ONC+ Developer's Guide


For further information on the technologies and architectures discussed in this appendix, reference the following resources.

  1. Birrel, Andrew D. & Nelson, Bruce Jay; "Implementing Remote Procedure Calls," XEROX CSL-83-7, October 1983.

  2. Cheriton, D.; "VMTP: Versatile Message Transaction Protocol," Preliminary Version 0.3; Stanford University, January 1987.

  3. Diffie and Hellman; "New Directions in Cryptography," IEEE Transactions on Information Theory IT-22, November 1976.

  4. Harrenstien, K.; "Time Server," RFC 738; Information Sciences Institute, October 1977.

  5. National Bureau of Standards; "Data Encryption Standard," Federal Information Processing Standards Publication 46, January 1977.

  6. Postel, J.; "Transmission Control Protocol - DARPA Internet Program Protocol Specification," RFC 793; Information Sciences Institute, September 1981.

  7. Postel, J.; "User Datagram Protocol," RFC 768; Information Sciences Institute, August 1980.