man pages section 3: Curses Library Functions
 wadd_wch -- add a complex character (with rendition) to a window ( Index Term Link )
 wadd_wchnstr -- copy a string of complex characters (with renditions) to a window ( Index Term Link )
 wadd_wchstr -- copy a string of complex characters (with renditions) to a window ( Index Term Link )
 waddch -- add a character (with rendition) to a window ( Index Term Link )
 waddchnstr -- copy a character string (with renditions) to a window ( Index Term Link )
 waddchstr -- copy a character string (with renditions) to a window ( Index Term Link )
 waddnstr -- add a multi-byte character string (without rendition) to a window ( Index Term Link )
 waddnwstr -- add a string of wchar_t characters to a curses window and advance cursor ( Index Term Link )
 waddnwstr -- add a wide-character string to a window ( Index Term Link )
 waddstr -- add a multi-byte character string (without rendition) to a window ( Index Term Link )
 waddwch -- add a wchar_t character (with attributes) to a curses window and advance cursor ( Index Term Link )
 waddwchnstr -- add string of wchar_t characters (and attributes) to a curses window ( Index Term Link )
 waddwchstr -- add string of wchar_t characters (and attributes) to a curses window ( Index Term Link )
 waddwstr -- add a string of wchar_t characters to a curses window and advance cursor ( Index Term Link )
 waddwstr -- add a wide-character string to a window ( Index Term Link )
 wadjcurspos -- moving the cursor by character ( Index Term Link )
 wattr_get -- control window attributes ( Index Term Link )
 wattr_off -- control window attributes ( Index Term Link )
 wattr_on -- control window attributes ( Index Term Link )
 wattr_set -- control window attributes ( Index Term Link )
 wattroff -- change foreground window attributes ( Index Term Link )
 wattroff -- curses character and window attribute control routines ( Index Term Link )
 wattron -- change foreground window attributes ( Index Term Link )
 wattron -- curses character and window attribute control routines ( Index Term Link )
 wattrset -- change foreground window attributes ( Index Term Link )
 wattrset -- curses character and window attribute control routines ( Index Term Link )
 wbkgd -- set or get the background character (and rendition) of window ( Index Term Link )
 wbkgdset -- set or get the background character (and rendition) of window ( Index Term Link )
 wbkgrnd -- set or get the background character (and rendition) of window using a complex character ( Index Term Link )
 wbkgrndset -- set or get the background character (and rendition) of window using a complex character ( Index Term Link )
 wborder -- add a single-byte border to a window ( Index Term Link )
 wborder_set -- use complex characters (and renditions) to draw borders ( Index Term Link )
 wchgat -- change the rendition of characters in a window ( Index Term Link )
 wclear -- clear a window ( Index Term Link )
 wclrtobot -- clear to the end of a window ( Index Term Link )
 wclrtoeol -- clear to the end of a line ( Index Term Link )
 wcolor_set -- control window attributes ( Index Term Link )
 wcursyncup -- synchronize window with its parents or children ( Index Term Link )
 wdelch -- remove a character ( Index Term Link )
 wdeleteln -- remove a line ( Index Term Link )
 wecho_wchar -- add a complex character and refresh window ( Index Term Link )
 wechochar -- add a single-byte character and refresh window ( Index Term Link )
 wechowchar -- add a wchar_t character (with attributes) to a curses window and advance cursor ( Index Term Link )
 werase -- clear a window ( Index Term Link )
 wget_wch -- get a wide character from terminal ( Index Term Link )
 wget_wstr -- get a wide character string from terminal ( Index Term Link )
 wgetbkgrnd -- set or get the background character (and rendition) of window using a complex character ( Index Term Link )
 wgetch -- get a single-byte character from terminal ( Index Term Link )
 wgetn_wstr -- get a wide character string from terminal ( Index Term Link )
 wgetnstr -- get a multibyte character string from terminal ( Index Term Link )
 wgetnwstr -- get wchar_t character strings from curses terminal keyboard ( Index Term Link )
