Writing Device Drivers


uiomove(9F) can be used to transfer data to some programmed I/O devices. uiomove(9F) transfers data between the user space (defined by the uio(9S) structure) and the kernel. uiomove(9F) can handle page faults, so the memory to which data is transferred need not be locked down. It also updates the uio_resid field in the uio(9S) structure. Example 10-3 shows one way to write a ramdisk read(9E) routine. It uses synchronous I/O and relies on the presence of the following fields in the ramdisk state structure:

caddr_t        ram;            /* base address of ramdisk */
int            ramsize;        /* size of the ramdisk */

Example 10-3 Ramdisk read(9E) Routine Using uiomove(9F)

static int
rd_read(dev_t dev, struct uio *uiop, cred_t *credp)
     rd_devstate_t     *rsp;

     rsp = ddi_get_soft_state(rd_statep, getminor(dev));
     if (rsp == NULL)
           return (ENXIO);
     if (uiop->uio_offset >= rsp->ramsize)
           return (EINVAL);
      * uiomove takes the offset into the kernel buffer,
      * the data transfer count (minimum of the requested and
      * the remaining data), the UIO_READ flag, and a pointer
      * to the uio structure.
     return (uiomove(rsp->ram + uiop->uio_offset,
             min(uiop->uio_resid, rsp->ramsize - uiop->uio_offset),
             UIO_READ, uiop));