented in one of the MT modes of operation.

Figure 4-3 MT RPC Server Timing Diagram


Sharing the Service Transport Handle

The service transport handle, SVCXPRT, contains a single data area for decoding arguments and encoding results. Therefore, in the default, single-threaded mode, this structure cannot be freely shared between threads that call functions that perform these operations. However, when a server is operating in the MT Auto or User modes, a copy of this structure is passed to the service dispatch procedure in order to enable concurrent request processing. Under these circumstances, some routines which would otherwise be unsafe, become safe. Unless otherwise noted, the server interfaces are generally MT safe. See the rpc_svc_calls(3NSL) man page for more details on safety for server-side interfaces.

MT Auto Mode

In the Automatic mode, the RPC library creates and manages threads. The service developer invokes a new interface call, rpc_control(), to put the server into MT Auto mode before invoking the svc_run() call. In this mode, the programmer needs only to ensure that service procedures are MT safe.

rpc_control() allows applications to set and modify global RPC attributes. At present, it supports only server-side operations. Table 4-10 shows the rpc_control() operations defined for Auto mode. See also the rpc_control(3N) man page for additional information.

Table 4-10 rpc_control() Library Routines


Set multithread mode 


Get multithread mode 


Set Maximum number of threads 


Get Maximum number of threads 


Total number of threads currently active 


Cumulative total number of threads created by the RPC library 


Number of thr_create errors within RPC library 

Note -

All of the get operations in Table 4-10, except RPC_SVC_MTMODE_GET(), apply only to the Auto MT mode. If used in MT User mode or the single-threaded default mode, the results of the operations may be undefined.

By default, the maximum number of threads that the RPC server library creates at any time is 16. If a server needs to process more than 16 client requests concurrently, the maximum number of threads must be set to the desired number. This parameter may be set at any time by the server, and it allows the service developer to put an upper bound on the thread resources consumed by the server. Example 4-39 is an example RPC program written in MT Auto mode. In this case, the maximum number of threads is set at 20.

MT performance is enhanced if the function svc_getargs() is called by every procedure other than NULLPROCS, even if there are no arguments (xdr_void() may be used in this case). This is true for both the MT Auto and MT User modes. For more information on this call, see the rpc_svc_calls(3NSL) man page.

Example 4-39 illustrates the server in MT Auto mode.

Note -

You must link in the thread library when writing RPC multithreaded-safe applications. The thread library must be the last named library on the link line. To do this, specify the -lthread option in the compile command.

Compile the program in Example 4-39 by typing:

$ cc time_svc.c -lnsl -lthread

Example 4-39 Server for MT Auto Mode

#include <stdio.h>
		#include <rpc/rpc.h>
		#include <synch.h>
		#include <thread.h>
		#include "time_prot.h"

		void time_prog();

		main(argc, argv)
		int argc;
		char *argv[];
		int transpnum;
		char *nettype;
		int mode = RPC_SVC_MT_AUTO;
		int max = 20;      /* Set maximum number of threads to 20 */

		if (argc > 2) {
			fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s [nettype]\n", argv[0]);

		if (argc == 2)
			nettype = argv[1];
			nettype = "netpath";

		if (!rpc_control(RPC_SVC_MTMODE_SET, &mode)) {
			printf("RPC_SVC_MTMODE_SET: failed\n");
		if (!rpc_control(RPC_SVC_THRMAX_SET, &max)) {
			printf("RPC_SVC_THRMAX_SET: failed\n");
		transpnum = svc_create( time_prog, TIME_PROG, TIME_VERS,

		if (transpnum == 0) {
			fprintf(stderr, "%s: cannot create %s service.\n",
			argv[0], nettype);	

	 * The server dispatch function.
	 * The RPC server library creates a thread which executes
 * the server dispatcher routine time_prog().  After which
 * the RPC library will take care of destroying the thread.

	static void
	time_prog(rqstp, transp)
		struct svc_req *rqstp;
		SVCXPRT *transp;

		switch (rqstp->rq_proc) {
			case NULLPROC:
				svc_sendreply(transp, xdr_void, NULL);
			case TIME_GET:
	SVCXPRT *transp;
		struct timev rslt;
		time_t thetime;
		thetime = time((time_t *)0);
		rslt.second = thetime % 60;
		thetime /= 60;
		rslt.minute = thetime % 60;
		thetime /= 60;
		rslt.hour = thetime % 24;
		if (!svc_sendreply(transp, xdr_timev,(caddr_t) &rslt)) {

Example 4-40 shows the time_prot.h header file for the server.

