System Administration Guide, Volume 3

DHCP Command-Line Utilities

All DHCP management functions can be performed using command-line utilities. The following table lists the utilities and describes the purpose of each utility. See the man pages for the utilities for detailed information about using them by clicking on the command names in the table.

Table 8-2 DHCP Command-Line Utilities

DHCP Command Manual Page 

Description and Purpose 


The DHCP service daemon. It provides command-line arguments that allow you to set several runtime options.


Shell script that presents a text-based menu system to help you configure a DHCP server. dhcpconfig collects information from the server machine's network topology files to create useful information for the initial configuration. dhcpconfig uses the dhtadm and pntadm utilities in the background to create the initial dhcptab and network tables.


Used for adding, deleting, and modifying configuration options and macros for DHCP clients. This utility lets you edit the dhcptab file indirectly, ensuring the format of the dhcptab file is correct. You should not directly edit the dhcptab file.


Used to manage the DHCP network tables. You can use this utility to add and remove IP addresses and networks under DHCP management, modify the network configuration of specified IP addresses, and display information about IP addresses and networks under DHCP management.