man pages section 3: Basic Library Functions
Numbers and Symbols
 __fbufsize -- interfaces to stdio FILE structure ( Index Term Link )
 __flbf -- interfaces to stdio FILE structure ( Index Term Link )
 __fpending -- interfaces to stdio FILE structure ( Index Term Link )
 __fpurge -- interfaces to stdio FILE structure ( Index Term Link )
 __freadable -- interfaces to stdio FILE structure ( Index Term Link )
 __freading -- interfaces to stdio FILE structure ( Index Term Link )
 __fsetlocking -- interfaces to stdio FILE structure ( Index Term Link )
 __fwritable -- interfaces to stdio FILE structure ( Index Term Link )
 __fwriting -- interfaces to stdio FILE structure ( Index Term Link )
 abort - terminate the process abnormally ( Index Term Link )
 abs -- return absolute value of integer ( Index Term Link )
 accounting, time accounting for current process - times ( Index Term Link )
 acquire and release stream lock -- flockfile ( Index Term Link )
  funlockfile ( Index Term Link )
 additional severities, define - addsev ( Index Term Link )
 address of symbol, get address in shared object or executable - dlsym ( Index Term Link )
 addsev - define additional severities ( Index Term Link )
 addseverity - build a list of severity levels for an application for use with fmtmsg ( Index Term Link )
 alarm, schedule signal after interval in microseconds - ualarm ( Index Term Link )
 alphasort -- scan a directory ( Index Term Link )
  build a list of severity levels for use with fmtmsg - addseverity ( Index Term Link )
  display a message on stderr or system console - fmtmsg ( Index Term Link )
  get entries from symbol table - nlist ( Index Term Link )
 arithmetic, compute the quotient and remainder -- div ( Index Term Link )
 arithmetic, 48-bit integer, generate uniformly distributed pseudo-random numbers -- drand48 ( Index Term Link )
 ascftime -- convert date and time to string ( Index Term Link )
 assert - verify program assertion ( Index Term Link )
 associate a stream with a file descriptor - fdopen ( Index Term Link )
 atexit - register a function to run at process termination or object unloading ( Index Term Link )
 atof -- convert string to double-precision number ( Index Term Link )
 atoi -- string conversion routines ( Index Term Link )
 atol -- string conversion routines ( Index Term Link )
 atoll -- string conversion routines ( Index Term Link )
 base-64 ASCII characters
  convert from long integer -- l64a ( Index Term Link )
  convert to long integer -- a64l ( Index Term Link )
 basename - return the last element of path name ( Index Term Link )
 bcmp -- operates on variable length strings of bytes ( Index Term Link )
 bcopy -- operates on variable length strings of bytes ( Index Term Link )
 binary search of sorted table, - bsearch ( Index Term Link )
 binary search trees, manage
  -- tdelete ( Index Term Link )
  -- tfind ( Index Term Link )
  -- tsearch ( Index Term Link )
  -- twalk ( Index Term Link )
 bindtextdomain -- select location of domain ( Index Term Link )
 bit and byte operations, find first set bit - ffs ( Index Term Link )
 bsd_signal - simplified signal facilities ( Index Term Link )
 bsdmalloc - memory allocator ( Index Term Link )
 bsearch - binary search a sorted table ( Index Term Link )
 bstring -- bit and byte string operations ( Index Term Link )
 btowc - single-byte to wide-character conversion ( Index Term Link )
 buffering, assign to stream
  -- setbuffer ( Index Term Link )
  -- setlinebuf ( Index Term Link )
 byte swap - swab ( Index Term Link )
 bzero -- operates on variable length strings of bytes ( Index Term Link )
 C Compilation
  close a shared object - dlclose ( Index Term Link )
  create new file from dynamic object component - dldump ( Index Term Link )
  get address of symbol in shared object or executable - dlsym ( Index Term Link )
  get diagnostic information - dlerror ( Index Term Link )
  open a shared object -- dlopen ( Index Term Link )
  translate address to symbolic information - dladdr ( Index Term Link )
 catclose -- close a message catalog ( Index Term Link )
 catgets - read a program message ( Index Term Link )
 catopen -- open a message catalog ( Index Term Link )
 cfgetispeed -- get input baud rate ( Index Term Link )
 cfgetospeed -- get output baud rate ( Index Term Link )
 cfsetispeed -- set input baud rate ( Index Term Link )
 cfsetospeed -- set output baud rate ( Index Term Link )
 cftime -- convert date and time to string ( Index Term Link )
 character handling
  -- ctype ( Index Term Link )
  -- isalnum ( Index Term Link )
  -- isalpha ( Index Term Link )
  -- isascii ( Index Term Link )
  -- iscntrl ( Index Term Link )
  -- isdigit ( Index Term Link )
  -- isgraph ( Index Term Link )
  -- islower ( Index Term Link )
  -- isprint ( Index Term Link )
  -- ispunct ( Index Term Link )
  -- isspace ( Index Term Link )
  -- isupper ( Index Term Link )
  -- isxdigit ( Index Term Link )
 clock - report CPU time used ( Index Term Link )
 close a directory stream - closedir ( Index Term Link )
 close a shared object - dlclose ( Index Term Link )
 close a stream - fclose ( Index Term Link )
 closedir - close a directory stream ( Index Term Link )
 closelog -- control system log ( Index Term Link )
 code conversion allocation function - iconv_open ( Index Term Link )
 code conversion deallocation function - iconv_close ( Index Term Link )
 code conversion for Process Code and File Code
  -- strtows ( Index Term Link )
  -- wstostr ( Index Term Link )
 code conversion function - iconv ( Index Term Link )
 column positions of a wide-character code - wcwidth ( Index Term Link )
 column positions of a wide-character string - wcswidth ( Index Term Link )
 command options, get option letter from argument vector - getopt ( Index Term Link )
 command suboptions, parse suboptions from a string - getsubopt ( Index Term Link )
 compare wide-characters in memory - wmemcmp ( Index Term Link )
 compile and execute regular expressions
  -- re_comp ( Index Term Link )
  -- re_exec ( Index Term Link )
 confstr - get configurable variables ( Index Term Link )
 control system log
  -- closelog ( Index Term Link )
  -- openlog ( Index Term Link )
  -- setlogmask ( Index Term Link )
  -- syslog ( Index Term Link )
 convert date and time to string -- strftime ( Index Term Link )
 convert string to unsigned long -- strtoul ( Index Term Link )
 convert wide character string to double-precision number -- wcstod ( Index Term Link )
 convert date and time to string -- strftime
  ascftime ( Index Term Link )
  cftime ( Index Term Link )
 convert wide character string to double-precision number -- watof, watof ( Index Term Link )
 convert wide character string to double-precision number -- wstod, wstod ( Index Term Link )
 convert a character string to a wide-character string - mbstowcs ( Index Term Link )
 convert a character string to a wide-character string (restartable) - mbsrtowcs ( Index Term Link )
 convert a character to a wide-character code - mbtowc ( Index Term Link )
 convert a character to a wide-character code (restartable) - mbrtowc ( Index Term Link )
 convert a wide-character code to a character - wctomb ( Index Term Link )
 convert a wide-character code to a character (restartable) - wcrtomb ( Index Term Link )
 convert a wide-character string to a character string - wcstombs ( Index Term Link )
 convert a wide-character string to a character string (restartable) - wcsrtombs ( Index Term Link )
 convert date and time to wide character string - wcsftime ( Index Term Link )
 convert floating-point number to string
  -- ecvt ( Index Term Link )
  -- fcvt ( Index Term Link )
  -- gcvt ( Index Term Link )
 convert formatted input
  -- fscanf ( Index Term Link )
  -- scanf ( Index Term Link )
  -- sscanf ( Index Term Link )
 convert formatted wide-character input
  -- fwscanf ( Index Term Link )
  -- swscanf ( Index Term Link )
  -- wscanf ( Index Term Link )
 convert monetary value to string -strfmon ( Index Term Link )
 convert numbers to strings
  -- econvert ( Index Term Link )
  -- fconvert ( Index Term Link )
  -- fprintf ( Index Term Link )
  -- gconvert ( Index Term Link )
  -- printf ( Index Term Link )
  -- qeconvert ( Index Term Link )
  -- qfconvert ( Index Term Link )
  -- qgconvert ( Index Term Link )
  -- seconvert ( Index Term Link )
  -- sfconvert ( Index Term Link )
  -- sgconvert ( Index Term Link )
  -- sprintf ( Index Term Link )
  -- vfprintf ( Index Term Link )
  -- vprintf ( Index Term Link )
 convert string to double-precision number
  -- atof ( Index Term Link )
  -- strtod ( Index Term Link )
 convert to wchar_t strings, wsprintf ( Index Term Link )
 convert wide character string to unsigned long - wcstoul ( Index Term Link )
 copy wide-characters in memory - wmemcpy ( Index Term Link )
 copy wide-characters in memory with overlapping areas - wmemmove ( Index Term Link )
 CPU time, report for calling process - clock ( Index Term Link )
 CPU-use, prepare execution profile - monitor ( Index Term Link )
 create a temporary file - tmpfile ( Index Term Link )
 create new file from dynamic object component - dldump ( Index Term Link )
 crypt - string encoding function ( Index Term Link )
 cset -- get information on EUC codesets ( Index Term Link )
 csetcol -- get information on EUC codesets ( Index Term Link )
 csetlen -- get information on EUC codesets ( Index Term Link )
 csetno -- get information on EUC codesets ( Index Term Link )
 ctermid -- generate path name for controlling terminal ( Index Term Link )
 ctermid_r -- generate path name for controlling terminal ( Index Term Link )
 ctype -- character handling ( Index Term Link )
 current location of a named directory stream - telldir ( Index Term Link )
 current working directory, get pathname - getcwd ( Index Term Link )
 cuserid - get character-string representation of login name of user ( Index Term Link )