Example 4-40 MT Auto Mode:time_prot.h

#include <rpc/types.h>

		struct timev {
			int second;
			int minute;
			int hour;

		typedef struct timev timev;
		bool_t xdr_timev();

		#define TIME_PROG 0x40000001
		#define TIME_VERS 1
		#define TIME_GET 1

MT User Mode

In MT User mode, the RPC library will not create any threads. This mode works, in principle, like the single-threaded, or default mode. The only difference is that it passes copies of data structures (such as the transport service handle to the service dispatch routine) to be MT safe.

The RPC server developer takes the responsibility for creating and managing threads through the thread library. In the dispatch routine, the service developer can assign the task of procedure execution to newly created or existing threads. The thr_create() API is used to create threads having various attributes. All thread library interfaces are defined in thread.h. See the pthread_create(3THR) man page for more details.

There is a lot of flexibility available to the service developer in this mode. Threads can now have different stack sizes based on service requirements. Threads may be bound. Different procedures may be executed by threads with different characteristics. The service developer may choose to run some services single threaded. The service developer may choose to do special thread-specific signal processing.

As in the Auto mode, the rpc_control() library call is used to turn on User mode. Note that the rpc_control() operations shown in Table 4-10 (except for RPC_SVC_MTMODE_GET()) apply only to MT Auto mode. If used in MT User mode or the single-threaded default mode, the results of the operations may be undefined.

Freeing Library Resources in User Mode

In the MT User mode, service procedures must invoke svc_done() before returning. svc_done() frees resources allocated to service a client request directed to the specified service transport handle. This function is invoked after a client request has been serviced, or after an error or abnormal condition that prevents a reply from being sent. After svc_done() is invoked, the service transport handle should not be referenced by the service procedure. Example 4-41 shows a server in MT User mode.

Note -

svc_done() must only be called within MT User mode. For more information on this call, see the rpc_svc_calls(3NSL) man page.

Example 4-41 MT User Mode: rpc_test.h

#define	SVC2_PROG 0x30000002
	#define	SVC2_VERS 1
	#define SVC2_PROC_ADD 1)
	#define SVC2_PROC_MULT 2

	struct intpair {
		u_short	a;
		u_short	b;

	typedef struct intpair intpair;

	struct svc2_add_args {
		int argument;
		SVCXPRT *transp;

	struct svc2_mult_args {
		intpair mult_argument;
		SVCXPRT *transp;

	extern bool_t xdr_intpair();

	#define NTHREADS_CONST 500

Example 4-42 is the client for MT User mode.

Example 4-42 Client for MT User Mode

#define	 _REENTRANT
#include <stdio.h>
#include <rpc/rpc.h>
#include <sys/uio.h>
#include <netconfig.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <rpc/nettype.h>
#include <thread.h>
#include "rpc_test.h"
void *doclient();
struct thread_info {
	thread_t client_id;
	int client_status;
struct thread_info save_thread[NTHREADS_CONST];
main(argc, argv)
	int argc;
	char *argv[];
	int index, ret;
	int thread_status;
	thread_t departedid, client_id;
	char *hosts;
	if (argc < 3) {
		printf("Usage: do_operation [n] host\n");
		printf("\twhere n is the number of threads\n");
	} else
		if (argc == 3) {
			hosts = argv[1];  /* live_host */
		} else {
			NTHREADS = atoi(argv[1]);
			hosts = argv[2];
	for (index = 0; index < NTHREADS; index++){
		if (ret = thr_create(NULL, NULL, doclient,
		(void *)  hosts, THR_BOUND, &client_id)){
			printf("thr_create failed: return value %d", ret);
			printf(" for %dth thread\n", index);
		save_thread[index].client_id = client_id;
	for (index = 0; index < NTHREADS; index++){
		if (thr_join(save_thread[index].client_id, &departedid,	
		(void *)
			printf("thr_join failed for thread %d\n",
		save_thread[index].client_status = thread_status;
	void *doclient(host)
	char *host;
	struct timeval tout;
	enum clnt_stat test;
	int result = 0;
	u_short mult_result = 0;
	int add_arg;
	int EXP_RSLT;
	intpair pair;
	CLIENT *clnt;
	if ((clnt = clnt_create(host, SVC2_PROG, SVC2_VERS, "udp"
==NULL) {
		clnt_pcreateerror("clnt_create error: ");
		thr_exit((void *) -1);
	tout.tv_sec = 25;
	tout.tv_usec = 0;
	memset((char *) &result, 0, sizeof (result));
	memset((char *) &mult_result, 0, sizeof (mult_result));
	if (thr_self() % 2){
		EXP_RSLT = thr_self() + 1;
		add_arg = thr_self();
		test = clnt_call(clnt, SVC2_PROC_ADD, (xdrproc_t) xdr_int,
		(caddr_t) &add_arg, (xdrproc_t) xdr_int, (caddr_t) &result,
	} else {
		pair.a = (u_short) thr_self();
		pair.b = (u_short) 1;
		EXP_RSLT = pair.a * pair.b;
		test = clnt_call(clnt, SVC2_PROC_MULT, (xdrproc_t)
		(caddr_t) &pair, (xdrproc_t) xdr_u_short,
		(caddr_t) &mult_result, tout);
		result = mult_result;
	if (test != RPC_SUCCESS) {
		printf("THREAD: %d clnt_call hav
		thr_exit((void *) -1);
	thr_exit((void *) 0);