 wgetstr -- get a multibyte character string from terminal ( Index Term Link )
 wgetwch -- get (or push back) wchar_t characters from curses terminal keyboard ( Index Term Link )
 wgetwstr -- get wchar_t character strings from curses terminal keyboard ( Index Term Link )
 whline -- use single-byte characters (and renditions) to draw lines ( Index Term Link )
 whline_set -- use complex characters (and renditions) to draw lines ( Index Term Link )
 win_wch -- retrieve a complex character (with rendition) ( Index Term Link )
 win_wchnstr -- retrieve complex character string (with rendition) ( Index Term Link )
 win_wchstr -- retrieve complex character string (with rendition) ( Index Term Link )
 winch -- return a single-byte character (with rendition) ( Index Term Link )
 winchnstr -- retrieve a single-byte character string (with rendition) ( Index Term Link )
 winchstr -- retrieve a single-byte character string (with rendition) ( Index Term Link )
 winnstr -- retrieve a multibyte character string (without rendition) ( Index Term Link )
 winnwstr -- get a string of wchar_t characters from a curses window ( Index Term Link )
 winnwstr -- retrieve a wide character string (without rendition) ( Index Term Link )
 wins_nwstr -- insert a wide character string ( Index Term Link )
 wins_wch -- insert a complex character ( Index Term Link )
 wins_wstr -- insert a wide character string ( Index Term Link )
 winsch -- insert a character ( Index Term Link )
 winsdelln -- insert/delete lines to/from the window ( Index Term Link )
 winsertln -- insert a line in a window ( Index Term Link )
 winsnstr -- insert a multibyte character string ( Index Term Link )
 winsnwstr -- insert wchar_t string before character under the cursor in a curses window ( Index Term Link )
 winsstr -- insert a multibyte character string ( Index Term Link )
 winstr -- retrieve a multibyte character string (without rendition) ( Index Term Link )
 winswch -- insert a wchar_t character before the character under the cursor in a curses window ( Index Term Link )
 winswstr -- insert wchar_t string before character under the cursor in a curses window ( Index Term Link )
 winwch -- get a wchar_t character and its attributes from a curses window ( Index Term Link )
 winwchnstr -- get a string of wchar_t characters (and attributes) from a curses window ( Index Term Link )
 winwchstr -- get a string of wchar_t characters (and attributes) from a curses window ( Index Term Link )
 winwstr -- get a string of wchar_t characters from a curses window ( Index Term Link )
 winwstr -- retrieve a wide character string (without rendition) ( Index Term Link )
 wmove -- move cursor in window ( Index Term Link )
 wmovenextch -- moving the cursor by character ( Index Term Link )
 wmoveprevch -- moving the cursor by character ( Index Term Link )
 wnoutrefresh -- refresh windows and lines ( Index Term Link )
 wprintw -- print formatted output window ( Index Term Link )
 wredrawln -- redraw screen or portion of screen ( Index Term Link )
 wrefresh -- refresh windows and lines ( Index Term Link )
 write screen contents to/from a file
  -- scr_dump ( Index Term Link )
  -- scr_init ( Index Term Link )
  -- scr_restore ( Index Term Link )
  -- scr_set ( Index Term Link )
 wscanw -- convert formatted input from a window ( Index Term Link )
 wscrl -- scroll a window ( Index Term Link )
 wsetscrreg -- set terminal output controls ( Index Term Link )
 wstandend -- curses character and window attribute control routines ( Index Term Link )
 wstandend -- set/clear window attributes ( Index Term Link )
 wstandout -- curses character and window attribute control routines ( Index Term Link )
 wstandout -- set/clear window attributes ( Index Term Link )
 wsyncdown -- synchronize window with its parents or children ( Index Term Link )
 wsyncup -- synchronize window with its parents or children ( Index Term Link )
 wtimeout -- set timed blocking or non-blocking read ( Index Term Link )
 wtouchln -- control window refresh ( Index Term Link )
 wunctrl - generate printable representation of a wide character ( Index Term Link )
 wvline -- use single-byte characters (and renditions) to draw lines ( Index Term Link )
 wvline_set -- use complex characters (and renditions) to draw lines ( Index Term Link )