ONC+ Developer's Guide

The SAC Administrative File _sactab

The service access controller's administrative file contains information about all the port monitors for which the SAC is responsible. This file exists on the delivered system. Initially, it is empty except for a single comment line that contains the version number of the SAC. Port monitors are added to the system by making entries in the SAC's administrative file. These entries should be made using the administrative command sacadm with a -a option. sacadm is also used to remove entries from the SAC's administrative file.

Each entry in the SAC's administrative file contains the following information, shown in Table F-1.

Table F-1 Service Access Controller _sactab File




A unique tag that identifies a particular port monitor. The system administrator is responsible for naming a port monitor. This tag is then used by the SAC to identify the port monitor for all administrative purposes. PMTAG may consist of up to 14 alphanumeric characters.


The type of the port monitor. In addition to its unique tag, each port monitor has a type designator. The type designator identifies a group of port monitors that are different invocations of the same entity. ttymon and listen are examples of valid port monitor types. The type designator is used to facilitate the administration of groups of related port monitors. Without a type designator, the system administrator has no way of knowing which port monitor tags correspond to port monitors of the same type. PMTYPE may consist of up to 14 alphanumeric characters.


The flags that are currently defined are: -d When started, do not enable the port monitor. -x Do not start the port monitor. If no flag is specified, the default action is taken. By default a port monitor is started and enabled.


The number of times a port monitor may fail before being placed in a failed state. Once a port monitor enters the failed state, the SAC will not try to restart it. If a count is not specified when the entry is created, this field is set to 0. A restart count of 0 indicates that the port monitor is not to be restarted when it fails.


A string representing the command that will start the port monitor. The first component of the string, the command itself, must be a full path name.