 data base subroutines -- dbm ( Index Term Link )
  dbmclose ( Index Term Link )
  dbminit ( Index Term Link )
  delete ( Index Term Link )
  fetch ( Index Term Link )
  firstkey ( Index Term Link )
  nextkey ( Index Term Link )
  store ( Index Term Link )
 database functions
  -- dbm_clearerr ( Index Term Link )
  -- dbm_close ( Index Term Link )
  -- dbm_delete ( Index Term Link )
  -- dbm_error ( Index Term Link )
  -- dbm_fetch ( Index Term Link )
  -- dbm_firstkey ( Index Term Link )
  -- dbm_nextkey ( Index Term Link )
  -- dbm_open ( Index Term Link )
  -- dbm_store ( Index Term Link )
 date and time
  convert to string -- asctime ( Index Term Link )
  convert to string -- asctime_r ( Index Term Link )
  convert to string -- ctime ( Index Term Link )
  convert to string -- ctime_r ( Index Term Link )
  convert to string -- gmtime ( Index Term Link )
  convert to string -- gmtime_r ( Index Term Link )
  convert to string -- localtime ( Index Term Link )
  convert to string -- localtime_r ( Index Term Link )
  convert to string -- tzset ( Index Term Link )
  convert to string -- tzsetwall ( Index Term Link )
  convert user format date and time - getdate ( Index Term Link )
  -- gettimeofday ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 date and time conversion - strptime ( Index Term Link )
 dbm -- data base subroutines ( Index Term Link )
 dbm_clearerr -- database functions ( Index Term Link )
 dbm_close -- database functions ( Index Term Link )
 dbm_delete -- database functions ( Index Term Link )
 dbm_error -- database functions ( Index Term Link )
 dbm_fetch -- database functions ( Index Term Link )
 dbm_firstkey -- database functions ( Index Term Link )
 dbm_nextkey -- database functions ( Index Term Link )
 dbm_open -- database functions ( Index Term Link )
 dbm_store -- database functions ( Index Term Link )
 dbmclose -- data base subroutines ( Index Term Link )
 dbminit -- data base subroutines ( Index Term Link )
 debugging memory allocator
  -- calloc ( Index Term Link )
  -- cfree ( Index Term Link )
  -- free ( Index Term Link )
  -- mallinfo ( Index Term Link )
  -- malloc ( Index Term Link )
  -- mallopt ( Index Term Link )
  -- memalign ( Index Term Link )
  -- realloc ( Index Term Link )
  -- valloc ( Index Term Link )
 decimal record from double-precision floating -- double_to_decimal ( Index Term Link )
 decimal record from extended-precision floating -- extended_to_decimal ( Index Term Link )
 decimal record from quadruple-precision floating -- quadruple_to_decimal ( Index Term Link )
 decimal record from single-precision floating -- single_to_decimal ( Index Term Link )
 decimal record to double-precision floating -- decimal_to_double ( Index Term Link )
 decimal record to extended-precision floating -- decimal_to_extended ( Index Term Link )
 decimal record to quadruple-precision floating -- decimal_to_quadruple ( Index Term Link )
 decimal record to single-precision floating -- decimal_to_single ( Index Term Link )
 decimal_to_double -- decimal record to double-precision floating ( Index Term Link )
 decimal_to_extended -- decimal record to extended-precision floating ( Index Term Link )
 decimal_to_quadruple -- decimal record to quadruple-precision floating ( Index Term Link )
 decimal_to_single -- decimal record to single-precision floating ( Index Term Link )
 decompose floating-point number
  -- modf ( Index Term Link )
  -- modff ( Index Term Link )
 define character class - wctype ( Index Term Link )
 define character mapping - wctrans ( Index Term Link )
 define default catalog - setcat ( Index Term Link )
 define the label for pfmt() and lfmt(). - setlabel ( Index Term Link )
 delete -- data base subroutines ( Index Term Link )
 detach a name from a STREAMS-based file descriptor - fdetach ( Index Term Link )
 determine conversion object status - mbsinit ( Index Term Link )
 device number, manage -- makedev, major, minor ( Index Term Link )
 dgettext -- message handling function ( Index Term Link )
 difftime - computes the difference between two calendar times ( Index Term Link )
 directio - provide advice to file system ( Index Term Link )
  get current working directory pathname - getwd ( Index Term Link )
  get pathname of current working directory - getcwd ( Index Term Link )
 directory operations
  -- alphasort ( Index Term Link )
  -- scandir ( Index Term Link )
 dirname - report parent directory name of file path name ( Index Term Link )
 display error message in standard format - pfmt ( Index Term Link )
 display error message in standard format and pass to logging and monitoring services - lfmt ( Index Term Link )
 display error message in standard format and pass to logging and monitoring services - vlfmt ( Index Term Link )
 display error message in standard format and pass to logging and monitoring services - vpfmt ( Index Term Link )
 div -- compute quotient and remainder ( Index Term Link )
 division and remainder operations
  -- div ( Index Term Link )
  -- ldiv ( Index Term Link )
 dladdr - translate address to symbolic information ( Index Term Link )
 dlclose - close a shared object ( Index Term Link )
 dldump - create new file from dynamic object component of calling process ( Index Term Link )
 dlerror - get diagnostic information ( Index Term Link )
 dlinfo - dynamic load information ( Index Term Link )
 dlopen -- open a shared object ( Index Term Link )
 dlsym - get address of symbol in shared object or executable ( Index Term Link )
 double_to_decimal -- decimal record from double-precision floating ( Index Term Link )
 dup2 - duplicate an open file descriptor ( Index Term Link )
 duplicate an open file descriptor - dup2 ( Index Term Link )
 dynamic linking
  close a shared object - dlclose ( Index Term Link )
  create new file from dynamic object component - dldump ( Index Term Link )
  get address of symbol in shared object or executable - dlsym ( Index Term Link )
  get diagnostic information - dlerror ( Index Term Link )
  open a shared object -- dlopen ( Index Term Link )
 dynamic load information - dlinfo ( Index Term Link )
 econvert -- convert number to ASCII ( Index Term Link )
 edata -- last location in program ( Index Term Link )
 end -- last location in program ( Index Term Link )
 endgrent -- group database entry functions ( Index Term Link )
 endpwent -- get password entry from user database ( Index Term Link )
 endspent -- get shadow password database entry ( Index Term Link )
 endusershell() -- function ( Index Term Link )
 endutent -- user accounting database functions ( Index Term Link )
 endutxent -- user accounting database functions ( Index Term Link )
 environment name, return value - getenv ( Index Term Link )
 environment variables, change or add value - putenv ( Index Term Link )
 error messages, get string - strerror ( Index Term Link )
 error messages, system, print -- perror ( Index Term Link )
 etext -- last location in program ( Index Term Link )
 EUC character bytes, -- euclen ( Index Term Link )
 EUC characters, convert a string of Process Code characters to EUC characters and put it on a stream - putws ( Index Term Link )
 EUC codeset, get information, - getwidth ( Index Term Link )
 EUC codesets, get information
  -- cset ( Index Term Link )
  -- csetcol ( Index Term Link )
  -- csetlen ( Index Term Link )
  -- csetno ( Index Term Link )
  -- wcsetno ( Index Term Link )
 EUC display width
  -- euccol ( Index Term Link )
  -- eucscol ( Index Term Link )
 euccol -- get EUC character display width ( Index Term Link )
 euclen -- get EUC byte length ( Index Term Link )
 eucscol -- get EUC string display width ( Index Term Link )
 exit -- terminate process ( Index Term Link )
 extended_to_decimal -- decimal record from extended-precision floating ( Index Term Link )
 Extended Unix Code
  See EUC
 extract mantissa and exponent from double precision number - frexp ( Index Term Link )
 fattach - attach a STREAMS-based file descriptor to an object in the file system name space ( Index Term Link )
 fclose - close a stream ( Index Term Link )
 fconvert -- convert number to ASCII ( Index Term Link )
 FD_CLR -- synchronous I/O multiplexing ( Index Term Link )
 FD_ISSET -- synchronous I/O multiplexing ( Index Term Link )
 FD_SET -- synchronous I/O multiplexing ( Index Term Link )
 FD_ZERO -- synchronous I/O multiplexing ( Index Term Link )
 fdetach - detach a name from a STREAMS-based file descriptor ( Index Term Link )
 fdopen - associate a stream with a file descriptor ( Index Term Link )
 fetch -- data base subroutines ( Index Term Link )
 fflush - flush a stream ( Index Term Link )
 ffs - find first set bit ( Index Term Link )
 fgetc -- get a byte from a stream ( Index Term Link )
 fgetgrent -- group database entry functions ( Index Term Link )
 fgetgrent_r -- group database entry functions ( Index Term Link )
 fgetpos - get current file position information ( Index Term Link )
 fgetpwent -- get password entry from a file ( Index Term Link )
 fgetpwent_r -- get password entry from a file ( Index Term Link )
 fgetspent -- get shadow password database entry ( Index Term Link )
 fgetspent_r -- get shadow password database entry(reentrant) ( Index Term Link )
 fgetwc - get a wide-character code from a stream ( Index Term Link )
 fgetws -- get a wide-character string from a stream ( Index Term Link )
 FIFO, create a new one - mkfifo ( Index Term Link )
 file descriptor
  duplicate an open one - dup2 ( Index Term Link )
  STREAMS-based, attach to an object in file system name space - fattach ( Index Term Link )
  test for a STREAMS file - isastream ( Index Term Link )
 file descriptors, apply or remove advisory lock on open file - flock ( Index Term Link )
 file name, make a unique one - mktemp ( Index Term Link )
 make a unique file name - mkstemp ( Index Term Link )
 file pointer in a stream, reposition - fsetpos, fgetpos ( Index Term Link )
