man pages section 1: User Commands
  • M
    • m4(1)- macro processor
    • mach(1)- display the processor type of the current host
    • machid(1)- get processor type truth value
    • mail(1)- interactive message processing system
    • mail(1B)- interactive message processing system
    • mailcompat(1)- provide SunOS compatibility for Solaris mailbox format
    • mailp(1)- frontends to the mp PostScript pretty printer
    • mailq(1)- print the mail queue
    • mailstats(1)- print statistics collected by sendmail
    • mailx(1)- interactive message processing system
    • make(1S)- maintain, update, and regenerate related programs and files
    • man(1)- find and display reference manual pages
    • mconnect(1)- connect to SMTP mail server socket
    • mcs(1)- manipulate the comment section of an object file
    • mdb(1)- modular debugger
    • mesg(1)- permit or deny messages
    • message(1F)- puts its arguments on FMLI message line
    • mixerctl(1)- audio mixer control command line application
    • mkdir(1)- make directories
    • mkmsgs(1)- create message files for use by gettxt
    • mkstr(1B)- create an error message file by massaging C source files
    • more(1)- browse or page through a text file
    • mp(1)- PostScript pretty printer
    • msgfmt(1)- create a message object from a message file
    • mt(1)- magnetic tape control
    • mv(1)- move files