Writing Device Drivers

Modify Routines That Handle Data Sharing

If a device driver shares data structures that contain longs or pointers with a 32-bit application using ioctl(9E), devmap(9E), or mmap(9E), and the driver is recompiled for a 64-bit kernel, the binary layout of data structures will be incompatible. If a field is currently defined in terms of type long, and there is no actual need for 64-bit data items, change the data structure to use data types that remain as 32-bit quantities (int and unsigned int). Otherwise, the driver needs to be aware of the different structure shapes for ILP32 and LP64 and determine whether there is a model mismatch between the application and the kernel.

To handle potential data model differences, the ioctl(9E), devmap(9E), and mmap(9E) driver entry points, which interact directly with user applications, need to be written to determine whether the argument came from an application using the same data model as the kernel.


To determine whether there is a model mismatch between the application and the driver, the driver uses the FMODELS mask to determine the model type from the ioctl(9E) mode argument. The following values are OR-ed into mode to identify the application data model:

Look at the code examples in the previous chapter to see how this can be handled using either ddi_model_convert_from() or the data structure macros.


To enable a 64-bit driver and a 32-bit application to share memory, the binary layout generated by the 64-bit driver must be the same as consumed by the 32-bit application. The mapped memory being exported to the application might need to contain data-model-dependent data structures.

Few memory mapped devices face this problem because the device registers do not change size when the kernel data model changes. However, some pseudo-devices that export mappings to the user address space might want to export different data structures to ILP32 or LP64 applications. To determine whether there is a data model mismatch, devmap(9E) uses the model parameter to describe the data model expected by the application. The model parameter is set to one of the following:

The model parameter can be passed untranslated to the ddi_model_convert_from(9F) routine or to STRUCT_INIT().


Because mmap(9E) does not have a parameter that can be used to pass data model information, the driver's mmap(9E) entry point can be written to use the new DDI function ddi_mmap_get_model(9F). This function returns one of the following values to indicate the application's data type model:

As with ioctl(9E) and devmap(9E), the model bits can be passed to ddi_model_convert_from(9F) to determine whether data conversion is necessary, or the model can be handed to STRUCT_INIT().

Alternatively, migrate the device driver to support the devmap(9E) entry point.