 file_to_decimal -- decimal record from character stream ( Index Term Link )
 file tree
  recursively descend -- ftw ( Index Term Link )
  recursively descend -- nftw ( Index Term Link )
  allows sections of file to be locked - lockf ( Index Term Link )
  optimizing usage of files - directio ( Index Term Link )
  - remove ( Index Term Link )
  report parent directory of file path name - dirname ( Index Term Link )
  set a file to a specified length -- truncate ( Index Term Link )
  synchronize a file's in-memory state with that on the physical medium - fsync ( Index Term Link )
 find a wide-character in memory - wmemchr ( Index Term Link )
 find a wide-character substring - wcsstr ( Index Term Link )
 find pathname of a terminal
  -- ttyname ( Index Term Link )
  -- ttyname_r ( Index Term Link )
 firstkey -- data base subroutines ( Index Term Link )
 floating-point number, convert to string -- ecvt ( Index Term Link )
 floating-point number, determine type
  -- finite ( Index Term Link )
  -- fpclass ( Index Term Link )
  -- isnan ( Index Term Link )
  -- isnand ( Index Term Link )
  -- isnanf ( Index Term Link )
  -- unordered ( Index Term Link )
 flock - apply or remove an advisory lock on an open file ( Index Term Link )
 flockfile -- acquire and release stream lock ( Index Term Link )
 flush a stream - fflush ( Index Term Link )
 flush non-transmitted output data, non-read input data or both - tcflush ( Index Term Link )
 _flushlbf -- interfaces to stdio FILE structure ( Index Term Link )
 fmtmsg - display a message on stderr or system console ( Index Term Link )
 fnmatch - match filename or path name ( Index Term Link )
 fopen -- open stream ( Index Term Link )
 fopen - open a stream ( Index Term Link )
 formatted input conversion - wsscanf ( Index Term Link )
 formatted output conversion
  -- fprintf ( Index Term Link )
  -- printf ( Index Term Link )
  -- sprintf ( Index Term Link )
  -- vfprintf ( Index Term Link )
  -- vprintf ( Index Term Link )
  -- vsprintf ( Index Term Link )
 fpgetmask -- IEEE floating-point environment control ( Index Term Link )
 fpgetround -- IEEE floating-point environment control ( Index Term Link )
 fpgetsticky -- IEEE floating-point environment control ( Index Term Link )
 fprintf -- formatted output conversion ( Index Term Link )
 fprintf -- print formatted output ( Index Term Link )
 fpsetmask -- IEEE floating-point environment control ( Index Term Link )
 fpsetround -- IEEE floating-point environment control ( Index Term Link )
 fpsetsticky --IEEE floating-point environment control ( Index Term Link )
 fputc -- put a byte on a stream ( Index Term Link )
 fputws - put wide character string on a stream ( Index Term Link )
 free - memory allocator ( Index Term Link )
 freopen -- open stream ( Index Term Link )
 freopen - open a stream ( Index Term Link )
 frexp - extract mantissa and exponent from double precision number ( Index Term Link )
 fscanf -- convert formatted input ( Index Term Link )
 fseek -- reposition a file-position indicator in a stream ( Index Term Link )
 fseeko -- reposition a file-position indicator in a stream ( Index Term Link )
 fsetpos - reposition a file pointer in a stream ( Index Term Link )
 fsync - synchronize a file's in-memory state with that on the physical medium ( Index Term Link )
 ftell -- return a file offset in a stream ( Index Term Link )
 ftello -- return a file offset in a stream ( Index Term Link )
 ftime - get date and time ( Index Term Link )
 ftruncate -- set a file to a specified length ( Index Term Link )
 ftw -- walk a file tree ( Index Term Link )
 func_to_decimal -- decimal record from character function ( Index Term Link )
 funlockfile -- acquire and release stream lock ( Index Term Link )
 fwide - set stream orientation ( Index Term Link )
 fwprintf -- print formatted wide-character output ( Index Term Link )
 fwscanf -- convert formatted wide-character input ( Index Term Link )
 gconvert -- convert number to ASCII ( Index Term Link )
 general terminal interface, - termios ( Index Term Link )
 generate path name for controlling terminal
  -- ctermid ( Index Term Link )
  -- ctermid_r ( Index Term Link )
 generate path names matching a pattern
  -- glob ( Index Term Link )
  -- globfree ( Index Term Link )
 get a wide-character string from a stream -- fgetws ( Index Term Link )
 get a wide-character string from a stream -- getws ( Index Term Link )
 get mnttab file information -- getextmntent ( Index Term Link )
 get mnttab file information -- getmntany ( Index Term Link )
 get mnttab file information -- getmntent ( Index Term Link )
 get mnttab file information -- hasmntopt ( Index Term Link )
 get mnttab file information -- putmntent ( Index Term Link )
 get mnttab file information -- resetmnttab ( Index Term Link )
 get a byte from a stream
  -- fgetc ( Index Term Link )
  -- getc ( Index Term Link )
  -- getc_unlocked ( Index Term Link )
  -- getchar ( Index Term Link )
  -- getchar_unlocked ( Index Term Link )
  -- getw ( Index Term Link )
 get a wide-character code from a stream - fgetwc ( Index Term Link )
 get address of symbol in shared object or executable - dlsym ( Index Term Link )
 get configurable variables - confstr ( Index Term Link )
 get current file position information - fgetpos ( Index Term Link )
 get diagnostic information - dlerror ( Index Term Link )
 get foreground process group ID - tcgetpgrp ( Index Term Link )
 get input baud rate, -- cfgetispeed ( Index Term Link )
 get name of signal - strsignal ( Index Term Link )
 get number of bytes in a character - mblen ( Index Term Link )
 get number of bytes in a character (restartable) - mbrlen ( Index Term Link )
 get or set process scheduling priority
  -- getpriority ( Index Term Link )
  -- setpriority ( Index Term Link )
 get output baud rate, -- cfgetospeed ( Index Term Link )
 get process group ID for session leader for controlling terminal - tcgetsid ( Index Term Link )
 get system load averages - getloadavg ( Index Term Link )
 get the parameters associated with the terminal - tcgetattr ( Index Term Link )
 get wide character from a stream - getwc ( Index Term Link )
 get wide character from stdin stream - getwchar ( Index Term Link )
 getc -- get a byte from a stream ( Index Term Link )
 getc_unlocked -- get a byte from a stream ( Index Term Link )
 getchar -- get a byte from a stream ( Index Term Link )
 getchar_unlocked -- get a byte from a stream ( Index Term Link )
 getcwd - get pathname of current working directory ( Index Term Link )
 getdate - convert user format date and time ( Index Term Link )
  General Specifications ( Index Term Link )
  Internal Format Conversion ( Index Term Link )
  Modified Conversion Specifications ( Index Term Link )
 getenv - return value for environment name ( Index Term Link )
 getexecname - return pathname of executable ( Index Term Link )
 getextmntent -- get mnttab file information ( Index Term Link )
 getgrent -- group database entry functions ( Index Term Link )
 getgrent_r -- group database entry functions ( Index Term Link )
 getgrgid -- group database entry functions ( Index Term Link )
 getgrgid_r -- group database entry functions ( Index Term Link )
 getgrnam -- group database entry functions ( Index Term Link )
 getgrnam_r -- group database entry functions ( Index Term Link )
 gethostid - get unique identifier of current host ( Index Term Link )
 gethostname -- get name of current host ( Index Term Link )
 gethrtime -- get high resolution real time ( Index Term Link )
 gethrvtime -- get high resolution virtual time ( Index Term Link )
 getloadavg - get system load averages ( Index Term Link )
 getlogin -- get login name ( Index Term Link )
 getlogin_r -- get login name ( Index Term Link )
 getmntany -- get mnttab file information ( Index Term Link )
 getmntent -- get mnttab file information ( Index Term Link )
 getopt - get option letter from argument vector ( Index Term Link )
 getpagesize - get system page size ( Index Term Link )
 getpass -- read a string of characters without echo ( Index Term Link )
 getpassphrase -- read a string of characters without echo ( Index Term Link )
 getpriority -- get or set process scheduling priority ( Index Term Link )
 getpw - get passwd entry from UID ( Index Term Link )
 getpwent -- get password entry from user database ( Index Term Link )
 getpwent_r -- get password entry from user database ( Index Term Link )
 getpwnam -- get password entry from user database ( Index Term Link )
 getpwnam_r -- get password entry from user database ( Index Term Link )
 getpwuid -- get password entry from user database ( Index Term Link )
 getpwuid_r -- get password entry from user database ( Index Term Link )
 getrusage - get information about resource utilization ( Index Term Link )
 getspent -- get shadow password database entry ( Index Term Link )
 getspent_r -- get shadow password database entry (reentrant) ( Index Term Link )
 getspnam -- get shadow password database entry ( Index Term Link )
 getspnam_r -- get shadow password database entry (reentrant) ( Index Term Link )
 getsubopt - parse suboptions from a string ( Index Term Link )
 gettext -- message handling function ( Index Term Link )
 gettimeofday -- get date and time ( Index Term Link )
 gettimeofday -- get system's notion of current Greenwich time ( Index Term Link )
 gettxt - retrieve a text string ( Index Term Link )
 getusershell() -- get legal user shells ( Index Term Link )
 getutent -- user accounting database functions ( Index Term Link )
 getutid -- user accounting database functions ( Index Term Link )
 getutline -- user accounting database functions ( Index Term Link )
 getutmp -- user accounting database functions ( Index Term Link )
 getutmpx -- user accounting database functions ( Index Term Link )
 getutxent -- user accounting database functions ( Index Term Link )
 getutxid -- user accounting database functions ( Index Term Link )
