System Administration Guide, Volume 1

How to Load a PCMCIA Memory Card

  1. Make sure the PCMCIA memory card is formatted.

    If you aren't sure, insert it and check the status messages in the Console, as described in "Using PCMCIA Memory Cards Task Map". If you need to format the PCMCIA memory card, go to "How to Format a UFS PCMCIA Memory Card" or "How to Format a DOS PCMCIA Memory Card".

  2. Insert the PCMCIA memory card.

    Make sure the PCMCIA memory card is completely inserted. It must drop down into the drive. If the drive has a door, close it.

  3. Notify Volume Management.

    $ volcheck -v
    media was found

    Two status messages are possible:

    media was found

    Volume Management detected the PCMCIA memory card and will attempt to mount it in the /pcmem directory.


    If the PCMCIA memory card is formatted properly, no error messages appear in the Console.  


    If the PCMCIA memory card is not formatted, the "media was found" message is still displayed, but the following error messages appear in the Console:

    fd0: unformatted diskette or no diskette in the drive

    fd0: read failed (40 1 0)

    fd0: bad format

    You must format the PCMCIA memory card before Volume Management can mount it. Instructions are provided on "How to Format a UFS PCMCIA Memory Card" (for UFS) and "How to Format a DOS PCMCIA Memory Card" (for DOS).

    no media was found

    Volume Management did not detect a PCMCIA memory card. Make sure the PCMCIA memory card is inserted properly and run volcheck again. If unsuccessful, check the PCMCIA memory card; it could be damaged. You can also try to mount the PCMCIA memory card manually.

  4. Verify that the PCMCIA memory card was mounted by listing its contents.

    $ ls /pcmem/pcmem0
    pcmem0 myfiles

    As described earlier, pcmem0 is a symbolic link to the actual name of the PCMCIA memory card; in this case, myfiles. If the PCMCIA memory card has no name but is formatted correctly, the system will refer to it as unnamed_floppy.

    If nothing appears under the /pcmem directory, the PCMCIA memory card was either not mounted or is not formatted properly. To find out, run the mount command and look for the line that begins with /pcmem (usually at the end of the listing):

    /pcmem/name on /vol/dev/diskette0/name ...

    If the line does not appear, the PCMCIA memory card was not mounted. Check the Console for error messages.