Example 4-43 shows the server side in MT User mode. MT performance is enhanced if the function svc_getargs() is called by every procedure other than NULLPROC, even if there are no arguments (xdr_void may be used in this case). This is true for both the MT Auto and MT User modes. For more information on this call, see the rpc_svc_calls(3NSL) man page.

Note -

You must link in the thread library when writing RPC multithreaded-safe applications. The thread library must be the last named library on the link line. To do this, specify the -lthread option in the compile command.

Example 4-43 Server for MT User Mode

#define 	_REENTRANT
#include <stdio.h>
#include <rpc/rpc.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <sys/uio.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <thread.h>
#include "operations.h"

SVCXPRT *xprt;
void add_mult_prog();
void *svc2_add_worker();
void *svc2_mult_worker();
main(argc, argv)
	int argc;
	char **argv;
	int transpnum;
	char *nettype;
	int mode = RPC_SVC_MT_USER;
       if(rpc_control(RPC_SVC_MTMODE_SET,&mode) == FALSE){
                printf(" rpc_control is failed to set AUTO mode\n");
	if (argc > 2) {
		fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s [nettype]\n", argv[0]);
	if (argc == 2)
		nettype = argv[1];
		nettype = "netpath";
	transpnum = svc_create(add_mult_prog, SVC2_PROG,
 	SVC2_VERS, nettype);
	if (transpnum == 0) {
		fprintf(stderr, "%s: cannot create %s service.\n", argv[0],
void add_mult_prog (rqstp, transp)
	struct svc_req *rqstp;
	SVCXPRT *transp;
	int argument;
	u_short mult_arg();
	intpair mult_argument;
	bool_t (*xdr_argument)();
	struct svc2_mult_args *sw_mult_data;
	struct svc2_add_args *sw_add_data;
	int ret;
	thread_t worker_id;
	switch (rqstp->rq_proc){
		case NULLPROC:
			svc_sendreply(transp, xdr_void, (char *) 0);
		case SVC2_PROC_ADD:
			xdr_argument = xdr_int;
			(void) memset((char *) &argument, 0, sizeof (argument));
			if (!svc_getargs(transp, xdr_argument,
			(char *) &argument)){
				printf("problem with getargs\n");
			sw_add_data = (struct svc2_add_args *)
			malloc(sizeof (struct svc2_add_args));
			sw_add_data->transp = transp;
			sw_add_data->argument = argument;
			if (ret = thr_create(NULL, THR_MIN_STACK + 16 * 1024,
			svc2_add_worker, (void *) sw_add_data, THR_DETACHED,
				printf("SERVER: thr_create failed:");
				printf(" return value %d", ret);
				printf(" for add thread\n");
		case SVC2_PROC_MULT:
			xdr_argument = xdr_intpair;
			(void) memset((char *) &mult_argument, 0,
			sizeof (mult_argument));
			if (!svc_getargs(transp, xdr_argument,
			(char *) &mult_argument)){
				printf("problem with getargs\n");
			sw_mult_data = (struct svc2_mult_args *)
			malloc(sizeof (struct svc2_mult_args));
			sw_mult_data->transp = transp;
			sw_mult_data->mult_argument.a = mult_argument.a;
			sw_mult_data->mult_argument.b = mult_argument.b;
			if (ret = thr_create(NULL, THR_MIN_STACK + 16 * 1024,
			svc2_mult_worker, (void *) sw_mult_data, THR_DETACHED,
				printf("SERVER: thr_create failed:");
				printf("return value %d", ret);
				printf("for multiply thread\n");
u_short mult_arg();
int add_one();
void *svc2_add_worker(add_arg)
struct svc2_add_args *add_arg;
{	int *result;
	bool_t (*xdr_result)();
	xdr_result = xdr_int;
	result = *malloc(sizeof (int));
	*result = add_one(add_arg->argument);
	if (!svc_sendreply(add_arg->transp, xdr_result,
	(caddr_t) result)){
		printf("sendreply failed\n");
		thr_exit((void *) -1);
	thr_exit((void *) 0);
void *svc2_mult_worker(m_arg)
struct svc2_mult_args *m_arg;
	u_short *result;
	bool_t (*xdr_result)();
	xdr_result = xdr_u_short;
	result = (u_short *) malloc(sizeof (u_short));
	*result = mult_arg(&m_arg->mult_argument);
	if (!svc_sendreply(m_arg->transp, xdr_result,
	(caddr_t) result)){
		printf("sendreply failed\n");
		thr_exit((void *) -1);
	thr_exit((void *) 0);
u_short mult_arg(pair)
	intpair *pair;
	u_short result;
	result = pair->a * pair->b;
	return (result);}
int add_one(arg)
	int arg;
	return (++arg);

