man pages section 1: User Commands
 i386 -- get processor type truth value ( Index Term Link )
 iAPX286 -- get processor type truth value ( Index Term Link )
 if -- shell built-in functions to evaluate condition(s) or to make execution of actions dependent upon the evaluation of condition(s) ( Index Term Link )
 IFS variable -- sh ( Index Term Link )
 indicator - (FMLI utility) displays application specific alarms or working indicator, or both, on FMLI banner line ( Index Term Link )
 indxbib - create an inverted index to a bibliographic database ( Index Term Link )
 install - install files ( Index Term Link )
 instruction set, determining which variant is optimal to use - optisa ( Index Term Link )
  prompts for an integer -- ckint ( Index Term Link )
  provides error message for integer -- errint ( Index Term Link )
  provides help message for integer -- helpint ( Index Term Link )
  validates an integer -- valint ( Index Term Link )
 integer, range
  prompts for an integer within a specified range -- ckrange ( Index Term Link )
  provides error message for integer within a specified range -- errange ( Index Term Link )
  provides help message for integer within a specified range -- helprange ( Index Term Link )
  validate an integer within a specified range -- valrange ( Index Term Link )
  transfer files to and from a remote machine - tftp ( Index Term Link )
  transfer of files to and from remote network sites - ftp ( Index Term Link )
  user name directory service - whois ( Index Term Link )
 interprocess communication
  remove a message queue, semaphore set, or shared memory ID - ipcrm ( Index Term Link )
  report status - ipcs ( Index Term Link )
 invoke a command with an altered scheduling priority - nice ( Index Term Link )
 ipcrm - remove a message queue, semaphore set, or shared memory ID ( Index Term Link )
 ipcs - report inter-process communication facilities status ( Index Term Link )
 isainfo - describe instruction set architectures ( Index Term Link )
 isalist - display the native instruction sets executable on this platform ( Index Term Link )