ONC+ Developer's Guide

AUTH_DES Authentication Verifiers

Unlike AUTH_SYS authentication, AUTH_DES authentication does have a verifier so the server can validate the client's credential (and vice versa). The contents of this verifier are primarily an encrypted timestamp. The server can decrypt this timestamp, and if it is close to its current real time, then the client must have encrypted it correctly. The only way the client could encrypt it correctly is to know the conversation key of the RPC session. If the client knows the conversation key, it must be the real client.

The conversation key is a DES [5] key that the client generates and notifies the server of in its first RPC call. The conversation key is encrypted using a public key scheme in this first transaction. The particular public key scheme used in AUTH_DES authentication is Diffie-Hellman [3] with 192-bit keys. The details of this encryption method are described later.

The client and the server need the same notion of the current time for this to work. If network time synchronization cannot be guaranteed, then client can synchronize with the server before beginning the conversation. rpcbind provides a procedure, RPCBPROC_GETTIME, which may be used to obtain the current time.

A server can determine if a client timestamp is valid. For any transaction after the first, the server checks for two things:

For the first transaction, the server checks that the timestamp has not expired. As an added check, the client sends an encrypted item in the first transaction known as the window verifier which must be equal to the window minus 1, or the server will reject the credential.

The client must check the verifier returned from the server to be sure it is legitimate. The server sends back to the client the encrypted timestamp it received from the client, minus one second. If the client gets anything other than this, it will reject it.