man pages section 3: Curses Library Functions
 generate printable representation of a character - unctrl ( Index Term Link )
 generate printable representation of a wide character - wunctrl ( Index Term Link )
 get a string of wchar_t characters (and attributes) from a curses window -- curs_inwchstr ( Index Term Link )
 get a string of wchar_t characters from a curses window -- curs_inwstr ( Index Term Link )
 get a wchar_t character and its attributes from a curses window -- curs_inwch ( Index Term Link )
 get supported terminal video attributes -- termattrs ( Index Term Link )
 get supported terminal video attributes -- term_attrs ( Index Term Link )
 get wchar_t character strings from curses terminal keyboard -- curs_getwstr ( Index Term Link )
  getnwstr ( Index Term Link )
 getwchar_t character strings from curses terminal keyboard -- curs_getwstr, getwstr ( Index Term Link )
 get a string of wchar_t characters from a curses window -- curs_inwstr
  innwstr ( Index Term Link )
 get a wchar_t character and its attributes from a curses window -- curs_inwch
  inwch ( Index Term Link )
 get a string of wchar_t characters (and attributes) from a curses window -- curs_inwchstr
  inwchnstr ( Index Term Link )
  inwchstr ( Index Term Link )
 get a string of wchar_t characters from a curses window -- curs_inwstr
  inwstr ( Index Term Link )
 get wchar_t character strings from curses terminal keyboard -- curs_getwstr
  mvgetnwstr ( Index Term Link )
  mvgetwstr ( Index Term Link )
 get a string of wchar_t characters from a curses window -- curs_inwstr
  mvinnwstr ( Index Term Link )
 get a wchar_t character and its attributes from a curses window -- curs_inwch
  mvinwch ( Index Term Link )
 get a string of wchar_t characters (and attributes) from a curses window -- curs_inwchstr
  mvinwchnstr ( Index Term Link )
  mvinwchstr ( Index Term Link )
 get a string of wchar_t characters from a curses window -- curs_inwstr
  mvinwstr ( Index Term Link )
 get wchar_t character strings from curses terminal keyboard -- curs_getwstr
  mvwgetnwstr ( Index Term Link )
  mvwgetwstr ( Index Term Link )
 get a string of wchar_t characters from a curses window -- curs_inwstr
  mvwinnwstr ( Index Term Link )
 get a wchar_t character and its attributes from a curses window -- curs_inwch
  mvwinwch ( Index Term Link )
 get a string of wchar_t characters (and attributes) from a curses window -- curs_inwchstr
  mvwinwchnstr ( Index Term Link )
  mvwinwchstr ( Index Term Link )
 get a string of wchar_t characters from a curses window -- curs_inwstr
  mvwinwstr ( Index Term Link )
 get wchar_t character strings from curses terminal keyboard -- curs_getwstr
  wgetnwstr ( Index Term Link )
  wgetwstr ( Index Term Link )
 get a string of wchar_t characters from a curses window -- curs_inwstr
  winnwstr ( Index Term Link )
 get a wchar_t character and its attributes from a curses window -- curs_inwch
  winwch ( Index Term Link )
 get a string of wchar_t characters (and attributes) from a curses window -- curs_inwchstr
  winwchnstr ( Index Term Link )
  winwchstr ( Index Term Link )
 get a string of wchar_t characters from a curses window -- curs_inwstr
  winwstr ( Index Term Link )
 get (or push back) wchar_t characters from curses terminal keyboard
  -- curs_getwch ( Index Term Link )
  -- getwch ( Index Term Link )
  -- mvgetwch ( Index Term Link )
  -- mvwgetwch ( Index Term Link )
  -- ungetwch ( Index Term Link )
  -- wgetwch ( Index Term Link )
 get a multibyte character string from terminal
  -- getnstr ( Index Term Link )
  -- getstr ( Index Term Link )
  -- mvgetnstr ( Index Term Link )
  -- mvgetstr ( Index Term Link )
  -- mvwgetnstr ( Index Term Link )
  -- mvwgetstr ( Index Term Link )
  -- wgetnstr ( Index Term Link )
  -- wgetstr ( Index Term Link )
 get a single-byte character from terminal
  -- getch ( Index Term Link )
  -- mvgetch ( Index Term Link )
  -- mvwgetch ( Index Term Link )
  -- wgetch ( Index Term Link )
 get a wide character from terminal
  -- get_wch ( Index Term Link )
  -- mvget_wch ( Index Term Link )
  -- mvwget_wch ( Index Term Link )
  -- wget_wch ( Index Term Link )
 get a wide character string (with rendition) from a cchar_t - getcchar ( Index Term Link )
 get a wide character string from terminal
  -- get_wstr ( Index Term Link )
  -- getn_wstr ( Index Term Link )
  -- mvget_wstr ( Index Term Link )
  -- mvgetn_wstr ( Index Term Link )
  -- mvwget_wstr ( Index Term Link )
  -- mvwgetn_wstr ( Index Term Link )
  -- wget_wstr ( Index Term Link )
  -- wgetn_wstr ( Index Term Link )
 get cursor or window coordinates
  -- getbegyx ( Index Term Link )
  -- getmaxyx ( Index Term Link )
  -- getparyx ( Index Term Link )
  -- getyx ( Index Term Link )
 get_wch -- get a wide character from terminal ( Index Term Link )
 get_wstr -- get a wide character string from terminal ( Index Term Link )
 getbegyx -- get cursor or window coordinates ( Index Term Link )
 getbkgd -- set or get the background character (and rendition) of window ( Index Term Link )
 getbkgrnd -- set or get the background character (and rendition) of window using a complex character ( Index Term Link )
 getcchar - get a wide character string (with rendition) from a cchar_t ( Index Term Link )
 getch -- get a single-byte character from terminal ( Index Term Link )
 getmaxyx -- get cursor or window coordinates ( Index Term Link )
 getn_wstr -- get a wide character string from terminal ( Index Term Link )
 getnstr -- get a multibyte character string from terminal ( Index Term Link )
 getnwstr -- get wchar_t character strings from curses terminal keyboard ( Index Term Link )
 getparyx -- get cursor or window coordinates ( Index Term Link )
 getstr -- get a multibyte character string from terminal ( Index Term Link )
 getwch -- get (or push back) wchar_t characters from curses terminal keyboard ( Index Term Link )
 getwin -- read a window from, and write a window to, a file ( Index Term Link )
 getwstr -- get wchar_t character strings from curses terminal keyboard ( Index Term Link )
 getyx -- get cursor or window coordinates ( Index Term Link )
 graphics interface
  -- arc ( Index Term Link )
  -- box ( Index Term Link )
  -- circle ( Index Term Link )
  -- closepl ( Index Term Link )
  -- closevt ( Index Term Link )
  -- cont ( Index Term Link )
  -- erase ( Index Term Link )
  -- label ( Index Term Link )
  -- line ( Index Term Link )
  -- linmod ( Index Term Link )
  -- move ( Index Term Link )
  -- openpl ( Index Term Link )
  -- openvt ( Index Term Link )
  -- plot ( Index Term Link )
  -- point ( Index Term Link )
  -- space ( Index Term Link )