ONC+ Developer's Guide


The XDR library package provides a primitive for handling arrays of arbitrary elements. The xdr_bytes() routine treats a subset of generic arrays, in which the size of array elements is known to be 1, and the external description of each element is built-in. The generic array primitive, xdr_array() requires parameters identical to those of xdr_bytes() plus two more: the size of array elements, and an XDR routine to handle each of the elements. This routine is called to encode or decode each element of the array.

xdr_array(xdrs, ap, lp, maxlength, elementsize, xdr_element)
   XDR *xdrs;
   char **ap;
   u_int *lp;
   u_int maxlength;
   u_int elementsize;
   bool_t (*xdr_element)();

The parameter ap is the address of the pointer to the array. If *ap is NULL when the array is being deserialized, XDR allocates an array of the appropriate size and sets *ap to that array. The element count of the array is obtained from *lp when the array is serialized; *lp is set to the array length when the array is deserialized. The parameter maxlength is the maximum number of elements that the array is allowed to have; elementsiz is the byte size of each element of the array (the C function sizeof() can be used to obtain this value). The xdr_element() routine is called to serialize, deserialize, or free each element of the array.

Before defining more constructed data types, it is appropriate to present three examples.

Array Example 1

A user on a networked machine can be identified by (a) the machine name, such as krypton; (b) the user's UID: see the geteuid man page; and (c) the group numbers to which the user belongs: see the getgroups man page. A structure with this information and its associated XDR routine could be coded as in Example A-7.

Example A-7 Array Example #1

struct netuser {
 	char  *nu_machinename;
 	int   nu_uid;
 	u_int nu_glen;
 	int   *nu_gids;
#define NLEN 255       /* machine names < 256 chars */
#define NGRPS 20       /* user can't be in > 20 groups */

xdr_netuser(xdrs, nup)
 	XDR *xdrs;
 	struct netuser *nup;
 	return(xdr_string(xdrs, &nup->nu_machinename, NLEN) &&
 		    xdr_int(xdrs, &nup->nu_uid) &&
 		    xdr_array(xdrs, &nup->nu_gids, &nup->nu_glen, NGRPS,
		               sizeof (int), xdr_int));

Array Example 2

A party of network users could be implemented as an array of netuser structure. The declaration and its associated XDR routines are as shown in Example A-8.

Example A-8 Array Example #2

struct party {
 	u_int p_len;
 	struct netuser *p_nusers;
#define PLEN 500 /* max number of users in a party */
xdr_party(xdrs, pp)
 	XDR *xdrs;
 	struct party *pp;
 	return(xdr_array(xdrs, &pp->p_nusers, &pp->p_len, PLEN,
 	 sizeof (struct netuser), xdr_netuser));

Array Example 3

The well-known parameters to main, argc and argv can be combined into a structure. An array of these structures can make up a history of commands. The declarations and XDR routines might look like Example A-9.

Example A-9 Array Example #3

struct cmd {
 	u_int c_argc;
 	char **c_argv;
#define ALEN 1000           /* args cannot be > 1000 chars */
 #define NARGC 100          /* commands cannot have > 100 args */

struct history {
 	u_int h_len;
 	struct cmd *h_cmds;
#define NCMDS 75            /* history is no more than 75 commands */

xdr_wrapstring(xdrs, sp)
 	XDR *xdrs;
 	char **sp;
 	return(xdr_string(xdrs, sp, ALEN));

xdr_cmd(xdrs, cp)
 	XDR *xdrs;
 	struct cmd *cp;
 	return(xdr_array(xdrs, &cp->c_argv, &cp->c_argc, NARGC,
 	        sizeof (char *), xdr_wrapstring));
xdr_history(xdrs, hp)
 	XDR *xdrs;
 	struct history *hp;
 	return(xdr_array(xdrs, &hp->h_cmds, &hp->h_len, NCMDS,
 	        sizeof (struct cmd), xdr_cmd));

The most confusing part of this example is that the routine xdr_wrapstring() is needed to package the xdr_string() routine, because the implementation of xdr_array() passes only two parameters to the array element description routine; xdr_wrapstring() supplies the third parameter to xdr_string().

By now the recursive nature of the XDR library should be obvious. Let's continue with more constructed data types.