System Administration Guide, Volume 3

How to Modify a DHCP Network (Command Line)

  1. Determine which macro includes information for all clients of the network.

    The network macro's name should match the network IP address.

    If you don't know which macro includes this information, you can display the dhcptab database to list all macros, using the command dhtadm -P.

  2. Type a command of the following format to change the value of the option you want to change:

    # dhtadm -M -m macro-name -e 'symbol=value'

    For example, to change the macro's lease time to 57600 seconds and NIS domain to, type the following:

    # dhtadm -M -m -e 'LeaseTim=57600'
    # dhtadm -M -m -e ''
  3. Type the following command as root to make the DHCP daemon reread dhcptab:

    # pkill -HUP in.dhcpd