STREAMS Programming Guide

Zero-Length Writes

If a user process issues write(2) with 0 as the number of bytes to send a pipe or FIFO, 0 is returned, and, by default, no message is sent down the stream. However, if a user must send a zero-length message downstream, SNDZERO ioctl(2) can be used to change this default behavior. If SNDZERO is set in the stream head, write(2) requests of 0 bytes generate a zero-length message and sends the message down the stream. If SNDZERO is not set, no message is generated and 0 is returned to the user.

The SNDZERO bit may be changed by theI_SWROPT ioctl(2). If the arg in the ioctl(2) has SNDZERO set, the bit is turned on. If the arg is set to 0, the SNDZERO bit is turned off.

The I_GWROPT ioctl(2) is used to get the current write settings.