 getutxline -- user accounting database functions ( Index Term Link )
 getvfsany -- get vfstab file entry ( Index Term Link )
 getvfsent -- get vfstab file entry ( Index Term Link )
 getvfsfile -- get vfstab file entry ( Index Term Link )
 getvfsspec -- get vfstab file entry ( Index Term Link )
 getw -- get a byte from a stream ( Index Term Link )
 getwc - get wide character from a stream ( Index Term Link )
 getwchar - get wide character from stdin stream ( Index Term Link )
 getwd - get current working directory pathname ( Index Term Link )
 getwidth - get codeset information ( Index Term Link )
 getws -- get a wide-character string from a stream ( Index Term Link )
 glob -- generate path names matching a pattern ( Index Term Link )
 globfree -- generate path names matching a pattern ( Index Term Link )
 grantpt - grant access to the slave pseudo-terminal device ( Index Term Link )
 group database entry functions -- endgrent ( Index Term Link )
 group database entry functions -- fgetgrent ( Index Term Link )
 group database entry functions -- fgetgrent_r ( Index Term Link )
 group database entry functions -- getgrent ( Index Term Link )
 group database entry functions -- getgrent_r ( Index Term Link )
 group database entry functions -- getgrgid ( Index Term Link )
 group database entry functions -- getgrgid_r ( Index Term Link )
 group database entry functions -- getgrnam ( Index Term Link )
 group database entry functions -- getgrnam_r ( Index Term Link )
 group database entry functions -- setgrent ( Index Term Link )
 group IDs, supplementary, initialize - initgroups ( Index Term Link )
 halt system processor, - reboot ( Index Term Link )
 hash-table search routine, -- hsearch ( Index Term Link )
 hasmntopt -- get mnttab file information ( Index Term Link )
 hcreate -- create hash table ( Index Term Link )
 hdestroy -- destroy hash table ( Index Term Link )
 host ID, get unique identifier of current host - gethostid ( Index Term Link )
 host name
  get name of current host -- gethostname ( Index Term Link )
  set name of current host -- sethostname ( Index Term Link )
 hsearch -- hash-table search routine ( Index Term Link )
 I/O multiplexing, synchronous, -- select ( Index Term Link )
 I/O package, standard buffered I/O - stdio ( Index Term Link )
 iconv - code conversion function ( Index Term Link )
 iconv_close - code conversion deallocation function ( Index Term Link )
 iconv_open - code conversion allocation function ( Index Term Link )
 IEEE arithmetic, convert floating-point number to string -- ecvt ( Index Term Link )
 IEEE floating-point environment control
  -- fpgetmaks ( Index Term Link )
  -- fpgetround ( Index Term Link )
  -- fpgetsticky ( Index Term Link )
  -- fpsetmask ( Index Term Link )
  -- fpsetround ( Index Term Link )
  -- fpsetsticky ( Index Term Link )
 index -- string operations ( Index Term Link )
 initgroups - initialize the supplementary group access list ( Index Term Link )
 initstate -- pseudorandom number functions ( Index Term Link )
 input conversion, convert from wchar_t string - wsscanf ( Index Term Link )
 input/output package, standard buffered I/O - stdio ( Index Term Link )
 insque -- insert element to a queue ( Index Term Link )
 interfaces to stdio FILE structure -- __fbufsize ( Index Term Link )
 interfaces to stdio FILE structure -- __flbf ( Index Term Link )
 interfaces to stdio FILE structure -- _flushlbf ( Index Term Link )
 interfaces to stdio FILE structure -- __fpending ( Index Term Link )
 interfaces to stdio FILE structure -- __fpurge ( Index Term Link )
 interfaces to stdio FILE structure -- __freadable ( Index Term Link )
 interfaces to stdio FILE structure -- __freading ( Index Term Link )
 interfaces to stdio FILE structure -- __fsetlocking ( Index Term Link )
 interfaces to stdio FILE structure -- __fwritable ( Index Term Link )
 interfaces to stdio FILE structure -- __fwriting ( Index Term Link )
 Interprocess Communication, create a new FIFO - mkfifo ( Index Term Link )
 invoke isa-specific executable - isaexec ( Index Term Link )
 isaexec - invoke isa-specific executable ( Index Term Link )
 isalnum -- character handling ( Index Term Link )
 isalpha -- character handling ( Index Term Link )
 isascii -- character handling ( Index Term Link )
 isatty - test for a terminal device ( Index Term Link )
 isdigit -- character handling ( Index Term Link )
 isenglish -- wide-character code classification functions ( Index Term Link )
 isgraph -- character handling ( Index Term Link )
 isideogram -- wide-character code classification functions ( Index Term Link )
 islower -- character handling ( Index Term Link )
 isnumber -- wide-character code classification functions ( Index Term Link )
 isphonogram -- wide-character code classification functions ( Index Term Link )
 isprint -- character handling ( Index Term Link )
 ispunct -- character handling ( Index Term Link )
 isspace -- character handling ( Index Term Link )
 isspecial -- wide-character code classification functions ( Index Term Link )
 isupper -- character handling ( Index Term Link )
 iswalnum -- wide-character code classification functions ( Index Term Link )
 iswalpha -- wide-character code classification functions ( Index Term Link )
 iswascii -- wide-character code classification functions ( Index Term Link )
 iswcntrl -- wide-character code classification functions ( Index Term Link )
 iswctype - test character for specified class ( Index Term Link )
 iswdigit -- wide-character code classification functions ( Index Term Link )
 iswgraph -- wide-character code classification functions ( Index Term Link )
 iswlower -- wide-character code classification functions ( Index Term Link )
 iswprint -- wide-character code classification functions ( Index Term Link )
 iswpunct -- wide-character code classification functions ( Index Term Link )
 iswspace -- wide-character code classification functions ( Index Term Link )
 iswupper -- wide-character code classification functions ( Index Term Link )
 iswxdigit -- wide-character code classification functions ( Index Term Link )
 isxdigit -- character handling ( Index Term Link )
 killpg - send signal to a process group ( Index Term Link )
 labs -- return absolute value of long integer ( Index Term Link )
 language information - nl_langinfo ( Index Term Link )
 ldexp - load exponent of a floating point number ( Index Term Link )
 ldiv -- compute quotient and remainder ( Index Term Link )
 lfmt - display error message in standard format and pass to logging and monitoring services ( Index Term Link )
 linear search and update routine
  -- lfind ( Index Term Link )
  -- lsearch ( Index Term Link )
 llabs -- return absolute value of long long integer ( Index Term Link )
 lldiv -- compute quotient and remainder ( Index Term Link )
 lltostr -- string conversion routines ( Index Term Link )
 load exponent of a floating point number - ldexp ( Index Term Link )
 locale, modify and query a program's locale - setlocale ( Index Term Link )
 localeconv - get numeric formatting information ( Index Term Link )
 lock, apply or remove advisory lock on open file - flock ( Index Term Link )
 lock address space, -- mlockall ( Index Term Link )
 lock memory pages, -- mlock ( Index Term Link )
 lockf - allows sections of file to be locked ( Index Term Link )
 log message with a stdarg argument list - vsyslog ( Index Term Link )
 login name
  -- getlogin ( Index Term Link )
  -- getlogin_r ( Index Term Link )
 _longjmp -- non-local goto ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 longjmp -- non-local goto ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 madvise - provide advice to VM system ( Index Term Link )
 make modified instructions executable - sync_instruction_memory ( Index Term Link )
 makecontext -- manipulate user contexts ( Index Term Link )
 malloc - memory allocator ( Index Term Link )
 manipulate sets of signals -- sigsetops ( Index Term Link )
  sigaddset ( Index Term Link )
  sigdelset ( Index Term Link )
  sigemptyset ( Index Term Link )
  sigfillset ( Index Term Link )
  sigismember ( Index Term Link )
 match filename or path name - fnmatch ( Index Term Link )
 mblen - get number of bytes in a character ( Index Term Link )
 mbrlen - get number of bytes in a character (restartable) ( Index Term Link )
 mbrtowc - convert a character to a wide-character code (restartable) ( Index Term Link )
 mbsinit - determine conversion object status ( Index Term Link )
 mbsrtowcs - convert a character string to a wide-character string (restartable) ( Index Term Link )
 mbstowcs - convert a character string to a wide-character string ( Index Term Link )
 mbtowc - convert a character to a wide-character code ( Index Term Link )
 mctl - memory management control ( Index Term Link )
 memory -- memory operations ( Index Term Link )
 memory, optimizing usage of user mapped memory - madvise ( Index Term Link )
 memory allocator - bsdmalloc ( Index Term Link )
 memory allocator
  -- alloca ( Index Term Link )
  - calloc ( Index Term Link )
  -- calloc ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 memory allocator - bsdmalloc
  free ( Index Term Link )
 memory allocator
  - free ( Index Term Link )
  -- free ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  -- mallinfo ( Index Term Link )
 memory allocator - bsdmalloc
  malloc ( Index Term Link )
 memory allocator
  - malloc ( Index Term Link )
  -- malloc ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  -- mallopt ( Index Term Link )
  -- memalign ( Index Term Link )
 memory allocator - bsdmalloc
  realloc ( Index Term Link )
 memory allocator
  - realloc ( Index Term Link )
  -- realloc ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  -- valloc ( Index Term Link )
 memory lock or unlock, calling process - plock ( Index Term Link )
 memory management - mctl ( Index Term Link )
 memory management
