System Administration Guide, Volume 3

How to Send Packets to Hosts on the Network

Test the reliability of your packet sizes with the spray command.

$ spray [ -c count -d interval -l packet_size] hostname

-i count

Number of packets to send. 

-d interval

Number of microseconds to pause between sending packets. If you don't use a delay, you might run out of buffers. 

-l packet_size

Is the packet size. 


Is the system to send packets. 

For more information about this command, see spray(1M).

Example--Sending Packets to Hosts on the Network

The following example sends 100 packets to a host (-c 100) with each packet having a size of 2048 bytes (-l 2048). The packets are sent with a delay time of 20 microseconds between each burst (-d 20).

$ spray -c 100 -d 20 -l 2048 pluto
sending 100 packets of length 2048 to pluto ...
no packets dropped by pluto
279 packets/sec, 573043 bytes/sec