Connection-Oriented Transports

Example 4-44 copies a file from one host to another. The RPC send() call reads standard input and sends the data to the server receive(), which writes the data to standard output. This also illustrates an XDR procedure that behaves differently on serialization and on deserialization. A connection-oriented transport is used.

Example 4-44 Remote Copy (Two-Way XDR Routine)

 * The xdr routine:
 *      on decode, read wire, write to fp
 *      on encode, read fp, write to wire
#include <stdio.h>
#include <rpc/rpc.h>

xdr_rcp(xdrs, fp)
	XDR *xdrs;
	FILE *fp;
	unsigned long size;
	char buf[BUFSIZ], *p;

	if (xdrs->x_op == XDR_FREE)                 /* nothing to free */
	while (TRUE) {
		if (xdrs->x_op == XDR_ENCODE) {
			if ((size = fread( buf, sizeof( char ), BUFSIZ, fp))
				   == 0 && ferror(fp)) {
				fprintf(stderr, "can't fread\n");
			} else
		p = buf;
		if (! xdr_bytes( xdrs, &p, &size, BUFSIZ))
		if (size == 0)
		if (xdrs->x_op == XDR_DECODE) {
			if (fwrite( buf, sizeof(char), size, fp) != size) {
				fprintf(stderr, "can't fwrite\n");
			} else

In Example 4-45 and Example 4-46, the serializing and deserializing are done only by the xdr_rcp() routine shown in Example 4-44.

Example 4-45 Remote Copy Client Routines

/* The sender routines */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <rpc/rpc.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include "rcp.h"

main(argc, argv)
	int argc;
	char **argv;
	int xdr_rcp();

	if (argc != 2 7) {
		fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s servername\n", argv[0]);
	if( callcots( argv[1], RCPPROG, RCPPROC, RCPVERS, xdr_rcp,
		  xdr_void, 0 ) != 0 )

callcots(host, prognum, procnum, versnum, inproc, in, outproc,
	char *host, *in, *out;
	xdrproc_t inproc, outproc;
	enum clnt_stat clnt_stat;
	register CLIENT *client;
	struct timeval total_timeout;

	if ((client = clnt_create( host, prognum, versnum,
	   == (CLIENT *) NULL)) {
	total_timeout.tv_sec = 20;
	total_timeout.tv_usec = 0;
	clnt_stat = clnt_call(client, procnum, inproc, in, outproc,
	if (clnt_stat != RPC_SUCCESS)

The receiving routines are defined in Example 4-46. Note that in the server, xdr_rcp() did all the work automatically.

