System Administration Guide, Volume 3

Files for Multiple Network Interfaces

If a machine contains more than one network interface, you must create additional /etc/hostname.interface files for the additional network interfaces. You must create these files with a text editor; the Solaris installation program does not create them for you.

For example, consider the machine timbuktu, shown in Figure 6-1. It has two network interfaces and functions as a router. The primary network interface le0 is connected to network 192.9.200. Its IP address is, and its host name is timbuktu. The Solaris installation program creates the file /etc/hostname.le0 for the primary network interface and enters the host name timbuktu in the file.

The second network interface is le1; it is connected to network 192.9.201. Although this interface is physically installed on machine timbuktu, it must have a separate IPv4 address. Therefore, you have to manually create the /etc/hostname.le1 file for this interface; the entry in the file would be the router`s name, timbuktu-201.