  get system page size - getpagesize ( Index Term Link )
  lock address space -- mlockall ( Index Term Link )
  lock pages in memory -- mlock ( Index Term Link )
  synchronize memory with physical storage - msync ( Index Term Link )
  unlock address space -- munlockall ( Index Term Link )
  unlock pages in memory -- munlock ( Index Term Link )
 memory operations
  -- memccpy ( Index Term Link )
  -- memchr ( Index Term Link )
  -- memcmp ( Index Term Link )
  -- memcpy ( Index Term Link )
  -- memmove ( Index Term Link )
  -- memory ( Index Term Link )
  -- memset ( Index Term Link )
 message catalog
  open/catalog -- catopen, catclose ( Index Term Link )
  read a program message - catgets ( Index Term Link )
 message handling functions
  -- bindtextdomain ( Index Term Link )
  -- dcgettext ( Index Term Link )
  -- dgettext ( Index Term Link )
  -- gettext ( Index Term Link )
  -- textdomain ( Index Term Link )
  display a message on stderr or system console - fmtmsg ( Index Term Link )
  print system error messages -- perror ( Index Term Link )
  system signal messages -- psignal ( Index Term Link )
 mkfifo - create a new FIFO ( Index Term Link )
 mkstemp - make a unique file name ( Index Term Link )
 mktemp - make a unique file name ( Index Term Link )
 mktime - converts a tm structure to a calendar time ( Index Term Link )
 modf -- decompose floating-point number ( Index Term Link )
 modff -- decompose floating-point number ( Index Term Link )
 monitor - prepare process execution profile ( Index Term Link )
 msync - synchronize memory with physical storage ( Index Term Link )
 named pipe, create a new one - mkfifo ( Index Term Link )
 network group entry
  -- endnetgrent ( Index Term Link )
  -- getnetgrent ( Index Term Link )
  -- getnetgrent_r ( Index Term Link )
  -- innetgr ( Index Term Link )
  -- setnetgrent ( Index Term Link )
 nextkey -- data base subroutines ( Index Term Link )
 nftw -- walk a file tree ( Index Term Link )
 nice - change priority of a process ( Index Term Link )
 nl_langinfo - language information ( Index Term Link )
 nlist - get entries from symbol table ( Index Term Link )
 non-local goto -- setjmp ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  _longjmp ( Index Term Link )
  longjmp ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  _setjmp ( Index Term Link )
  siglongjmp ( Index Term Link )
  sigsetjmp ( Index Term Link )
 non-local goto
  -- _longjmp ( Index Term Link )
  -- _setjmp ( Index Term Link )
 numbers, convert to strings -- econvert ( Index Term Link )
 offsetof - offset of structure member ( Index Term Link )
 open a shared object -- dlopen ( Index Term Link )
 open a stream - fopen ( Index Term Link )
 open a stream - freopen ( Index Term Link )
 open directory - opendir ( Index Term Link )
 opendir - open directory ( Index Term Link )
 openlog -- control system log ( Index Term Link )
 output conversion, wsprintf - convert to wchar_t string ( Index Term Link )
 output conversion, formatted
  -- fprintf ( Index Term Link )
  -- printf ( Index Term Link )
  -- sprintf ( Index Term Link )
  -- vfprintf ( Index Term Link )
  -- vprintf ( Index Term Link )
  -- vsprintf ( Index Term Link )
 page size, system, get - getpagesize ( Index Term Link )
 password databases
  lock the lock file -- lckpwdf ( Index Term Link )
  unlock the lock file -- ulckpwdf ( Index Term Link )
  get password entry from a file -- fgetpwent ( Index Term Link )
  get password entry from a file -- fgetpwent_r ( Index Term Link )
  get password entry in user database -- endpwent ( Index Term Link )
  get password entry in user database -- getpwent ( Index Term Link )
  get password entry in user database -- getpwent_r ( Index Term Link )
  get password entry in user database -- getpwnam ( Index Term Link )
  get password entry in user database -- getpwnam_r ( Index Term Link )
  get password entry in user database -- getpwuid ( Index Term Link )
  get password entry in user database -- getpwuid_r ( Index Term Link )
  get password entry in user database -- setpwent ( Index Term Link )
  get passwd entry from UID - getpw ( Index Term Link )
  write password file entry - putpwent ( Index Term Link )
 passwords, shadow
  get shadow password database entry (reentrant) -- fgetspent_r ( Index Term Link )
  get shadow password database entry (reentrant) -- getspent_r ( Index Term Link )
  get shadow password database entry (reentrant) -- getspnam_r ( Index Term Link )
  get shadow password database entry -- endspent ( Index Term Link )
  get shadow password database entry -- fgetspent ( Index Term Link )
  get shadow password database entry -- getspent ( Index Term Link )
  get shadow password database entry -- getspnam ( Index Term Link )
  get shadow password database entry -- setspent ( Index Term Link )
  write shadow password file entry - putspent ( Index Term Link )
 path name, return last element - path name ( Index Term Link )
 pclose -- initiate pipe to/from a process ( Index Term Link )
 perform word expansions
  -- wordexp ( Index Term Link )
  -- wordfree ( Index Term Link )
 perror -- print system error messages ( Index Term Link )
 pfmt - display error message in standard format ( Index Term Link )
  initiate to/from a process -- pclose ( Index Term Link )
  initiate to/from a process -- popen ( Index Term Link )
 plock - lock or unlock into memory process, text, or data ( Index Term Link )
 popen -- initiate pipe to/from a process ( Index Term Link )
 print formatted output
  -- fprintf ( Index Term Link )
  -- printf ( Index Term Link )
  -- snprintf ( Index Term Link )
  -- sprintf ( Index Term Link )
 print formatted output of a variable argument list
  -- vfprintf ( Index Term Link )
  -- vprintf ( Index Term Link )
  -- vsnprintf ( Index Term Link )
  -- vsprintf ( Index Term Link )
 print formatted wide-character output
  -- fwprintf ( Index Term Link )
  -- swprintf ( Index Term Link )
  -- wprintf ( Index Term Link )
 printf -- formatted output conversion ( Index Term Link )
 printf -- print formatted output ( Index Term Link )
 Process Code string operations -- wstring ( Index Term Link )
 Process Code string operations -- wscasecmp, wscasecmp ( Index Term Link )
 Process Code string operations -- wscol, wscol ( Index Term Link )
 Process Code string operations -- wsdup, wsdup ( Index Term Link )
 Process Code string operations -- wsncasecmp, wsncasecmp ( Index Term Link )
 process statistics, prepare execution profile - monitor ( Index Term Link )
  change priority - nice ( Index Term Link )
  duplicate an open file descriptor - dup2 ( Index Term Link )
  generate path name for controlling terminal -- ctermid, ctermid_r ( Index Term Link )
  get character-string representation - cuserid ( Index Term Link )
  initiate pipe to/from a process -- popen, pclose ( Index Term Link )
  manipulate user contexts -- makecontext, swapcontext ( Index Term Link )
  memory lock or unlock - plock ( Index Term Link )
  prepare execution profile - monitor ( Index Term Link )
  report CPU time used - clock ( Index Term Link )
  send signal to a process group - killpg ( Index Term Link )
  send signal to program - raise ( Index Term Link )
  suspend execution for interval - sleep ( Index Term Link )
  terminate process -- exit ( Index Term Link )
  terminate the process abnormally - abort ( Index Term Link )
  wait for process to terminate or stop -- WIFEXITED ( Index Term Link )
  wait for process to terminate or stop -- WIFSIGNALED ( Index Term Link )
  wait for process to terminate or stop -- WIFSTOPPED ( Index Term Link )
  wait for process to terminate or stop -- wait ( Index Term Link )
 profiling utilities, prepare process execution profile - monitor ( Index Term Link )
 program assertion, verify - assert ( Index Term Link )
 program messages
  open/close a message catalog -- catopen, catclose ( Index Term Link )
  read - catgets ( Index Term Link )
 programs, last locations -- end, etext, edata ( Index Term Link )
 pseudo-terminal device
  get name of the slave pseudo-terminal device - ptsname ( Index Term Link )
  grant access to the slave pseudo-terminal device - grantpt ( Index Term Link )
 pseudorandom number functions
  -- initstate ( Index Term Link )
  -- random ( Index Term Link )
  -- setstate ( Index Term Link )
  -- srandom ( Index Term Link )
 psiginfo -- system signal messages ( Index Term Link )
 psignal -- system signal messages ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 ptsname - get name of the slave pseudo-terminal device ( Index Term Link )
 push byte back into input stream - ungetc ( Index Term Link )
 push wide-character code back into input stream - ungetwc ( Index Term Link )
 put a byte on a stream
  -- fputc ( Index Term Link )
  -- putc ( Index Term Link )
  -- putc_unlocked ( Index Term Link )
  -- putchar ( Index Term Link )
  -- putchar_unlocked ( Index Term Link )
  -- putw ( Index Term Link )
 put wide character string on a stream - fputws ( Index Term Link )
 putc -- put a byte on a stream ( Index Term Link )
 putc_unlocked -- put a byte on a stream ( Index Term Link )
 putchar -- put a byte on a stream ( Index Term Link )
 putchar_unlocked -- put a byte on a stream ( Index Term Link )
 putenv - change or add value to environment ( Index Term Link )
 putmntent -- get mnttab file information ( Index Term Link )
 putpwent - write password file entry ( Index Term Link )
 putspent - write shadow password file entry ( Index Term Link )
 pututline -- user accounting database functions ( Index Term Link )
 pututxline -- user accounting database functions ( Index Term Link )
 putw -- put a byte on a stream ( Index Term Link )
 putws - convert a string of Process Code characters to EUC characters and put it on a stream ( Index Term Link )
 qeconvert -- convert number to ASCII ( Index Term Link )
 qfconvert -- convert number to ASCII ( Index Term Link )