Example 4-46 Remote Copy Server Routines

 * The receiving routines
#include <stdio.h>
#include <rpc/rpc.h
#include "rcp.h"

	void  rcp_service();
	if (svc_create(rpc_service,RCPPROG,RCPVERS,"circuit_v") == 0) {
		fprintf(stderr, "svc_create: errpr\n");
	svc_run();                    /* never returns */
	fprintf(stderr, "svc_run should never return\n");

rcp_service(rqstp, transp)
	register struct svc_req *rqstp;
	register SVCXPRT *transp;
	switch(rqstp->rq_proc) {
		case NULLPROC:
			if (svc_sendreply(transp, xdr_void, (caddr_t) NULL) == FALSE)
				fprintf(stderr, "err: rcp_service");
		case RCPPROC:
			if (!svc_getargs( transp, xdr_rcp, stdout)) {
			if(!svc_sendreply(transp, xdr_void, (caddr_t) NULL)) {
				fprintf(stderr, "can't reply\n");


Memory Allocation With XDR

XDR routines normally serialize and deserialize data. XDR routines often automatically allocate memory and free automatically allocated memory. The convention is to use a NULL pointer to an array or structure to indicate that an XDR function must allocate memory when deserializing. The next example, xdr_chararr1(), processes a fixed array of bytes with length SIZE and cannot allocate memory if needed:

xdr_chararr1(xdrsp, chararr)
   XDR *xdrsp;
   char chararr[];
   char *p;
   int len;

   p = chararr;
   len = SIZE;
   return (xdr_bytes(xdrsp, &p, &len, SIZE));

If space has already been allocated in chararr, it can be called from a server like this:

char chararr[SIZE];
svc_getargs(transp, xdr_chararr1, chararr);

Any structure through which data is passed to XDR or RPC routines must be allocated so that its base address is at an architecture-dependent boundary. An XDR routine that does the allocation must be written so that it can:

In the following example, the second argument is a NULL pointer, meaning that memory should be allocated to hold the data being deserialized.

xdr_chararr2(xdrsp, chararrp)
   XDR *xdrsp;
   char **chararrp;

   int len;

   len = SIZE;
   return (xdr_bytes(xdrsp, charrarrp, &len, SIZE));

The corresponding RPC call is:

char *arrptr;
arrptr = NULL;
svc_getargs(transp, xdr_chararr2, &arrptr);
 * Use the result here
svc_freeargs(transp, xdr_chararr2, &arrptr);

After use, the character array should be freed through svc_freeargs(). svc_freeargs() does nothing if passed a NULL pointer as its second argument.

To summarize:

Porting From TS-RPC to TI-RPC

The transport-independent RPC (TI-RPC) routines allow the developer stratified levels of access to the transport layer. The highest-level routines provide complete abstraction from the transport and provide true transport-independence. Lower levels provide access levels similar to the TI-RPC of previous releases.

This section is an informal guide to porting transport-specific RPC (TS-RPC) applications to TI-RPC. Table 4-11 shows the differences between selected routines and their counterparts. For information on porting issues concerning sockets and transport layer interface (TLI), see the Transport Interfaces Programming Guide.

Porting an Application

An application based on either TCP or UDP can run in binary-compatibility mode. For some applications you only recompile and relink all source files. This may be true of applications that use simple RPC calls and use no socket or TCP or UDP specifics.

Some editing and new code may be needed if an application depends on socket semantics or features specific to TCP or UDP. Examples use the format of host addresses or rely on the Berkeley UNIX concept of privileged ports.

Applications that are dependent on the internals of the library or the socket implementation, or depend on specific transport addressing probably require more effort to port and may require substantial modification.

Benefits of Porting

Some of the benefits of porting are:

IPv6 Considerations for RPC

IPv6 is the successor of IPv4, the most commonly used layer 2 protocol in today's interne technology. IPv6 is also known as IP next generation (IPng). For more information, see System Administration Guide, Volume 3.

Both IPv4 and IPv6 are available to users. Applications choose which "stack" to use when using COTS (Connection-oriented-transport service). They can choose TCP or CLTS (connection-less-transport service).

The following figure illustrates a typical RPC application running over an IPv4 or IPv6 protocol stack.

Figure 4-4 RCP Applications


IPv6 is supported only for TI-RPC applications. TS-RPC does not currently support IPv6. Transport selection in TI-RPC is governed by either the NETPATH environment variable or in /etc/netconfig. The selection of TCP or UDP instead of IPv4 or IPv6 is dependent on the order in which the corresponding entries appear in /etc/netconfig. There are two new entries associated with IPv6 in /etc/netconfig, and by default they are the first two entries of the file. TI-RPC first tries IPv6. Failing that, it falls back to IPv4. Doing so requires no change in the RPC application itself provided that it doesn't have any knowledge of the transport and is written using the top level interface.





