System Administration Guide, Volume 3

Host Name Space Data

The host table or map in the name service must be set up to support three types of gethostbyname() queries:

Two additional rules about the host name space need to be followed to establish the sendmail services within a name space properly.

  1. gethostbyname() with full and short host name should yield consistent results. For example, gethostbyname( should return the same result as gethostbyname(smith), as long as both functions are called from the mail domain

  2. For all name service domains under a common mail domain, gethostbyname() with a short host name should yield the same result. For example, given the mail domain, gethostbyname(smith) should return the same result calling from either domain or The mail domain name is usually shorter than the name service domain, giving this requirement special implications for various name services.