 qgconvert -- convert number to ASCII ( Index Term Link )
 qsort - quick sort ( Index Term Link )
 quadruple_to_decimal -- decimal record from quadruple-precision floating ( Index Term Link )
 queues, insert/remove element from a queue -- insque, remque ( Index Term Link )
 raise - send signal to program ( Index Term Link )
 rand -- simple random number generator ( Index Term Link )
 rand -- simple random-number generator ( Index Term Link )
 random -- pseudorandom number functions ( Index Term Link )
 random number generator
  -- drand48 ( Index Term Link )
  -- erand48 ( Index Term Link )
  -- jrand48 ( Index Term Link )
  -- lcong48 ( Index Term Link )
  -- lrand48 ( Index Term Link )
  -- mrand48 ( Index Term Link )
  -- nrand48 ( Index Term Link )
  -- rand ( Index Term Link )
  -- seed48 ( Index Term Link )
  -- srand48 ( Index Term Link )
 random number generator, simple
  -- rand ( Index Term Link )
  -- srand ( Index Term Link )
 re_comp -- compile and execute regular expressions ( Index Term Link )
 re_exec -- compile and execute regular expressions ( Index Term Link )
 read a string of characters without echo -- getpass ( Index Term Link )
 read a directory entry - readdir ( Index Term Link )
 read a string of characters without echo, -- getpassphrase ( Index Term Link )
 read directory
  -- readdir ( Index Term Link )
  -- readdir_r ( Index Term Link )
 readdir -- read directory ( Index Term Link )
 readdir - read a directory entry ( Index Term Link )
 readdir -- read directory, POSIX ( Index Term Link )
 readdir_r -- read directory ( Index Term Link )
 realloc - memory allocator ( Index Term Link )
 realpath - resolve pathname ( Index Term Link )
 reboot - reboot system or halt processor ( Index Term Link )
 regcmp -- compile regular expression ( Index Term Link )
 regcomp -- regular expression matching ( Index Term Link )
 regerror -- regular expression matching ( Index Term Link )
 regex -- execute regular expression ( Index Term Link )
 regexec -- regular expression matching ( Index Term Link )
 regfree -- regular expression matching ( Index Term Link )
 register a function to run at process termination or object unloading- atexit ( Index Term Link )
 regular expression matching
  -- regcomp ( Index Term Link )
  -- regerror ( Index Term Link )
  -- regexec ( Index Term Link )
  -- regfree ( Index Term Link )
 regular expressions, compile and execute -- regcmp, regex ( Index Term Link )
 remove - remove file ( Index Term Link )
 remque -- remove elment from a queue ( Index Term Link )
 reposition a file-position indicator in a stream
  -- fseek ( Index Term Link )
  -- fseeko ( Index Term Link )
 reset file position indicator in a stream - rewind ( Index Term Link )
 reset position of directory stream to the beginning of a directory - rewinddir ( Index Term Link )
 resetmnttab -- get mnttab file information ( Index Term Link )
 resolve pathname - realpath ( Index Term Link )
 resource utilization, get information - getrusage ( Index Term Link )
 return a file offset for a file descriptor - tell ( Index Term Link )
 return a file offset in a stream
  -- ftell ( Index Term Link )
  -- ftello ( Index Term Link )
 return pathname of executable - getexecname ( Index Term Link )
 rewind - reset file position indicator in a stream ( Index Term Link )
 rewinddir - reset position of directory stream to the beginning of a directory ( Index Term Link )
 rindex -- string operations ( Index Term Link )
 scan a directory
  -- alphasort ( Index Term Link )
  -- scandir ( Index Term Link )
 scandir -- scan a directory ( Index Term Link )
 scanf -- convert formatted input ( Index Term Link )
  Conversion Characters ( Index Term Link )
  Conversion Specifications ( Index Term Link )
 scheduling priority, change priority of a process - nice ( Index Term Link )
 search functions
  binary search a sorted table - bsearch ( Index Term Link )
  linear search and update routine -- lsearch, lfind ( Index Term Link )
  manage hash search tables -- hsearch ( Index Term Link )
 seconvert -- convert number to ASCII ( Index Term Link )
 seekdir - set position of directory stream ( Index Term Link )
 select -- synchronous I/O multiplexing ( Index Term Link )
 send a ``break'' for a specific duration - tcsendbreak ( Index Term Link )
 set and/or get alternate signal stack context - sigstack ( Index Term Link )
 set and/or get signal stack context - sigstack ( Index Term Link )
 set encoding key - setkey ( Index Term Link )
 set foreground process group ID - tcsetpgrp ( Index Term Link )
 set input baud rate, -- cfsetispeed ( Index Term Link )
 set output baud rate, -- cfsetospeed ( Index Term Link )
 set position of directory stream - seekdir ( Index Term Link )
 set stream orientation - fwide ( Index Term Link )
 set the parameters associated with the terminal - tcsetattr ( Index Term Link )
 set wide-characters in memory - wmemset ( Index Term Link )
 setcat - define default catalog ( Index Term Link )
 setgrent -- group database entry functions ( Index Term Link )
 sethostname -- set name of current host ( Index Term Link )
 _setjmp -- non-local goto ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 setjmp -- non-local goto ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 setkey - set encoding key ( Index Term Link )
 setlabel - define the label for pfmt() and lfmt(). ( Index Term Link )
 setlocale - modify and query a program's locale ( Index Term Link )
 setlogmask -- control system log ( Index Term Link )
 setpriority -- get or set process scheduling priority ( Index Term Link )
 setpwnam -- get password entry from user database ( Index Term Link )
 setspent -- get shadow password database entry ( Index Term Link )
 setstate -- pseudorandom number functions ( Index Term Link )
 settimeofday -- set date and time ( Index Term Link )
 settimeofday -- set system's notion of current Greenwich time ( Index Term Link )
 setusershell() -- function ( Index Term Link )
 setutent -- user accounting database functions ( Index Term Link )
 setutxent -- user accounting database functions ( Index Term Link )
 severity levels, applications, build a list for use with fmtmsg - addseverity ( Index Term Link )
 sfconvert -- convert number to ASCII ( Index Term Link )
 sgconvert -- convert number to ASCII ( Index Term Link )
 shared object
  close - dlclose ( Index Term Link )
  get address of symbol - dlsym ( Index Term Link )
  get diagnostic information - dlerror ( Index Term Link )
  open -- dlopen ( Index Term Link )
  translate address to symbolic information - dladdr ( Index Term Link )
 shell command, issue one - system ( Index Term Link )
 sig2str -- translation between signal name and signal number ( Index Term Link )
 sigaddset -- manipulate sets of signals ( Index Term Link )
 sigdelset -- manipulate sets of signals ( Index Term Link )
 sigemptyset -- manipulate sets of signals ( Index Term Link )
 sigfillset -- manipulate sets of signals ( Index Term Link )
 sigfpe() function ( Index Term Link )
 sighold -- adds sig to the calling process's signal mask ( Index Term Link )
 sigignore -- sets the disposition of sig to SIG_IGN ( Index Term Link )
 siginterrupt - allow signals to interrupt functions ( Index Term Link )
 sigismember --manipulate sets of signals ( Index Term Link )
 siglongjmp -- non-local goto ( Index Term Link )
 signal -- modify signal disposition ( Index Term Link )
 signal - simplified software signal facilities ( Index Term Link )
  schedule after interval in microseconds - ualarm ( Index Term Link )
  suspend execution for interval in microseconds - usleep ( Index Term Link )
 simplified signal facilities - bsd_signal ( Index Term Link )
 signal management, simplified, for application processes -- signal ( Index Term Link )
 signal messages, system
  -- psignal ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 signals, block
  -- sigblock ( Index Term Link )
  -- sigmask ( Index Term Link )
  -- sigpause ( Index Term Link )
  -- sigsetmask ( Index Term Link )
 signals, software
  -- gsignal ( Index Term Link )
  -- ssignal ( Index Term Link )
 sigpause -- removes sig from the calling process's signal mask and suspends the calling process until a signal is received ( Index Term Link )
 sigrelse -- removes sig from the calling process's signal mask ( Index Term Link )
 sigset -- modify signal disposition ( Index Term Link )
 sigsetjmp -- non-local goto ( Index Term Link )
 sigsetops -- manipulate sets of signals ( Index Term Link )
 sigstack - set and/or get alternate signal stack context ( Index Term Link )
 sigstack - set and/or get signal stack context ( Index Term Link )
 sigvec - software signal facilities ( Index Term Link )
 single-byte to wide-character conversion - btowc ( Index Term Link )
 single_to_decimal -- decimal record from single-precision floating ( Index Term Link )
 sleep - suspend execution for interval ( Index Term Link )
 sleep, suspend execution for interval in microseconds - usleep ( Index Term Link )
 snprintf -- print formatted output ( Index Term Link )
 software signals
  -- gsignal ( Index Term Link )
  -- ssignal ( Index Term Link )
 sort, quick - qsort ( Index Term Link )
 sprintf -- formatted output conversion ( Index Term Link )
 sprintf -- print formatted output ( Index Term Link )
 srand -- reset simple random number generator ( Index Term Link )
 srandom -- pseudorandom number functions ( Index Term Link )
 sscanf -- convert formatted input ( Index Term Link )
 stdio - standard buffered input/output package ( Index Term Link )
 sting collation, - strcoll ( Index Term Link )
 store -- data base subroutines ( Index Term Link )
 str2sig -- translation between signal name and signal number ( Index Term Link )
 strcasecmp -- string operations ( Index Term Link )
 strcat -- string operations ( Index Term Link )
 strchr -- string operations ( Index Term Link )
 strcmp -- string operations ( Index Term Link )
