System Administration Guide, Volume 3


This file defines some of the parameters used when using NFS server logging. The following parameters can be defined.


Determines the number of hours that must pass before the log files are cycled. The default value is 24 hours. This option is used to prevent the log files from growing too large.


Sets the number of seconds nfslogd should sleep before checking for more information in the buffer file. It also determines how often the configuration file is checked. This parameter, along with MIN_PROCESSING_SIZE, determines how often the buffer file is processed. The default value is 300 seconds. Increasing this number can improve preformance by reducing the number of checks.


Specifies the number of seconds between updates of the records in the file-handle-to-path mapping tables. The default value is 86400 seconds or one day. This parameter helps keep the file-handle-to-path mapping tables up-to-date without having to continually update the tables.


Determines the number of log files to be saved. The default value is 10.


Sets the minimum number of bytes that the buffer file must reach before processing and writing to the log file. This parameter, along with IDLE_TIME, determines how often the buffer file is processed. The default value for is 524288 bytes. Increasing this number can improve preformance by reducing the number of times the buffer file is processed.


Selects the number of hours that must pass before a file-handle-to-path mapping record times out and can be pruned. The default value is 168 hours or 7 days.


Specifies the permissions for the log files that are created by nfslogd. The default value is 0137.