man pages section 9F: DDI and DKI Kernel Functions
 datamsg - test whether a message is a data message ( Index Term Link )
 DDI access credential structure, - ddi_get_cred ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_add_intr -- add an interrupt handler ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_add_softintr -- add a soft interrupt ( Index Term Link )
 DDI announce a device, - ddi_report_dev ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_binding_name -- return driver binding name ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_check_acc_handle ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_check_dma_handle ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_create_minor_node - create a minor node for this device ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_dev_is_needed - inform the system that a device's component is required ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_dev_report_fault ( Index Term Link )
 DDI device access, slave access only - ddi_slaveonly ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_device_copy - copy data from one device register to another device register ( Index Term Link )
 DDI device critical region of control
  enter -- ddi_enter_critical ( Index Term Link )
  exit -- ddi_exit_critical ( Index Term Link )
 DDI device information structure
  find parent - ddi_get_parent ( Index Term Link )
  get the root of the dev_info tree - ddi_root_node ( Index Term Link )
  remove a minor node for this devinfo - ddi_remove_minor_node ( Index Term Link )
 DDI device instance number, get - ddi_get_instance ( Index Term Link )
 DDI device mapping
  ddi_mapdev - create driver-controlled mapping of device ( Index Term Link )
  ddi_mapdev_intercept -- control driver notification of user accesses ( Index Term Link )
  ddi_mapdev_nointercept -- control driver notification of user accesses ( Index Term Link )
  devmap_default_access - device mapping access entry point ( Index Term Link )
 DDI device registers
  map -- ddi_map_regs ( Index Term Link )
  return the number of register sets - ddi_dev_nregs ( Index Term Link )
  return the size - ddi_dev_regsize ( Index Term Link )
  unmap -- ddi_unmap_regs ( Index Term Link )
 DDI device's private data area
  get the address -- ddi_get_driver_private ( Index Term Link )
  set the address -- ddi_set_driver_private ( Index Term Link )
 DDI device virtual address
  read 16 bit -- ddi_peek16 ( Index Term Link )
  read 32 bit -- ddi_peek32 ( Index Term Link )
  read 64 bit-- ddi_peek64 ( Index Term Link )
  read 8 bit -- ddi_peek8 ( Index Term Link )
  read a value -- ddi_peek ( Index Term Link )
  write 16 bit -- ddi_poke16 ( Index Term Link )
  write 32 bit -- ddi_poke32 ( Index Term Link )
  write 64 bit -- ddi_poke64 ( Index Term Link )
  write 8 bit -- ddi_poke8 ( Index Term Link )
  write a value -- ddi_poke ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_device_zero - zero fill the device register ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_devid_compare -- Kernel interfaces for device ids ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_devid_free -- Kernel interfaces for device ids ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_devid_init -- Kernel interfaces for device ids ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_devid_register -- Kernel interfaces for device ids ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_devid_sizeof -- Kernel interfaces for device ids ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_devid_unregister -- Kernel interfaces for device ids ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_devid_valid -- Kernel interfaces for device ids ( Index Term Link )
 DDI devinfo node name
  return - ddi_node_name ( Index Term Link )
  return -- ddi_binding_name ( Index Term Link )
  return -- ddi_get_name ( Index Term Link )
 DDI direct memory access, convert DMA handle to DMA addressing cookie - ddi_dma_htoc ( Index Term Link )
 DDI direct memory access services
  allocate consistent memory-- ddi_iopb_alloc ( Index Term Link )
  convert a DMA cookie - ddi_dma_coff ( Index Term Link )
  easier DMA setup - ddi_dma_addr_setup ( Index Term Link )
  easier DMA setup - ddi_dma_buf_setup ( Index Term Link )
  find minimum alignment and transfer size for device - ddi_iomin ( Index Term Link )
  find post DMA mapping alignment and minimum effect properties - ddi_dma_devalign ( Index Term Link )
  free consistent memory -- ddi_iopb_free ( Index Term Link )
  report current DMA window offset and size - ddi_dma_curwin ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  setup DMA mapping - ddi_dma_setup ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  setup DMA resources - ddi_dma_setup ( Index Term Link )
  shift current DMA window - ddi_dma_movwin ( Index Term Link )
  tear down DMA mapping - ddi_dma_free ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_dma_addr_bind_handle - binds an address to a DMA handle ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_dma_alloc_handle - allocate DMA handle ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_dma_buf_bind_handle - binds a system buffer to a DMA handle ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_dma_burstsizes - find out the allowed burst sizes for a DMA mapping ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_dma_free_handle - free DMA handle ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_dma_getwin - activate a new DMA window ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_dma_mem_alloc - allocate memory for DMA transfer ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_dma_mem_free - free previously allocated memory ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_dma_nextcookie - retrieve subsequent DMA cookie ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_dma_nextseg - get next DMA segment ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_dma_nextwin - get next DMA window ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_dma_numwin - retrieve number of DMA windows ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_dma_segtocookie - convert a DMA segment to a DMA address cookie ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_dma_set_sbus64 - allow 64 bit transfers on SBus ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_dma_sync - synchronize CPU and I/O views of memory ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_dma_unbind_handle - unbinds the address in a DMA handle ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_dmae -- system DMA engine functions ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_dmae_1stparty -- system DMA engine functions ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_dmae_alloc -- system DMA engine functions ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_dmae_disable -- system DMA engine functions ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_dmae_enable -- system DMA engine functions ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_dmae_getattr -- system DMA engine functions ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_dmae_getcnt -- system DMA engine functions ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_dmae_getlim -- system DMA engine functions ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_dmae_prog -- system DMA engine functions ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_dmae_release -- system DMA engine functions ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_dmae_stop -- system DMA engine functions ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_driver_name - return normalized driver name ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_ffs -- find first (last) bit set in a long integer ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_fls -- find first (last) bit set in a long integer ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_get8 -- read data from the device ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_get16 -- read data from the device ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_get32 -- read data from the device ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_get64 -- read data from the device ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_get_iblock_cookie -- get interrupt block cookie ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_get_lbolt, returns the value of lbolt ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_get_name -- return driver binding name ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_get_pid, returns the process ID ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_get_soft_iblock_cookie -- get soft interrupt block cookie ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_get_time, returns the current time in seconds ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_getiminor, display a SCSI request sense message ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_in_panic - determine if system is in panic state ( Index Term Link )
 DDI information - csx_CS_DDI_Info ( Index Term Link )
 DDI interrupt handling
  add an interrupt -- ddi_add_intr ( Index Term Link )
  get interrupt block cookie -- ddi_get_iblock_cookie ( Index Term Link )
  indicate interrupt handler type - ddi_intr_hilevel ( Index Term Link )
  remove an interrupt -- ddi_remove_intr ( Index Term Link )
  return the number of interrupt specifications - ddi_dev_nintrs ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_io_get8 -- read data from the mapped device register in I/O space ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_io_get16 -- read data from the mapped device register in I/O space ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_io_get32 -- read data from the mapped device register in I/O space ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_io_getb -- read data from the mapped device register in I/O space ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_io_getl -- read data from the mapped device register in I/O space ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_io_getw -- read data from the mapped device register in I/O space ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_io_put8 -- write data to the mapped device register in I/O space ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_io_put16 -- write data to the mapped device register in I/O space ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_io_put32 -- write data to the mapped device register in I/O space ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_io_putb -- write data to the mapped device register in I/O space ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_io_putl -- write data to the mapped device register in I/O space ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_io_putw -- write data to the mapped device register in I/O space ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_io_rep_get8 -- read multiple data from the mapped device register in I/O space ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_io_rep_get16 -- read multiple data from the mapped device register in I/O space ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_io_rep_get32 -- read multiple data from the mapped device register in I/O space ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_io_rep_getb -- read multiple data from the mapped device register in I/O space ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_io_rep_getl -- read multiple data from the mapped device register in I/O space ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_io_rep_getw -- read multiple data from the mapped device register in I/O space ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_io_rep_put8 -- write multiple data to the mapped device register in I/O space ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_io_rep_put16 -- write multiple data to the mapped device register in I/O space ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_io_rep_put32 -- write multiple data to the mapped device register in I/O space ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_io_rep_putb -- write multiple data to the mapped device register in I/O space ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_io_rep_putl -- write multiple data to the mapped device register in I/O space ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_io_rep_putw -- write multiple data to the mapped device register in I/O space ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_iopb_alloc -- allocate and free non-sequentially accessed memory ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_iopb_free -- allocate and free non-sequentially accessed memory ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_mapdev - create driver-controlled mapping of device ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_mapdev_intercept -- control driver notification of user accesses ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_mapdev_set_device_acc_attr - Set the device attributes for the mapping ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_mem_get16 -- read data from mapped device in the memory space or allocated DMA memory ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_mem_get32 -- read data from mapped device in the memory space or allocated DMA memory ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_mem_get64 -- read data from mapped device in the memory space or allocated DMA memory ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_mem_put16 -- write data to mapped device in the memory space or allocated DMA memory ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_mem_put32 -- write data to mapped device in the memory space or allocated DMA memory ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_mem_put64 -- write data to mapped device in the memory space or allocated DMA memory ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_mem_rep_get8 -- read data from mapped device in the memory space or allocated DMA memory ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_mem_rep_get16 -- read data from mapped device in the memory space or allocated DMA memory ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_mem_rep_get32 -- read data from mapped device in the memory space or allocated DMA memory ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_mem_rep_get64 -- read data from mapped device in the memory space or allocated DMA memory ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_mem_rep_put8 -- write data to mapped device in the memory space or allocated DMA memory ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_mem_rep_put16 -- write data to mapped device in the memory space or allocated DMA memory ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_mem_rep_put32 -- write data to mapped device in the memory space or allocated DMA memory ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_mem_rep_put64 -- write data to mapped device in the memory space or allocated DMA memory ( Index Term Link )
 DDI memory mapping
  map a segment -- ddi_segmap ( Index Term Link )
  map a segment -- devmap_setup ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_mmap_get_model - return data model type of current thread ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_model_convert_from - determine data model type mismatch ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_model_convert_from - Determine if there is a need to translate shared data structure contents ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_node_name - return the devinfo node name ( Index Term Link )
 DDI page size conversions
  -- ddi_btop ( Index Term Link )
  -- ddi_btopr ( Index Term Link )
  -- ddi_ptob ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_prop_exists - check for the existence of a property ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_prop_get_int - look up integer property ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_prop_lookup -- lookup property information ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_prop_lookup_byte_array -- lookup property information ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_prop_lookup_int_array -- lookup property information ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_prop_lookup_string -- lookup property information ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_prop_lookup_string_array -- lookup property information ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_prop_update -- update property information. ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_prop_update_byte_array -- update property information. ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_prop_update_int -- update property information. ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_prop_update_int_array -- update property information. ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_prop_update_string -- update property information. ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_prop_update_string_array -- update property information. ( Index Term Link )
 DDI property management
  create properties for leaf device drivers -- ddi_prop_create ( Index Term Link )
  -- ddi_getlongprop ( Index Term Link )
  -- ddi_getlongprop_buf ( Index Term Link )
  -- ddi_getprop ( Index Term Link )
  -- ddi_getproplen ( Index Term Link )
  -- ddi_prop_op ( Index Term Link )
  modify properties for leaf device drivers -- ddi_prop_modify ( Index Term Link )
  remove all properties for leaf device drivers -- ddi_prop_remove_all ( Index Term Link )
  remove properties for leaf device drivers -- ddi_prop_remove ( Index Term Link )
  remove properties for leaf device drivers -- ddi_prop_undefine ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_put8 -- write data to the device ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_put16 -- write data to the device ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_put32 -- write data to the device ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_put64 -- write data to the device ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_regs_map_free - free mapped register address space ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_regs_map_setup - set up a mapping for a register address space ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_remove_intr -- remove an interrupt handler ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_remove_softintr -- remove a soft interrupt ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_rep_get8 -- read data from the mapped memory address, device register or allocated DMA memory address ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_rep_get16 -- read data from the mapped memory address, device register or allocated DMA memory address ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_rep_get32 -- read data from the mapped memory address, device register or allocated DMA memory address ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_rep_get64 -- read data from the mapped memory address, device register or allocated DMA memory address ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_rep_getb -- read data from the mapped memory address, device register or allocated DMA memory address ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_rep_getl -- read data from the mapped memory address, device register or allocated DMA memory address ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_rep_getll -- read data from the mapped memory address, device register or allocated DMA memory address ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_rep_getw -- read data from the mapped memory address, device register or allocated DMA memory address ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_rep_put8 -- write data to the mapped memory address, device register or allocated DMA memory address ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_rep_put16 -- write data to the mapped memory address, device register or allocated DMA memory address ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_rep_put32 -- write data to the mapped memory address, device register or allocated DMA memory address ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_rep_put64 -- write data to the mapped memory address, device register or allocated DMA memory address ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_rep_putb -- write data to the mapped memory address, device register or allocated DMA memory address ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_rep_putl -- write data to the mapped memory address, device register or allocated DMA memory address ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_rep_putll -- write data to the mapped memory address, device register or allocated DMA memory address ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_rep_putw -- write data to the mapped memory address, device register or allocated DMA memory address ( Index Term Link )
 DDI self identifying devices, tell whether a device is self-identifying - ddi_dev_is_sid ( Index Term Link )
 DDI soft interrupt handling
  add a soft interrupt -- ddi_add_softintr ( Index Term Link )
  get soft interrupt block cookie -- ddi_get_soft_iblock_cookie ( Index Term Link )
  remove a soft interrupt -- ddi_remove_softintr ( Index Term Link )
 DDI soft state utility routines
  allocate state structure -- ddi_soft_state_zalloc ( Index Term Link )
  free soft state entry -- ddi_soft_state_free ( Index Term Link )
  get pointer to soft state -- ddi_get_soft_state ( Index Term Link )
  initialize state -- ddi_soft_state_init ( Index Term Link )
  remove all state info -- ddi_soft_state_fini ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_trigger_softintr -- trigger a soft interrupt ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_umem_alloc -- allocate kernel memory ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_umem_free -- allocate kernel memory ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_umem_lock -- Locks and unlocks memory pages ( Index Term Link )
 ddi_umem_zalloc -- allocate kernel memory ( Index Term Link )
 default SCSI HBA probe function - scsi_hba_probe ( Index Term Link )
 delay - delay process execution for a specified number of clock ticks ( Index Term Link )
 deregister client from Card Services list - csx_DeregisterClient ( Index Term Link )
 determine data model type mismatch - ddi_model_convert_from ( Index Term Link )
 Device Driver Interface
  See DDI
 device mapping access entry point - devmap_default_access ( Index Term Link )
 device switch tables, return function for insignificant entries - nulldev ( Index Term Link )
  get major device number - getmajor ( Index Term Link )
  get minor device number - getminor ( Index Term Link )
  make device number from major and minor numbers - makedevice ( Index Term Link )
 devices, non-pollable, error return function - nochpoll ( Index Term Link )
 devmap_default_access - device mapping access entry point ( Index Term Link )
 devmap_devmem_setup -- Set driver memory mapping parameters ( Index Term Link )
  devmap_devmem_setup() ( Index Term Link )
  devmap_umem_setup() ( Index Term Link )
 devmap_do_ctxmgt - perform device context switching on a mapping ( Index Term Link )
 devmap_load -- control the validation of memory address translations ( Index Term Link )
 devmap_set_ctx_timeout - set context management timeout value ( Index Term Link )
 devmap_umem_setup -- Set driver memory mapping parameters ( Index Term Link )
 devmap_unload -- control the validation of memory address translations ( Index Term Link )
 disksort - single direction elevator seek sort for buffers ( Index Term Link )
 display a SCSI request sense message, scsi_vu_errmsg ( Index Term Link )
 DMA mapping, the allowed burst sizes for - ddi_dma_burstsizes ( Index Term Link )
 driver buffers
  copy data- ddi_copyin ( Index Term Link )
  copy data from driver - ddi_copyout ( Index Term Link )
  copy data from driver to user program - copyout ( Index Term Link )
  copy data from user program - copyin ( Index Term Link )
 driver error messages, display an error message or panic the system -- cmn_err ( Index Term Link )
 driver privilege - drv_priv ( Index Term Link )
 drv_getparm - retrieve kernel state information ( Index Term Link )
 drv_hztousec - convert clock ticks to microseconds ( Index Term Link )
 drv_priv - determine driver privilege ( Index Term Link )
 drv_usectohz - convert microseconds to clock ticks ( Index Term Link )
 drv_usecwait - busy-wait for specified interval ( Index Term Link )
 dupb - duplicate a message block descriptor ( Index Term Link )
 duplicate a message - dupmsg ( Index Term Link )
 duplicate a message block descriptor - dupb ( Index Term Link )
 duplicate access handle - csx_DupHandle ( Index Term Link )
 dupmsg - duplicate a message ( Index Term Link )