System Administration Guide, Volume 3

How to Disable Large Files on an NFS Server

For servers that are supporting clients that cannot handle a file over 2 GBytes, it is necessary to disable the ability to create large files.

Note -

Previous versions of the Solaris operating environment cannot use large files. Check that clients of the NFS server are running at least the 2.6 release if the clients need to access large files.

  1. Become superuser.

  2. Check that no large files exist on the file system.

    Here is an example of a command that you can run to locate large files:

    # cd /export/home1
    # find . -xdev -size +2000000 -exec ls -l {} \;

    If large files are on the file system, you must remove or move them to another file system.

  3. Unmount the file system.

    # umount /export/home1
  4. Reset the file system state if the file system has been mounted using -largefiles.

    fsck resets the file system state if no large files exist on the file system:

    # fsck /export/home1
  5. Mount the file system using nolargefiles.

    # mount -F ufs -o nolargefiles /export/home1

    You can do this from the command line, but to make the option more permanent, add an entry like the following into /etc/vfstab:

    /dev/dsk/c0t3d0s1 /dev/rdsk/c0t3d0s1 /export/home1  ufs  2  yes  nolargefiles