System Administration Guide, Volume 3

How to Set Up Support for Any BOOTP Client (Command Line)

  1. Log in to the system as root or become superuser, and type the following:

    # /usr/sbin/dhcpconfig

    The text-based DHCP Configuration menu is displayed.

  2. Type 1 and press Return to select Configure DHCP Service.

  3. Answer the following prompts as shown to skip to the BOOTP compatibility options.

    If no user input is indicated, press Return to accept the default.

    Would you like to stop the DHCP service? (recommended) ([Y]/N)
    Enter datastore (files or nisplus) [files]: 
    Enter absolute path to datastore directory [/var/dhcp]:
    Would you like to specify nondefault daemon options (Y/[N]):
    Would you like to specify nondefault server options (Y/[N]):Y
    How long (in seconds) should the DHCP server keep outstanding OFFERs? [10]:
    How often (in minutes) should the DHCP server rescan the dhcptab? [Never]:
  4. Answer the prompts as follows to enable BOOTP compatibility:

    Do you want to enable BOOTP compatibility mode? (Y/[N]):Y
    Do you want the server to allocate IP addresses to new BOOTP clients? ([Y]/N)
  5. Answer the following prompts as shown to advance to prompts for creating addresses:

    ###     Initialize dhcptab table        ###
    The dhcptab table already exists.
    Do you want to merge initialization data with the existing table? (Y/[N]):
    ###     Select Networks For BOOTP/DHCP Support  ###
    Enable DHCP/BOOTP support of networks you select? ([Y]/N):

    If you want to create BOOTP addresses on the local network, continue with the next step.

    If you want to create BOOTP addresses on a remote network, skip to Step 7.

  6. Answer the following prompts as shown to create the BOOTP addresses on the local network:

    Note this is an example of adding four addresses for network You should substitute appropriate responses for your network.

    ###     Configure Local Networks        ###
    Configure BOOTP/DHCP on local LAN network: ([Y]/N):
    Do you want hostnames generated and inserted in the nisplus hosts table? (Y/[N]):
    Enter starting IP address []: 
    Enter the number of clients you want to add (x < 65535): 4 
    BOOTP compatibility with automatic allocation is enabled.
    Do you want any of your 4 addresses to be BOOTP specific? ([Y]/N): 
    How many (x <= 4): 4
    The dhcp network table: already exists.
    Do you want to add entries to it? ([Y]/N):
    dhcptab macro "" already exists.
    Do you want to merge initialization data with the existing macro? ([Y]/N):N
    Disable (ping) verification of address(es)? (Y/[N]):
    / 75% Complete.
    Configured 4 entries for network
  7. If you want to create BOOTP addresses on a remote network, answer the prompts as follows:

    Note this is an example of adding four addresses for network, where clients access the network via LAN connection. You should substitute appropriate responses for your network.

    ###     Configure Remote Networks       ###
    Would you like to configure BOOTP/DHCP service on remote networks? ([Y]/N):
    Enter Network Address of remote network, or <RETURN> if finished:
    Do clients access this remote network via LAN or PPP connection? ([L]/P): 
    Do you want hostnames generated and inserted in the nisplus hosts table? (Y/[N]):
    Enter Router (From client's perspective), or <RETURN> if finished.
    IP address: 
    Optional: Enter Remote Network's MTU (e.g. ethernet == 1500): 
    Enter starting IP address []:
    Enter the number of clients you want to add (x < 65535): 4 
    BOOTP compatibility with automatic allocation is enabled.
    Do you want any of your 4 addresses to be BOOTP specific? ([Y]/N): 
    How many (x <= 4): 4
    The dhcp network table: already exists.
    Do you want to add entries to it? ([Y]/N):
    dhcptab macro "" already exists.
    Do you want to merge initialization data with the existing macro? ([Y]/N):N
    Disable (ping) verification of address(es)? (Y/[N]):
    / 75% Complete.
    Configured 4 entries for network
    Enter Network Address of remote network, or <RETURN> if finished:
  8. Type 4 and press Return to exit dhcpconfig.