System Administration Guide, Volume 3

How to Check the Local Routing Tables

Use the netstat command to display the local routing tables:

  1. Become superuser.

  2. Type:

    # netstat -r

The following is sample output:

Routing tables
Destination     Gateway    Flags  Ref    Use    Interface
------------- ------------ ----- ------ ------- ----------
sahara        deserted     UGH    0           0  ie1
karakum       labia        UGH    0           0  ie1
frodo         bilbo        UGH    1       12897  ipdptp0
route7        route7       UGH    0           0  ie0
eastgate      route71      UGH    0         158  ie0
backbone      pitstopbb    U      1       16087  ie1
dresdenpc     route1       UG     0           0  ie1
loopback      localhost    U      2      113436  lo0
swan-bb       pitstop      U      406    146044  ie0
dallas2       route7       UG     0           0  ie0
trainingpc    route62      UG     0           0  ie1

Make sure a routing table entry exists for each possible destination network. In particular, PPP devices, listed under Interface, should be matched with the appropriate host names listed under Gateway. The Gateway entry should, in turn, be matched with the correct entry under Destination.

Otherwise, if you are using static routing, add the appropriate static routes.