System Administration Guide, Volume 3

Multiple Network Interfaces

Some machines have more than one network interface, because they ar eeither routers or multihomed hosts. Each additional network interface attached to the machine requires its own IPv4 address and associated name. When you configure a router or multihomed host, you must add this information manually to the router's /etc/inet/hosts file. (See "Configuring Routers" for more information on setting up routers and multihomed hosts.)

Example 7-2 is the /etc/inet/hosts file for machine timbuktu shown in Figure 6-1.

Example 7-2 /etc/inet/hosts File for Machine timbuktu      localhost     loghost   timbuktu      #This is the local host name   timbuktu-201  #Interface to network 192.9.201

With these two interfaces, timbuktu connects networks 192.9.200 and 192.9.201 as a router.