man pages section 9F: DDI and DKI Kernel Functions
 uio structure
  add character - ureadc ( Index Term Link )
  remove a character - uwritec ( Index Term Link )
 uiomove - copy kernel data using uio structure ( Index Term Link )
 unbinds the address in a DMA handle - ddi_dma_unbind_handle ( Index Term Link )
 unfreezestr -- freeze, thaw the state of a stream ( Index Term Link )
 uninitialize a buffer structure - biofini ( Index Term Link )
 update I/O kstat statistics
  -- kstat_queue ( Index Term Link )
  -- kstat_runq_back_to_waitq ( Index Term Link )
  -- kstat_runq_enter ( Index Term Link )
  -- kstat_runq_exit ( Index Term Link )
  -- kstat_waitq_enter ( Index Term Link )
  -- kstat_waitq_exit ( Index Term Link )
  -- kstat_waitq_to_runq ( Index Term Link )
 update property information.
  -- ddi_prop_update ( Index Term Link )
  -- ddi_prop_update_byte_array ( Index Term Link )
  -- ddi_prop_update_int ( Index Term Link )
  -- ddi_prop_update_int_array ( Index Term Link )
  -- ddi_prop_update_string ( Index Term Link )
  -- ddi_prop_update_string_array ( Index Term Link )