 strcpy -- string operations ( Index Term Link )
 strcspn -- string operations ( Index Term Link )
 strdup -- string operations ( Index Term Link )
  convert a string of Process Code characters to EUC characters and put it on a stream - putws ( Index Term Link )
  open -- fopen ( Index Term Link )
 stream, assign buffering
  -- setbuf ( Index Term Link )
  -- setvbuf ( Index Term Link )
 stream, get string
  -- fgets ( Index Term Link )
  -- gets ( Index Term Link )
 stream, put a string
  -- fputs ( Index Term Link )
  -- puts ( Index Term Link )
 stream status inquiries
  -- clearerr ( Index Term Link )
  -- feof ( Index Term Link )
  -- ferror ( Index Term Link )
  -- fileno ( Index Term Link )
  attach a STREAMS-based file descriptor to an object in the file system name space - fattach ( Index Term Link )
  buffered binary input/output -- fread ( Index Term Link )
  buffered binary input/output -- fwrite ( Index Term Link )
  test file descriptor for a STREAMS file - isastream ( Index Term Link )
 strfmon - convert monetary value to string ( Index Term Link )
 strftime -- convert date and time to string ( Index Term Link )
 string -- string operations ( Index Term Link )
 string operations -- strcasecmp ( Index Term Link )
 string operations -- strcat ( Index Term Link )
 string operations -- strchr ( Index Term Link )
 string operations -- strcmp ( Index Term Link )
 string operations -- strcpy ( Index Term Link )
 string operations -- strcspn ( Index Term Link )
 string operations -- strdup ( Index Term Link )
 string operations -- string ( Index Term Link )
 string operations -- strlcat ( Index Term Link )
 string operations -- strlcpy ( Index Term Link )
 string operations -- strlen ( Index Term Link )
 string operations -- strncasecmp ( Index Term Link )
 string operations -- strncat ( Index Term Link )
 string operations -- strncmp ( Index Term Link )
 string operations -- strncpy ( Index Term Link )
 string operations -- strpbrk ( Index Term Link )
 string operations -- strrchr ( Index Term Link )
 string operations -- strspn ( Index Term Link )
 string operations -- strstr ( Index Term Link )
 string operations -- strtok ( Index Term Link )
 string operations -- strtok_r ( Index Term Link )
 string conversion routines
  -- atoi ( Index Term Link )
  -- atol ( Index Term Link )
  -- atoll ( Index Term Link )
  -- lltostr ( Index Term Link )
  -- strtol ( Index Term Link )
  -- strtoll ( Index Term Link )
  -- ulltostr ( Index Term Link )
 string encoding function - crypt ( Index Term Link )
 string operation, get error message string - strerror ( Index Term Link )
 string operations
  bit and byte -- bstring ( Index Term Link )
  -- index ( Index Term Link )
  -- rindex ( Index Term Link )
 string_to_decimal -- decimal record from character string ( Index Term Link )
 string transformation - strxfrm ( Index Term Link )
 strings, convert from numbers -- econvert ( Index Term Link )
 strlcat -- string operations ( Index Term Link )
 strlcpy -- string operations ( Index Term Link )
 strlen -- string operations ( Index Term Link )
 strncasecmp -- string operations ( Index Term Link )
 strncat -- string operations ( Index Term Link )
 strncmp -- string operations ( Index Term Link )
 strncpy -- string operations ( Index Term Link )
 strpbrk -- string operations ( Index Term Link )
 strptime - date and time conversion ( Index Term Link )
 strrchr -- string operations ( Index Term Link )
 strsignal - get name of signal ( Index Term Link )
 strspn -- string operations ( Index Term Link )
 strstr -- string operations ( Index Term Link )
 strtod -- convert string to double-precision number ( Index Term Link )
 strtok -- string operations ( Index Term Link )
 strtok_r -- string operations ( Index Term Link )
 strtol -- string conversion routines ( Index Term Link )
 strtoll -- string conversion routines ( Index Term Link )
 strtoul -- convert string to unsigned long ( Index Term Link )
 strtows -- code conversion for Process Code and File Code ( Index Term Link )
 strxfrm - string transformation ( Index Term Link )
 suspend or restart the transmission or reception of data - tcflow ( Index Term Link )
 swab - swap bytes ( Index Term Link )
 swap bytes - swab ( Index Term Link )
 swapcontext -- manipulate user contexts ( Index Term Link )
 swprintf -- print formatted wide-character output ( Index Term Link )
 swscanf -- convert formatted wide-character input ( Index Term Link )
 symbol address, get address in shared object or executable - dlsym ( Index Term Link )
 symbol table, get entries - nlist ( Index Term Link )
 sync_instruction_memory - make modified instructions executable ( Index Term Link )
 synchronous I/O multiplexing
  -- FD_CLR ( Index Term Link )
  -- FD_ISSET ( Index Term Link )
  -- FD_SET ( Index Term Link )
  -- select ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 sys_siglist -- system signal messages list ( Index Term Link )
 syscall - indirect system call ( Index Term Link )
 sysconf - get configurable system variables ( Index Term Link )
 syslog -- control system log ( Index Term Link )
 system - issue shell command ( Index Term Link )
 system error messages, print -- perror ( Index Term Link )
 system signal messages, -- psignal ( Index Term Link )
 system variables, get configurable ones - sysconf ( Index Term Link )
 tcdrain - wait for transmission of output ( Index Term Link )
 tcflow - suspend or restart the transmission or reception of data ( Index Term Link )
 tcflush - flush non-transmitted output data, non-read input data or both ( Index Term Link )
 tcgetattr - get the parameters associated with the terminal ( Index Term Link )
 tcgetpgrp - get foreground process group ID ( Index Term Link )
 tcgetsid - get process group ID for session leader for controlling terminal ( Index Term Link )
 tcsendbreak - send a ``break'' for a specific duration ( Index Term Link )
 tcsetattr - set the parameters associated with the terminal ( Index Term Link )
 tcsetpgrp - set foreground process group ID ( Index Term Link )
 tdelete -- manage binary search trees ( Index Term Link )
 tell - return a file offset for a file descriptor ( Index Term Link )
 telldir - current location of a named directory stream ( Index Term Link )
 tempnam -- create a name for a temporary file ( Index Term Link )
 terminal, find the slot of the current user in the user accounting database - ttyslot ( Index Term Link )
 terminal device, slave pseudo
  get name - ptsname ( Index Term Link )
  grant access - grantpt ( Index Term Link )
 terminal ID, generate path name for controlling terminal -- ctermid, ctermid_r ( Index Term Link )
 termios - general terminal interface ( Index Term Link )
 test character for specified class - iswctype ( Index Term Link )
 test for a terminal device - isatty ( Index Term Link )
 text processing utilities
  compile and execute regular expressions -- regcmp, regex ( Index Term Link )
  quick sort - qsort ( Index Term Link )
 text string, - gettxt ( Index Term Link )
 textdomain -- select domain of messages ( Index Term Link )
 tfind -- manage binary search trees ( Index Term Link )
 time, computes the difference between two calendar times - difftime ( Index Term Link )
 time, calendar, convert from a tm structure - mktime ( Index Term Link )
 time accounting, for current process - times ( Index Term Link )
 time and date
  convert to string -- asctime ( Index Term Link )
  convert to string -- ctime ( Index Term Link )
  convert to string -- gmtime ( Index Term Link )
  convert to string -- localtime ( Index Term Link )
  convert to string -- tzset ( Index Term Link )
  convert to string -- tzsetwall ( Index Term Link )
  convert user format date and time - getdate ( Index Term Link )
  get - ftime ( Index Term Link )
  -- settimeofday ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 time of day, get and set -- gettimeofday, settimeofday ( Index Term Link )
 times - get process times ( Index Term Link )
 tmpfile - create a temporary file ( Index Term Link )
 tmpnam -- create a name for a temporary file ( Index Term Link )
 toascii - translate integer to a 7-bit ASCII character ( Index Term Link )
 tolower - transliterate upper-case characters to lower-case ( Index Term Link )
 _tolower - transliterate upper-case characters to lower-case ( Index Term Link )
 toupper - transliterate lower-case characters to upper-case ( Index Term Link )
 _toupper - transliterate lower-case characters to upper-case ( Index Term Link )
 towctrans - wide-character mapping ( Index Term Link )
 towlower - transliterate upper-case wide-character code to lower-case ( Index Term Link )
 towupper - transliterate lower-case wide-character code to upper-case ( Index Term Link )
 translate address to symbolic information - dladdr ( Index Term Link )
 translate integer to a 7-bit ASCII character - toascii ( Index Term Link )
 translation between signal name and signal number -- str2sig ( Index Term Link )
  sig2str ( Index Term Link )
 transliterate lower-case characters to upper-case - toupper ( Index Term Link )
 transliterate lower-case characters to upper-case - _toupper ( Index Term Link )
 transliterate lower-case wide-character code to upper-case - towupper ( Index Term Link )
 transliterate upper-case characters to lower-case - tolower ( Index Term Link )
 transliterate upper-case characters to lower-case - _tolower ( Index Term Link )
 transliterate upper-case wide-character code to lower-case - towlower ( Index Term Link )
 truncate -- set a file to a specified length ( Index Term Link )
 tsearch -- manage binary search trees ( Index Term Link )
 ttyname -- find pathname of a terminal ( Index Term Link )
  POSIX ( Index Term Link )
 ttyname_r -- find pathname of a terminal ( Index Term Link )
 ttyslot - find the slot of the current user in the user accounting database ( Index Term Link )
 twalk -- manage binary search trees ( Index Term Link )
