ONC+ Developer's Guide

DES Authentication Protocol (in XDR language)

Example B-2 AUTH_DES Authentication Protocol

 * There are two kinds of credentials: one in which the client
 * uses its full network name, and one in which it uses its
 * "nickname" (just an unsigned integer) given to it by the
 * server. The client must use its full name in its first
 * transaction with the server, in which the server will return
 * to the client its nickname. The client may use its nickname
 * in all further transactions with the server. There is no
 * requirement to use the nickname, but it is wise to use it for
 * performance reasons.
enum authdes_namekind {

 * A 64-bit block of encrypted DES data
 typedef opaque des_block[8];

 * Maximum length of a network user's name
const MAXNETNAMELEN = 255;

 * A fullname contains the network name of the client, an
 * encrypted conversation key and the window. The window
 * is actually a lifetime for the credential. If the time
 * indicated in the verifier timestamp plus the window has
 * passed, then the server should expire the request and 
 * not grant it. To insure that requests are not replayed,
 * the server should insist that timestamps be greater
 * than the previous one seen, unless it is the first transaction.
 * In the first transaction, the server checks instead that the
 * window verifier is one less than the window.
struct authdes_fullname {
 	string name<MAXNETNAMELEN>; /* name of client */
 	des_block key;              /* PK encrypted conversation key */
 	unsigned int window;        /* encrypted window */
};                             /* NOTE: PK means "public key" */
 * A credential is either a fullname or a nickname
 		authdes_fullname adc_fullname;
 		unsigned int adc_nickname;
 * A timestamp encodes the time since midnight, January 1, 1970.
struct timestamp {
 	unsigned int seconds;      /* seconds */
 	unsigned int useconds;     /* and microseconds */

 * Verifier: client variety
struct authdes_verf_clnt {
 	timestamp adv_timestamp;   /* encrypted timestamp */
 	unsigned int adv_winverf;  /* encrypted window verifier */

 * Verifier: server variety
 * The server returns (encrypted) the same timestamp the client gave
 * it minus one second. It also tells the client its nickname to be
 * used in future transactions (unencrypted).
struct authdes_verf_svr {
 	timestamp adv_timeverf;    /* encrypted verifier */
 	unsigned int adv_nickname; /* new nickname for clnt */

Diffie-Hellman Encryption

In this scheme, there are two constants, PROOT and HEXMODULUS. The particular values chosen for these for the DES authentication protocol are:

const PROOT = 3;
const HEXMODULUS =	/* hex */

The way this scheme works is best explained by an example. Suppose there are two people "A" and "B" who want to send encrypted messages to each other. A and B each generate a random secret key that they do not disclose to anyone. Let these keys be represented as SK(A) and SK(B). They also publish in a public directory their public keys. These keys are computed as follows:


The ** notation is used here to represent exponentiation.

Now, both A and B can arrive at the common key between them, represented here as CK(A,B), without disclosing their secret keys.

A computes:

CK(A, B) = (PK(B) ** SK(A)) mod HEXMODULUS

while B computes:

CK(A, B) = (PK(A) ** SK(B)) mod HEXMODULUS

These two can be shown to be equivalent: (PK(B)**SK(A)) mod HEXMODULUS = (PK(A)**SK(B)) mod HEXMODULUS. Drop the mod HEXMODULUS parts and assume modulo arithmetic to simplify the process:

PK(B) ** SK(A) = PK(A) ** SK(B)

Then replace PK(B) by what B computed earlier and likewise for PK(A).

((PROOT ** SK(B)) ** SK(A) = (PROOT ** SK(A)) ** SK(B)

which leads to:

PROOT ** (SK(A) * SK(B)) = PROOT ** (SK(A) * SK(B))

This common key CK(A,B) is not used to encrypt the timestamps used in the protocol. It is used only to encrypt a conversation key that is then used to encrypt the timestamps. The reason for doing this is to use the common key as little as possible, for fear that it could be broken. Breaking the conversation key is a far less serious offense, because conversations are comparatively short-lived.

The conversation key is encrypted using 56-bit DES keys, yet the common key is 192 bits. To reduce the number of bits, 56 bits are selected from the common key as follows. The middle-most 8 bytes are selected from the common key, and then parity is added to the lower order bit of each byte, producing a 56-bit key with 8 bits of parity.