Writing Device Drivers

Condition Variables

Condition variables are a standard form of thread synchronization. They are designed to be used with mutexes. The associated mutex is used to ensure that a condition can be checked atomically, and that the thread can block on the associated condition variable without missing either a change to the condition or a signal that the condition has changed.

Table 3-4 lists the condvar(9F) interfaces.

Table 3-4 Condition Variable Routines




Initializes a condition variable 


Destroys a condition variable 


Waits for condition 


Waits for condition or timeout 


Waits for condition or return zero on receipt of a signal 


Waits for condition or timeout or signal 


Signals one thread waiting on the condition variable 


Signals all threads waiting on the condition variable 

Initializing Condition Variables

Declare a condition variable (type kcondvar_t) for each condition. Usually, this is done in the driver's soft-state structure. Use cv_init(9F) to initialize each one. Similar to mutexes, condition variables are usually initialized at attach(9E) time. For example:

cv_init(&xsp->cv, NULL, CV_DRIVER, NULL);

For a more complete example of condition variable initialization see Chapter 5, Autoconfiguration.

Waiting for the Condition

To use condition variables, follow these steps in the code path waiting for the condition:

  1. Acquire the mutex guarding the condition.

  2. Test the condition.

  3. If the test results do not allow the thread to continue, use cv_wait(9F) to block the current thread on the condition. cv_wait(9F) releases the mutex before blocking. Upon return from cv_wait(9F) (which will reacquire the mutex before returning), repeat the test.

  4. Once the test allows the thread to continue, set the condition to its new value. For example, set a device flag to busy.

  5. Release the mutex.

Signaling the Condition

Follow these steps in the code path signaling the condition:

  1. Acquire the mutex guarding the condition.

  2. Set the condition.

  3. Signal the blocked thread with cv_signal(9F).

  4. Release the mutex.

Example 3-1 uses a busy flag, and mutex and condition variables to force the read(9E) routine to wait until the device is no longer busy before starting a transfer.

Example 3-1 Using Mutexes and Condition Variables

static int
xxread(dev_t dev, struct uio *uiop, cred_t *credp)
        struct xxstate *xsp;
        while (xsp->busy)
                cv_wait(&xsp->cv, &xsp->mu);
        xsp->busy = 1;
        /* perform the data access */

static uint_t
xxintr(caddr_t arg)
        struct xxstate *xsp = (struct xxstate *)arg;
        xsp->busy = 0;