This interface chooses IPv6 automatically if IPv6 is the first item in /etc/netconfig.

IPv6 enables application only uses RPCBIND protocol V3 and V4 to locate the service bar and number.







It might be necessary to port the code if one of the above interfaces is used.

Porting Issues

libnsl Library

libc no longer includes networking functions. libnsl must be explicitly specified at compile time to link the network services routines.

Old Interfaces

Many old interfaces are supported in the libnsl library, but they work only with TCP or UDP transports. To take advantage of new transports, you must use the new interfaces.

Name-to-Address Mapping

Transport independence requires opaque addressing. This has implications for applications that interpret addresses.

Differences Between TI-RPC and TS-RPC

The major differences between transport-independent RPC and transport-specific RPC are illustrated in Table 4-11. Also see section "Comparison Examples" for code examples comparing TS-RPC with TI-RPC.

Table 4-11 Differences Between TI-RPC and TS-RPC




Default Transport Selection 

TI-RPC uses the TLI interface. 

TS-RPC uses the socket interface. 

RPC Address Binding 

TI-RPC uses rpcbind() for service binding. rpcbind() keeps address in universal address format.

TS-RPC uses portmap for service binding.


Transport Information 

Transport information is kept in a local file, /etc/netconfig. Any transport identified in netconfig is accessible.

Only TCP and UDP transports are supported. 


Loopback Transports 

rpcbind service requires a secure loopback transport for server registration

TS-RPC services do not require a loopback transport. 


Host Name Resolution 

The order of host name resolution in TI-RPC depends on the order of dynamic libraries identified by entries in /etc/netconfig.

Host name resolution is done by name services. The order is set by the state of the hosts database. 

File Descriptors 

Descriptors are assumed to be TLI endpoints. 

Descriptors are assumed to be sockets. 


The TI-RPC rpcgen tool adds support for multiple arguments, pass-by values, sample client files, and sample server files.

rpcgen in SunOS 4.1 and previous releases do not support the features listed for TI-RPC rpcgen.


TI-RPC requires that applications be linked to the libnsl library.

All TS-RPC functionality is provided in libc.

MT Support 

Multithreaded RPC clients and servers are supported. 

Multithreaded RPC is not supported. 

Function Compatibility Lists

The RPC library functions are listed in this section and grouped into functional areas. Each section includes lists of functions that are unchanged, have added functionality, and are new relative to previous releases.

Note -

Functions marked with an asterisk are retained for ease of porting and may be not be supported in future releases of Solaris.

Creating Client Handles

The following functions are unchanged from the previous release and available in the current SunOS release:


Creating and Destroying Services

The following functions are unchanged from the previous releases and available in the current SunOS release:


Registering and Unregistering Services

The following functions are unchanged from the previous releases and available in the current SunOS release:


SunOS 4.x Compatibility Calls

The following functions are unchanged from previous releases and available in the current SunOS release:

*svc_getcaller - works only with IP-based transports


The following call has the same functionality as in previous releases, although it is supported for backward compatibility only:


clnt_broadcast() can broadcast only to the portmap service. It does not support rpcbind.

The following function that broadcasts to both portmap and rpcbind is also available in the current release of SunOS:


Address Management Functions

The TI-RPC library functions interface with either portmap or rpcbind. Since the services of the programs differ, there are two sets of functions, one for each service.

The following functions work with portmap:


The following functions work with rpcbind:


Authentication Functions

The following calls have the same functionality as in previous releases. They are supported for backward compatibility only:


Other Functions

rpcbind provides a time service (primarily for use by secure RPC client-server time synchronization), available through the rpcb_gettime() function. pmap_getport() and rpcb_getaddr() can be used to get the port number of a registered service. rpcb_getaddr() communicates with any server running version 2, 3, or 4 of rcpbind. pmap_getport() can only communicate with version 2.

