System Administration Guide, Volume 3

Setting Up a Common View of /home

The ideal is for all network users to be able to locate their own, or anyone else's home directory under /home. This view should be common across all computers, whether client or server.

Every Solaris installation comes with a master map: /etc/auto_master.

# Master map for autofs
/net     -hosts     -nosuid,nobrowse
/home    auto_home  -nobrowse
/xfn     -xfn

A map for auto_home is also installed under /etc.

# Home directory map for autofs

Except for a reference to an external auto_home map, this map is empty. If the directories under /home are to be common to all computers, do not modify this /etc/auto_home map. All home directory entries should appear in the name service files, either NIS or NIS+.

Note -

Users should not be permitted to run setuid executables from their home directories; without this restriction, any user could have superuser privileges on any computer.