man pages section 1M: System Administration Commands
 backup NIS+ directories - nisbackup ( Index Term Link )
 Basic Security Module, enable -- bsmconv, bsmunconv ( Index Term Link )
 Basic Security Module commands
  - audit ( Index Term Link )
  - audit_startup ( Index Term Link )
  - audit_warn ( Index Term Link )
  - auditconfig ( Index Term Link )
  - auditd ( Index Term Link )
  - auditreduce ( Index Term Link )
  - auditstat ( Index Term Link )
 bdconfig - configures the bd (buttons and dials) stream ( Index Term Link )
 boot - bootstrap procedures ( Index Term Link )
 boot parameter server -- rpc.bootparamd ( Index Term Link )
 boot - system startup procedures ( Index Term Link )
  DHCP network table management utility - pntadm ( Index Term Link )
  administration - dhtadm ( Index Term Link )
  server - in.dhcpd ( Index Term Link )
  service - dhcpconfig ( Index Term Link )
 bootstrap procedures - boot ( Index Term Link )
 bootstrap PROM monitor program - monitor ( Index Term Link )
 Bootstrap Protocol
  See 'DHCP'
 Bourne shell, -- rsh ( Index Term Link )
 broadcast message
  network wall server -- rpc.rwalld ( Index Term Link )
  write to all users - wall ( Index Term Link )
  write to all users of a group- wall ( Index Term Link )
  write to all users over a network - rwall ( Index Term Link )
 bsmconv -- eable Solaris system to use Basic Security Module ( Index Term Link )
 bsmunconv -- eable Solaris system to use Basic Security Module ( Index Term Link )
 busstat - report bus-related performance statistics ( Index Term Link )