 ualarm - schedule signal after interval in microseconds ( Index Term Link )
 ulltostr -- string conversion routines ( Index Term Link )
 ungetc - push byte back into input stream ( Index Term Link )
 ungetwc - push wide-character code back into input stream ( Index Term Link )
 unlock a pseudo-terminal master/slave pair - unlockpt ( Index Term Link )
 unlock address space, -- munlockall ( Index Term Link )
 unlock memory pages, -- munlock ( Index Term Link )
 unlockpt - unlock a pseudo-terminal master/slave pair ( Index Term Link )
 updwtmp -- user accounting database functions ( Index Term Link )
 updwtmpx -- user accounting database functions ( Index Term Link )
 user accounting database functions -- endutent ( Index Term Link )
 user accounting database functions -- endutxent ( Index Term Link )
 user accounting database functions -- getutent ( Index Term Link )
 user accounting database functions -- getutid ( Index Term Link )
 user accounting database functions -- getutline ( Index Term Link )
 user accounting database functions -- getutmp ( Index Term Link )
 user accounting database functions -- getutmpx ( Index Term Link )
 user accounting database functions -- getutxent ( Index Term Link )
 user accounting database functions -- getutxid ( Index Term Link )
 user accounting database functions -- getutxline ( Index Term Link )
 user accounting database functions -- pututline ( Index Term Link )
 user accounting database functions -- pututxline ( Index Term Link )
 user accounting database functions -- setutent ( Index Term Link )
 user accounting database functions -- setutxent ( Index Term Link )
 user accounting database functions -- updwtmp ( Index Term Link )
 user accounting database functions -- updwtmpx ( Index Term Link )
 user accounting database functions -- utmpname ( Index Term Link )
 user accounting database functions -- utmpxname ( Index Term Link )
 user context
  -- makecontext ( Index Term Link )
  -- swapcontext ( Index Term Link )
 user IDs, get character-string representation - cuserid ( Index Term Link )
 usleep - suspend execution for interval in microseconds ( Index Term Link )
 utmpname -- user accounting database functions ( Index Term Link )
 utmpx file, find the slot of current user - ttyslot ( Index Term Link )
 utmpxname -- user accounting database functions ( Index Term Link )
 vfprintf -- formatted output conversion ( Index Term Link )
 vfstab file, -- getvfsent ( Index Term Link )
 vfwprintf -- wide-character formatted output of a stdarg argument list ( Index Term Link )
 virtual memory, optimizing usage of user mapped memory - madvise ( Index Term Link )
 vlfmt - display error message in standard format and pass to logging and monitoring services ( Index Term Link )
 vpfmt - display error message in standard format and pass to logging and monitoring services ( Index Term Link )
 vprintf -- formatted output conversion ( Index Term Link )
 vsprintf -- formatted output conversion ( Index Term Link )
 vswprintf -- wide-character formatted output of a stdarg argument list ( Index Term Link )
 vsyslog - log message with a stdarg argument list ( Index Term Link )
 vwprintf -- wide-character formatted output of a stdarg argument list ( Index Term Link )
 wait -- wait for process to terminate or stop ( Index Term Link )
 waitpid -- wait for process to terminate or stop ( Index Term Link )
 wait3 -- wait for process to terminate or stop ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 wait4 -- wait for process to terminate or stop ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 wait for process to terminate or stop
  -- wait3 ( Index Term Link )
  -- wait4 ( Index Term Link )
 wait for transmission of output - tcdrain ( Index Term Link )
 watof -- convert wide character string to double-precision number ( Index Term Link )
 watoi -- convert wide character string to long integer ( Index Term Link )
 watol -- convert wide character string to long integer ( Index Term Link )
 watoll -- convert wide character string to long integer ( Index Term Link )
 wchar_t string, number conversion - wscanf ( Index Term Link )
 wcrtomb - convert a wide-character code to a character (restartable) ( Index Term Link )
 wcscat -- wide-character string operations ( Index Term Link )
 wcschr -- wide-character string operations ( Index Term Link )
 wcscmp -- wide-character string operations ( Index Term Link )
 wcscoll -- wide character string comparison using collating information ( Index Term Link )
 wcscpy -- wide-character string operations ( Index Term Link )
 wcscspn -- wide-character string operations ( Index Term Link )
 wcsetno -- get information on EUC codesets ( Index Term Link )
 wcsftime - convert date and time to wide character string ( Index Term Link )
 wcslen -- wide-character string operations ( Index Term Link )
 wcsncat -- wide-character string operations ( Index Term Link )
 wcsncmp -- wide-character string operations ( Index Term Link )
 wcsncpy -- wide-character string operations ( Index Term Link )
 wcspbrk -- wide-character string operations ( Index Term Link )
 wcsrchr -- wide-character string operations ( Index Term Link )
 wcsrtombs - convert a wide-character string to a character string (restartable) ( Index Term Link )
 wcsspn -- wide-character string operations ( Index Term Link )
 wcsstr - find a wide-character substring ( Index Term Link )
 wcstod -- convert wide character string to double-precision number ( Index Term Link )
 wcstok -- wide-character string operations ( Index Term Link )
 wcstol -- convert wide character string to long integer ( Index Term Link )
 wcstombs - convert a wide-character string to a character string ( Index Term Link )
 wcstoul - convert wide character string to unsigned long ( Index Term Link )
 wcstring -- wide-character string operations ( Index Term Link )
 wcswcs -- wide-character string operations ( Index Term Link )
 wcswidth - number of column positions of a wide-character string ( Index Term Link )
 wcsxfrm -- wide character string transformation ( Index Term Link )
 wctob - wide-character to single-byte conversion ( Index Term Link )
 wctomb - convert a wide-character code to a character ( Index Term Link )
 wctrans - define character mapping ( Index Term Link )
 wctype - define character class ( Index Term Link )
 wcwidth - number of column positions of a wide-character code ( Index Term Link )
 wide character string to long integer, convert
  -- watoi ( Index Term Link )
  -- watol ( Index Term Link )
  -- watoll ( Index Term Link )
  -- wcstol ( Index Term Link )
  -- wstol ( Index Term Link )
 wide-character code classification functions
  -- isenglish ( Index Term Link )
  -- isideogram ( Index Term Link )
  -- isnumber ( Index Term Link )
  -- isphonogram ( Index Term Link )
  -- isspecial ( Index Term Link )
  -- iswalnum ( Index Term Link )
  -- iswalpha ( Index Term Link )
  -- iswascii ( Index Term Link )
  -- iswcntrl ( Index Term Link )
  -- iswdigit ( Index Term Link )
  -- iswgraph ( Index Term Link )
  -- iswlower ( Index Term Link )
  -- iswprint ( Index Term Link )
  -- iswpunct ( Index Term Link )
  -- iswspace ( Index Term Link )
  -- iswupper ( Index Term Link )
  -- iswxdigit ( Index Term Link )
 wide-character formatted output of a stdarg argument list
  -- vfwprintf ( Index Term Link )
  -- vswprintf ( Index Term Link )
  -- vwprintf ( Index Term Link )
 wide-character mapping - towctrans ( Index Term Link )
 wide character string comparison using collating information
  -- wcscoll ( Index Term Link )
  -- wscoll ( Index Term Link )
 wide-character string operations
  -- wcscat ( Index Term Link )
  -- wcschr ( Index Term Link )
  -- wcscmp ( Index Term Link )
  -- wcscpy ( Index Term Link )
  -- wcscspn ( Index Term Link )
  -- wcslen ( Index Term Link )
  -- wcsncat ( Index Term Link )
  -- wcsncmp ( Index Term Link )
  -- wcsncpy ( Index Term Link )
  -- wcspbrk ( Index Term Link )
  -- wcsrchr ( Index Term Link )
  -- wcsspn ( Index Term Link )
  -- wcstok ( Index Term Link )
  -- wcstring ( Index Term Link )
  -- wcswcs ( Index Term Link )
  -- windex ( Index Term Link )
  -- wrindex ( Index Term Link )
 wide character string transformation
  -- wcsxfrm ( Index Term Link )
  -- wsxfrm ( Index Term Link )
 wide-character to single-byte conversion - wctob ( Index Term Link )
 windex -- wide-character string operations ( Index Term Link )
 wmemchr - find a wide-character in memory ( Index Term Link )
 wmemcmp - compare wide-characters in memory ( Index Term Link )
 wmemcpy - copy wide-characters in memory ( Index Term Link )
 wmemmove - copy wide-characters in memory with overlapping areas ( Index Term Link )
 wmemset - set wide-characters in memory ( Index Term Link )
 wordexp -- perform word expansions ( Index Term Link )
 wordfree -- perform word expansions ( Index Term Link )
 working directory, get pathname - getwd ( Index Term Link )
 wprintf -- print formatted wide-character output ( Index Term Link )
 wrindex -- wide-character string operations ( Index Term Link )
 wscanf -- convert formatted wide-character input ( Index Term Link )
 wscasecmp -- Process Code string operations ( Index Term Link )
 wscol -- Process Code string operations ( Index Term Link )
 wscoll -- wide character string comparison using collating information ( Index Term Link )
 wsdup -- Process Code string operations ( Index Term Link )
 wsncasecmp -- Process Code string operations ( Index Term Link )
 wsprintf - formatted output conversion ( Index Term Link )
 wsscanf - formatted input conversion ( Index Term Link )
 wstod -- convert wide character string to double-precision number ( Index Term Link )
 wstol -- convert wide character string to long integer ( Index Term Link )
 wstostr -- code conversion for Process Code and File Code ( Index Term Link )
 wsxfrm -- wide character string transformation ( Index Term Link )