System Administration Guide, Volume 3

UUCP /etc/uucp/Dialers File

The /etc/uucp/Dialers file contains dialing instructions for many commonly used modems. You probably do not need to change or add entries to this file unless you plan to use a nonstandard modem or plan to customize your UUCP environment. Nevertheless, you should understand what is in the file and how it relates to the Systems and Devices file.

The text specifies the initial conversation that must take place on a line before it can be made available for transferring data. This conversation, often referred to as a chat-script, is usually a sequence of ASCII strings that is transmitted and expected, and it is often used to dial a phone number.

As shown in the examples in "UUCP /etc/uucp/Devices File", the fifth field in a Devices file entry is an index into the Dialers file or a special dialer type (TCP, TLI, or TLIS). The uucico daemon attempts to match the fifth field in the Devices file with the first field of each Dialers file entry. In addition, each odd-numbered Devices field, starting with the seventh position is used as an index into the Dialers file. If the match succeeds, the Dialers entry is interpreted to perform the dialer conversation.

Each entry in the Dialers file has the following format:


The following example shows the entry for a US Robotics V.32bis modem.

Example 27-10 /etc/uucp/Dialers File Entry

Dialer       Substitution  Expaec-Send
usrv32bis-e  =,-,  ""      dA\pT&FE1V1X1Q0S2=255S12=255&A1&H1&M5&B2&W\r\c OK\r 
                           \EATDT\T\r\c CONNECT\s14400/ARQ STTY=crtscts

The Dialer field matches the fifth and additional odd-numbered fields in the Devices file. The Substitutions field is a translate string: the first of each pair of characters is mapped to the second character in the pair. This is usually used to translate = and - into whatever the dialer requires for "wait for dial tone" and "pause."

The remaining expect-send fields are character strings.

The following example shows some sample entries in the Dialers file, as distributed when you install UUCP as part of the Solaris installation program.

Example 27-11 Excerpts From /etc/uucp/Dialers

penril	=W-P "" \d > Q\c : \d- > s\p9\c )-W\p\r\ds\p9\c-) y\c : \E\TP > 9\c OK 
ventel	=&-%	"" \r\p\r\c $ <K\T%%\r>\c ONLINE! 
vadic	=K-K	"" \005\p *-\005\p-*\005\p-* D\p BER? \E\T\e \r\c LINE 
develcon	""	"" \pr\ps\c est:\007 
\E\D\e \n\007 micom	""	"" \s\c NAME? \D\r\c GO 
hayes	=,-,	"" \dA\pTE1V1X1Q0S2=255S12=255\r\c OK\r \EATDT\T\r\c CONNECT 
#   Telebit TrailBlazer 
tb1200	=W-,	"" \dA\pA\pA\pTE1V1X1Q0S2=255S12=255S50=2\r\c OK\r 
\EATDT\T\r\c CONNECT\s1200   
tb2400	=W-,	"" \dA\pA\pA\pTE1V1X1Q0S2=255S12=255S50=3\r\c OK\r 
\EATDT\T\r\c CONNECT\s2400   
tbfast	=W-,	"" \dA\pA\pA\pTE1V1X1Q0S2=255S12=255S50=255\r\c OK\r 
# USrobotics, Codes, and DSI modems 
dsi-ec  =,-,    "" \dA\pTE1V1X5Q0S2=255S12=255*E1*F3*M1*S1\r\c OK\r \EATDT\T\r\c 
CONNECT\sEC STTY=crtscts,crtsxoff 
dsi-nec =,-,    "" \dA\pTE1V1X5Q0S2=255S12=255*E0*F3*M1*S1\r\c OK\r \EATDT\T\r\c CONNECT 
usrv32bis-ec =,-,  "" \dA\pT&FE1V1X1Q0S2=255S12=255&A1&H1&M5&B2&W\r\c OK\r \EATDT\T\r\c 
CONNECT\s14400/ARQ STTY=crtscts,crtsxoff 
usrv32-nec =,-, "" \dA\pT&FE1V1X1Q0S2=255S12=255&A0&H1&M0&B0&W\r\c OK\r \EATDT\T\r\c 
CONNECT STTY=crtscts,crtsxoff 
codex-fast =,-, "" \dA\pT&C1&D2*MF0*AA1&R1&S1*DE15*FL3S2=255S7=40S10=40*TT5&W\r\c OK\r 
\EATDT\T\r\c CONNECT\s38400 STTY=crtscts,crtsxoff 
tb9600-ec =W-,  "" \dA\pA\pA\pTE1V1X1Q0S2=255S12=255S50=6\r\c OK\r 
\EATDT\T\r\cCONNECT\s9600 STTY=crtscts,crtsxoff 
tb9600-nec =W-, "" \dA\pA\pA\pTE1V1X1Q0S2=255S12=255S50=6S180=0\r\c OK\r \EATDT\T\r\c 
CONNECT\s9600 STTY=crtscts,crtsxoff

The following table lists escape characters commonly used in the send strings in the Dialers file.

Table 27-5 Backslash Characters for /etc/uucp/Dialers




Sends or expects a backspace character. 


No newline or carriage return. 


Delays (approximately 2 seconds). 


Phone number or token without Dialcodes translation.


Disables echo checking. 


Enables echo checking (for slow devices). 


Insert a Break character  


Sends newline. 


Sends octal number. Additional escape characters that can be used are listed in the section "UUCP /etc/uucp/Systems File".


Sends or expects a NULL character (ASCII NUL) 


Pauses (approximately 12-14 seconds). 




Sends or expects a space character. 


Phone number or token with Dialcodes translation.

Here is a penril entry in the Dialers file:

penril =W-P "" \d > Q\c : \d- > s\p9\c )-W\p\r\ds\p9\c-) y\c : \E\TP > 9\c OK 

First, the substitution mechanism for the phone number argument is established, so that any = is replaced with a W (wait for dial tone) and any - with a P (pause).

The handshake given by the remainder of the line works as listed:

UUCP Hardware Flow Control

You can also use the pseudo-send STTY=value string to set modem characteristics. For instance, STTY=crtscts enables outbound hardware flow control; STTY=crtsxoff enables inbound hardware flow control; and STTY=crtscts,crtsxoff enables both outbound and inbound hardware flow control.

STTY accepts all the stty modes. See the stty(1) and termio(7I) man pages.

The following example would enable hardware flow control in a Dialers entry:

dsi =,-, "" \dA\pTE1V1X5Q0S2=255S12=255*E1*F3*M1*S1\r\c OK\r \EATDT\T\r\c 

This pseudo-send string can also be used in entries in the Systems file.

UUCP Setting Parity

In some cases, you have to reset the parity because the system that you are calling checks port parity and drops the line if it is wrong. The expect-send couplet P_ZERO sets parity to zero:

foo =,-, "" P_ZERO "" \dA\pTE1V1X1Q0S2=255S12=255\r\c OK\r\EATDT\T\r\c CONNECT 

In the same manner, P_EVEN sets it to even (the default); P_ODD sets it to odd; and P_ONE sets it to one. This pseudo-send string can also be used in entries in the Systems file.