Writing Device Drivers

I/O Control Support for 64-Bit Capable Device Drivers

The Solaris kernel runs in 64-bit mode on suitable hardware and supports both 32-bit and 64-bit applications. A 64-bit device driver is required to support I/O control commands from 32-bit and 64-bit user mode programs. The difference between a 32-bit program and a 64-bit program is its C language type model: a 32-bit program is ILP32 and a 64-bit program is LP64. See Appendix C, Making a Device Driver 64-Bit Ready for information on C data type models.

Any data that flows between programs and the kernel and vice versa (for example using ddi_copyin(9F) or ddi_copyout(9F)) will either need to be identical in format regardless of the type model of the kernel and application, or the device driver should be able to handle a model mismatch between it and the application and adjust the data format accordingly.

To determine if there is a model mismatch, the ioctl(9E) mode parameter passes the data model bits to the driver. As Example 10-15 shows, the mode parameter is then passed to ddi_model_convert_from(9F) to determine if any model conversion is necessary.

The data model is passed to the ioctl(9E) routine using the mode field or flags argument. The flag will be set to one of:

with FNATIVE conditionally defined to match the data model of the kernel implementation. The flag should be extracted using the FMODELS mask. The driver can then determine the data model explicitly to work out how to copy the application data structure.

The DDI function ddi_model_convert_from(9F) is a convenience routine that can assist some drivers with their ioctl() calls. The function takes the data type model of the user application as an argument and returns one of the following values:

DDI_MODEL_NONE is returned if no data conversion is necessary. This is the case when application and driver have the same data model. DDI_MODEL_ILP32 is returned if the driver is compiled to the LP64 data model and is communicating with a 32-bit application.

In the following example, the driver copies a data structure that contains a user address. Because the data structure changes size from ILP32 to LP64, the 64-bit driver uses a 32-bit version of the structure when communicating with a 32-bit application.

Example 10-15 ioctl(9E) Routine to Support 32-bit and 64-bit Applications

struct args32 {
        uint32_t    addr;    /* 32-bit address in LP64 */
        int         len;
struct args {
        caddr_t     addr;    /* 64-bit address in LP64 */
        int         len;

static int
xxioctl(dev_t dev, int cmd, intptr_t arg, int mode,
    cred_t *credp, int *rvalp)
        struct  xxstate  *xsp;
        struct  args     a;
        xsp = ddi_get_soft_state(statep, getminor(dev));
        if (xsp == NULL) {
                return (ENXIO);
        switch (cmd) {
        case XX_COPYIN_DATA:
                switch(ddi_model_convert_from(mode & FMODELS)) {
                case DDI_MODEL_ILP32:
                        struct args32 a32;

                        /* copy 32-bit args data shape */
                        if (ddi_copyin((void *)arg, &a32,
                            sizeof (struct args32), mode) != 0) {
                                return (EFAULT);
                        /* convert 32-bit to 64-bit args data shape */
                        a.addr = a32.addr;
                        a.len = a32.len;
                case DDI_MODEL_NONE:
                        /* application and driver have same data model. */
                        if (ddi_copyin((void *)arg, &a, sizeof (struct args),
                            mode) != 0) {
                                return (EFAULT);
                /* continue using data shape in native driver data model. */

        case XX_COPYOUT_DATA:
                /* copyout handling */
                /* generic "ioctl unknown" error */
                return (ENOTTY);
        return (0);