man pages section 9E: DDI and DKI Driver Entry Points
 aread - asynchronous read from a device ( Index Term Link )
 asynchronous read - aread ( Index Term Link )
 asynchronous write - awrite ( Index Term Link )
 awrite - asynchronous write to a device ( Index Term Link )
 character-oriented drivers, - ioctl ( Index Term Link )
 csx_event_handler - PC Card driver event handler ( Index Term Link )
 DDI device mapping
  devmap_access - device mapping access entry point ( Index Term Link )
  devmap_contextmgt - device mapping access entry point ( Index Term Link )
  devmap_dup - device mapping duplication entry point ( Index Term Link )
  devmap_map - device mapping access entry point ( Index Term Link )
  devmap_unmap - device mapping unmap entry point ( Index Term Link )
  mapdev_access - device mapping access entry point ( Index Term Link )
  mapdev_dup - device mapping duplication entry point ( Index Term Link )
  mapdev_free - device mapping free entry point ( Index Term Link )
 dev_info structure, convert device number to - getinfo ( Index Term Link )
 device access
  - close ( Index Term Link )
  - open ( Index Term Link )
 device mapping access entry point - devmap_access ( Index Term Link )
 device mapping access entry point - devmap_contextmgt ( Index Term Link )
 device mapping access entry point - devmap_map ( Index Term Link )
 device mapping access entry point - mapdev_access ( Index Term Link )
 device mapping duplication entry point - devmap_dup ( Index Term Link )
 device mapping duplication entry point - mapdev_dup ( Index Term Link )
 device mapping free entry point - mapdev_free ( Index Term Link )
 device mapping unmap entry point - devmap_unmap ( Index Term Link )
 device number, convert to dev_info structure - getinfo ( Index Term Link )
  attach to system - attach ( Index Term Link )
  claim to drive a device - identify ( Index Term Link )
  detach from system - detach ( Index Term Link )
  read data - read ( Index Term Link )
  write data to a device - write ( Index Term Link )
 devices, memory mapped
  check virtual mapping - devmap ( Index Term Link )
  check virtual mapping - mmap ( Index Term Link )
 devices, memory mapping, map device memory into user space - segmap ( Index Term Link )
 devices, non-self-identifying, determine if present - probe ( Index Term Link )
 devmap_access - device mapping access entry point ( Index Term Link )
 devmap_contextmgt - device mapping access entry point ( Index Term Link )
 devmap_dup - device mapping duplication entry point ( Index Term Link )
 devmap_map - device mapping access entry point ( Index Term Link )
 devmap_unmap - device mapping unmap entry point ( Index Term Link )
 Driver entry point routines
  - attach ( Index Term Link )
  - chpoll ( Index Term Link )
  - close ( Index Term Link )
  - detach ( Index Term Link )
  - devmap ( Index Term Link )
  - dump ( Index Term Link )
  -- _fini ( Index Term Link )
  - getinfo ( Index Term Link )
  - identify ( Index Term Link )
  -- _info ( Index Term Link )
  -- _init ( Index Term Link )
  - ioctl ( Index Term Link )
  - mmap ( Index Term Link )
  - open ( Index Term Link )
  - print ( Index Term Link )
  - probe ( Index Term Link )
  - prop_op ( Index Term Link )
  - put ( Index Term Link )
  - read ( Index Term Link )
  - segmap ( Index Term Link )
  - srv ( Index Term Link )
  - strategy ( Index Term Link )
  - write ( Index Term Link )
 driver messages, display on system console - print ( Index Term Link )
 driver property information, report -prop_op ( Index Term Link )
 drivers, character-oriented, - ioctl ( Index Term Link )
 dump - dump memory to disk during system failure ( Index Term Link )
 dynamically update kstats - ks_update ( Index Term Link )
 get/set SCSI transport capability -- tran_getcap ( Index Term Link )
