International Language Environments Guide

How to Input Japanese Strings by using cs00

When turning Kana-Kanji conversion mode ON, keyboard input is grabbed by Htt (X Input Method Server) and sent to the cs00 daemon through the XCI (xci(7)) interface. The cs00 deamon converts the received strings to Japanese strings by using dictionary and returns the result to the program which has a keyboard focus now. See cs00(1M) for more details.

CUI based dictionary maintenance utilities are available. See udicm(1) and mdicm(1) for details.

Note -

GUI based maintenance utilities, sdtudicm(1) or udicmtool(1), are not available in the base Solaris product.

The basic Japanese input procedure is as follows:

  1. Turning Japanese conversion mode on/off: Control + Space

  2. Enter Kana character text: ex: Type "nihon"

  3. Conversion to Kanji character text: Control + N

  4. Commit the Kanji character text: Control + K

The following table shows cs00 operation list.

Table 3-30 cs00 Operation List



Conversion mode on/off 

Control + Space 

Control + @ 

Kana/Kanji conversion 

next Control + N 

post Control + P 

lookup Control + W 


Control + K 

Move focus 

forward Control + F 

back Control + B 

Focus scope 

increase Control + I 

decrease Control + U 

Delete (1 character) 

Control + H 

Delete or backspace 

Delete (all characters) 

Control + ] and Control + U 

Full/half Katanka => Hiragana 

Control + ] and Control + O 

Hiragana/half Katakana = > full Katakana 

Control + ] and Control + Y 

Full Katakana/Hiragana => half Katakana 

Control + ] and Control + Z 

Half Roma/Num = > full Roma/Num 

Control + ] and Control + T 

Full Roma/Num = > half Roma/Num 

Control + ] and Control + R 

Learning Mode on/off 

Control + ] and Control + L 

Input Mode Switch: 

  • Hiragana mode

  • Full Katakana mode

  • Full Roma/Num mode

  • Half Katakana mode

  • Half Roma/Num mode

  • Kuten code input mode

  • Bushu input mode



Control + O 

Control + Y 

Control + T 

Control + Z 

Control + R 

Control + Q 

Control + V