System Administration Guide, Volume 1

How to Access CDs on Other Systems

You can access a CD on another system by mounting it manually into your file system--provided the other system has shared its CD-ROM according to the instructions in "How to Make Local CDs Available to Other Systems".

  1. Select an existing directory to serve as the mount point or create one.

    $ mkdir directory


    The name of the directory that you create to serve as a mount point for the other system's CD.  

  2. Find the name of the CD you want to mount.

    $ showmount -e system-name
    export list for system-name:
    /cdrom/sol_8_sparc (everyone)
  3. As superuser, mount the CD.

    # mount -F nfs -o ro system-name:/cdrom/cd-name local-mount-point


    The name of the system whose CD you will mount. 


    The name of the CD you want to mount. 


    The local directory onto which you will mount the remote CD. 

  4. Log out as superuser.

  5. Verify that the CD is mounted by using the ls command to list the contents of the mount point.

    $ ls /cdrom

Example--Accessing CDs on Other Systems

This example mounts the CD named sol_8_sparc from the remote system mars onto the /cdrom directory of the local system.

$ showmount -e starbug
export list for starbug:
/cdrom/sol_8_sparc (everyone)
$ su
Password: password
# mount -F nfs -o ro starbug:/cdrom/sol_8_sparc /cdrom
# exit
$ ls /cdrom
cdrom0     sol_8_sparc