  tran_setcap ( Index Term Link )
 HBA resources
  request to free HBA resources allocated on behalf of a target - tran_tgt_free ( Index Term Link )
  request to initialize HBA resources on behalf of a particular target - tran_tgt_init ( Index Term Link )
 identify - claim to drive a device ( Index Term Link )
 kernel modules, dynamic loading
  initialize a loadable module -- _init ( Index Term Link )
  prepare loadable module for unloading -- _fini ( Index Term Link )
  return loadable module information -- _info ( Index Term Link )
 ks_update - dynamically update kstats ( Index Term Link )
 mapdev_access - device mapping access entry point ( Index Term Link )
 mapdev_dup - device mapping duplication entry point ( Index Term Link )
 mapdev_free - device mapping free entry point ( Index Term Link )
 memory mapping for devices
  check virtual mapping - devmap ( Index Term Link )
  check virtual mapping - mmap ( Index Term Link )
  map device memory into user space - segmap ( Index Term Link )
 non-self-identifying devices, determine if present - probe ( Index Term Link )
 non-STREAMS character device driver, poll entry point - chpoll ( Index Term Link )
 PC Card driver event handler, - csx_event_handler ( Index Term Link )
 power - power a device attached to the system ( Index Term Link )
 power a device attached to the system - power ( Index Term Link )
 put - receive messages from the preceding queue ( Index Term Link )
 quiesce and unquiesce a SCSI bus
  -- tran_quiesce ( Index Term Link )
  -- tran_unquiesce ( Index Term Link )
 request to notify SCSI target of bus reset, - tran_reset_notify ( Index Term Link )
 reset a SCSI bus - tran_bus_reset ( Index Term Link )
 reset a SCSI bus or target - tran_reset ( Index Term Link )
 SCSI HBA packet preparation and deallocation -- tran_init_pkt ( Index Term Link )
  tran_destroy_pkt ( Index Term Link )
 SCSI bus, request to probe SCSI bus for a particular target - tran_tgt_probe ( Index Term Link )
 SCSI command
  abort - tran_abort ( Index Term Link )
  request to transport - tran_start ( Index Term Link )
 SCSI HBA DMA deallocation entry point - tran_dmafree ( Index Term Link )
 SCSI HBA memory synchronization entry point - tran_sync_pkt ( Index Term Link )
 strategy - perform block I/O ( Index Term Link )
 STREAMS message queues
  receive messages from the preceding queue - put ( Index Term Link )
  service queued messages - srv ( Index Term Link )
 tran_abort - abort a SCSI command ( Index Term Link )
 tran_bus_reset - reset a SCSI bus ( Index Term Link )
 tran_destroy_pkt -- SCSI HBA packet preparation and deallocation ( Index Term Link )
 tran_dmafree - SCSI HBA DMA deallocation entry point ( Index Term Link )
 tran_getcap -- get/set SCSI transport capability ( Index Term Link )
 tran_init_pkt -- SCSI HBA packet preparation and deallocation ( Index Term Link )
 tran_quiesce -- quiesce and unquiesce a SCSI bus ( Index Term Link )
 tran_reset - reset a SCSI bus or target ( Index Term Link )
 tran_reset_notify - request to notify SCSI target of bus reset ( Index Term Link )
 tran_setcap -- get/set SCSI transport capability ( Index Term Link )
 tran_start - request to transport a SCSI command ( Index Term Link )
 tran_sync_pkt - SCSI HBA memory synchronization entry point ( Index Term Link )
 tran_tgt_free - request to free HBA resources allocated on behalf of a target ( Index Term Link )
 tran_tgt_init - request to initialize HBA resources on behalf of a particular target ( Index Term Link )
 tran_tgt_probe - request to probe SCSI bus for a particular target ( Index Term Link )
 tran_unquiesce -- quiesce and unquiesce a SCSI bus ( Index Term Link )
 virtual address space, dump portion of to disk in case of system failure - dump ( Index Term Link )
 write - write data to a device ( Index Term Link )