ONC+ Developer's Guide

Notational Conventions

This specification uses a modified Backus-Naur Form notation for describing the XDR language. Here is a brief description of the notation:

  1. The characters |, (, ), [, ], and * are special.

  2. Terminal symbols are strings of any characters embedded in quotes (").

  3. Nonterminal symbols are strings of nonspecial italic characters.

  4. Alternative items are separated by a vertical bar (|).

  5. Optional items are enclosed in brackets.

  6. Items are grouped together by enclosing them in parentheses.

  7. A * following an item means 0 or more occurrences of the item.

    For example, consider the following pattern:

    "a " "very" (", " " very")* [" cold " "and"] " rainy " 
    				("day" | "night")

    An infinite number of strings match this pattern. A few of them are:

    a very rainy day
    a very, very rainy day
    a very cold and rainy day
    a very, very, very cold and rainy night