Comparison Examples

The changes in client creation from TS-RPC to TI-RPC are illustrated in Example 4-47 and Example 4-48. Each example

Example 4-47 Client Creation in TS-RPC

	struct hostent *h;
	struct sockaddr_in sin;
	int sock = RPC_ANYSOCK;
	u_short port;
	struct timeval wait;

	if ((h = gethostbyname( "host" )) == (struct hostent *) NULL)
		syslog(LOG_ERR, "gethostbyname failed");
	sin.sin_addr.s_addr = *(u_int *) hp->h_addr;
	if ((port = pmap_getport(&sin, PROGRAM, VERSION, "udp")) == 0) {
		syslog (LOG_ERR, "pmap_getport failed");
	} else
		sin.sin_port = htons(port);
	wait.tv_sec = 25;
	wait.tv_usec = 0;
	clntudp_create(&sin, PROGRAM, VERSION, wait, &sock);

The TI-RPC version assumes that the UDP transport has the netid udp. A netid is not necessarily a well-known name.

Example 4-48 Client Creation in TI-RPC

	struct netconfig *nconf;
	struct netconfig *getnetconfigent();
	struct t_bind *tbind;
	struct timeval wait;

	nconf = getnetconfigent("udp");
	if (nconf == (struct netconfig *) NULL) {
		syslog(LOG_ERR, "getnetconfigent for udp failed");
	fd = t_open(nconf->nc_device, O_RDWR, (struct t_info *)NULL);
	if (fd == -1) {
		syslog(LOG_ERR, "t_open failed");
	tbind = (struct t_bind *) t_alloc(fd, T_BIND, T_ADDR);
	if (tbind == (struct t_bind *) NULL) {
		syslog(LOG_ERR, "t_bind failed");
	if (rpcb_getaddr( PROGRAM, VERSION, nconf, &tbind->addr, "host")
								== FALSE) {
		syslog(LOG_ERR, "rpcb_getaddr failed");
	cl = clnt_tli_create(fd, nconf, &tbind->addr, PROGRAM, VERSION,
	                      0, 0);
	(void) t_free((char *) tbind, T_BIND);
	if (cl == (CLIENT *) NULL) {
		syslog(LOG_ERR, "clnt_tli_create failed");
	wait.tv_sec = 25;
	wait.tv_usec = 0;
	clnt_control(cl, CLSET_TIMEOUT, (char *) &wait);

Example 4-49 and Example 4-50 show the differences between broadcast in TS-RPC and TI-RPC. The older clnt_broadcast() is similar to the newer rpc_broadcast(). The primary difference is in the collectnames() function: deletes duplicate addresses and displays the names of hosts that reply to the broadcast.

Example 4-49 Broadcast in TS-RPC

statstime sw;
extern int collectnames();

    	xdr_void, NULL, xdr_statstime, &sw, collectnames);
collectnames(resultsp, raddrp)
	char *resultsp;
	struct sockaddr_in *raddrp;
	u_int addr;
	struct entry *entryp, *lim;
	struct hostent *hp;
	extern int curentry;

	/* weed out duplicates */
	addr = raddrp->sin_addr.s_addr;
	lim = entry + curentry;
	for (entryp = entry; entryp < lim; entryp++)
		if (addr == entryp->addr)
			return (0);
	/* print the host's name (if possible) or address */
	hp = gethostbyaddr(&raddrp->sin_addr.s_addr, sizeof(u_int),
	if( hp == (struct hostent *) NULL)
		printf("0x%x", addr);
		printf("%s", hp->h_name);

Example 4-50 shows the Broadcast for TI-RPC:

Example 4-50 Broadcast in TI-RPC

statstime sw;
extern int collectnames();

     xdr_void, NULL, xdr_statstime, &sw, collectnames, (char *)

collectnames(resultsp, taddr, nconf)
	char *resultsp;
	struct t_bind *taddr;
	struct netconfig *nconf;
	struct entry *entryp, *lim;
	struct nd_hostservlist *hs;
	extern int curentry;
	extern int netbufeq();

	/* weed out duplicates */
	lim = entry + curentry;
	for (entryp = entry; entryp < lim; entryp++)
		if (netbufeq( &taddr->addr, entryp->addr))
			return (0);
	/* print the host's name (if possible) or address */
	if (netdir_getbyaddr( nconf, &hs, &taddr->addr ) == ND_OK)
		printf("%s", hs->h_hostservs->h_host);
	else {
		char *uaddr = taddr2uaddr(nconf, &taddr->addr);
		if (uaddr) {
			printf("%s\n", uaddr);
			(void) free(uaddr);
		} else
netbufeq(a, b)
	struct netbuf *a, *b;
	return(a->len == b->len && !memcmp( a->buf, b->buf, a->len));